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1、HyperCrash IntroductionChapter 1: Getting StartedSection 1: Windows DescriptionSection 2: Mouse ModesSection 3: Keyboard OptionsSection 4: Display ToolbarSection 5: Info ToolbarSection 6: Tree WindowSection 7: Help in HyperCrashSection 8: Description of the ExampleWindows DescriptionMouse ModesClass

2、ic HyperCrash Settings:Task DescriptionRotations Middle + right mouse button: Press the C key and pick a node with the left mouse button to change the center of rotation.Press the CTRL and C keys to switch off the automatic center of rotation.Press the SHIFT and C keys to switch on the automatic cen

3、ter of rotation.Translations Right mouse button: ZoomZoom in: middle mouse button and slide up: Zoom out: middle mouse button and slide down.Zoom box in: press the Z key and drag a box in the graphic window with the left mouse button: Zoom box out: press the SHIFT and Z keys and drag a box in the gr

4、aphic window with the left mouse button.Zoom in: press the key.Zoom out: press the key.Mouse ModesHyperWorks Mouse Mode:Rotations:Press the CTRL key + left mouse button and move the mouse around. The model rotates with the movement of the mouse. Release the left mouse button and press it again to ro

5、tate the model in a different direction.Press the CTRL key and quick-click the left mouse button anywhere on the model to pick a new center of rotation. Press the CTRL key + left mouse button to rotate the model on this new center of rotation.Translations:Press the CTRL key + right mouse button and

6、move the mouse around. The model is panned (translated) according to the mouse movement.Zoom:Press the CTRL key + middle mouse button, move the mouse around, and then release the mouse button. A white box is drawn according to the area of the mouse movement. When the mouse button is released, HyperC

7、rash zooms in on the portion of the model where the box was drawn.Press the CTRL key + quick-click the middle mouse button. The model is fitted to the graphic window.Press the CTRL key and spin the mouse wheel. The model zooms in or out depending on which direction you spin the mouse wheel.Keyboard

8、OptionsShortcutActionF1, F2, F3 and F4In picking mode, when more than one element is selected, F1 and F2 allow you to switch from one element to another. Then, F3 allows you to validate or F4 allows you to cancel the choice.F5Display the rigid walls.F6Display the rigid bodies.F7Display the initial v

9、elocities.F8Display the free nodes (not belonging to any element).F9 F12Standard views (clicking the same key a second time will reverse the view).SHIFT + F5Display the added masses.SHIFT + F6Display the boundary conditions.SHIFT + F7Display the contact interfaces.Keyboard OptionsShortcutActionSHIFT

10、 + F8Clear all displayed options.SHIFT + CSwitch on the automatic center of rotation.WSet the background color to white.BSet the background color to black.PSwitch between perspective view and orthogonal view.ZZoom in (press Z and drag a box with the left mouse button in the Graphic Window).SHIFT + Z

11、Zoom out box.ENTER or YYes (validate or accept).ESC Cancel or dismiss.Display ToolbarShowing/Hiding Parts ShortcutsShortcutActionCtrl + Shift + RMBMask a partCtrl + Shift + LMBUnmask a partShift + Hold RMBDraw a window to mask all parts within the windowShift + Hold LMBDraw a window to unmask all pa

12、rts within the windowShowing/Hiding Parts Model BrowserChecking/UncheckingRight Click Show/HideCross ReferenceRight Click in the Model BrowserCreate Include in the Model BrowserChange Model View to Include-SubmodelRight click anywhere and select New IncludeUse MMB to drag filesInfo ToolbarTree Windo

13、wTree Window Icons:Tree Toolbar:Help in HyperCrashHelp HyperCrashExampleOffset frontal crashUnits N, mm, s, Ton, MpaInitial Velocity 35MPHChapter 2: IntroductionSection 1: Open HyperCrash and Read Input FileSection 2: Tree Structure/HierarchySection 3: Delete a PartSection 4: Mesh Class DefinitionOp

14、en HyperCrashChoose User Profile, Units, and User Interface StyleInput FileImport the Input FileAssembly CreationRight click in the Model Browser and select New AssemblyEnter a Name for the AssemblyAdd Components to AssemblyHighlight ComponentsDrag them into AssemblyExportRight Click in the Model Tr

15、ee select Export SelectionDecide what to Export Geometry Only Or Geometry and Additional EntitiesSelect Additional Entities to ExportDelete ComponentsRight click on the part in the Model Browser and click DeleteAll features associated with the component are updatedMesh Class Definition5 Mesh Classes

16、 AvailableFrom Class 1 Very Important Parts (Fine Mesh, Sever Criteria)To Class 4 Low Influence (Coarse Mesh)Class s Used if no class defined, a standard classRight click on the Component in the Model Browser and select Class Selection, then the class.Chapter 3: IntroductionSection 1: Create Materia

17、lSection 2: Modify MaterialsSection 3: Material AllocationSection 4: Create PropertiesSection 5: Modify PropertiesSection 6: Property AllocationSection 7: Material and Property AllocationCreate a MaterialClick Model Material to open the Material PanelRight Click in the Panel and Select Create Materi

18、al Type MaterialCriteria is filled out in the Lower section of the Material PanelMaterial ModificationOpen the Material Panel with Model MaterialSelect a Component from the Graphics Area or Model BrowserWith the Material now selected, modify the criteria in the panelAllocating MaterialsMaterials can

19、 be picked from Local or Global DatabaseUse to switch between the Model and Database Once selected the Material can be added to the componentCreating PropertiesClick Model Property to open the Property PanelRight Click in the Panel and Select Create Property Type PropertyParameters are filled out in

20、 the lower section of the Property PanelModify PropertiesOpen the Property Panel with Model PropertySelect a Component from the Graphics Area or Model BrowserWith the Property now selected, modify the parameters in the panelProperty AllocationMaterials can be picked from Local or Global DatabaseUse

21、to switch between the Model and Database Once selected the Property can be added to the componentMaterial and Property Allocation in the Tree WindowSelect the Component or Assembly in the Model BrowserRight Click on the item and click List SelectionRight Click in the List Selection dialog to change

22、or modify materials or parametersChapter 4: Element Creation and ModificationSection 1: Create New ElementsSection 2: Modify ElementsSection 3: Split a PartSection 4: Create a ReinforcementSection 5: SymmetryCreating NodesNodes can be created to define the elementNodes are created from Mesh Editing

23、Nodes Create4 functions available to create nodesMesh Editing PanelElements are created by selecting Mesh Editing Element CreateThe element type to be created is selectedNodes are then selected to define the elementModify ElementsTo Modify Elements select Mesh Editing Element ModifyChoose between 1D

24、, 2D, and 3D Element TypesMany types of modifications available depending on element typeSplitting a ComponentFunctionality allows you to split one part into two partsClick Mesh Editing Part SplitElements are selected to be splitThe criteria including name and thickness are then set for the new part

25、Create a ReinforcementA stiffener is a new part defined by an offset from part of an existing parts shell elementClick Mesh Editing Part SheetStiffener is selected from the list of optionsElements are selected and the criteria are entered to create the stiffenerCreate SymmetrySymmetric parts are cre

26、ated by duplicating parts using MirrorClick Mesh Editing Parts DuplicateSelect the Mirror tab Select the part to duplicateSelect Mesh Only to duplicate just the mesh or Mesh + all options to also duplicate any items associated to the meshChapter 5: ConnectionsSection 1: Read a Spotweld FileSection 2

27、: Display Spotweld OptionsSection 3: Spotweld CheckingSection 4: Create New SpotweldsSection 5: Export a Spotweld FileSection 6: Bolt CreationSection 7: Tied Interface CreationSection 8: Check the Model ConnectionsImport Spotweld FileClick Connections Spotweld Import form FileFile is selected and im

28、portedBad spotwelds will appear in the Modify window in redRepairing SpotweldsSelect the Bad Spotweld and click to see the neighboring partsSelect a part to create the spotweldThe bad spotweld is removed from the list when the weld is savedSpotweld OptionsClick Connections Spotwelds Modify to open t

29、he panelSelect a part to see the spotwelds attachedAlso can right click on a part and select Connections in the Model BrowserSpotweld CheckingClick Connections Spotweld CriteriaIn the Check Criteria window set the criteria to be checked by entering values into each parameter, or use the defaultsClic

30、k Connections Spotweld Check to check the spotwelds against the criteria setSpotweld CheckingResults appear in the Modify tabThose highlighted in Orange are beyond the selected criteriaClick the icon after selecting one of the spotwelds and view the message in green in the Message windowThe spotweld

31、 can be modified to correct any issuesSpotweld CreationClick Connections Spotweld CreateSelect the two parts to be connectedSave the SpotweldSpotWeld File ExportClick Connections Spotweld Export File then one of four optionsAll Spotwelds Exports positions in HyperCrash FormatSpotweld from Tree Selec

32、tion Exports all the postions from the selected component in the Model BrowserAll Spotweld with Property ID Exports all the positions and set of a propertiesAll Spotweld in a CSV Format Exports the positions in a CSV formatBolt CreationClick Connections Bolt CreateSelect a part for the First Set opt

33、ionSelect a part for the Second Set optionThe select a Node or enter Node coordinates to define the bolt locationSet the direction on the Direction subpanelBolt CreationIn the Data section enter:Bolt NameLength 1Length 2DiameterSelect whether the bolt has a spring or a single rigid bodyTied Interfac

34、eClick Loadcase Contact InterfaceIn the Choose Contact section, right click and click Create New (Interface Type)Enter the criteria specifiedSelect the Slave nodes and the Master surfaceModel Connections CheckTop level model should be selected first if the whole model is to be checkedClick Quality C

35、heck Connectivity of Tree Selection, this shows the free parts that are not connected to anythingChapter 6: Merge and Connect the SubsystemsSection 1: Reading the Engine FileSection 2: Connecting the Engine and TransmissionSection 3: Merge the BarrierSection 4: Move the Barrier to its Correct Locati

36、onMerging a FileClick File Import (File Type)Click Merge in the dialogSet the Offset Values to position the component(s)Creating a Rigid BodyA rigid body can be used to connect componentsClick Mesh Editing Rigid Body CreateEnter a name and select the nodes to create the rigid bodyChapter 7: RADIOSS

37、FeaturesSection 1: Create a Boundary ConditionSection 2: Create an Interface to Handle the Contacts for the CarSection 3: Create an Interface to Handle the Contacts Between the Car and BarrierSection 4: Create an Initial Velocity to Apply to the Entire CarSection 5: Create an Added Mass on the Right

38、 DoorSection 6: Create a Rigid Wall to Model the GroundBoundary ConditionClick LoadCase Boundary Condition CreateEnter a Name and select the Nodes to locate the Boundary ConditionSet the Translations and Rotations to fix the degrees of freedom and save the Boundary ConditionContact InterfaceClick Lo

39、adcase Contact InterfaceIn the panel right click and click Create New (Interface Type)Set the criteria for the interface typeComplete the setup by setting the Properties for the interfaceInitial VelocityClick LoadCase Initial VelocityRight click in the panel and select Create NewSelect the parts and

40、 enter in the Velocity valueAdded MassClick LoadCase Added Mass CreateEnter a name and select the partsEnter the Mass and save the Added Mass.Rigid WallClick LoadCase Rigid Wall CreateSelect one of the definitions:Infinite PlaneParallelogramCylinderSphereSet the distance to automatically detect slav

41、e nodes, this will select all the nodes a certain distance from the rigid wallSlave nodes could also be selected if desiredSet the Friction properties:SlidingTiedFrictionClick Fixed or Moving to define the rigid wallChapter 8: Quality CheckSection 1: Check Intersections and PenetrationsSection 2: Ch

42、eck a Model with ModelCheckerContact Interfaces CheckClick Quality Check All Solver Contact InterfacesPanel displays all Intersections and PenetrationsFixing Intersections and PenentrationsInteractive tools can be used to fix the interactions and penetrationsProvided tools make it easier to fix the

43、issues found within the model, some automaticallyModelCheckerClick Quality ModelCheckerDisplays a list of errors, warnings, information about the model in order of severityRight clicking on the Correction button provides actions that can be run to fix issuesModifying entities through their respectiv

44、e panels can also be used to fix errors found hereChapter 9: Replace FunctionReplace FunctionThe Replace function allows one part or assembly to be replaced with another3 options available in Right Click menu in the Model BrowserReplace mesh only 1 part by 1 part Replaces the mesh only for the partR

45、eplace 1 part by 1 part, keep new mat & prop Replaces the part and keeps the material and properties of the new partReplace full system Replaces a part or assemblySelect the items to change in the Unit Management windowChapter 10: Time History SelectionSection 1: Time History Node SelectionSection 2

46、: Time History Section CreationSection 3: Time History Part CreationTime History Node SelectionClick Data History Node CreateThe nodes are selected and appear in the windowNote: the nodes can be renamed to something meaningfulTime History Section CreationClick Data History Section CreateParts are se

47、lected for the sectionThe position is entered as a distance along X, Y, and ZTime History Part CreationClick Data History Part CreateSelect the parts for the Time HistoryChapter 11: Clean the ModelCleanThe clean function will delete unused items in the modelClick Mesh Editing CleanSelect the options in the Clean panel to clean on


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