1、Oracle 常用系統(tǒng)表dba_ 開頭dba_users數(shù)據(jù)庫用戶信息dba_segments表段信息dba_objects數(shù)據(jù)庫對象信息dba_extents數(shù)據(jù)區(qū)信息dba_tablespaces 數(shù)據(jù)庫表空間信息dba_data_files 數(shù)據(jù)文件設(shè)置信息dba_temp_files 臨時(shí)數(shù)據(jù)文件信息dba_rollback_segs 回滾段信息dba_ts_quotas 用戶表空間配額信息dba_free_space 數(shù)據(jù)庫空閑空間信息dba_profiles 數(shù)據(jù)庫用戶資源限制信息dba_sys_privs 用戶的系統(tǒng)權(quán)限信息dba_tab_privs用戶具有的對象權(quán)限信息dba_
3、er_sys_privs當(dāng)前用戶的系統(tǒng)權(quán)限信息user_tab_privs當(dāng)前用戶的對象權(quán)限信息user_col_privs當(dāng)前用戶的表列權(quán)限信息user_role_privs當(dāng)前用戶的角色權(quán)限信息user_indexes用戶的索引信息user_ind_columns用戶的索引對應(yīng)的表列信息user_cons_columns用戶的約束對應(yīng)的表列信息user_clusters用戶的所有簇信息user_clu_columns用戶的簇所包含的內(nèi)容信息user_cluster_hash_expressions散列簇的信息v$ 開頭v$database數(shù)據(jù)庫信息v$datafile數(shù)據(jù)文件信息v$con
4、trolfile控制文件信息v$logfile重做日志信息v$instance數(shù)據(jù)庫實(shí)例信息v$log日志組信息v$loghist日志歷史信息v$sga數(shù)據(jù)庫SGA信息v$parameter初始化參數(shù)信息v$process數(shù)據(jù)庫服務(wù)器進(jìn)程信息v$bgprocess數(shù)據(jù)庫后臺進(jìn)程信息v$controlfile_record_section控制文件記載的各部分信息v$thread線程信息v$datafile_header數(shù)據(jù)文件頭所記載的信息v$archived_log歸檔日志信息v$archive_dest歸檔日志的設(shè)置信息v$logmnr_contents歸檔日志分析的DML DDL結(jié)果信息v
6、據(jù)庫所有用戶的信息all_objects數(shù)據(jù)庫所有的對象的信息all_def_audit_opts所有默認(rèn)的審計(jì)設(shè)置信息all_tables所有的表對象信息all_indexes所有的數(shù)據(jù)庫對象索引的信息session_開頭session_roles會話的角色信息session_privs會話的權(quán)限信息index_開頭index_stats索引的設(shè)置和存儲信息偽表dual系統(tǒng)偽列表信息dba_usersColumnDatatypeNULLDescriptionUSERNAMEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLName of the userUSER_IDNUMBERNOT NULLID
8、t status was LOCKEDEXPIRY_DATEDATEDate of expiration of the accountDEFAULT_TABLESPACEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLDefault tablespace for dataTEMPORARY_TABLESPACEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLName of the default tablespace for temporary tables or the name of a tablespace groupCREATEDDATENOT NULLUser creation datePROFIL
9、EVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLUser resource profile nameINITIAL_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUPVARCHAR2(30)Initial resource consumer group for the userEXTERNAL_NAMEVARCHAR2(4000)User external namedba_segmentsColumnDatatypeNULLDescriptionOWNERVARCHAR2(30)Username of the segment ownerSEGMENT_NAMEVARCHAR2(81)Name, if any,
11、me of the tablespace containing the segmentHEADER_FILENUMBERID of the file containing the segment headerHEADER_BLOCKNUMBERID of the block containing the segment headerBYTESNUMBERSize, in bytes, of the segmentBLOCKSNUMBERSize, in Oracle blocks, of the segmentEXTENTSNUMBERNumber of extents allocated t
12、o the segmentINITIAL_EXTENTNUMBERSize in bytes requested for the initial extent of the segment at create time. (Oracle rounds the extent size to multiples of 5 blocks if the requested size is greater than 5 blocks.)NEXT_EXTENTNUMBERSize in bytes of the next extent to be allocated to the segmentMIN_E
13、XTENTSNUMBERMinimum number of extents allowed in the segmentMAX_EXTENTSNUMBERMaximum number of extents allowed in the segmentPCT_INCREASENUMBERPercent by which to increase the size of the next extent to be allocatedFREELISTSNUMBERNumber of process freelists allocated to this segmentFREELIST_GROUPSNU
14、MBERNumber of freelist groups allocated to this segmentRELATIVE_FNONUMBERRelative file number of the segment headerBUFFER_POOLVARCHAR2(7)Default buffer pool for the objectdba_objectsColumnDatatypeNULLDescriptionOWNERVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLOwner of the objectOBJECT_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLName of the ob
15、jectSUBOBJECT_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)Name of the subobject (for example, partition)OBJECT_IDNUMBERNOT NULLDictionary object number of the objectDATA_OBJECT_IDNUMBERDictionary object number of the segment that contains the objectNote: OBJECT_ID and DATA_OBJECT_ID display data dictionary metadata. Do not con
16、fuse these numbers with the unique 16-byte object identifier (object ID) that the Oracle Database assigns to row objects in object tables in the system.OBJECT_TYPEVARCHAR2(19)Type of the object (such as TABLE, INDEX)CREATEDDATENOT NULLTimestamp for the creation of the objectLAST_DDL_TIMEDATENOT NULL
17、Timestamp for the last modification of the object resulting from a DDL statement (including grants and revokes)TIMESTAMPVARCHAR2(20)Timestamp for the specification of the object (character data)STATUSVARCHAR2(7)Status of the object (VALID, INVALID, or N/A)TEMPORARYVARCHAR2(1)Whether the object is te
18、mporary (the current session can see only data that it placed in this object itself)GENERATEDVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether the name of this object was system generated (Y) or not (N)SECONDARYVARCHAR2(1)Whether this is a secondary object created by the ODCIIndexCreate method of the Oracle Data Cartrid
19、ge (Y | N)dba_extentsColumnDatatypeNULLDescriptionOWNERVARCHAR2(30)Owner of the segment associated with the extentSEGMENT_NAMEVARCHAR2(81)Name of the segment associated with the extentPARTITION_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)Object Partition Name (Set to NULL for non-partitioned objects)SEGMENT_TYPEVARCHAR2(18)Typ
20、e of the segment: INDEX PARTITION, TABLE PARTITIONTABLESPACE_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)Name of the tablespace containing the extentEXTENT_IDNUMBERExtent number in the segmentFILE_IDNUMBERFile identifier number of the file containing the extentBLOCK_IDNUMBERStarting block number of the extentBYTESNUMBERSize of
21、 the extent in bytesBLOCKSNUMBERSize of the extent in Oracle blocksRELATIVE_FNONUMBERRelative file number of the first extent blockdba_tablespacesColumnDatatypeNULLDescriptionTABLESPACE_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLName of the tablespaceBLOCK_SIZENUMBERNOT NULLTablespace block sizeINITIAL_EXTENTNUMBERDef
22、ault initial extent sizeNEXT_EXTENTNUMBERDefault incremental extent sizeMIN_EXTENTSNUMBERNOT NULLDefault minimum number of extentsMAX_EXTENTSNUMBERDefault maximum number of extentsPCT_INCREASENUMBERDefault percent increase for extent sizeMIN_EXTLENNUMBERMinimum extent size for this tablespaceSTATUSV
23、ARCHAR2(9)Tablespace status: ONLINEOFFLINEREAD ONLYCONTENTSVARCHAR2(9)Tablespace contents: UNDOPERMANENTTEMPORARYLOGGINGVARCHAR2(9)Default logging attribute: LOGGINGNOLOGGINGFORCE_LOGGINGVARCHAR2(3)Indicates whether the tablespace is under force logging mode (YES) or not (NO)EXTENT_MANAGEMENTVARCHAR
24、2(10)Indicates whether the extents in the tablespace are dictionary managed (DICTIONARY) or locally managed (LOCAL)ALLOCATION_TYPEVARCHAR2(9)Type of extent allocation in effect for the tablespace: SYSTEMUNIFORMUSERPLUGGED_INVARCHAR2(3)Indicates whether the tablespace is plugged in (YES) or not (NO)S
25、EGMENT_SPACE_MANAGEMENTVARCHAR2(6)Indicates whether the free and used segment space in the tablespace is managed using free lists (MANUAL) or bitmaps (AUTO)DEF_TAB_COMPRESSIONVARCHAR2(8)Indicates whether default table compression is enabled (ENABLED) or not (DISABLED) Note: Enabling default table co
26、mpression indicates that all tables in the tablespace will be created with table compression enabled unless otherwise specified.RETENTIONVARCHAR2(11)Undo tablespace retention: GUARANTEE - Tablespace is an undo tablespace with RETENTION specified as GUARANTEEA RETENTION value of GUARANTEE indicates t
27、hat unexpired undo in all undo segments in the undo tablespace should be retained even if it means that forward going operations that need to generate undo in those segments fail.NOGUARANTEE - Tablespace is an undo tablespace with RETENTION specified as NOGUARANTEENOT APPLY - Tablespace is not an un
28、do tablespaceBIGFILEVARCHAR2(3)Indicates whether the tablespace is a bigfile tablespace (YES) or a smallfile tablespace (NO)dba_data_files ColumnDatatypeNULLDescriptionFILE_NAMEVARCHAR2(513)Name of the database fileFILE_IDNUMBERNOT NULLFile identifier number of the database fileTABLESPACE_NAMEVARCHA
29、R2(30)NOT NULLName of the tablespace to which the file belongsBYTESNUMBERSize of the file in bytesBLOCKSNUMBERNOT NULLSize of the file in Oracle blocksSTATUSVARCHAR2(9)File status: AVAILABLE or INVALID (INVALID means that the file number is not in use, for example, a file in a tablespace that was dr
30、opped)RELATIVE_FNONUMBERRelative file numberAUTOEXTENSIBLEVARCHAR2(3)Autoextensible indicatorMAXBYTESNUMBERMaximum file size in bytesMAXBLOCKSNUMBERMaximum file size in blocksINCREMENT_BYNUMBERNumber of tablespace blocks used as autoextension increment. Block size is contained in the BLOCK_SIZE colu
31、mn of the DBA_TABLESPACES view.USER_BYTESNUMBERThe size of the file available for user data. The actual size of the file minus the USER_BYTES value is used to store file related metadata.USER_BLOCKSNUMBERNumber of blocks which can be used by the dataONLINE_STATUSVARCHAR2(7)Online status of the file:
32、 SYSOFFSYSTEMOFFLINEONLINERECOVERdba_temp_filesColumnDatatypeNULLDescriptionFILE_NAMEVARCHAR2(513)Name of the database temp fileFILE_IDNUMBERFile identifier number of the database temp fileTABLESPACE_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLName of the tablespace to which the file belongsBYTESNUMBERSize of the file
33、(in bytes)BLOCKSNUMBERSize of the file (in Oracle blocks)STATUSCHAR(9)File status: AVAILABLERELATIVE_FNONUMBERTablespace-relative file numberAUTOEXTENSIBLEVARCHAR2(3)Indicates whether the file is autoextensible (YES) or not (NO)MAXBYTESNUMBERmaximum size of the file (in bytes)MAXBLOCKSNUMBERMaximum
34、size of the file (in Oracle blocks)INCREMENT_BYNUMBERDefault increment for autoextensionUSER_BYTESNUMBERSize of the useful portion of the file (in bytes)USER_BLOCKSNUMBERSize of the useful portion of the file (in Oracle blocks)dba_rollback_segsColumnDatatypeNULLDescriptionSEGMENT_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)NOT
35、 NULLName of the rollback segmentOWNERVARCHAR2(6)Owner of the rollback segmentTABLESPACE_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLName of the tablespace containing the rollback segmentSEGMENT_IDNUMBERNOT NULLID number of the rollback segmentFILE_IDNUMBERNOT NULLFile identifier number of the file containing the segme
36、nt headBLOCK_IDNUMBERNOT NULLID number of the block containing the segment headerINITIAL_EXTENTNUMBERInitial extent size in bytesNEXT_EXTENTNUMBERSecondary extent size in bytesMIN_EXTENTSNUMBERNOT NULLMinimum number of extentsMAX_EXTENTSNUMBERNOT NULLMaximum number of extentPCT_INCREASENUMBERPercent
37、 increase for extent sizeSTATUSVARCHAR2(16)Rollback segment statusINSTANCE_NUMVARCHAR2(40)Rollback segment owning Real Application Clusters instance numberRELATIVE_FNONUMBERNOT NULLRelative file number of the segment headerdba_ts_quotas ColumnDatatypeNULLDescriptionTABLESPACE_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NUL
38、LTablespace nameUSERNAMEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLUser with resource rights on the tablespaceBYTESNUMBERNumber of bytes charged to the userMAX_BYTESNUMBERUsers quota in bytes, or -1 if no limitBLOCKSNUMBERNOT NULLNumber of Oracle blocks charged to the userMAX_BLOCKSNUMBERUsers quota in Oracle blocks, or -
39、1 if no limitDROPPEDVARCHAR2(3)Whether the tablespace has been droppeddba_free_spaceColumnDatatypeNULLDescriptionTABLESPACE_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)Name of the tablespace containing the extentFILE_IDNUMBERFile identifier number of the file containing the extentBLOCK_IDNUMBERStarting block number of the exte
40、ntBYTESNUMBERSize of the extent (in bytes)BLOCKSNUMBERSize of the extent (in Oracle blocks)RELATIVE_FNONUMBERRelative file number of the file containing the extentdba_profilesColumnDatatypeNULLDescriptionPROFILEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLProfile nameRESOURCE_NAMEVARCHAR2(32)NOT NULLResource nameRESOURCE_TY
41、PEVARCHAR2(8)Indicates whether the resource profile is a KERNEL or a PASSWORD parameterLIMITVARCHAR2(40)Limit placed on this resource for this profiledba_sys_privs ColumnDatatypeNULLDescriptionGRANTEEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLGrantee name, user, or role receiving the grantUSERNAMEVARCHAR2(30)Name of the c
42、urrent userPRIVILEGEVARCHAR2(40)NOT NULLSystem privilegeADMIN_OPTIONVARCHAR2(3)Grant was with the ADMIN optiondba_tab_privsColumnDatatypeNULLDescriptionGRANTEEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLName of the user to whom access was grantedOWNERVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLOwner of the objectTABLE_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLName
43、 of the objectGRANTORVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLName of the user who performed the grantPRIVILEGEVARCHAR2(40)NOT NULLPrivilege on the objectGRANTABLEVARCHAR2(3)Indicates whether the privilege was granted with the GRANT OPTION (YES) or not (NO)HIERARCHYVARCHAR2(3)Indicates whether the privilege was granted
44、with the HIERARCHY OPTION (YES) or not (NO)dba_col_privsColumnDatatypeNULLDescriptionGRANTEEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLName of the user to whom access was grantedOWNERVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLOwner of the objectTABLE_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLName of the objectCOLUMN_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLName of the columnGRAN
45、TORVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLName of the user who performed the grantPRIVILEGEVARCHAR2(40)NOT NULLPrivilege on the columnGRANTABLEVARCHAR2(3)Indicates whether the privilege was granted with the GRANT OPTION (YES) or not (NO)dba_role_privsColumnDatatypeNULLDescriptionGRANTEEVARCHAR2(30)Name of the user or
46、role receiving the grantGRANTED_ROLEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLGranted role nameADMIN_OPTIONVARCHAR2(3)Indicates whether the grant was with the ADMIN OPTION (YES) or not (NO)DEFAULT_ROLEVARCHAR2(3)Indicates whether the role is designated as a DEFAULT ROLE for the user (YES) or not (NO)dba_audit_trailColumn
47、DatatypeNULLDescriptionOS_USERNAMEVARCHAR2(255)Operating system login username of the user whose actions were auditedUSERNAMEVARCHAR2(30)Name (not ID number) of the user whose actions were auditedUSERHOSTVARCHAR2(128)Client host machine nameTERMINALVARCHAR2(255)Identifier of the users terminalTIMEST
48、AMPDATEDate and time of the creation of the audit trail entry (date and time of user login for entries created by AUDIT SESSION) in the local database session time zoneOWNERVARCHAR2(30)Creator of the object affected by the actionOBJ_NAMEVARCHAR2(128)Name of the object affected by the actionACTIONNUM
49、BERNOT NULLNumeric action type code. The corresponding name of the action type is in the ACTION_NAME column.ACTION_NAMEVARCHAR2(28)Name of the action type corresponding to the numeric code in the ACTION columnNEW_OWNERVARCHAR2(30)Owner of the object named in the NEW_NAME columnNEW_NAMEVARCHAR2(128)N
50、ew name of the object after a RENAME or the name of the underlying objectOBJ_PRIVILEGEVARCHAR2(16)Object privileges granted or revoked by a GRANT or REVOKE statementSYS_PRIVILEGEVARCHAR2(40)System privileges granted or revoked by a GRANT or REVOKE statementADMIN_OPTIONVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether th
51、e role or system privilege was granted with the ADMIN optionGRANTEEVARCHAR2(30)Name of the grantee specified in a GRANT or REVOKE statementAUDIT_OPTIONVARCHAR2(40)Auditing option set with the AUDIT statementSES_ACTIONSVARCHAR2(19)Session summary (a string of 16 characters, one for each action type i
52、n the order ALTER, AUDIT, COMMENT, DELETE, GRANT, INDEX, INSERT, LOCK, RENAME, SELECT, UPDATE, REFERENCES, and EXECUTE. Positions 14, 15, and 16 are reserved for future use. The characters are: - - NoneS - SuccessF - FailureB - BothLOGOFF_TIMEDATEDate and time of user log offLOGOFF_LREADNUMBERLogica
53、l reads for the sessionLOGOFF_PREADNUMBERPhysical reads for the sessionLOGOFF_LWRITENUMBERLogical writes for the sessionLOGOFF_DLOCKVARCHAR2(40)Deadlocks detected during the sessionCOMMENT_TEXTVARCHAR2(4000)Text comment on the audit trail entry, providing more information about the statement audited
54、 Also indicates how the user was authenticated. The method can be one of the following:DATABASE - Authentication was done by passwordNETWORK - Authentication was done by Oracle Net Services or the Advanced Security optionPROXY - Client was authenticated by another user; the name of the proxy user fo
55、llows the method typeSESSIONIDNUMBERNOT NULLNumeric ID for each Oracle sessionENTRYIDNUMBERNOT NULLNumeric ID for each audit trail entry in the sessionSTATEMENTIDNUMBERNOT NULLNumeric ID for each statement runRETURNCODENUMBERNOT NULLOracle error code generated by the action. Some useful values: 0 -
56、Action succeeded2004 - Security violationPRIV_USEDVARCHAR2(40)System privilege used to execute the actionCLIENT_IDVARCHAR2(64)Client identifier in each Oracle sessionECONTEXT_IDVARCHAR2(64)Application execution context identifierSESSION_CPUNUMBERAmount of CPU time used by each Oracle sessionEXTENDED
57、_TIMESTAMPTIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONETimestamp of the creation of the audit trail entry (timestamp of user login for entries created by AUDIT SESSION) in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zonePROXY_SESSIONIDNUMBERProxy session serial number, if an enterprise user has logged in through the proxy
58、mechanismGLOBAL_UIDVARCHAR2(32)Global user identifier for the user, if the user has logged in as an enterprise userINSTANCE_NUMBERNUMBERInstance number as specified by the INSTANCE_NUMBER initialization parameterOS_PROCESSVARCHAR2(16)Operating System process identifier of the Oracle processTRANSACTI
59、ONIDRAW(8)Transaction identifier of the transaction in which the object is accessed or modifiedSCNNUMBERSystem change number (SCN) of the querySQL_BINDNVARCHAR2(2000)Bind variable data of the querySQL_TEXTNVARCHAR2(2000)SQL text of the querydba_stmt_audit_optsColumnDatatypeNULLDescriptionUSER_NAMEVA
60、RCHAR2(30)User name if by user auditing. ANY CLIENT if access by a proxy on behalf of a client is being audited. NULL for system-wide auditingPROXY_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)The name of the proxy user which is performing an operation for the client. NULL if the client is performing the operation directly.AUDI
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