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1、Part Reading Comprehension(30 minutes 30%)Directions: In this part there are four reading passages. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to decide to decide on choice that best answers the

2、question or completes the statement.Questions 16-20 are based on the following passage.Very high waves are destructive when they strike the land. Fortunately, this seldom happens. One reason is that out at sea, waves moving in one direction almost always run into waves moving in a different directio

3、n. The two sets of waves tend to cancel each other out. Another reason is that water is shallower near the shore. As a wave gets closer to land, the shallow bottom helps reduce its strength.But the power of waves striking the shore can still be very great. During a winter gale, waves sometimes strik

4、e the shore with the force of 6,000 pounds for each square foot. That means a wave, 25 feet high and 500 feet along its face, may strike the shore with a force of 75 million pounds.(91) Yet the waves, no matter how big or how violent, affect only the surface of the sea. During the most raging storms

5、, the water a hundred fathoms (600 feet) beneath the surface is just as calm as on a day without a breath of wind.21. According to the passage, destruction caused by high waves occurs .A. regularlyB. rarelyC. alwaysD. predictably22. It is implied that out at sea, when waves going in opposite directi

6、ons meet, their force .A. cause great damageB. extends to the ocean floorC. is liable to lessen D. increases rapidly23. Coastal depth .A. is the only factor influencing the strength of high wavesB. has enormous influence on the force of high wavesC. has on influence pm the strength of very high wave

7、sD. is irrelevant to the power of high waves24. It can be inferred from Para. 2 that the power of high waves striking the shore is .A. constantB. equalizedC. variableD. perpetual25. It is impossible for the high waves .A. to bring about most raging stormsB. to have an effect on the sea bottomC. to a

8、ffect the surface of the seaD. to cause damage to the landQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passageIf it were only necessary to decide whether teach elementary science to everyone on a mass basis or to find the rifled few and take them as far as they can go, our task would be fairly simp

9、le. The public school system, however, has no such choice, for the job must be carried on at the same time. Because we depend so heavily upon science and technology for our progress, we must produce specialists in many fields. (92) Because we live in a democratic nation, whose citizens make policies

10、 for the nation, large numbers of us must be educated to understand, to support, and when necessary, to judge the work of experts. The public school must educate both producers and users of scientific services.In education, there should be a good balance among the branches of knowledge that contribu

11、te to effective thinking and wise judgment. Such balance is defeated by too much emphasis on any one field. The question of balance involves not only the relation of the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the arts but also relative emphases among the natural sciences themselves.Similarly, we

12、 must have a balance between current and classical knowledge. The attention of the public is continually drawn to new possibilities in scientific fields and the discovery of new knowledge; these should not be allowed to turn our attention away from the sound, established materials that form the basi

13、s of courses for beginners.26. It is indicated in Para. 1 that the task of education is fairly complicated because .A. the current public school system is too complicated to be understoodB. the public school system has no choice of what to teachC. it is difficult to decide whether elementary science

14、 should be taught in public schoolD. the educators have to take care of both ordinary and gifted students27. The word“defeated”(Para. 2) most probably means .A. brokenB. beatenC. lostD. smashed28. Which of the following statements is NOT included in the passage?A. One of the major tasks of education

15、 is to discover the most promising students.B. In order to teach effectively, educators are requested to lay emphasis on one particular field.C. Some subjects have been over-emphasized in public schools.D. The progress of the society cannot merely rely on inventors.29. It can be inferred from the pa

16、ssage that .A. students should learn more up-to-date knowledgeB. lack of scientific knowledge will lead to poor relations between producers and users of scientific servicesC. students are getting to know the importance of good balance among the branches of knowledgeD. sufficient attention should be

17、given to basic knowledge30. The best title for this passage might be .A. Balance in EducationB. Education System in Public SchoolC. Current Situation in EducationD. Importance of Teaching Science and TechnologyQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.In primitive societies sick people h

18、ad to rely on medicine men and witch doctors (Some people still rely on them). (93) It was believed that a person was sick because he had been attacked by evil spirits. The witch doctors job was to drive off these spirits. His technique involved a combination of three methods, the first of which was

19、 religious. He chanted magic words and used good luck charms which he thought had power over the evil spirits that supposedly had entered the victims body. Secondly, he deliberately fed the patient mixtures, which were often filthy and disgusting, to make the evil spirits so uncomfortable that would

20、 gladly run away and so enable the patient to get well.(94) The third method was to give the patient medicines prepared from certain plants and herbs that were similar in shape or texture to the various organs of the body. From our point of view, this was the only method that had any value. Modern s

21、cientific study has shown that some of these remedies had real usefulness in curing sickness, or at least in relieving pain, but not for the reasons advanced by the witch doctor.31. The word“filthy”(Para. 2) most probably means . A. deliciousB. effectiveC. dirtyD. primitive32. Disgusting mixtures we

22、re fed to the patient .A. to make them uncomfortableB. to cause the spirits discomfortC. because evil spirits liked themD. because they had medical value33. According to the passage, the witch doctors .A. functioned in curing some diseasesB. did nothing but harmed humans healthC. firmly believed in

23、religionsD. were proficient in medicine34. When primitive people were cured, it was actually a result of .A. the witch doctors prayersB. the departure of evil spirits from the bodyC. reasons unknown to the witch doctorD. the great skill of witch doctor35. Scientifically speaking, it might be somewha

24、t effective in curing sickness for witch doctor .A. to use good luck charmsB. to chant magic wordsC. to feed the sick people mixturesD. to give the patient medicines prepared from certain plants and herbsQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.Exchange a glance with someone, then look

25、away. Do you realize that you have made a statement? Hold the glance for the second longer, and you have made a different statement. Hold it for three seconds, and the meaning has changed again. For every social situation, there is a permissible time that you can hold a persons gaze without being in

26、timate, rude or aggressive. If you are on an elevator, what gaze-tine are you permitted? To answer this question, consider what you typically do. You very likely give other. (95) Since being close to another person signals the possibility of interaction, you need to emit a signal telling others you

27、want to be left alone. So you cut off eye contact, what sociologist Erving Goffman calls“a dimming of the lights”you look down at the floor, at the indicator lights, anywhere but into another passengers eyes. Should you break the rule against staring at a stranger on an elevator, you will make the o

28、ther person exceedingly uncomfortable, and you are likely to feel a bit strange yourself.If you hold eye contact for more than three seconds, what are you telling another person? Much depends on the person and situation. For instance, a man and woman communicate interest in this matter. They typical

29、ly gaze at each other for about three seconds at a time, then drop their eyes down for three seconds, before letting their eyes meet again. But if one man gives another man a 3-second-plus stare, he signals “I know you,”“I am interested in you,”or “you look peculiar and I am curious about you. ”This

30、 type of state often produces hostile hostile feelings.36. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that .A. every glance has its significanceB. staring at a person is an expression of interestC. a gaze longer than three seconds is unacceptableD. a glance conveys more meaning than words37. If a p

31、erson wants to be left alone an elevator, the best thing to do is .A. to look into another passengers eyesB. to avoid eye contact with other passengersC. to signal that he is not a threat to themD. to keep a certain distance from other passengers38. The phrase“a dimming of the lights”most probably m

32、eans .A. closing ones eyes B. turning off the lightsC. ceasing to glance at othersD. reducing gaze-time to the minimum39. If one is looked at by a stranger for too long, he tends to feel .A. depressedB. uneasyC. curiousD. amazed40. The passage is mainly about . A. the limitation of eye contactsB. th

33、e exchange of ideas through eye contactsC. proper behavior in different situationD the rule of eye contact in interpersonal communicationPart Cloze (15 minutes 10%)Directions: In this part there is a passage with 20 blanks in it. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are re

34、quired to choose the one that best fills into the passage and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Unavoidably, global climate is to change. “No matter 41 well the world controls emissions of greenhouse gases, global climate change is 42 ”, warn two

35、 new studies which take into 43 the oceans slow response 44 warming. 45 greenhouse gases never rise beyond their present level, temperatures and sea levels sill continue 46 for another century or more because of a time 47 in the oceans response to atmospheric temperatures, say researchers.This time

36、lag means policymakers cannot afford to wait to tackle climate change 48 ins consequences become painful, because 49 then they will already be committed 50 further change, they argue. “The feeling is if things are getting bad, you 51 the stop button. But even if you 52 , the climate continues to cha

37、nge, ”says Gerald Meehl, a climatologist.But even an optimistic scenario predicts that 53 temperatures would continue to rise 54 between 0.4 over the next century. That increase is 55 to the increase in the 20th century.And because water expands as it 56 , this time lag in temperature will continue

38、to push sea level 57 . Meehls models predict that thermal expansion alone would make sea levels rise by about 11 centimeters over the next century, even of greenhouse gases were held 58 2,000 levels. The real rise would almost certainly be more, he says, because his models do not include the effect

39、of 59 of glaciers and icecaps, which will be 60 rapid in a warmer world.41. A. howB. whatC. whereD. which42. A. evitableB. credibleC. incredibleD. inevitable43. A. counterB. countC. accountD. accountant44. A. inB. toC. forD. with45. A. Even ifB. EvenC. UnlessD. Although46. A. liftingB. risingC. rais

40、ingD. descending47. A. logB. legC. lagD. lab48. A. whileB. whenC. untilD. after49. A. atB. inC. onD. by50. A. toB. upC. inD. for51. A. hitB. beatC. getD. put52. A. didB. doesC. doneD. do53. A. localB. globalC. regionalD. national54. A. byB. forC. inD. for55. A. comparisonB. comparedC. comparableD. c

41、omparing56. A. warmingB. warmC. warmsD. warmed57. A. biggerB. higherC. fatherD. lower58. A. atB. forC. inD. on59. A. meltedB. meltsC. to meltD. melting60. A. lessB. moreC. mostD. leastPart Vocabulary and Structure (15 minutes 15%)Section A (10)Directions: In this section there are 20 incomplete sent

42、ences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. you are required to choose the one that best completes the sentence and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single lime through the correct.61. Id like to five hundred dollars to my current account.A. alterB.

43、methodC. changeD. transfer62. The only to the farmhouse is across the fields.A. accessB. methodC. stepD. means63. The corridor was dark and I my head against the wall.A. BroughtB. damagedC. bumpedD. struck64. The mountain climber had a escape from death.A. shortB. scarceC. closeD. narrow65. you are

44、here, I can leave.A. So thatB. Such that C. Now that D. In order to66. Mr. Jones said he was the possibility of buying the house.A. going overB. looking intoC. holding onD. laying out67. It is very kind of you to me at the airport.A. see; offB. put; offC. keep; offD. turn; off68. Where did you your

45、Russian?A. pick outB. pick upC. pick overD. pick on69. To his great , his son again failed to pass the examination.A. importanceB. promotionC. excitementD. disappointment70. Im very busy, and I cant three days away from work.A. payB. standC. offerD. afford71. He the key on the table.A. leftB. forgot

46、C. lostD. missed72. Mary, are you to take part in the game? A. supposedB. disposedC. exposedD. proposed73. Many Americans are African by .A. beginningB. originC. startD. first74. There was nobody in when we came round the corner.A. sightB. glimpseC. glanceD. view75. Susies school work is well above

47、.A. commonB. averageC. normalD. ordinary76. A lot of people looked on him an authority.A. likeB. for C. asD. to77. Id like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and in a quiet environment.A. for all B. first at allC. after all D. first of all78. The journalist claimed that the information came from a

48、 source.A. confidentB. dependentC. believedD. reliable79. We were completely when we finally reached the destination.A. worn offB. worn onC. worn outD. worn away80. The doctor said, “If you take this medicine twice a day, it should your cold.”A. restoreB. cureC. treatD. recoverSection B (5%)Directio

49、ns: Complete the following sentences with appropriate words or expressions or with the proper forms of the given words in the brackets. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.81. Few people know him, do they?82. Everybody talked at the top of his voice.83. Id like to go to the university where I once studied law.84. It would be a kindness to tell his truth. (kind)85. What a lot or rainy weather were having! (rain)86. He came to see me everyday last week. (come)87. Most of t


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