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1、任務(wù)型教學(xué)的理論與實踐 教研室 趙建新摘要:任務(wù)型教學(xué)就是以應(yīng)用為動力,以應(yīng)用為目的,以應(yīng)用為核心的教學(xué)途徑。強(qiáng)調(diào)必須有產(chǎn)品或結(jié)果。1979年,Prabhu在印度南部的 Bangalar 將當(dāng)時看來比較激進(jìn)的任務(wù)型教學(xué)(Taskbased language Teaching, TBLT)理論付諸于教學(xué)實踐。他認(rèn)為:“Students may learn more effectively when their minds are focused on the task, rather than on the language they are using.”. 任務(wù)型教學(xué)模式正是從Bangala

2、r開始的。它是一種強(qiáng)調(diào)“做中學(xué)”(Learning by doing)的語言教學(xué)方法。進(jìn)入21世紀(jì)后,“用語言做事”(doing things with the language)的教學(xué)途徑逐漸引入我國的基礎(chǔ)英語課堂教學(xué)。尤其是教育部制訂的英語課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)明確倡導(dǎo)使用,“教師應(yīng)避免傳授語言知識的教學(xué)方法,盡量采用任務(wù)型的教學(xué)途徑.教師應(yīng)依據(jù)課程的總體目標(biāo),并結(jié)合教學(xué)內(nèi)容,創(chuàng)造性地設(shè)計貼近學(xué)生實際的教學(xué)活動,吸引和組織他們積極參與。學(xué)生通過思考,調(diào)查,討論,交流和合作等方式,學(xué)習(xí)和使用英語,完成學(xué)習(xí)任務(wù)?!闭杂⒄Z課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。香港中小學(xué)英語大綱指出:“The taskbased approach ai

3、ms at providing opportunities for the learners to experiment with and explore both spoken and written language through learning activities which are designed to engage learners in the authentic, practical and functional use of language for meaningful purposes.”這一段話對任務(wù)型教學(xué)作了明確的解釋,即采用任務(wù)型教學(xué)就是要設(shè)計各種各樣的活動,

4、為學(xué)生提供盡可能多的機(jī)會,使學(xué)生嘗試使用真實的有意義的語言。 任務(wù)型的學(xué)習(xí)就是以具體的任務(wù)為載體,以完成任務(wù)為動力,把知識和技能融為一體,學(xué)生通過聽,說,讀,寫等活動,用所學(xué)語言去做事情,在做事情的過程中自然地使用語言,在使用所學(xué)語言做事情的過程中發(fā)展和完善自己的語言能力。簡單地說就是:為用而學(xué),在用中學(xué),學(xué)了就用。任務(wù)不同于練習(xí)和活動:任務(wù)接近人們在日常生活或工作中使用語言的真實情況,而練習(xí)和活動都是為了理解或鞏固語言知識或訓(xùn)練語言技能而設(shè)計的步驟或做法。這些步驟和做法在日常生活或工作中通常是不會發(fā)生的。任務(wù)往往有一個明確的目標(biāo)。也就是說,學(xué)生完成任務(wù)后會得出一個明確的結(jié)果或產(chǎn)品。學(xué)生在執(zhí)行

5、任務(wù)的過程中,其主要注意力集中在如何解決問題上,而不是使用那種語言形式。一般認(rèn)為, 任務(wù)與練習(xí)和活動的根本區(qū)別是:任務(wù)接近人們在日常生活或工作中使用語言的真實情況,而練習(xí)和活動都是為了理解或鞏固語言知識或訓(xùn)練語言技能而設(shè)計的步驟或做法。這些步驟和做法在日常生活或工作中通常是不會發(fā)生的。請分別判斷下屬案例分別屬于任務(wù),練習(xí),活動中的哪一種?案例1.Fill in the blanks with the words. Then listen and check your answers. to, would, drink, like, eat Waiter: What _ you_ to _ ?C

6、ustomer: Chicken and rice, please.Waiter: And something _?Customer: Orange juice, please.案例2 (project English page 67)grandpa : grandmafather : mother uncle :auntdaughter son daughterDraw your own family tree and introduce your family to your partner.Who are they ?What do they do ?Where do they work

7、 ? 案例31) Make a survey. Ask your classmate what their parents do and fill in the chart.(project English page 64)NameWhat does she/he do ?Where does she/he work?Zhou xiangs father2) Ask your partner “What would you like for breakfast/lunch/supper?” . Then fill in the form with the answers.(project En

8、glish page 72 )NameItemBreakfastLunchSupperFoodDrinkFoodDrink任務(wù)型教學(xué)的步驟: 1.前任務(wù)(pre-task) 2.任務(wù)中(while-task) 3任務(wù)后(post-task)現(xiàn)就義務(wù)教育課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)實驗教科書project English七年級Unit 3 What would you like to eat ? section B為例說明以上步驟:前任務(wù)復(fù)習(xí)所需語言材料,通過布置情景向?qū)W生布置任務(wù),教師說明完成任務(wù)的要求,并示范,確保指令明確。T:Hello, boys and girls. Today we are going

9、to have a food festival. May we have a Happy Food Festival(布置任務(wù)). First lets look at a picture of a big meal.(show the picture on page72 part 4) (復(fù)習(xí)所需語言材料)。What food are on the table ?Ss: foods: hamburger, fish, rice, dumplings, noodles, eggs, chicken, beef, d rinks, apples juice, milk, water, coffe

10、e, etc.A summary about the words of foods learned today.Ask you partners What would you like for breakfast/ lunch/ supper ?(教師示范, 使學(xué)生操練更加容易,指令更加明確。)T: What would you like to eat for breakfast ?S1: _.T: What would you like to drink for breakfast ?S1: _.任務(wù)中(whiletask activities) 學(xué)生分組完成任務(wù),盡可能地應(yīng)用已學(xué)的語言知識

11、。 S4: what would you like to eat for breakfast/ lunch/ supper ? S1: _. S4: Whats your favorite drink for breakfast.? (Would you like something to drink for breakfast ?) S1: _. T: Different people have different kinds of favorite food . Now, lets make a survey in group of four. Lets see what kind of

12、food is the most liked in your group.Name ItemBreakfast Lunch SupperS1FoodS1Drink S2FoodS2DrinkS3FoodS3Drink 3. 后任務(wù)(post-task)。各小組向全班展示任務(wù)結(jié)果。 (1). What would you like to drink/eat for breakfast/lunch/supper ? (2).What do you think of coffee ?(3). How do you like the fish ?(4) Would you like something to drink ?Please tell us what is the favorite food/food in your group.(Put some posters of kinds of foods in different places of the classroom. And ask students to find his/her favorite food.)任務(wù)型教學(xué)思想因其比較適合本次課程改革中提


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