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1、2021年九年級英語上冊Unit8Detectivestories知識匯總素材新版牛津版2021年九年級英語上冊Unit8Detectivestories知識匯總素材新版牛津版2021年九年級英語上冊Unit8Detectivestories知識匯總素材新版牛津版Unit8單詞detective 偵探,警探clue n 線索missing 缺少的;丟失的murder 謀殺,殺害suspect 犯罪嫌疑人medium 中等的untidy 不整潔的guilty 有罪的truth 事實,真相guess 猜,猜測lie 說謊confirm 證實,確認victim 受害者,罹難者crime 犯罪活動;罪

2、行somewhere 在某處contact 聯(lián)系wound 使受傷bleed 流血,出血Enemy 仇人,敵人,反對者Single 單身的;單個的well-paid 收入高的charge 指控,控告breakinto 強行闖入system 系統(tǒng)suppose 猜想,假定,料想only 僅有的,唯一的witness 目擊者;證人report 舉報,報告breathe 呼吸heavily 沉重地;猛烈地reward 報酬,獎金arrest 逮捕couple 夫婦,一對fingerprint 指紋,手印probably 大概,或許criminal 犯罪的,犯法的female 女(性)的;雌性的bos

3、s 老板,上司commit 犯罪turnout 原來是,結(jié)果是havenothing to do with 與無關(guān)hurry 急忙,匆忙ina hurry 急忙,趕快kidnapping 綁架,劫持wealth 財富prison 監(jiān)獄inprison 坐牢kidnap 綁架,劫持safety 安全,保險lock 鎖shut 關(guān)上,封閉;合攏guard 守衛(wèi);保衛(wèi)guardagainst sth 防范;提防(某物)necklace 項鏈theft 偷竊getalong/on with 與和睦相處jewellery 珠寶steal 偷,竊取Unit8知識梳理【重點短語】1、be dressed l

4、ike裝扮成2、look for clues tosomething important尋找重要某事的線索3、go missing丟了4、make notes on sb對某人進行記錄5、tell the truth 說出真相6、an office workerof medium height 一個中等個辦公室職員7、look untidy andnervous 看上去不整潔并且緊張不安的8、the scene of thecrime犯罪現(xiàn)場9、somewhere else別的某個地方10、contact sb聯(lián)系某人11、be wounded witha knife 因一把刀子受傷12、bl

5、eed to deathas a result流血致死13、a well-paid job 一個高收入的工作14、be guilty of sth犯有.罪15、be charged withdoing sth被指控做了某事16、breathe heavily=be out of breath氣喘吁吁17、offer a rewardfor sth為.。提供一筆獎金18、the arrest ofsb= arrest sb逮捕某19、against the law違反法律against the advice of the doctor20、an elderlycouple 一對老夫婦21、hav

6、e somethingto do with sth與某事有關(guān)22、check every tinydetail檢查每個細微的細節(jié)23、a master atsolving crimes一個解決案件的大師24、popular amongteenagers在青少年中流行25、be not allowedby the law 不被法律允許26、commit the crime犯罪27、any progress insth在某事上的任何進展進步28、report the crimeto the police向警方報案29、turn out事實是30、have nothing todo with sth

7、與某事無關(guān)31、be in a hurry todo sth急匆匆去做某事32、no criminalrecord 沒有犯罪記錄33、a man of greatwealth= a wealthy man一個富有的男子34、six months inprison在監(jiān)獄中六個月35、safety tips to關(guān)于的安全秘訣36、protectyourselves against crime保護你對抗犯罪37、be charged withtheft被控偷竊38、guard againstany possible danger around us提防我們周圍任何可能的危險39、get along

8、/onwith sb與某人和睦相處40、do sth for aliving 以做某事謀生41、be under arrestfor sth因。.而被捕42、find thecriminal 發(fā)現(xiàn)犯罪43、be silly to dosth.= Its silly of sb。to do sth。某人做某事真傻44、morning、afternoon、evening如果有修飾詞修飾的時候 ,介詞要用 on如果沒有修飾詞應用in【重點句型】1. Tom is an honest boy。 He neverlies/tells lies。Tom是個誠實的男孩,他從不撒謊2. The police

9、are still looking for cluesto the murder.警方現(xiàn)在還在尋找這起謀殺案的線索。3。 The fire is much more serious than weexpected.這場火災比我們預期的要嚴重得多.4. Why are you dressed as a detective?你為什么打扮成一個偵探?5. The police have made notes on everyone。警察已經(jīng)給每個人做了筆錄.6。 Our maths teacher is of medium heightand a little bit fat.我們的數(shù)學老師中等身高

10、,微胖.9、Since you haventfound your missing umbrella here somewhere else。既然在這兒沒找到你丟失的傘,你最好去其他地方看看。10、The lostchildren were last seen playing by the river.有人最后看見那些失蹤的孩子在河邊玩耍.11、We havent foundout whether the murder took place last night or this morning.我們還未弄清楚這起謀殺案是發(fā)生在昨晚還是今天早晨。12、The man waswounded with

11、 a knife and bled to death。那個男人被刀刺傷,流血致死.13、The police arechecking the scene for more clues to the crime.警察正在檢查現(xiàn)場,查找更多有關(guān)此案的線索。14、Did you seeanything unusual on your way home?在你回家的路上你看到任何不尋常的事了嗎?15、The police haveconfirmed that the victim was a 20-yearold college student.警方已經(jīng)確認受害者是一個20歲的大學生。16、Tim mi

12、ght havesomething to do with the murder。Tim可能和這個謀殺案有關(guān)系。17、The boy isbreathing heavily as he has just fought with others.那個男孩正呼吸急促因為他剛和別人打了一架18、The man ( whowas) guilty of computer crime was found dead in his home。這個犯有電腦方面的罪的男子被發(fā)現(xiàn)死在家中.19、Yesterday a manwith a mask broke into the shop and took away th

13、e money.昨天有個戴面具的男人闖入商店,拿走了錢。20、I want to findsomewhere quiet to have a rest.我想找某個安靜的地方休息一下。21、A reward of 5000yuan will be offered to the winner of the competition.五千元人民幣的獎勵將給予這次比賽的獲勝者。22、It turned outthat he was in a hurry to take the underground at that time。原來他當時正匆忙趕去坐地鐵.23、More than oneperson in

14、sists/ insisted that the man had nothing to do with the trafficaccident。不止一個人堅稱這男子與這次的交通事故無關(guān)。24、Are you the ladywho/ that bought a wool skirt in our shop yesterday?你就是昨天在我們店里買了一條羊毛短裙的那位女士嗎?25、This is the bestmovie (that) I have ever seen.這是我看過的最好的一部電影。26、He has reportedthe crime ( which/ that ) his

15、boss committed to the police。他已經(jīng)向警方告發(fā)了他老板犯的罪。27、The police arechecking for clues which/ that may help solve the case。警察正在尋找能夠幫助解決案件的線索。28、Remember to shutthe windows before you leave,will you?記得走之前關(guān)窗,好不好?好的,我會的.29、The girl who hasknown the victim for a long time has no criminal record。這個已經(jīng)認識受害人很長時間的

16、女孩沒有犯罪記錄。30、Carrying a lotof money with us can be dangerous.我們隨身攜帶大量的錢會很危險。31、Do you know howlong the man of great wealth was in prison?你知道這個富有的男人坐過多久的牢嗎?32、This is the onlyway (that) I can think of to solve the problem.這是我能想出的唯一解決問題的辦法。33、They didntrealize that the house was broken into until they

17、found some valuable jewels wasstolen直到發(fā)現(xiàn)一些貴重珠寶被偷了他們才意識到房子被闖入了.34、He told us whathe did for a living before.他告訴了我們他以前是做什么維持生計的.35、It s necessaryto get along well with the neighbors.和鄰居和睦相處是很有必要的。36、The man who wasonce in prison for 2 years is the murderer.這個曾坐過2年牢的男人是兇手。37、his is thenecklace that Ive

18、 looked for a month.這就是那條我找了一個月的項鏈。38、They have comeup with a plan to guard against water pollution。他們已經(jīng)想出了一個計劃來提防水污染。39、Its against thelaw to break into others houses.闖入他人家中是違法的。40、Do you know thatman who is in a hurry to work?你認識那個正匆忙趕去工作的男人嗎?41、The crime casewhich/ that happened last night has no

19、thing to do with me。這個昨晚發(fā)生的案件與我無天.【重點語法】 限定性定語從句的關(guān)系代詞1在復合句中, 定語從句用來修飾一個名詞或代詞. 其中被修飾的名詞或代詞稱為先行詞。定語從句通常出現(xiàn)在先行詞之后,由關(guān)系詞引出。如:He is the man who I saw yesterday。他就是我昨天見的那個人。2常見的關(guān)系代詞有 who,which 和 that。他們所代替的先行詞是表示人或物 的名詞或代詞,并在從句中充當主語、賓語、定語等成分。(1)關(guān)系代詞 who 指人,在定語從句中作主語或賓語.如:Yesterday I helped an old man who lo

20、st hisway。昨天我?guī)椭艘晃幻月返睦先恕?(2)關(guān)系代詞 which指物,在定語從句中作主語或者賓語。如:The building which stands near my school isa supermarket。位于我的學校旁邊的那幢大樓是一家超市。 (3)關(guān)系代詞 that 指人時,相當于 who;指物時,相當于 which。當其在定語從句中作賓語時可省略。如:Mary likes music that is soft?,旣愊矚g輕柔的音樂. 在含有定語從句的復合句中, 如果關(guān)系代詞作從句的主語, 則從句中謂語動詞的人稱和數(shù)與先行詞保持一致。如:Now we have ten classes which learn French?,F(xiàn)在我們有十個學法語的班.He is a man who


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