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1、UNIT 2 WILDLIFE PROTECTION核心單詞閱讀詞匯1.poster n.海報2.species n.物種3.shark n.鯊魚4.fin n.(魚的)鰭n.大量;堆;群5.mass adj.大量的;廣泛的6.prince n.王子;王孫;親王7.living adj.居住的;活的;在用的n.生活;生計8.authority n.官方;當權;權威9.whale n.鯨10.antelope n.羚;羚類動物11.plain n.平原adj.簡答明了的;直率的;平凡的12.herd n.牧群;獸群13.fur n.毛(皮);毛皮衣服14.sacred adj.神圣的;受尊敬的1

2、5.shoot vt.& vi.射殺;射傷;發(fā)射16.goods n.商品;貨物17.creature n.生物;動物18.deer n.鹿19.kangaroo n.袋鼠20.due adj.由于;因為21.insect n.昆蟲 n.網(wǎng)adj.凈得的;純的23.binoculars n.雙筒望遠鏡24.dolphin n.海豚25.koala n.樹袋熊;考拉26.stir vt.激發(fā);攪動27.skin n.皮;皮膚高頻詞匯1._ n.(動植物的)生活環(huán)境;棲息地2._ n.平均數(shù);平均水平adj.平均的;正常的;普通的habitataveragemeasure3._ n.措施;方法vt

3、.測量;度量;估量4._ n.利潤;利益profitattack5._ n., vi.& vt.攻擊;抨擊6._ vt.去除;移開;脫去remove拓展詞匯1.legal adj.合法的;法律的_ adv.合法地_ adj.不合法的;非法的_ adv.不合法地;非法地legallyillegalillegallyhunter2.hunt vt.& vi.打獵;搜尋;追捕_ n.獵人3.immediate adj.立刻的_ adv.立刻4.alarm vt.使驚恐;使害怕;使擔心n.恐慌;警報;警報器_ adj.驚人的;使人驚恐的_ adj.驚恐的;害怕的immediatelyalarminga

4、larmed5.rate n.速度;(比)率vt.劃分等級_ n.等級;級別ratingextinction6.extinct adj.已滅絕的_ n.滅絕7._ adj.知道;發(fā)覺;有意識的_ n.意識unaware adj.無意識的awareawareness8.danger n. 危險_ adj. 危險的_ vt. 使遭受危險;危害_ adj.瀕臨滅絕的dangerous9._ vt.涉及;讓擔憂_ adj.擔心的;關切的concerning prep.關于endangerendangeredconcernconcerned10.adapt vi.適應vt.使適應;使適合_ n.適應 _

5、 adj.能適應的11._ n.壓力;要求press vt.按;壓adaptable12.reserve n.(動植物)保護區(qū);儲藏(量)vt.預訂;預留;保留_ n.預定pressurereservation13._ vt.觀察(到);注視;遵守observation n.觀察14.beauty n.美;美人;美好的東西_ adj.美麗的;漂亮的_ adv.美麗地_ vt.美化observe15._ vt.提醒;使想起reminder n.提醒物adaptationbeautifulbeautifullybeautifyremind16.effect n.影響;效果;結果_ adj.有效的;

6、生效的17.recover vi.恢復;康復vt.找回;尋回_ n.恢復;康復end vi.& vt.打算;計劃;想要_ n.目的;意圖;計劃;打算threatenexistenceexisting19.threat n.威脅_ vt.威脅;危及20.exist vi.存在;生存_ n.存在;生存_adj.現(xiàn)存的21.harmony n.和諧;融洽_ adj.和諧的;融洽的22._ vt.減少reduction n.減少23._ n.鄰居neighbourhood n.臨近的地方;街區(qū)_ adj.附近的harmoniousredu

7、ce24.emotion n.感情;情感;情緒_ adj.情感的25.usual adj.通常的_ adv.通常;平常_adj.特別的;不尋常的usuallyunusualneighbourneighbouringemotional聯(lián)想積累【派生構詞】1.threaten(名詞動詞后綴en同義動詞)strengthen 加強heighten 提高;增強lighten 使照亮2.unusual(否定前綴-un形容詞反義形容詞)unhappy 不高興的unlucky 不幸的unwilling 不樂意的【合成構詞】neighbourhood(名詞hood新名詞)childhood 童年adultho

8、od 成年時期boy/girlhood 少年/少女時期重點短語1._ earth (放在疑問詞之后表示強調(diào))究竟;到底on2.die _ 滅亡;逐漸消失3.be _ of 意識到;知道aware4.on _ 平均averageprogress5.make _ 取得進步6.be concerned _ 對關切的;為擔憂的7._ to 適應aboutadaptunder8._ pressure 在壓力下;承受壓力out9.make _看清;聽清;分清out10._ sb.of sb./sth.使某人想起(類似的人或物)11._ over 保護;照管;監(jiān)督remind12.day _ night 日

9、日夜夜;夜以繼日watchand13.due _ 由于;因為14.search _ 搜索;查找15.stir _ 激起toforup精選佳句教材原句itsdifficulttoadapt1.Elephants need large living spaces, so _ _for them _ _ to the changes.大象需要很大的生存空間,因此對它們來說適應變化是困難的。句式結構句式 1:It isadj.(for sb.) to do sth.(對某人來說)做某事是的教材原句Thisiswhy2._ _ _ were hereto observeTibetan antelopes

10、.這就是我們來到此地的原因觀察藏羚羊。句式結構句式 2:This is why.意為“這就是的原因”,why 引導表語從句教材原句Watchingthemmoveslowly3._ _ _ _ across the greengrass, Im struck by their beauty. 看著它們慢慢地穿過綠色的草地,我被它們的美麗所打動。句式結構句式 3:現(xiàn)在分詞短語作狀語教材原句canwestop4.Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature_ _ _ being a threat to wildlife and to ourp

11、lanet.只有學會和大自然和諧共處,我們才不會成為野生生物和地球的威脅。句式結構句式 4:“only從句”放在句首時,主句用部分倒裝課文復現(xiàn)We went to Tibet to observe Tibetan antelopes with Zhaxi asour guide.Luckily, on the plain in front of us, we saw a herd ofantelopes 1._ (move) slowly across the green grass.Thesebeautiful animals reminded me 2._ their danger bec

12、auseevery year many of them are hunted 3._ (legal) for theirvaluable fur.Especially in the 1980s and 1990s, their population4._ (drop) by more than 50 percent.5._ (save) thisspecies from extinction, the Chinese government placed it undermovingofillegallydroppedTo savenational 6._ (protect) and set u

13、p the Changtang NationalNature Reserve where Zhaxi works.These measures were7._ (effect) and the antelope population has recovered.8._, the government doesnt intend 9._(stop) the protection programmes, since the threats to the Tibetanantelopes havent disappeared.Only when we learn to exist inharmony

14、 with nature can we stop being 10._ threat towildlife and to our tectioneffectiveHoweverto stop/stoppinga單句語法填空immediatelyextinction1.I raced to the staircase and called out, “Sally! Come down_ (immediate)!”endangered2.Already 400 of the total of 6,800 languages are close to_ (extinct), wi

15、th only a few elderly speakers left.3.Nature reserves have protected many _ (endanger)animals from decreasing in number.4.The number of people infected with HIV may reach 50million by 2022 unless _ (effect) measures are taken toprevent the spread of the disease.effective5.This photo album serves as

16、a _ (remind) of the mostimportant moment of my life.reminder6.I could not believe my eyes.She was far more _(beauty) than I had imagined.beautiful7.I know studying is very important, but my parents put toomuch _ (press) on me.pressure8.The water shortage is severe mainly due _ theglobal warming, env

17、ironmental pollution and the everincreasingpopulation.tofor9.Since the 1970s, scientist have been searching _ways to link the brain with computers.10.In addition, we should arouse the publics _(aware) to protect the environment.awareness1.aware adj.知道;發(fā)覺;有意識的【原句】 We must make people aware of the pro

18、blem andhelp save the endangered wildlife before its too late! (教材 P14)我們必須讓人們意識到這個問題,幫助拯救瀕危野生生物,否則就太晚了!【典例】Ive become aware of the seriousness of the problem. 我已經(jīng)意識到問題的嚴重性。It is important that children should raise the awareness ofvaluing parents love.重要的是,孩子應該提高重視父母的愛的意識。I was not aware that he ha

19、d already spoken to you.我不知道他已經(jīng)和你談過了?!練w納】be/become aware of 意識到;知道be/become aware that.知道;意識到make sb.aware of/that.使某人意識到【拓展】(1)awareness n.意識raise the awareness of.提高的意識arouse ones awareness of.喚起某人對的意識(2)unaware adj.沒察覺的;不知道的【即學即用】單句語法填空awareness(1)People should raise the _ (aware) of vegetablequa

20、lity and safety.ofthat(2)Some activities should be carried out to make people aware_ the importance of donating blood.(3)Billy soon became aware _ the job was by nomeans easy.完成句子,每空一詞(4)這項活動可以喚起公眾的意識,進而影響他們行為上的積極改變。arousethepublicsawarenessThis activity will _ _ _ _and thus bring changes to their b

21、ehaviors.2.concerned adj.擔心的;關切的【原句】 Im concerned about the African elephants.( 教材P15)我很擔心非洲象。【典例】Everybody is concerned about the future of his country. 每個人都關心自己國家的未來。The film is concerned with unemployment. 這部影片是有關失業(yè)問題的。As far as I am concerned, hell be away for three months.據(jù)我所知,他將外出三個月。 I think

22、everyone should show concern for/about theenvironment.我認為每個人都應該關心環(huán)境。【歸納】be concerned about 對關切的;為擔憂的be concerned with 與有關;涉及as far as.be concerned 就而言【點津】形容詞 concerned 作前置定語時,意為“關心的;掛念的;擔心的”;作后置定語時,意為“相關的;有關的”。如:aconcerned look ( 關切的神情), the authorities concerned ( 有關當局)?!就卣埂?1)concern vt.涉及;讓擔憂n.擔心

23、,憂慮;關注;利害關系show concern about/for 對表示擔心/關心with concern 關切地(2)concerning prep.關于;有關【即學即用】單句語法填空withabout(1)My teacher is looking at me _ concern.(2)Parents are always concerned _ the safety of theirchildren.concerning(3)I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide mewith information _ (co

24、ncern) the interview.完成句子,每空一詞(4)就我而言,看英文報紙對我們的英語學習有很大的幫助。AsfarasImconcerned_ _ _ _ _, readingEnglish newspapers is of great help to our English study.3.adapt vi.適應vt.使適應;使適合【原句】 Elephants need large living spaces, so its difficultfor them to adapt to the changes.(教材 P15)大象需要很大的生存空間,因此對它們來說適應變化是困難的。

25、【典例】It was the culture that made it hard to adapt himself to thenew environment abroad.文化使得他很難適應國外的新環(huán)境。The film has been adapted from a play of the same title.電影改編自一部同名戲劇。The story was adapted for a TV play.這個故事被改編成了電視劇?!練w納】adapt to 適應adapt (oneself) to.使(自己)適應be adapted from 改編自be adapted for 被改編成【

26、點津】adapt (oneself) to.中的 to 為介詞,后面跟名詞、代詞或動名詞?!就卣埂?1)adaptation n.適應;改編(2)adaptable adj.能適應的;可修改的【即學即用】單句語法填空toliving(1)John has tried to adapt _ local customs.(2)He is outgoing and has adapted himself to _ (live)in the new place.(3)It is an _ (adapt) of Liu Cixins The WanderingEarth.adaptationadapta

27、ble(4)By making the workforce more _ (adapt) andskilled, he hopes to attract foreign investment.補全句子,每空一詞adaptedfrom(5)This play is _ _ (改編自) a novel.(6)Three of her novels have _ _ _(改編成) television series.beenadaptedfor4.remind vt.提醒;使想起【原句】 Im also reminded of the danger they are in.( 教材P16)我也意識到

28、了它們所面臨的危險?!镜淅?This picture reminded me of the beautiful summer in mychildhood.這張圖片使我想起了童年時代那個美麗的夏天。Remind me to phone Alan before I go out.提醒我在出去之前給艾倫打電話。Passengers are reminded that no smoking is allowed onthis train.旅客們被提醒:列車上禁止吸煙?!練w納】remind sb.of sb./sth.使某人想起(類似的人或物);提醒某人某事remind sb.to do.提醒某人做

29、某事remind sb.that/what/how.提醒某人【拓展】(1)reminder n.提醒人的事物(2)結構為“vt.sb.ofsth.”的短語有:cure sb.of sth.治愈某人( 病), rid sb.of sth.( 使某人擺脫某事), inform sb.ofsth.( 通知某人某事 ), warn sb.of sth.( 提醒/ 警告某人某事 ), robsb.of sth.(搶某人某物), convince sb.of sth.(使某人相信某事)等?!炯磳W即用】單句語法填空ofto takereminder(1)In case I forget, please re

30、mind me _ my promise.(2)You must remind him _ (take) his medicine.(3)The photo on the wall is a _ (remind) of the happytime in Paris.reminded(4)Tourists are _ (remind) that smile is actually afriendship signal, not a sign of end vi.& vt.打算;計劃;想要【原句】 The government, however, does not in

31、tend to stopthe protection programmes, since the threats to the Tibetan antelopehave not yet disappeared.(教材 P16)然而,政府并沒有打算停止這些保護項目,因為對藏羚羊的威脅依然存在?!镜淅縄 intend to take/taking full advantage of this trip to buy thethings we need.我打算充分利用這次旅行來購買我們所需的物品。 The teacher intended the students to hand in their

32、homework before 6 oclock.老師打算讓學生們在 6 點前交作業(yè)。The school being built at present is said to be intended forthe disabled children.據(jù)說目前正在修建的學校是為殘疾兒童設計的。We had intended to arrive at our destination at 10 oclock,but we didnt because of the traffic jam.我們本來打算 10 點鐘到達目的地,但是由于交通堵塞我們晚點了。【歸納】intend to do/doing s

33、th.打算做某事intend sb.to do sth.打算讓某人做某事be intended for 為而設計的had intended to do 本打算做某事(卻未做)【拓展】intention n.目的;意圖with the intention of.帶著目的【即學即用】單句語法填空for(1)This money is intended _ the development of thetourist ention(2)Danny wants to go abroad with the _ (intend) ofimproving his English.to

34、join/joining(3)I intend _ (join) a Dragon Boat TrainingCamp.I wonder if youd like to go with me.完成句子,每空一詞hadintendedtotake(4)他本打算去美國度假,但被耽擱了。He _ _ _ _ a holiday inAmerica, but he was delayed.1.die out 滅亡;逐漸消失【原句】 Our planets wildlife is dying out at an alarmingrate.(教材 P14)我們地球的野生生物正在以驚人的速度消亡?!镜淅縏

35、his species has nearly died out because its habitat is beingdestroyed.因棲息地正受到破壞,這一物種已瀕臨滅絕。If the snowstorm does not stop, the cattle will die off. 如果暴風雪不停息,牛群就要死掉了。I would be dying for help if my computer broke down.如果我的電腦出現(xiàn)故障,我會非常想要有人幫忙。【歸納】die of/from 死于die away/down 逐漸減弱;平息die off 相繼死去【拓展】(1)dead

36、 adj.死的(2)deadly adj.致命的(3)death n.死亡;死亡人數(shù)(4)dying adj.垂死的;臨終時的be dying to do 渴望做某事be dying for 渴望得到【即學即用】完成句子,每空一詞(1)如果我們不采取行動,許多物種將很快滅絕。Many species will soon _ _ if we dont takeaction.dieout(2)作為戰(zhàn)爭的間接后果,數(shù)百萬人可能會死于饑餓。Millions could _ _ _ as an indirectresult of the war.dieofhunger(3)隨著汽車向遠方開去,發(fā)動機聲漸

37、漸消失。The sound of the engine _ _ as the cardrove into the distance.diedaway/down2.search for 搜索;查找【原句】 They got up early in order to search for wildbirds.(教材 P19)為了尋找野鳥,他們起得很早。【典例】I searched the whole room for the lost key, but in vain.我搜遍了整個房間來尋找丟失的鑰匙,但是白費力氣。The safety guards searched me to ensure t

38、hat I didnt carrydangerous things.安檢人員搜查了我,以確保我沒有攜帶危險物品。 The young woman drove around the town in search of agood hotel.那位年輕女士開車在城里轉(zhuǎn),想找一家好的旅館?!練w納】search forhunt forlook forseek (for) 尋找search sp.for sb./sth.搜查某地尋找某人/某物search sb.搜某人的身in search of 尋找【即學即用】單句語法填空of(1)We came here again in search _ my w

39、allet.(2)The police were trying their best to search _ thelost child.for完成句子,每空一詞searchingtheforestfor(3)一隊士兵在森林里搜尋失蹤的飛行員。A troop of soldiers were _ _ _ the missing pilot.1.This is why were hereto observe Tibetan antelopes.(教材 P16)這就是我們來到此地的原因觀察藏羚羊?!酒饰觥?本句是復合句。句中 This is why.意為“這就是的原因”,why 引導的是表語從句。

40、【典例】 (2020 全國 卷 語法填空)This is why decorating withplants, fruits and flowers carries special significance. 這就是為什么用植物、水果和鮮花裝飾具有特殊的意義。 (2020 新高考卷 完形填空)He realised that it wasbecause there werent enough trees to protect them from the heat.他意識到這是因為沒有足夠的樹木保護他們免受炎熱。The reason why I was late was that my car

41、broke down onthe way.我遲到是因為我的車在半路上拋錨了。I think the reason that/which he told us is unclear. 我認為他告訴我們的原因不夠明確?!军c津】the reason 后接定語從句時連接詞的選用:(1)缺主語/賓語時,用 which/that;(2)缺原因狀語時,用 why。結構含義用法This/That/It is because 原因這是因為because,why和 that 引導的是表語從句This/That/It is why結果這是的原因The reason (why.) is that原因(的)原因是【拓展

42、】【即學即用】一句多譯,每空一詞Thisiswhy(1)他是一個粗魯?shù)娜?。這就是為什么人們傾向于避開他。 He is a rude person._ _ _ peopletend to avoid him.ThisisbecausePeople tend to avoid him._ _ _ heis a rude person.Thereasonwhyisthat _ _ _people tend to avoid him_ _ he is a rude person.單句語法填空that/which(2)The reason _ he explained to me was notconv

43、incing.why(3)I dont know the reason _ she refused the invitation.2.Watching them move slowly across the green grass , Imstruck by their beauty.(教材 P16)看著它們慢慢地穿過綠色的草地,我被它們的美麗所打動?!酒饰觥勘揪涫呛唵尉洹,F(xiàn)在分詞短語 Watching them moveslowly across the green grass 在句中作時間狀語。【典例】 (2021全國乙卷書面表達)On the other hand, online lea

44、rning itself has some imper fections, making it difficult for usnot to be affected.另一方面,在線學習本身有一些不完善的地方,這使得我們很難不受影響。 (2020 天津卷 單項填空)The dancers incredibleperformance had the audience on its feet clapping for 10 minutes atthe end of the show.舞蹈演員令人難以置信的表演讓觀眾在表演結束時起立鼓掌 10 分鐘。(2020 江蘇卷 語法填空)Later, they

45、 learned to work withthe seasons, planting at the right time and, in dry areas, making useof annual floods to irrigate their fields.后來,他們學會了因地制宜,在適當?shù)臅r間播種,以及在干旱地區(qū)利用每年的洪水來灌溉農(nóng)田。Keeping on working hard, youll surely pass the exam.繼續(xù)努力,你一定會通過考試的?!军c津】現(xiàn)在分詞(短語)作狀語表示時間、原因、條件、伴隨、方式或結果等。從時間上看,現(xiàn)在分詞的一般式表示的動作與謂語動

46、詞表示的動作同時發(fā)生或幾乎同時發(fā)生;從語態(tài)上看,現(xiàn)在分詞往往表示主動的動作,它的邏輯主語就是句子的主語?!就卣埂?1)現(xiàn)在分詞表示結果時,指自然而然的結果。如:Football is played in more than 80 countries, making it themost popular sport in the world.80 多個國家都踢足球,使之成為世界上最受歡迎的運動。(2)不定式也可以表示結果,是出乎意料的結果,且多與only或 just 連用。如:He hurried to the station, only to find the train had left.他

47、匆忙趕到車站,結果卻發(fā)現(xiàn)火車已經(jīng)離開了?!炯磳W即用】單句語法填空makingFeelingto find(1)The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment,_ (make) more patients to be treated.(2)_ (feel) tired at the end of the trip, she soon fellasleep.(3)Tom returned from the war, only _ (find) that hiswife had passed away.3.Only when we l

48、earn to exist in harmony with nature canwe stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.( 教材 P16)只有學會和大自然和諧共處,我們才不會成為野生生物和地球的威脅。【剖析】 本句是主從復合句。when 引導的是時間狀語從句,can we stop being.是主句。當 only 位于句首時,如果后面跟副詞、介詞短語或從句等狀語,句子要用部分倒裝語序?!镜淅?(2019 浙江卷閱讀理解A)Only on special occasionswould they take it out and

49、let us hold it in our hands.只有在特殊的場合,他們才會把它拿出來讓我們拿在手里。(2019 全國卷 閱讀理解 C)Only at dinner time are weeating together anymore, 74 percent, according to statistics fromthe report.根據(jù)這份報告的統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù),74%的人說,只有在晚飯的時候,我們才會一起吃飯。 Only when he told me about it did I know what hadhappened.只有當他告訴我這件事時,我才知道發(fā)生了什么事?!军c津】(1)當

50、“only狀語(副詞/介詞短語/從句)”提至句首以示強調(diào)時,后面的句子或主句要用部分倒裝,即把助動詞、情態(tài)動詞或 be 動詞提到主語前面;(2)only 修飾主語時不倒裝;(3)only 修飾狀語從句時,狀語從句本身不倒裝?!炯磳W即用】完成句子,每空一詞didsherealize(1)只有當莉莉進到辦公室時她才意識到把書丟了。Only when Lily entered the office _ _ that she had lost the book.(2)只有用這種方法你才能在英語方面取得進步。Only in this _ _ _ _ inyour English study.canyou

51、makeprogress(3)直到那時我才意識到我犯了這么嚴重的錯誤。_ _ _ _ _ I hadmade such a serious mistake.OnlythendidrealizeI【題目】現(xiàn)在野生動物的數(shù)量日漸減少,如果不采取措施,有些動物會有滅絕的危險。作為野生動物保護的成員,李華和他的同學發(fā)起了一項活動,號召人們保護瀕臨滅絕的野生動物。海報內(nèi)容如下:1.活動目的:提高公眾保護野生動物的意識;建立野生動物保護區(qū);制定保護野生動物的法律;2.報名手續(xù):凡愿意參加者可到各班班長處報名;3.活動時間:6 月 28 日下午 2 點;4.活動地點:第一會議室;5.舉辦單位:學生會;6.海報發(fā)布時間:5 月 24 日。注意:1.詞數(shù) 80 左右;2.可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。參考范文:A Campaign to Protect the WildlifeWith the animals habitat destroyed, many wild animals are indanger of dying out.To raise peoples awareness of


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