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1、 WORD 格式.分享英語綜合教程 1課后習(xí)題答案1.No.There are many new things in cloolege life, such as being on my own, having Friday off ,and talking with friendly people. Ill have to adjust to these.2.The first thing that came into my mind was thatcould make any decisionon my own.3.Yes. All people, including both my t

2、eachers and classmates, are nice and friendly to me.精品.資料 WORD 格式.分享1.Being on my own 2.Friendly people 3.Having Friday ofExercise 5:adjust an error 調(diào)整誤差located the shop 找到那商店的位置精品.資料 WORD 格式.分享1.handle 2.account 3.clue 4.aspects 5.savings 6.check 7.cope 8.adjusted 9.located 10.confused1.in a row 2.

3、slept in 3.think about 4.cope with 5.added to 6.had.off 7.on her own 8.adjust to 9.Now that 10.findout2.It is thought that she is the best singer that France has ever produced.精品.資料 WORD 格式.分享She is thought to be the best singer that France has ev3.It is said that the two men were hiding in the wood

4、s.The two men are said tobe hiding in the woods.4.It is reported that a strange flying object was seen over New Jersey last night.A strange flying object is reported to be seen over NewJersey last night.5.It is felt that very little was done to settle the matter.Very little is felt to be done to set

5、tle the matter.6.It is konown that you were in town when this happened.You are known to have been in town when this happened.Exercise10:1.working 2.to be , talking 3.not turning on 4.taking ,to get 5.going 6.laughing 7.going 8.swimming 9.living 10.carrying精品.資料 WORD 格式.分享Exercise1:1.My purpose of go

6、ing to college is to improve myself andgain more knowledge so that I can work and serve my countrybetter in the future.2.Yes. Some middle-aged people go to college to receive further education; others want to fulfill their dreams.1.opportunity 2.secret 3.achieved 4.shared 5.introduce 6.challenge 7.a

7、bility 8.education 9.experience 10.retire1.stay young 2.grew up 3.was afraid of 4.turn around5.At the end of 6.are intersted 7.dreaming of精品.資料 WORD 格式.分享1.It was Dr.Smith who decided to operate on the patient the next day.2.It is beacuse you have lost all this papers that he is angry.3.It was a new dress that she bought to go to the party.4.It was five years ago that


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