Unit 6-Lesson 31 How Do You Travel - 教案 2022-2023學(xué)年冀教版八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)_第1頁(yè)
Unit 6-Lesson 31 How Do You Travel - 教案 2022-2023學(xué)年冀教版八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)_第2頁(yè)
Unit 6-Lesson 31 How Do You Travel - 教案 2022-2023學(xué)年冀教版八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)_第3頁(yè)
Unit 6-Lesson 31 How Do You Travel - 教案 2022-2023學(xué)年冀教版八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)_第4頁(yè)




1、Unit 6 Go with Transportation! Lesson 31:How Do You Travel?Teaching Aims.1Master this lessons new words.2Master these key expressions: on foot; walk to sp.; take a train/ship/bus/plane; by ship/plane/bus; ride the train.3. Be able to talk about how to travel?Teaching important points and difficult p

2、ointsTeaching important points:Master new words and expressionsMaster the important sentences.Learn about some adverbs & adjectives & preps. ( almost/rapid./across.)Teaching difficult points:Talk about how to travel and whats your favorite type of transportation. = 3 * GB4 Teaching stepsStep Warm-up

3、(熱身)Greetings.Ask students some questions about what they have learned from last class.Show pictures to introduce todays new words and give some questions on the main language points. Let students get familiar with the meanings of important sentences.Step PreviewRead the new words.Step Presentation1

4、. Ask questions about :T: How do you travel in your city, town or village?Ss: take a bus/by bus/ on foot/walk.T: Whats your favourite type of transportation?Ss: ship/ bus/ train/ bike.2. Show new words on the PPT3. Listen to the tape and answer the questions below:How does Danny like to travel?How d

5、oes Jenny like to other cities?How does Brian like to travel?Pick up some phrases about transportation like : take a train.4. Introduce language points.(1) How do you like.? 是口語(yǔ)中一個(gè)常用句式,主要用法有:a. 用來(lái)詢問(wèn)對(duì)方的觀點(diǎn)、看法或判斷,意為:你覺(jué)得怎么樣? 如。如:How do you like this party? 你覺(jué)得這個(gè)晚會(huì)開(kāi)得怎么樣?Wonderful. 很棒。要表達(dá)以上意思,有時(shí)也用 What do

6、 you think of.? 但是注意兩者搭配不同。b. 在泡茶或咖啡時(shí),用來(lái)詢問(wèn)對(duì)方的要求或征求對(duì)方意見(jiàn)(也說(shuō) How would you like.? ),意為:你喜歡喝什么樣的茶(或咖啡)? 如。如:How do you like your tea? 你喜歡喝什么樣的茶?I like it strong. 我喜歡濃茶。有時(shí)用于飯店等場(chǎng)合,詢問(wèn)顧客對(duì)飯菜的煮法。如:How would you like your steak? 你喜歡吃什么樣的牛排?Rare. 嫩一點(diǎn)。c. 表示一種厭煩或驚奇的心情,意為:真是的;那你怎么認(rèn)為(想)呢? 如。如:My boyfriend has just

7、told me to go on a diet. 我男朋友剛才告訴我要我節(jié)食。How do you like that? 那你怎么想呢?(2)on foot步行It takes about 30 minutes on foot, or 10 minutes by car. 步行去需要大約30分鐘,如果坐車去,需要10分鐘。(3) walk to sp.步行去某處Tom walked to the Museum.湯姆步行去了博物館。(4)almost adv.幾乎,差不多;將近;快要;近乎Lisa visits her son almost every day. 麗莎幾乎每天都去看兒子。(5)t

8、ake a train/ ship/plane乘火車、輪船,飛機(jī)(6)ride the train乘火車vt.& vi.乘,騎,駕n.(乘坐汽車等的)旅行;乘騎;(乘車或騎車的)短途旅程;供乘騎的游樂(lè)設(shè)施vt.(騎馬、自行車等)穿越;搭乘Many people ride bicycles for fun and exercise.許多人騎腳踏車中同時(shí)得到樂(lè)趣和鍛煉。Tourists could ride luxury carriages to exotic destinations.游客將會(huì)乘坐豪華的車廂到異國(guó)。(7) across (介詞) 橫過(guò),穿過(guò)在另一邊交叉橫過(guò),穿過(guò):He swam

9、across the river. 他游過(guò)河去。在另一邊: They live just across the river.他們就住在街對(duì)面。交叉:The two lines cut cross each other.這兩條線相互交叉。表示“穿過(guò)”時(shí),across和through的區(qū)別:Across “橫過(guò),穿過(guò)”,著重指從一條線或一物體表面的一邊到另一邊,強(qiáng)調(diào)從表面的通過(guò)。across the street. 橫過(guò)馬路Through“穿過(guò),從中通過(guò)”,著重指從空間的一頭縱穿到另一頭,強(qiáng)調(diào)從內(nèi)部通過(guò)。through the tunnel穿過(guò)隧道(8) it takes sb. +時(shí)間段 to

10、do sth. 做某事花費(fèi)了某人時(shí)間。It takes Tom 3 hours to finish his homework.湯姆花了3個(gè)小時(shí)才做完作業(yè)。注釋:it是形式主語(yǔ),to do sth.是真正的主語(yǔ)。Step Practice1. Complete “l(fā)ets do it” , Part 1 to Part 3.As to part 3, the teacher shows actions on the ppt. One student stands facing the screen and performs. Then, the other one guesses what he

11、 or she is doing. Students should make complete sentences.2. work in groups. Survey your group members about their favourite types of transportation. Then make up a dialogue.Step V Homework1. Recite new words and phrases.2. Finish the exercises.板書設(shè)計(jì):Unit 6Lesson31 How do you travel?Key words: Target Language:transportation How does Da


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