專題三 形容詞與副詞課件_第1頁
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1、專題三形容詞與副詞專題導(dǎo)讀真題典例新題預(yù)測返回目錄專題三形容詞與副詞 形容詞和副詞在高考試題中始終占很重要的地位。近幾年高考對形容詞和副詞的考查具有“淡化語法、注重深層語義”的特點(diǎn),以形容詞和副詞辨析為熱點(diǎn)。同時繼續(xù)加強(qiáng)對形容詞和副詞比較等級的考查。其考點(diǎn)主要包括:1考查形容詞和副詞詞義辨析。如: rather, still, such, surprised, surprising, therefore, though, too, very, yet等。返回目錄專題導(dǎo)讀專題三形容詞與副詞 2考查形容詞修飾名詞時的詞序,即指示代詞/不定代詞數(shù)詞(序數(shù)詞、基數(shù)詞)描繪性形容詞(nice, good

2、, interesting, beautiful等)特征性形容詞(大小、長短、高低、形狀、年齡、新舊)顏色形容詞國籍、出處物質(zhì)、材料用途、類別中心名詞。返回目錄專題導(dǎo)讀專題三形容詞與副詞 4考查與形容詞和副詞有關(guān)的習(xí)語結(jié)構(gòu)。如: more than, not more than, no more than, less than, not less than, no less than, other than, rather than,nothing else than“僅僅, 只不過”,more than a little “非常,很”,more often than not “經(jīng)常,在大多數(shù)

3、情況下”,cannot(never, hardly)too(enough)“無論也不過分,越越好”等。返回目錄專題導(dǎo)讀專題三形容詞與副詞 2014年高考對形容詞、副詞的考查熱點(diǎn)將仍然集中在對形容詞、副詞的詞義辨析上,同時繼續(xù)加強(qiáng)對形容詞、副詞比較等級的考查。返回目錄專題導(dǎo)讀返回目錄專題三形容詞與副詞真題典例 12013安徽卷 David is _ animal fur, so he wont visit anyone who has cats or dogs in the house. Acurious about Ballergic to Csatisfied with Dfond of 解

4、析 B 考查形容詞短語辨析。由語境 “他不去家 里有貓或狗的人家”推斷,大衛(wèi)對動物皮毛過敏,故 選B。be allergic to 對過敏;be curious about 對好奇;be satisfied with 對滿意;be fond of 喜歡。返回目錄專題三形容詞與副詞真題典例 2 2013福建卷 The Forbidden City attracts a _ stream of visitors every day, especially during national holidays. A. constant Bmain Cpowerful Dshallow 解析 A考查形容詞

5、辨析。constant 不斷的,持續(xù) 的;main主要的;powerful強(qiáng)有力的; shallow淺的。 句意:故宮每天都吸引源源不斷的游客來觀光,尤 其是在國家法定假日期間。只有constant符合句意, 故答案為A項(xiàng)。返回目錄專題三形容詞與副詞真題典例 42013湖北卷 People complain that decisions to approve or deny a permit are often _ rather than based on fixed criteria. Aappropriate Bconscious Carbitrary Dcontroversial解析 C

6、考查形容詞辨析。appropriate合適的,恰當(dāng)?shù)?;conscious 有意識的;arbitrary 任意的,隨意的;controversial有爭議的,引起爭論的。句意:人們抱怨批準(zhǔn)或否定一個許可證的決定常常很隨意,而不是以固定的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)為基礎(chǔ)的。返回目錄專題三形容詞與副詞真題典例 62013江西卷 What a terrible experience! _, youre safe nowthats the main thing. A. Anyway B. Besides C. Otherwise D. Therefore解析 A考查副詞辨析。句意:多么可怕的經(jīng)歷呀!至少,你現(xiàn)在是安全的那是最

7、要緊的。anyway意為“無論如何,至少”,符合語境。besides而且,此外;otherwise否則;therefore因此。返回目錄專題三形容詞與副詞真題典例 82013福建卷 A society cannot be successful if it throws tradition away, but it cannot be successful _ if we do something to stop progress. A. either Bneither Ctoo Dalso解析 A考查副詞辨析。either也;neither 也不;too“也”,用于肯定句中; also “也”

8、,用于肯定句中。句意:如果一個社會把傳統(tǒng)扔掉了,就不可能是一個成功的社會;但如果我們做了阻止社會發(fā)展的事情,這個社會也不可能是一個成功的社會。返回目錄專題三形容詞與副詞真題典例 92013新課標(biāo)全國卷 It may not be a great suggestion. But before _ is put forward, well make do with it. A. a good one Ba better one C. the best one D. a best one 解析 B考查形容詞比較級。句意:這可能不是一 個好的建議。但是在一個更好的建議被提出來之前,我們先將就著用這個。

9、 根據(jù)句意可知需用比較級。返回目錄專題三形容詞與副詞真題典例 102013天津卷 I think watching TV every evening is a waste of timethere are_ meaningful things to do. A. less Bmore C. the least D. the most解析 B考查形容詞比較級。前面說看電視浪費(fèi)時間,后面說還有比這更有意義的事要做,需用比較級。句意:我認(rèn)為每天晚上看電視是在浪費(fèi)時間還有更多有意義的事情要做。 返回目錄專題三形容詞與副詞新題預(yù)測 1 If you want to try out some new le

10、arning methods, youd better select those that are most_ for your own style. A. appropriate Bapparent C. arbitrary Dadequate解析 A考查形容詞辨析。句意:如果你想要嘗試一些新的學(xué)習(xí)方法,你最好選擇那些最適合你自身模式的方法。appropriate適當(dāng)?shù)?;apparent顯而易見的;arbitrary專制的,武斷的;adequate充足的,能勝任的。根據(jù)句意,應(yīng)選A項(xiàng)。返回目錄專題三形容詞與副詞新題預(yù)測 2. Tom, how was your party last nigh

11、t? It couldnt have been _. I had a wonderful gettogether with my old friends. A. worst Bbetter Cworse Dbest解析 B考查形容詞比較級。句意:“湯姆,你昨晚的聚會怎么樣?”“非常好。我和我的老朋友們有一個很棒的聚會。”從a wonderful gettogether判斷出聚會很棒,前面出現(xiàn)了couldnt,根據(jù)“否定詞比較級最高級”的規(guī)律,It couldnt have been better.意為“它不可能更好了”,相當(dāng)于“它是最好的,非常好”。故選B項(xiàng)。返回目錄專題三形容詞與副詞新題預(yù)測

12、 4. Its said that_ scientist is going to give us a lecture. A. an American famous young Ba famous American young Ca famous young American Da young famous American 解析 C考查形容詞修飾名詞的詞序。多個形容詞 修飾名詞時的詞序:限定描繪大長高形狀年齡和新 老顏色國籍跟材料作用類別往后靠。famous是描 繪性形容詞,應(yīng)放在最前面,American指的是國籍, 放在young之后。返回目錄專題三形容詞與副詞新題預(yù)測 5 Yesterda

13、y I was walking downstairs when I missed my foot and had a bad fall, nothing serious,_ A. even Beither Cthen Dthough解析 D考查副詞的用法。此處though 意為“雖然,但是”,常位于句中或句尾,用作插入語時,常表示“不過,但是”。句意:昨天我下樓時一只腳踩空了,摔了一跤,但不嚴(yán)重。返回目錄專題三形容詞與副詞新題預(yù)測 7. I have to admit that mums advice is really_when it comes to job hunting. A. act

14、ual B. practical C. real D. merciful 解析 B考查形容詞辨析。句意:我不得不承認(rèn)當(dāng) 涉及找工作時,媽媽的建議真的很實(shí)用。actual實(shí)際 的;practical實(shí)用的,實(shí)踐的;real真正的;merciful 同情的。根據(jù)句意可知B項(xiàng)正確。返回目錄專題三形容詞與副詞新題預(yù)測 8. As we have known from the map of the world, this is_. A. twice as large an island as that B. twice as larger as that island C. as twice large

15、 as that one D. twice as a large island as that 解析 A考查形容詞比較級。英文表示倍數(shù)時,常 用“倍數(shù)asadj.as”或“倍數(shù)asadj.a(an) 單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞as”結(jié)構(gòu),故選A項(xiàng)。返回目錄專題三形容詞與副詞新題預(yù)測 10Dont blame them any morethis is_ because they are still young and lack experience. A. simply Beventually C. generally Dexactly解析 A考查副詞辨析。句意:不要再責(zé)備他們了。這只是因?yàn)樗麄冞€年輕,并且缺

16、少經(jīng)驗(yàn)而已。simply不過,僅僅;eventually最后,終于;generally一般地;exactly確切地。根據(jù)句意A項(xiàng)正確。返回目錄備用習(xí)題 1Mike did the homework _ it took me. Aonethird a time Bonethird time Ca onethird time Donethird the time解析 D考查比較級用法。該空需要填時間狀語,onethird 限定the time,空后句子為the time的定語從句。故選D。 返回目錄備用習(xí)題2Ms Alice is considered a _ lady, for she ofte

17、n helps the poor she has met with. Aselfish Bhopeful Cmean Dgenerous解析 D考查形容詞辨析。selfish自私的; hopeful有希望的; mean吝嗇的; generous大方的。句意:艾麗絲女士被認(rèn)為是個大方的女子,因?yàn)樗椭龅降母F人。根據(jù)句意可知D項(xiàng)正確。 返回目錄備用習(xí)題4What do you think of investing in todays stock market?There are many risks, but also many _ gains.Apotential Bconfidential

18、Cinfluential Dpreferential解析 A考查形容詞辨析。句意:“你怎么看待投資現(xiàn)在的股市?”“有很多風(fēng)險,但是也有很多潛在的收益?!眕otential潛在的;confidential機(jī)密的;influential有影響的;preferential優(yōu)先的。根據(jù)題意可知選A項(xiàng)。 返回目錄備用習(xí)題5Our new house is very _ for me as I can get to the supermarket in five minutes from here.Aconvenient BcomfortableCnatural Dhelpful解析 A考查形容詞辨析。句

19、意:我們的新家對我來說非常方便,因?yàn)閺倪@里五分鐘內(nèi)就能到超市。convenient意為“方便的,便利的”。comfortable舒適的;natural自然的;helpful有幫助的。 返回目錄備用習(xí)題6The new country road is _ of the old one.Atwice the width Bthe width twiceCtwice as the width Das twice the width解析 A考查倍數(shù)的表達(dá)。句意:這條新的鄉(xiāng)村路是舊的兩倍寬。依據(jù)倍數(shù)表達(dá)用法選A項(xiàng)。 返回目錄備用習(xí)題7. The new bridge is _the one built

20、last year.Athree times as wider as Bthree times the width of Cthree times the width Das three times as 解析 B考查倍數(shù)的用法。句意:新橋比去年建的那座橋?qū)捜丁1稊?shù)的表達(dá):(1)倍數(shù)as形容詞/副詞的原級as比較對象;(2)倍數(shù)the名詞of比較對象;(3)倍數(shù)比較級than比較對象。故本題選B項(xiàng)。 返回目錄備用習(xí)題8 The knowledge that his friends have deserted him is a (n) _ pill for Mr Smith to swallow.Aextra Bbitter Ccommon Deffective解析 B考查形容詞辨析。句意:知道朋友們拋棄了他,史密斯先生就像吞下了一顆苦澀的藥丸。extra額外的;bitter 苦的,痛苦的;common普通的;effective有效的,起作用的。 返回目錄備用習(xí)題9 Recently stock prices have been falling _ because of the influence of the global


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