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1、 / 14英語語法 -介詞用法及固定搭配 英語常用介詞 介詞的分類和應用英語介詞雖 是小詞,數量也不多, 但它靈活多變, 隨處可見,功能強大而且難于掌握。 在現(xiàn)代英語中,介詞的地位非常重 要。我們切不可小看這個小角色,不 可忽視它的作用。如果你能在英語介 詞上下一番功夫,那么你的英語水平 會有一個飛躍提高。英語介詞分類 :按構成形式分 (5 類 ):1簡單介詞 如: in ,at ,on,by,with ,down,for ,beside ,along , across 等。2分詞介詞 (在英語中有一部分動詞的 ing 形式具備介詞的性質, 在很多情況下將他們視為介詞 ) 如: includi

2、ng , during , following , considering ,regarding 關于, speaking , judging ,talking 等。3. 雙重介詞 如: from behind 從后面 until after 直到之后 from among從中間4.合成介詞 如: inside , outside ,onto ,into ,within5短語介詞 如:out of ,apart from (除 之外:別無、尚有), because of ,by means of 用、依靠等A. 介詞短語的詞性 -形容詞1)常用于做 定語的介詞短語的介詞of: a child

3、of sixwith: a man with a suitcasein: a girl in redto: the key to the doorfor: a war for money英語語法 -介詞用法及固定搭配 / 14about: an agreement about trade2)常用于做 表語的介詞短語的介詞at: She was at a loss.beyond ; The road is beyond the hill .in: He s still in danger. of: It s of no value.on: He is on guard. 值班out of: I

4、m out of job . under: He s under forty.3)用于做賓語補足語:I saw George at work .A cold kept himin bed for 7 days.B. 介詞短語的詞性 副詞1)做狀語,主要用于修飾謂語: He has been here since Monday . Bake it is for two hours.2)用于 be+adj. 結構: She is afraid of snakes. Im sorry about that.3)修飾非謂語動詞:I asked to speak to the headmaster.介詞

5、 - 短語動詞中的關鍵角色 含有介詞的短語動詞v.+ prep : agree with/to/on/in,answer for, ask for, come across,go after, live on, run into, head for, look for/after/at等。v.+ adv. + prep : come up to 達到 , go in for 從事、愛好 , run out of, 用光 do away with 廢除 , keep up with, make up for, put up with等按表達意義分 (3 類 ):1. 時間介詞 ,如: at, o

6、n, in, during, over, from, for, until 等。2. 地點介詞 , 如: at, on, in, across, to, over, between, inside, outside 等。其它介詞 ,如: by, with, about, except, instead of, due to,apart from 等。當時 at present 目前 在那時 at Christmas 在圣誕節(jié) 在歲時at that timeat the age of一)表示時間的介詞:1 at, on, in(1) at表示具體“在某一時刻、某一時點”或者把某一短時間看做某一時

7、at 5:30在 5:30at sunrise日出時 at night夜間at noon正午時at midnight在半夜at lunch午飯時at breakfast在吃早飯時at first首先at the beginning ( of )在開始時at last最后at the end(of ) 最后刻at the moment(2)on 表示“在具體某一天或某天的上、下午、早上、晚上”on Monday 在星期一on April 1 st(on April the first)在四月一日on Monday morningon the weekend在周末on the following

8、day第二天 on the following day evening第二天晚on New Year s Day 在元旦 on school days 在校期間 on school s day 在校慶日on a rainy day 在雨天 on a cold day 在寒冷的一天 泛指上、下午、晚上、夜間時用 in the morning/afternoon/evening, at night ;但若指具體某一天的上述時段時,則一律用 on。如:On the afternoon of May 23. 在五月二十三日下午。I heard a shot on the morning of Marc

9、h 18.三月十八日早晨我聽到一聲槍響。(3)in 表示【泛指的上、下午、晚上】 【在某月、季節(jié)、年、世紀】 【表示 將來時間翻譯成“在之后” 】in the morning/afternoon/evening在上午/ 下午/ 晚上in September 在九月 in winter 在冬季in 1999在1999年in the 20 th(21st ) century在20(21)世紀in one s life 在某人一生中 in two weeks 兩周后 in the future 在將來in the daytime 在白天 in my school days 在我上學期間2for, d

10、uring, throughfor “長達之久”(表示過了多長時間)后接一段時間(與數詞連用的 時間名詞)多與完成時連用。Ive been a soldier for 5 years.我入伍已 5年了。She has been ill for several days.她已經病了幾天了。表示“持續(xù)一段時間”時, for 后面必須跟“數字 +時間名詞”,而 during 后決不可接數字。during 表示“在期間”during the night 在晚上 during the fire 在發(fā)生大火期間during the meeting在開會期間 during the meal 在吃飯過程中He

11、 visited many nice places during his stay here.在他逗留期間他參觀了許多美麗的地方。What did you do during the summer vacation?你在暑假做了什么?through 表示“一直,自始至終”They worked hard through the winter.整個冬天他們都在努力工作。She treated me like her brother through these years.這些年來她始終把我當哥哥對待。3 from, sincefrom 表示“等時間的起點” ,作“從”解,多用于“ from to

12、/till ”中。You can come anytime from Monday to Friday.周一至周五你什幺時間來都行。The exam will start from 9:00am.考試將從上午九點開始。from“從(開始)”未必持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在,如:from 1995 to 1998. 從1995年到 1998年。since 而 since 是指“自從以來一直持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在 一般只與現(xiàn)在完成時連用,而 from 不受此限。since 表示“自從以來(直到現(xiàn)在) ”He has been away from home since 1973. 他自從 1973 年就離開了家鄉(xiāng)。 We hav

13、e known each other since ten years ago.我們十年前就認識了。for 與 since 表示一段時間,但 for 與時間段連用,而 since 與時間點連用。 如 for two hours (持續(xù))兩小時; since last week 自從上周直到現(xiàn)在4 before, by, till, untilbefore 指“在之前”Plea se come before ten o clock. 請 10點以前來。The meeting will end after 3:00pm.會議將在下午三點后結束。表示“在以前”時, before 與 by 基本可通用。

14、但 by 還有“最晚不遲 于”“截至為止”之意,此時可與完成時(現(xiàn)在完成、過去完成)連用, 而 before 一般不與完成時連用。如:How many models have you made by the end of last month? 截至上月底你做了多少個模型?by 指“不遲于,到時為止,在以前” 動作完成I must finish my homework by lunch.午飯前我必須做完作業(yè)。We had learned over 1000 words by the end of last term. 到上學期末為止,我們已經學了 1000 多個單詞了。till (until)

15、 “直到為止”動作持續(xù)到什么時候You must wait for him till tomorrow.你必須一直等到他明天。He didn t come back until twelve oclock last night.他昨晚下到12 點才回來。在肯定句中, till (until) 必須與延續(xù)動詞連用。若與點動詞連用, till (until) 只能用于否定句中。5 after,in, withinafter 表示“在之后” ,是 before 的反義詞。Well hold a party after dinner.晚餐后我們將舉辦晚會。He got a cancer and die

16、d after a year.他患了癌癥,一年后去世了。I ll phone you afterI arrive. 到達后我給你打電話。 ( after 作連詞)within “在時間之內”I can finish it within an hour.我不出一小時就可把它做完。比 較 after 與 inafter 后可跟時間段,也可跟時間點,如 after school (放學后), 而 in 后必須跟一段時間,如 in an hour (一小時后)。after 既可用于將來時,也可用于過去時,而 in 只能用于將來時。after 既可作介詞,又可作連詞,而 in 只能作介詞 in “在時間

17、之 后”I ll arrive in an hour.我一小時后到達。well meet again in two weeks我們將會在兩周以后再見We started out for the United States on July the first and after 20 hours ,We arrive at Los Angeles Airport我們 7 月 1 日出發(fā) 20 小時后我們到達洛杉磯機場Next week were going on a trip to Hong Kong and after about a week, were visiting Malaysia下

18、周我們去香港旅游,大約一周后我們訪問馬來西亞in 與 within 后都必須跟時間段。(二)表示 “地點、方向 ”的介詞:1、表示地理方位的介詞的用法: in 表示 A地在 B 地范圍之內。如:Taiwan is in the southeast of China. to 表示 A 地在 B地范圍之外,即二者之間有 距離間隔。 如: Japan lies to the east of China.on 表示 A 地與 B地接壤、毗鄰。如: North Korea is on the east of China.off 表示“離一些距離或離不遠的海上”。如: They arrived at a

19、house off the main road.New Zealand lies off the eastern coast of Australia2 in outside between, amongin 表示“在里面” ,如:Whats in the box? 盒子里是什么?She put her book in the desk. 她把書放進了書桌。outside 指“在外面”There are many people outside the room.房間外有很多人。What did your see outside the hall?你在大廳外看見了什么?between 在之間(指

20、二者)There is a hospital between the hotel and the post office.在賓館與郵局之間有所醫(yī)院。The building stands between the park and the small river.那棟建筑位于公園和小河之間。between 是指“在兩者之間” ,而 among指“在多個之間”。 among在之間(指三者以上)“There is a thief among you. ” The policeman shouted to the crowd. 警察向人群喊道:“你們中間有個小偷!”He found his place

21、 among the crowd.他在人群中找到了他的位置。3 on, above, over, below, underon 在上面,表面相互接觸。There is an apple on the table.桌上有一個蘋果。On the top of the hill, there is a flag.山頂有一面旗子。above 只表示“在上方或位置高出” ,與 below 相對。 A plane flew above our heads.一架飛機從我們頭上飛過。The Turners live above us.特納一家人住在我們的上面。over “在正上方” There is a br

22、idge over the river. The picture isbelow 在與 under 相對。 河上有一座橋 hanging over the blackboard.方,低于There are many flowers below the window. Her skirt reaches just below her knees.(5) under 在正下方 They sat under a big tree, drinking.What are you wearing under your coat?那張圖掛在黑板的正上方。窗下有很多花。她的裙子剛到膝蓋下。他們坐在一棵大樹下喝

23、酒。你外套里面穿了什么?4 near, by, besidenear 在附近,與 far 相對A hospital was built near the railway station.在火車站附近建了一所醫(yī)院。My home is near he school.我的家離學校很近。by = beside, 靠近,在旁邊,比 near 距離更近He just sat by/ beside me in the cinema.在電影院他就坐在我旁邊。round 、about 通用表示圍 )房子前有一條河He lay down beside the statuary.他在雕像旁躺下了。5in fron

24、t of, behind, around 繞某物體,或者表示時間“大約”in front of 在前面 A river flows in front of the house.他們在門前放了一在房間前半部有把紅椅They put a bunch of flowers in front of the door. 束花。in the front of表示“在前部” ,指里面。There is a red chair in the front of the room.子。behind 在后面A high building stands behind the village.村子后面有一高層建筑。Th

25、e cat lies behind the door.貓?zhí)稍陂T后面。around 在周圍,圍繞There are many trees around the villege.村子周圍有很多樹圍繞。There are flowers around the stage.舞臺周圍擺著鮮花。6 from, to, for, into, out offrom 從The train started from Paris.火車發(fā)自巴黎。She will fly from Beijing to Hongkong. 她將從北京飛往香港。to 到(目的地)去,向He went to Germany last ye

26、ar. 他去年去了德國。They got to the town very late.他們很晚才到那個鎮(zhèn)。for 向,表目的方向He left for Tianjin on business yesterday.他昨天出差去天津了。The train for Shanghai has been away.去往上海的火車已經開走了。towards, to 和 for 都可表示“向” ,其區(qū)別如下:towards 僅指朝向某個方向,不一定是目的地,而 to 和 for 都是“向目 的地”。for 作“向(目的地)”時,常用于固定搭配中, 如:leave for; start forinto 進入P

27、lease put the water into the bottle.請把水倒入瓶子里。The teacher came into the classroom with a smile.老師微笑著走進了教室。out of 從出來A beautiful girl in red went out of the shop.一個穿紅衣服的漂亮女孩從商店里走了出來。They pulled him out of the water.他們把他從水里拉了出來7 along, across, through ,past, over(1) along 沿著He likes to drive along the

28、river.他喜歡沿著河開車。There are all kinds of beautiful flowers along the road street.沿街有著各種美麗的花。(2) across 橫穿(平面物體)The little girl is afraid to go across the street.這個小女孩不敢橫穿馬路。It s dangerous to run across the busy road.跑著穿越繁忙的馬路是很危險的。through 穿過 空間內通過(穿過森林、沙漠、穿過窗戶)It took us ten minutes to drive through th

29、e tunnel.開車穿過這條隧道花了我們 10 分鐘時間。He pushed his way through the crowd to the platform.他從人群里擠到了站臺。past 經過 從事物的一旁經過8 at, in 二者都表示“在某個地方” ,但 at 多指較小的地方,如車站、家等,而 in 多指在“大地方”,如城市、國家、大洲等。 (但大小有時也是相對的) 。He lives at No.27 Zhongshan street in Nanjing.他住在南京市中山路27號The plane will arrive in Beijing at 13:00.三)其它用途的介

30、詞:1 表示 “標準或單位 ”的介詞:飛機將于 13 點到達北京。at, for, by他以每小時 8 英里的速度行駛。I sold my car at a high price.for 用交換I bought it for 20 dollars. How much for these apples?我以高價出售了我的汽車買它花了我 20 美元。這些蘋果多少錢?at 表示“以速度”“以價格” He drove at a speed of 80 miles an hour.at 與 for 都表示價格,但 at 表示“單價”,for 表示總價 ,at 后一般跟“ price ” 這個詞,而 fo

31、r 后只能跟總錢數。如:I bought it at a low price.我買它的價格很低。I bought it at the price of $80 a pound.我以每磅 80 美元的價格買的I sold it for $10.我 10 美元把它賣掉了。by 以計,后跟度量單位 冠詞Gold is sold by the gram.金以克出售。They paid him by the month. 他們按月給他計酬。2表示 “材料 ”的介詞: of, from, inof 表示從成品仍可看出原料。物理變化This box is made of paper.這個盒子是紙做的。Thi

32、s salad is made of apples and strwberres.這種沙拉是由蘋果和草莓做的。from 表示從成品已看不出原料?;瘜W變化Bread is made from wheat. 面包是小麥做的。The lifeboat is made from some special material.這個救生艇是由某種特殊材料制成的。(3) in 用材料( in 指材料時,材料前不用冠詞) 或語言、聲音、衣著。 常用 write, speak, talk, answer等連用。用方式 in French, in cash , in this wayPlease fill in t

33、he form in pencil first.請先用鉛筆填寫這個表格。They talk in English.他們用英語交談。with 用工具(后面必須加冠詞或者物主代詞)比較:用鉛筆畫3表示 “工具或手段 ”的介詞: by, with, onby 憑借“工具或方法、手段(多用于交通工具后面不能加冠詞)如: by bus 乘公共汽車, by plane 乘飛機He usually goes to work by bike. 他通常騎車去上班。He sent the news to me by e-mail.他通過電子郵件發(fā)給了我這一消息。表示搭乘交通工具時,既可用 by,又可用 in ,區(qū)

34、別在于用 by 時,表示交通 工具的名詞前不能加冠詞,而用 in 時名詞前必須加冠詞。with 用工具或者身體的某一器官(后面必須加冠詞或者物主代詞) 表示以方式 with skillHe broke the window with a stone.他用石頭把玻璃打破了He stopped the ball with his right foot.他用腳把球停住。You can see it with your own eyes你可以親自去看看with 表示“用工具”時,工具前必須加冠詞或物主代詞。on 以方式。多用于固定詞組。On foot On a trainThey talked on

35、the telephone. 他們通過電話進行交談。She learns English on the radio/on TV.她通過收音機 / 電視學英語。4表示 “關于 ”的介詞: of, about, on(1) of 僅指“關于”人或事物的存在,如:He spoke of the film the other day.他前幾天提到了這部影片。He thought of this matter yesterday. 他昨天想到了這件事。He thought about this matter yesterday.他昨天考慮了這件事。(2) about 指“關于”某人或某事物的較詳細的情況

36、。It s a book for children about Africa and its people. 它是一本供兒童閱讀的關于非洲和非洲人的書。Can you tell me something about yourself? 你能告訴我一些關于你自己 的事情嗎?on 是指“關于”學術性的或嚴肅的,供專門研究用的。It s a textbook on the history of China.它是一本有關中國歷史的教科書。5表示 “原因、理由 ”的介詞: for, at, from, of, with(1) for 表示“一般的理由”常與 famous, punish 等詞連用。Xia

37、n is famous for its long history. 西安因歷史悠久而著名。The city is well known for her large population.這座城市以人口眾多而知名。(2) at 一般指“情感”的原因,通常放在表示“驚訝或喜悅等感情”的動 詞或形容詞之后,表示“因聽到或看到而” 。She got angry at his words.她因為他的話生氣了。He was surprised at the news. 聽到這消息他大吃一驚。from 表示“外在的原因” 。如受傷、車禍等。He died from the wound. 他因受傷而致死。He

38、r son was badly hurt in a traffic accident.她兒子在一次車禍中嚴重受傷。of 表示“內在的原因” ,如病、餓等到。He died of cancer. 他死于癌癥。The old man died of hunger.老人死于饑餓。with 表示“由外在影響到肉體或心理”的原因。He shook with cold. 他因寒冷而發(fā)抖。He shouted loudly with anger.他氣得大喊大叫。6 like, as(1) like 像一樣(其實不是)The little tiger looks like a cat.這只小老虎看起來像只貓。

39、The mooncakes are like the moon.月餅像月亮。(2) as 作為,以身份(其實是)He was hanged as a spy. 他被作為間諜絞死了。He talk to me as a father.他以父親的身份跟我談話。7 against, foragainst 反對,與 for 是反義詞,如:Are you for my idea or against it?你贊同還是反對我的想法?They fought against the enemy.他們抗擊敵人。8 besides, except , except for , but , but for 都表示“除 了”。 Besides(意為包括在內、除之外還)的用法就 等于 as well as 。 Except, but 后接句子, except for , but for 后接短語。He is interested in tennis besides( as well as )football.除了足球,他還對網球感興趣。(1)besides 是包括后


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