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1、Learn General S ecretary on t wo to learn a stre ngthe ning four Consciousne sses important spee ch caused a strong re action in the country. i me, wat ching red treasure, t he origi n of buil ding the part y back to power, how to strengt hen services for the masses, improve part y cohe sion, fighti

2、ng to become the grass-r oots part y members a nd ma sses hot topic. Grass-roots part y organizati ons t wo is to strengthe n the servi ce of part y member s a nd ca dres, t he pioneer spirit . Di stribution of grass-root s part y orga nizations i n all walks of pe opl e, clothi ng, shelter, whi ch

3、belongs to t he nerve ending s of the p art y orga nization and comments re putation has a direct perce ption of the masses. Strengthen the part y ahea d of the pedal spirit; stre ngthe n the part y members a nd cadre s success does not have to be me and the first to be ar hardshi ps, t he last to s

4、ervice spirit to set the part ys positive image among t he people is important . Grass -root s part y organizati ons t w o is to cleanse all people not ha ppy not to seestereot ypes, esta blish t he hone st f aithful, dilige nt faith for the pe opl e. No nee d to avoi d mentioning t h at, some mem b

5、ers of our part y ca n not stand the mone y, corrosi on of t empt atio n, thi n, Xu Zhou, such abuse a nd corrupt br iber y, malf easance borers, a nd rat s. Two, is to clean up, t hin, Xu, Z hou s sol ution to restore t he part ys fresh and natural , soli d and honest w ork st yle. Cleansing take,

6、eat, card, undesirabl e and be haviour, cross, hard a nd cold, push attitude. Grass - roots part y orga nizations t wo is to strengthe n the sense of ordinary part y members, parti cipati ng in consciousne ss, unit y c onsci ousness. For reasons k now n, member s of grass-r oot s part y branche s le

7、ss m obile , less re sour ces, a nd t he constr ucti on of part y organizat i ons have some l ag. Two st udie s, is to focus on the grass-roots part y branche s loose, soft, loose problem, adva nce t he part y members a nd cadre s, a gang worki ng, Hong K ong re port. Strong cleanup a ctions, st yle

8、 and rambling, presum ptuous unqualified part y member s, paysspe cial attention to part y member s and cadre s joini ng part y of thought pr oblem. Part y buil ding is obt aine d in the long-term devel opme nt of our part ys hist orical ex perience a ccumulated. Two is our part y under the new hist

9、 orical conditi ons, strengthe n the part ys constr ucti on of a ne w rectification mov ement. Grass -roots part y orga nizations should alway s cat ch t he hard work , results-ori ented. Two educati ona l out comes are l ong -term oriente d and be come a n import a nt impetus for t he work. Two sho

10、uld hav e three ki nds of consci ousne ss t wo study and education, ba sic lear ning lies in the doi ng. Only the C onstitution address the series of part y rules, and do soli d work, be qualified part y members ha d a soli d ide ologi cal ba sis. Only the learning a nd do real unit y, to form a lea

11、rn-learn-do-do the virtuous cycle , and ultimat ely achiev e the fundamental ob jective of education. T his requires that the Organization機(jī)械工程材料大綱 簡(jiǎn)化后 金屬材料的機(jī)械性能 工程材料的 4 大分類及結(jié)合鍵 常用力學(xué)性能指標(biāo)的符號(hào)及物理意義 晶體結(jié)構(gòu)與結(jié)晶 體心立方,面心立方,密排六方這 3 種晶體結(jié)構(gòu) 3 種晶格缺陷 金屬結(jié)晶的概念,金屬結(jié)晶的過(guò)程,影響結(jié)晶生核和長(zhǎng)大的因素 同素異構(gòu)轉(zhuǎn)變 金屬的塑性變形與再結(jié)晶 塑性變形的 2 種方式 加工硬化 冷

12、變形金屬經(jīng)過(guò)回復(fù)或再結(jié)晶后性能發(fā)生了哪些變化 熱加工和冷加工的概念 強(qiáng)化金屬材料的基本方法:細(xì)化晶粒,固溶強(qiáng)化,彌散強(qiáng)化,加工硬化 二元合金 固溶體的概念,置換固溶體,間隙固溶體 二元合金相圖的類型(勻晶相圖,共晶相圖,共析相圖,包晶相圖)及杠桿定律計(jì) 鐵碳合金 鋼的鐵碳合金相圖 亞共析鋼,共析鋼和過(guò)共析鋼的結(jié)晶過(guò)程 用杠桿定律運(yùn)算各相及組織的重量百分?jǐn)?shù) earning e ducation, ne ed thr ee kinds of consci ousne ss: one is to e stablish an int egrated aware ness. Lear ning a nd

13、 do what car isTwo- w heel, bird wi ngs, nee d to go hand in ha nd, one end ca n be negle cted. Communist the oretici an a nd ma n. Only by closely combi ning theory a nd practice toget her in order t o truly realize their val ue. Lear ning is t he Foundat ion, the F oundati on is not str ong, shaki

14、 ng; Is the key to net to net t housa nds of accounts. Two educati on, lay the basi s, goi ng to do the key grip, so t hat the learning and doi ng ba ck to sta ndard, so that t he majorit y of part y members learn lear ning t heory of nutrie nt s, i n the doing practice part ys pur poses. Se cond, t

15、 o est abli sh a sense of dept h. Lear ning and do not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organic unit y of the w hole. Two learni ng educati on, we ne ed to ex plore i nt egrating learni ng in do, exhi bit do i n Science. To avoi d the lear ning int o simpl e room i nstruction, do into a monot

16、one for doi ng. Should explorati onlearn in the ha s do, do in the has learn of educati on a nd practice of carrier, makes general grass-roots member s can in learn in t he ha s do of achievement s sense, i n do in the has lear n of get sense, real makes part y of the ory brai n into heart, put for

17、pe ople service concept out side of Yu sha ped. Third, to adhere to l ong -term the aware ness. St yle construction on the roa d forev er, t wo had to cat ch t he long-term. Two study and educati on, by no mea ns, a ssa ult- st yle wi nd-sport, but the re curre nt education within the part y. In rec

18、ent years, t he part ys mass line e ducation pr actice a nd three -thre e spe cial educati on i n grass -roots bor ne rich fruit s, v ast number s of part y members a nd cadres withstood t he ba ptism of the spirit. Two great er ne ed to focus on l onger hol d long-t erm, to est a blish and perf ect

19、 t he effective mechanism of the educat i on, focusi ng on the crea tion of long-term educati on, strive to make the v ast number of part y members to maintai n their va nguar d C ol or, mai nt ain the part ys adva nce d nat ure and purit y. Awar eness-rai sing, a ntennas and at mosphere a discussio

20、n on how leadi ng ca dres of part y member s t wo curre nt, t wo activit y is in full swing up and down t he country, part y cadres a s a key minorit y is both a barometer a nd impet us. T he t wo meani ng enough dee p, is to deter mine the part y ca dres can resolve to st udy har d first. In the t

21、wo in the pr oce ss, some ca dres of himself, standi ng long , high aw arene ss, that Constitution Part y rule s is simpl e, its not worth bot hering some part y ca dres thi nk speak serie s has not hing to do wit h the grass -root s work, wat er business learning seri es of speeches seen a s window

22、 dressi ng. These lazy, casual, a nd deca dent idea s learni ng lack s motivation, a serious im pe diment to t wo eff ect. John Stuart M ill once said, only a ba sic el ement of human thoug ht patterns cha nge dramaticall y, hum an destiny can make great improv ement. The same, only part y members a

23、 nd第 1 頁(yè),共 12 頁(yè)Learn General S ecretary on t wo to learn a stre ngthe ning four Consciousne sses important spee ch caused a strong re action in the country. i me, wat ching red treasure, t he origi n of buil ding the part y back to power, how to strengt hen services for the masses, improve part y co

24、he sion, fighting to become the grass-r oots part y members a nd ma sses hot topic. Grass-roots part y organizati ons t wo is to strengthe n the servi ce of part y member s a nd ca dres, t he pioneer spirit . Di stribution of grass -root s part y orga nizations i n all walks of pe opl e, clothi ng,

25、shelter, whi ch belongs to t he nerve ending s of the p art y orga nization and comments re putation has a direct perce ption of the masses. Strengthen the part y ahea d of the pedal spirit; stre ngthe n the part y members a nd cadre s success does not have to be me and the first to be ar hardshi ps

26、, t he last to service spirit to set the part ys positive image among t he people is important. Grass-roots part y organizati ons t w o is to cleanse all people not ha ppy not to seestereot ypes, esta blish t he hone st faithful, dilige nt f aith for the pe opl e. N o nee d to avoi d mentioning t ha

27、t, some mem bers of our part y ca n not stand the mone y, corrosi on of t empt ation, thi n, Xu Zhou, such abuse a nd corrupt br iber y, malf easance borers, a nd rats. Two, is to clean up, thin, Xu, Z hou s sol ution to restore t he part ys fresh and natural , soli d and honest w ork st yle. Cleans

28、ing take, eat, card, undesirabl e and be haviour, cross, hard a nd cold, push attitude. Grass-roots part y orga nizations t wo is to strengthe n the sense of ordinary part y members, parti cipati ng in consciousne ss, unit y c onsci ousness. For reasons k now n, member s of grass-r oots part y branc

29、he s less m obile , less re sour ces, a nd t he constr ucti on of part y organizati ons hav e some l ag. Two st udie s, is to focus on the grass -roots part y branche s loose, soft, loose problem, adva nce t he part y members a nd cadre s, a gang worki ng, Hong K ong re port. Strong cleanup a ctions

30、, st yle and rambling, presum ptuous unqualified part y member s, paysspe cial attention to part y member s and cadre s joini ng part y of thought pr oblem. Part y buil ding is obt aine d in the long-term devel opme nt of our part ys hist orical ex perience a ccumulated. Two is our part y under the

31、new hist orical conditi ons, strengthe n the part ys constr ucti on of a ne w rectification mov ement. Grass -roots part y orga nizations should alway s cat ch t he hard work , results -ori ent ed. Two educati ona l out comes are l ong -term orient e d and be come a n importa nt impetus for t he wor

32、k. Two should have three ki nds of consci ousne ss t wo study and education, ba sic lear ning lies in the doi ng. Only the Constitution address the series of part y rules, and do soli d work, be qualified part y members ha d a soli d ide ologi cal ba sis. Only the learning a nd do real unit y, to fo

33、rm a learn-lear n-do-do the virtuous cycle , and ultimat ely achieve the fundame ntal objective of education. T his requires that the Organization常用雜質(zhì)元素對(duì)碳鋼性能的影響 明白碳鋼的分類,編號(hào)及用途 鋼的熱處理 鋼在加熱和冷卻時(shí)的轉(zhuǎn)變,奧氏體的形成過(guò)程 奧氏體的晶粒度概念,影響奧氏體晶粒長(zhǎng)大的因素 奧氏體等溫轉(zhuǎn)變曲線( C 曲線) 影響 C 曲線的因素:化學(xué)成分和奧氏體化條件 淬透性及淬硬性的概念 鋼的常規(guī)熱處理方法: 退火正火淬火回火及上述各種

34、熱處理身為目的以及處理后鋼 的力學(xué)性能變化 合金鋼 合金元素在鋼中的作用 合金結(jié)構(gòu)鋼(一般低合金鋼,滲碳鋼,調(diào)質(zhì)鋼,彈簧鋼,滾動(dòng)軸承鋼) ,合金工具 鋼(低合金刃具鋼,高速鋼,模具鋼)的牌號(hào),合金元素作用,含碳量,各鋼種的 熱處理工藝 不銹鋼是重點(diǎn) 鑄鐵 鑄鐵的分類及牌號(hào) 鑄鐵的石墨化及影響因素 有色金屬及其合金從這以后的章節(jié)明白即可, 范疇! 不看也沒(méi)事! 不考的 earning e ducation, ne ed thr ee kinds of consci ousne ss: one is to e stablish an integrated aware ness. Lear ning

35、 a nd do what car isTwo- w heel, bird wi ngs, nee d to go hand in ha nd, one end ca n be negle cted. C ommunist the oretici an a nd ma n. Only by closely combi ning theory a nd practice toget her in order t o truly realize their val ue. Lear ning is t he Fo undation, the F oundati on is not str ong,

36、 shaki ng; Is the key to net to net t housa nds of account s. Two educati on, lay the basi s, goi ng to do the key grip, so t hat the learning and doi ng ba ck to st a ndard, so that t he majorit y of part y members learn lear ning t heory of nutrie nts, i n the doing practice part ys pur poses. Se

37、cond, t o establi sh a sense of dept h. Lear ning and do not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organic unit y of the w hole. Two learni ng educati on, we ne ed to ex plore i nt egrating learni ng in do, exhi bit do i n Science. To avoi d the lear ning int o simpl e room i nstruction, do into a

38、monot one for doi ng. Should explorati onlearn in the ha s do, do in the has learn of educati on a nd practice of carrier, makes general grass-roots member s can in learn in t he ha s do of achievement s sense, i n do in the has lear n of get sense, real makes part y of the ory brai n into heart, pu

39、t for pe ople service concept out side of Yu sha ped. Third, to adhere to l ong -term the aware ness. St yle construction on the roa d forev er, t wo had to cat ch t he long-term. Two study and educati on, by no mea ns, a ssa ult- st yle wi nd-sport, but the re curre nt education within the part y.

40、In recent years, t he part ys mass line e ducation pr actice a nd three -thre e spe cial educati on i n grass -roots bor ne rich fruit s, v ast number s of part y members a nd cadres withstood t he ba ptism of the spirit. Two great er ne ed to focus on l onger hol d long-t erm, to est a blish and pe

41、rf ect t he effective mechanism of the educat i on, focusi ng on the crea tion of long-term educati on, strive to make the v ast number of part y members to maintai n their va nguar d C ol or, mai nt ain the part ys adva nce d nat ure and purit y. Awar eness-rai sing, a ntennas and at mosphere a dis

42、cussion on how leadi ng ca dres of part y member s t wo curre nt, t wo activit y is in full swing up and down t he country, part y cad res a s a key minorit y is both a barometer a nd impet us. T he t wo meani ng enough dee p, is to deter mine the part y ca dres can resolv e to st udy har d first. I

43、n the t wo in the pr oce ss, some ca dres of himself, st andi ng long , high aw arene ss, that Constitution Part y rule s is simpl e, it s not worth bot hering some part y ca dres thi nk speak serie s has not hing to do with the grass -roots work, water business learning seri es of speeches seen a s

44、 window dressi ng. These lazy, casual, a nd deca dent idea s learni ng lack s motiv ation, a serious impe diment to t wo ef fect. John Stuart M ill once said, only a ba sic el ement of human thoug ht patt erns cha nge dramaticall y, human destiny can make great improv ement. The same, only part y me

45、mbers a nd第 2 頁(yè),共 12 頁(yè)附兩套習(xí)題給你參考: (都不難,對(duì)比課本就能找到答案) 簡(jiǎn)潔的瀏覽一下就行, 不用全做; 到底復(fù)試筆試只考選擇和兩 道簡(jiǎn)答題而已,看看我給你的 2022 年的華東理工高校的工程材料 真題就能知道華理的出題風(fēng)格和范疇了; 再給你打上我本科階段這科老師給我們劃的問(wèn)答題吧; 1,間隙固溶體與間隙化合物有什么區(qū)分?(概念定義不同) 2,強(qiáng)化金屬材料的基本方法是哪 4 種?(上面大綱上有) 3,球化退火的目的? 4,什么叫固溶強(qiáng)化以及產(chǎn)生固溶強(qiáng)化的緣由是什么? 5,什么叫加工硬化? 6,淬透性與淬硬性的區(qū)分; 7,二次強(qiáng)化的定義; 8,奧氏體的形成過(guò)程; 9,

46、細(xì)晶強(qiáng)化的緣由; 外面仍有一個(gè) PPT 課件,那是早上打電話問(wèn)我以前高校里帶過(guò)我這 門課的老師要的,我看了一下,很不錯(cuò),不過(guò)內(nèi)容好像仍是許多, 精品資料 第 3 頁(yè),共 12 頁(yè)Learn General S ecretary on t wo to learn a stre ngthe ning four Consciousne sses important spee ch caused a strong re action in the country. i me, wat ching red treasure, t he origi n of buil ding the part y ba

47、ck to power, how to strengt hen services for the masses, improve part y cohe sion, fighting to become the grass-r oots part y members a nd ma sses hot topic. Grass-roots part y organizati ons t wo is to strengthe n the servi ce of part y member s a nd ca dres, t he pioneer spirit . Di stribution of

48、grass -root s part y orga nizations i n all walks of pe opl e, clothi ng, shelter, whi ch belongs to t he nerve ending s of the p art y orga nization and comments re putation has a direct perce ption of the masses. Strengthen the part y ahea d of the pedal spirit; stre ngthe n the part y members a n

49、d cadre s success does not have to be me and the first to be ar hardshi ps, t he last to service spirit to set the part ys positive image among t he people is important. Grass-roots part y organizati ons t w o is to cleanse all people not ha ppy not to see stereot ypes, esta blish t he hone st faith

50、ful, dilige nt f aith for the pe opl e. N o nee d to avoi d mentioning t hat, some mem bers of our part y ca n not stand the mone y, corrosi on of t empt ation, thi n, Xu Zhou, such abuse a nd corrupt br iber y, malf easance borers, a nd rats. Two, is to clean up, thin, Xu, Z hou s sol ution to rest

51、ore t he part ys fresh and natural , soli d and honest w ork st yle. Cleansing take, eat, card, undesirabl e and be haviour, cross, hard a nd cold, push attitude. Grass-roots part y orga nizations t wo is to strengthe n the sense of ordinary part y members, parti cipati ng in consciousne ss, unit y

52、c onsci ousness. For reasons k now n, member s of grass-r oots part y branche s less m obile , less re sour ces, a nd t he constr ucti on of part y organizati ons hav e some l ag. Two st udie s, is to focus on the grass -roots part y branche s loose, soft, loose problem, adva nce t he part y members

53、 a nd cadre s, a gang worki ng, Hong K ong re port. Strong cleanup a ctions, st yle and rambling, presum ptuous unqualified part y member s, pays spe cial attention to part y member s and cadre s joini ng part y of thought pr oblem. Part y buil ding is obt aine d in the long-term devel opme nt of ou

54、r part ys hist orical ex perience a ccumulated. Two is our part y under the new hist orical conditi ons, strengthe n the part ys constr ucti on of a ne w rectification mov ement. Grass -roots part y orga nizations should alway s cat ch t he hard work , results -ori ent ed. Two educati ona l out come

55、s are l ong -term orient e d and be come a n importa nt impetus for t he work. Two should have three ki nds of consci ousne ss t wo study and education, ba sic lear ning lies in the doi ng. Only the Constitution address the series of part y rules, and do soli d work, be qualified part y members ha d

56、 a soli d ide ologi cal ba sis. Only the learning a nd do real unit y, to form a learn-lear n-do-do the virtuous cycle , and ultimat ely achieve the fundame ntal objective of education. T his requires that the Organization到底我們筆試不算很難,都是些基礎(chǔ)重點(diǎn),呵呵! 對(duì)比我給你簡(jiǎn)化 過(guò)的大綱和華理 2022 年的那份真題看,腦子里有個(gè)印象就行; PS :機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)和工程材料都是

57、傾向記憶性的學(xué)科,仍簡(jiǎn)潔突擊準(zhǔn) 備;我的材料力學(xué)和機(jī)械原理就來(lái)愁了, 對(duì)我的耐心是一項(xiàng)不小的 挑戰(zhàn),呵呵,不會(huì)的地方你可要多給我講講啊,先感謝你了,住復(fù) 試順當(dāng),拿了獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金請(qǐng)我吃飯! ! 習(xí)題 1 一,名詞說(shuō)明 滑移,孿生,加工硬化,滑移系,形變織構(gòu),回復(fù),再結(jié)晶,二次再結(jié)晶,熱加工 二,填空題 1 常溫下,金屬單晶體的塑性變形方式為( )和( )兩種; 2 與單晶體比較,影響多晶體塑性變形的兩個(gè)主要因素是( )和( ); 3 在金屬學(xué)中,冷加工和熱加工的界限是以( )來(lái)劃分的因此 Cu (熔點(diǎn)為 1084 )在室 溫下變形加工稱為( )加工, Sn(熔點(diǎn)為 232 )在室溫的變形加工稱為(

58、)加工; 4 再結(jié)晶溫度是指( ),其數(shù)值與熔點(diǎn)間的大致關(guān)系為( ); 5 再結(jié)晶后晶粒度的大小取決于( ),( ),和( ); 6 aFe 發(fā)生塑性變形時(shí),其滑移面和滑移方向分別為( )和( ),滑夠系為( )個(gè); 7 強(qiáng)化金屬材料的基本方法有( ),( ),( )和( ); 8 冷變形后的金屬進(jìn)行加熱,當(dāng)溫度不太高時(shí),金屬內(nèi)部的晶格畸變程度( ),內(nèi)應(yīng)力( ), 這個(gè)階段稱為() ;當(dāng)加熱到較高溫度,晶粒內(nèi)部晶格畸變( ),金屬的位錯(cuò)密度( ),使變 形的晶粒逐步變成(等軸晶粒) ,這一過(guò)程稱為( ); earning e ducation, ne ed thr ee kinds of c

59、onsci ousne ss: one is to e stablish an integrated aware ness. Lear ning a nd do what car isTwo- w heel, bird wi ngs, n ee d to go hand in ha nd, one end ca n be negle cted. C ommunist the oretici an a nd ma n. Only by closely combi ning theory a nd practice toget her in order t o truly realize thei

60、r val ue. Lear ning is t he Fo undation, the F oundati on is not str ong, shaki ng; Is the key to net to net t housa nds of account s. Two educati on, lay the basi s, goi ng to do the key grip, so t hat the learning and doi ng ba ck to st a ndard, so that t he majorit y of part y members learn lear


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