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1、外科學(xué)緒論Introduction of Surgery第一頁,共二十五頁。一、現(xiàn)代外科學(xué)的開展 Development of Modern Surgery解剖學(xué) AnatomyJohn Hunter (1728-1793), the father of experimental surgery and a superb anatomist and teacher.第二頁,共二十五頁。麻醉 AnesthesiaWillam t.G. Morton (1819-1868), a Boston dentist whose successful demonstration of ether anes

2、thesia on October 16, 1846, at the Massachusetts Gneeral Hospital was a landmark in the history of surgery第三頁,共二十五頁。3. 抗菌術(shù) AntisepsisJoseph Lister (1827-1912), the originator of antiseptic surgery第四頁,共二十五頁。輸血 Blood transfusionRichard Lewisohn (1875-1961), a surgeon at the Mount Sinai Hospital, intro

3、duced the modern technique of blood transfusion, developed from his discovery of a method of preventing coagulation of the blood outside the body.Karl Landsteiner (1868-1943), one of the first scientists to study the physical processes of immunity. He is best known for his identification and charact

4、erization of the human blood groups, A, B, and O.第五頁,共二十五頁。Theodor Kocher (1841-1917), professor of surgery at the University of Berne and pioneer in the development of surgery of the thyoid. He received the Nobel Prize in 1909.Theodor Billroth (1829-1894), professor at the University of Vienna and

5、pioneer abdominal surgeon, Billroth was one of the most influential teachers of his time.Innovators & Pioneers in Surgery第六頁,共二十五頁。John H. Gibbon (1903-1973), pioneer cardiothoracic surgeon who developed extracorporeal circulation.Alexis Carrel (1873-1944), an experimental surgeon interested in woun

6、d healing, tissue culture, organ transplantation, and blood vessel anastomosis. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1912.第七頁,共二十五頁。傅培彬 (1912-1989), 瑞金醫(yī)院外科創(chuàng)始人第八頁,共二十五頁。1954 二尖瓣別離 Commissurotomy of mitral stenosis1958 大面積灼傷 Severe Burn1963 斷肢再植 Replantation of cut limb1977 肝移植 The 1st case of Liver tran

7、splantation 1978 心臟移植 The 1st case of Heart transplantation1990s- 二醫(yī)外科全面開展灼傷外科、消化外科、膽胰外科 Burn surg, Digestive S., P. Biliary口腔外科、整形外科、小兒心臟外科 Stomatological S. Plastic S. Pediatric Cardio S.The role of SSMU in the development of surgery in China第九頁,共二十五頁。二、外科學(xué)范疇Category of Surgery外科疾病分類Classification

8、 of Surgical Diseases1) 損傷 Trauma mechanical thermal chemical electrical2) 感染 Infection3) 腫瘤 Neoplasia Benign, Malignant4) 畸形 Anatomical abnormalities Congenital, Acquired第十頁,共二十五頁。5) 內(nèi)分泌功能失調(diào) Metabolic & Hormonal disorder6) 堵塞與缺血 Infarction & Ischamia7) 其它 Others梗阻Obstruction寄生蟲病Parasite diseases靜脈曲

9、張Vein varicose第十一頁,共二十五頁。2. 外科專業(yè)開展 Development of Surgical Specialties工作對(duì)象和性質(zhì)實(shí)驗(yàn)外科 Eexperimental Surgery臨床外科 Clinical Surgery第十二頁,共二十五頁。2) 人體解剖系統(tǒng)骨科 Arthrosteopedic surgery頜面外科Dentofacial surgery心胸外科Cardiothoracic surgery泌尿外科Urologic surgery神經(jīng)外科Neurosurgery普通外科General surgery(腹部外科) Abdominal surgery第十

10、三頁,共二十五頁。3) 性病性質(zhì) 腫瘤外科Neoplastic surgery急癥外科Emergency surgery創(chuàng)傷外科Trauma surgery燒傷外科Burn surgery4) 手術(shù)方式整復(fù)外科Plastic surgery顯微外科Microsurgery移植外科Transplantation微創(chuàng)外科Minimally invasive surgery第十四頁,共二十五頁。5) 年齡 小兒外科Pediatric Surgery 成人外科Adult Surgery6) 專業(yè) 婦科Gynecology 耳鼻喉科Otolaryngology 眼科Ophthalmology第十五頁,共

11、二十五頁。3. 外科總論與各論 General Surgery & Special Surgery 外科學(xué)總論 General Surgery 各臨床外科共同的專業(yè)根底 根底醫(yī)學(xué)與臨床外科學(xué)的橋梁外科學(xué)各論Special Surgery 論述各系統(tǒng)、各臟器 外科疾病的病因、病理、診斷與治療第十六頁,共二十五頁。 外科分子生物學(xué) Surgical molecular biology 外科免疫學(xué) Surgical immunology 無菌術(shù) Aseptic technique 外科水、電解質(zhì)和酸堿平衡 Fluid and electrolyte management and acid-base

12、balance 輸血 Blood transfusion第十七頁,共二十五頁。外科休克Surgical shock外科營養(yǎng)Surgical nutrition多器官功能障礙綜合征Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, MODS麻醉Anesthesia外科重癥監(jiān)測(cè)治療Surgical intensive care第十八頁,共二十五頁。心肺腦復(fù)蘇 Brain-cardiopulmonary Resuscitation疼痛治療Pain management & Analgesia圍手術(shù)期處理Paraoperative management門診外科Outpatient

13、 surgery外科感染Surgical infection腫瘤Neoplasma第十九頁,共二十五頁。創(chuàng)傷Trauma燒傷與冷傷Burns & Cold injury顯微外科Microsurgery器官移植Organ transplantation組織工程Tissue engineering腔鏡外科Laparoscopic & thorascopic surgery內(nèi)鏡外科Endoscopic surgery外科介入治療Surgical intervention treatment第二十頁,共二十五頁。三、如何學(xué)習(xí)外科How to learn surgery外科醫(yī)師的職業(yè)道德 Moral C

14、haracter理論聯(lián)系實(shí)踐Theory and Practice外科根底Basic theoryBasic knowledgeBasic technique第二十一頁,共二十五頁。Spunk of tiger 膽大形象化的要求Some figure of speech about the basic demandsEyes of eagle 眼明Hands of women 手巧Heart of mother 心細(xì)第二十二頁,共二十五頁。學(xué) 問- Learn to find questions- Learn to ask questions- Learn to solve questionsBooks are you best teachersLibrary is your best school第二十三頁,共二十五頁。結(jié)束語Now, you may have a good start- why to l


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