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1、Unit 7The Sea-2-話題必記單詞1. adj.令人驚恐的,駭人的2. n.精神;心靈;情緒3. n.探險(xiǎn)家;探測(cè)者,探測(cè)器4. adj.更遠(yuǎn)的adv.更遠(yuǎn),較遠(yuǎn)5. vt.說服,勸服;使相信6. adj.不知道的,未知的7. vi.道歉8. vt.使污染;玷污;敗壞9. vt.取締,禁止n.禁令10. n.手柄;把手vt.對(duì)付,處理11. n.解決辦法;答案12. n.發(fā)現(xiàn),發(fā)覺13. vt.教育;培養(yǎng);訓(xùn)練frighteningspiritexplorerfurtherpersuadeunknownapologisepollutebanhandlesolutiondiscover

2、yeducate-3-14. vt.吸引;引起15. n.尺寸;措施vi.& vt.(長度、數(shù)量)為;測(cè)量16. n.長度,長17. adj.可怕的;令人厭惡的18. vi.漂,浮19. vt.令人感到恐懼20. n.逃跑;逃亡vi.逃脫,逃跑21. vi.恢復(fù)正常;康復(fù)22. n.尖叫聲vi.(因恐懼、疼痛、興奮等)尖聲大叫23. vi.下沉;沉沒n.洗滌槽,洗碗池24. adj.不能的,不會(huì)的25. vi.不同意,意見不合attractmeasurelengthhorriblefloatterrifyescaperecoverscreamsinkunabledisagree-4-閱讀識(shí)記單

3、詞26.underwater adj. 27.sailor n.28.voyage n.29.ancestor n.30.eventually adv.31.journey n.32.lecture n.33.department n.34.port elligence n.36.energetic adj.37.discount n.38.trick n. 在水下,供水下用的 水手,海員 航海;航空 祖先,祖宗 最終,終于 旅行,旅程 講授,演講 部,系,局,部門港口,海港 智力,理解力 有活力的 折扣,減價(jià)戲法,把戲-5-39.melt vi.40.whirlpool n.

4、41.recognise vt.42.survive vi. 43.opposite n. 44.leak vi.45.stadium n. 46.debate n.47.local adj. 48.wildlife n. 融化,熔化 漩渦 辨認(rèn)出 幸存,生存下來 對(duì)立的人(物);反義詞滲漏;泄漏 運(yùn)動(dòng)場,體育場 辯論,爭論 當(dāng)?shù)氐?地方性的 野生生物-6-構(gòu)織連脈詞族1. vi.參加 n.參加者 n.參加2. vt.評(píng)估,評(píng)價(jià) n.評(píng)價(jià),評(píng)估3. vt.安排,準(zhǔn)備 n.安排4. n.精神 adj.精神的 adv.精神地5. vi.道歉 n.道歉1.participate;participan

5、t;participation2.evaluate;evaluation3.arrange;arrangement4.spirit;spiritual;spiritually5.apologise;apology-7-6. vt.使污染 n.污染 n.污染物7. n.化學(xué)物adj.化學(xué)的 n.化學(xué) n.藥劑師,化學(xué)家8. vt.演示;講演 n.展示,演示 n.贈(zèng)送者;演示者;主持人9. n.智力,理解力 adj.有靈性的;聰明的 10. adj.有活力的 adv.精力充沛地;積極地 n.能量;精力6.pollute;pollution;pollutant7.chemical;chemistry

6、;chemist8.present;presentation;elligence;intelligent10.energetic;energetically;energy-8-11. vt.發(fā)現(xiàn) n.發(fā)現(xiàn)12. vi.幸存;生存下來 n.幸存 n.幸存者13. vi.恢復(fù)正常;康復(fù) n.恢復(fù);康復(fù)11.discover;discovery12.survive;survival;survivor13.recover;recovery-9-語用規(guī)律歸納1.聚集表達(dá)“最終”的詞(1)eventually(2)finally(3)at last(4)in the end(5

7、)in time2.表示度量的詞匯集(1)measure v.測(cè)量;長度(數(shù)量、高度等)為(2)long adj.長length n.長度(3)deep adj.深depth n.深度(4)size n.大小(5)wide adj.寬width n.寬度(6)high adj.高h(yuǎn)eight n.高度(7)thick adj.厚thickness n.厚度(8)heavy adj.重weight n.重量-10-3.表達(dá)“聰明”的形容詞(1)clever adj.聰明的(n.cleverness)(2)smart adj.聰明的(n.smartness)(3)intelligent adj.有

8、智慧的,聰明的(elligence)(4)wise adj.明智的,聰明的(n.wisdom)(5)gifted adj.有天賦的(n.gift)(6)talented adj.有才華的,有天賦的(n.talent)(7)brilliant adj.卓越的(n.brilliance)(8)bright adj.聰明的,伶俐的(n.brightness)-11-語境活用1.People who share an (祖先) are called relatives.2.Tu Youyou has received the (認(rèn)可) of the world and won the Nob

9、el Prize.3.Study the facts again and maybe youll draw a different (結(jié)論).4.We need to carry out a proper (評(píng)估) of the new system.5.The food was good and we loved the atmosphere and the people. (總之) it was a great evening.1.ancestor2.recognition3.conclusion4.evaluation5.Altogether-12-6.He (最后) escaped a

10、nd made his way back to England.7.The beautiful beaches are the islands main (吸引人的地方).8.Youll need several pieces of string of different (長度).9.To all his familys joy,he made a full (恢復(fù)) after the operation.10.They sell all the clothes at a (折扣).6.eventually7.attraction8.lengths9.recovery10.discount

11、-13-1.all once突然,忽然2. length在長度方面3.watch out 注意,提防4.make it 到達(dá)5. search of尋找,尋求6.set 啟航7.fill 填寫8.participate 參加9.hunt 搜索10.according 根據(jù),依照11.recognise 把看作12.make sense 理解13.apologise 因而道歉 atin fortoin sail out in for to as of for-14-14.make living謀生15.get trouble陷入困境16. the direction of朝著方向17.pick

12、取,接載 a intoin up-15-語用規(guī)律歸納1.常用的“in+名詞”短語(1)in advance 提前(2)in turn依次;相應(yīng)地(3)in need/demand需要(4)in surprise吃驚地(5)in all總共(6)in case萬一(7)in order井井有條(8)in reality/practice/effect實(shí)際上(9)in place在正確位置(10)in danger處于危險(xiǎn)中(11)in store必將發(fā)生(12)in sight/view看得見-16-2.“動(dòng)詞+into”構(gòu)成的常用短語(1)o 說服某人去做(2)break in

13、to 闖入(3)knock into 偶然遇到;撞到某人身上(4)burst into(tears/laughter)突然(哭/笑)起來(5)get into陷入(6)come into進(jìn)入;開始起來(7)look into調(diào)查(8)o 把分成(9)move into搬入;遷入(10)run into撞上;偶然遇見(11)o.把放入;把譯作(12)change/o.把變成-17-語境活用用上面的短語填空1.We drove on muddy road so that we didnt the destination until it was

14、 dark.2.At first the tiger was quiet,but it roared and attacked the elephant .3.They expected him the ceremony.4.Im arriving at the airport at half past nine.Could you please me ?1.make it to2.all at once3.to participate in4.pick;up-18-5.When she was laid off,Mrs Green worked as a tutor to .6.You wi

15、ll be paid the amount of work you do.7.I said I should be sick,and that I must symptoms.5.make a living6.according to7.watch out for-19-領(lǐng)悟教材語境1as many as 10,000 Vikings living in Iceland.(Page 8)有多達(dá)10,000維京人生活在冰島。考點(diǎn)提煉 there be句型表示“(存在)有”。2.You certainly fish.(Page 12)你絕不會(huì)找到一種比它們更吵鬧的魚??键c(diǎn)提煉 比較級(jí)表示最高級(jí)含義

16、。3.One day,my two brothers and I were coming back from the islands, .(Page 14)那一天,我和我的兩個(gè)兄弟從島上歸來,船上載滿了魚??键c(diǎn)提煉 獨(dú)立主格結(jié)構(gòu)。there wereour boat full of fishwont find a noisier-20-4.Our boat survived,and I was trying to recover my elder brother put his mouth close to my ear,and screamed out the terrifying word

17、 “Whirlpool!”(Page 14)我們的船獲救了,我正竭力從恐懼中回過神來,就在這時(shí),哥哥把他的嘴湊到我的耳朵旁,大聲喊出那個(gè)令人膽戰(zhàn)心驚的詞“漩渦!”??键c(diǎn)提煉 when連接并列句。when -21-高考寫作情景1.會(huì)上有許多人反對(duì)他的建議。2.羅絲從未穿過這么貴的裙子。3.他嘴里滿是食物,無法回答我的問題。4.我正準(zhǔn)備出門,這時(shí)突然有人敲門。There were many people opposing his proposal at the meeting.Rose has never worn a more expensive dress.His mouth full of

18、food,he couldnt answer my question.I was about to go out when suddenly someone knocked at the door.-22-話題與語法填空 A Long before Columbus set sail,the Vikings 1. were a group of people of whom the ancestors came from Scandinavia,2.(reach)America.In 982 AD,when a man called Eric the Red made a 3.(decide)

19、to set sail further west,10,000 Vikings lived in Iceland.He got into trouble because he had committed 4. murder.He had to leave Iceland.Eric reached Greenland and when he returned to Iceland he told people there about Greenland.5.(persuade)some people to go back with him to Greenland,Eric set sail o

20、nce again with 25 ships,6. only 14 reached Greenland.A man called Biarni was searching 7. Erics party,hoping to join his father who was with Eric.However,he 8.(blow)off course and ended up in an unknown land.He reached Greenland 9.(eventual).who had reached decision a Persuading but for was blown ev

21、entually -23-In 1002,Leif followed Biarnis directions and sailed to Canada,and then 10.(far)south to Newfoundland.further -24-BAre you facing a situation that looks impossible to fix?In 1969,the pollution was terrible along the Cuyahoga River near Cleveland,Ohio.It 1.(be) unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up.The river was so polluted that it 2.(actual) caught fire and burned.Now,years later,this river is one of 3. most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup.But the river wasnt changed in a few days 4. even a few


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