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1、2016年職業(yè)院校技能大賽中職組酒店服務賽項客房中式鋪床項目英語口試參考題庫Part one 句子:中譯英:如果您希望您的房間過一會兒清掃,請打電話給前臺。譯:If youd like to have your room cleaned later, please call the front desk.先生,請讓我為您介紹一下房間設施。譯:Let me introduce the room to you, sir.在房間上網(wǎng)是免費的。譯:We offer free internet service in the room.除非有人要求,一般來說,我們總是先打掃走客房。譯:We always

2、clean the check-out rooms first, unless there is a request.對不起,先生。您再等20分鐘可以嗎?譯:Im sorry, sir. But could you wait another 20 minutes, please?對不起,請問有沒有要洗的衣服?譯:Excuse me, do you need laundry service?我們隨時為您服務。譯:We are always at your service.如果您需要幫助,請撥9到客房中心。譯:If you need any help, you may call the Servi

3、ce Center by dialing 9.我們總是盡力按要求盡早打掃房間。譯:We always try to have rooms made up early on request.客房電視可以接收中央臺和地方電視臺節(jié)目。譯:The TV set in the room can receive the China Central Television and local TV programs.酒店客房均設有個人密碼保險箱,用于存放您的貴重物品。譯:The guestroom has safety box with personal password to store the valua

4、bles.房間里有小冰箱。譯:There is a mini-bar in the room.詳細情況可以在服務手冊中查到。譯:For detailed information, please refer to the service directory.酒店為客人提供免費的擦鞋服務。譯:The hotel provides free shoe shining service for the guests.我會在5分鐘內(nèi)將電源適配器給您送去。譯:I will deliver the adapter to your room in 5 minutes.離開房間時請記得帶房卡。譯:Please t

5、ake the room card with you when you leave the room.您能送一個嬰兒床到1215房間來嗎?譯:Could you send a baby cot to Room 1215?先生,您什么時候比較方便?譯:What time would it be convenient for me to come back, sir?您希望我什么時候過來打掃房間?譯:When would you like me to clean your room?這件毛衣要用冷水手洗。譯:Id like this sweater washed by hand in cold w

6、ater, please.你替我要一輛出租車好嗎?譯:Could you get a taxi for me, please? 您希望什么時候把衣服給您送回來?譯:When would you like your laundry back?請讓我看一下您的房卡好嗎?譯:Could you show me your room card, please?這是我們酒店的規(guī)定。希望您能理解。譯:This is our hotel policy. I hope you can understand.請問您要快洗服務還是普通服務?譯:Would you like express service or st

7、andard service?我想多要一床毛毯和兩只枕頭可以嗎?譯:Can I have one more blanket and two more pillows, please?我們這里有不同種類的服務,如水洗、干洗、燙、染和縫補。譯:We have different services here such as laundry, dry-cleaning, ironing, dyeing and mending.衛(wèi)生間的香皂用完了,請再給我添一塊新的,好嗎?譯:The soap in the toilet has been used. Will you please give me a

8、new one?把要洗的衣服放在衛(wèi)生間的塑料袋里就行了。每天早晨整理完床鋪后我會把洗衣袋帶走的。譯:Just put your laundry in the plastic bag in the bathroom. Ill collect it after I make the bed every morning.這是2139房間。請送一個電熨斗。譯:This is Room 2139. Can you send me an iron, please?我們飯店提供24小時客房送餐服務。譯:Room service is available 24 hours a day.請您填寫洗衣單,好嗎?譯

9、:Could you fill in/out the laundry form, please?我是送餐服務員,這是您的早餐。譯:This is Room Service. Ive brought you the breakfast.您能提供一些關于您丟失物品的信息嗎?譯:Could you give us some information about your lost item?水龍頭整晚都在漏水。譯:The tap has been leaking all night long. 3206房間的電視機壞了,請派人來修理一下。 譯:The TV in Room 3206 isnt work

10、ing. Please send someone to fix/repair it.這里是失物招領處。我們找到了您的手機。譯:This is Lost and Found. We have found your cell phone.我會通知維修部和客房服務員。譯:I will inform the Maintenance Department and the Housekeeping.史密斯先生不在房間,您需要留言嗎? 譯:Im afraid Mr. Smith is not in the room now. Would you like to leave a message?別擔心,我會通

11、知夜班人員,他會為您做的。譯:Dont worry. Ill inform the overnight staff. Theyll do it for you.英譯中:We provide our customers with a variety of services such as currency exchange, food and beverage, laundry, mail, etc.譯:我們向顧客提供貨幣兌換、餐飲、洗衣、函件等多項服務。Your room number is 3611. Follow me please. 譯:您的房號是3611。我?guī)^去。Please co

12、ntact us if you have any problems, sir. Well do our best to help you.譯:先生,有什么問題請與我們聯(lián)系。我們會盡力給予幫助。The room is at the end of the corridor. 譯:房間在走廊的盡頭。The pillowcases are dirty; could you change them for us?譯:枕套臟了,請您換一下好嗎?If a guest wants his room done at some specific time, he can hang the sign outside

13、 on the doorknob.譯:如果客人要求在特定的時間整理房間,他可以把標記牌掛在門外的把手上。The guestrooms are equipped with mini bar to offer you a variety of drinks. Please sign the wine list after you drink.譯:酒店客房設有迷你酒吧,為您提供多款飲品,請您飲用后在酒水單上簽字。When will I have my laundry back?譯:我什么時候能取回送洗的衣服?Heres your room. May I put your luggage/baggag

14、e here?譯:這是您的房間。我把您的行李放這里好嗎?Youve got three pieces of luggage/baggage. Is that right, sir?譯:先生,您一共有三件行李,是嗎?Excuse me, could you return the printer because another guest wants to use it.譯:請把打印機還給我們好嗎?有一個客人要用。Is there a tag attached to the luggage/baggage?譯:行李上面有標簽嗎?Theres a 10% discount for a double

15、room.譯:大床間可以打九折。Ill send them up to your room, just one moment, please. 譯:我馬上把東西送到您的房間,請稍等。I would like to store my laptop in your safety box. 譯:我想把我的筆記本電腦存在飯店的保險柜里。Could you remove the stain on my skirt, please? 譯:您能把我裙子上的污點洗掉嗎? We will refund the cost of the laundry. You may buy a new sweater and

16、give us the receipt.譯:我們可以退還洗衣費。您可以買件新毛衣,把發(fā)票寄給我們。The shirt lost a button, could you sew it on for me? 譯:這件襯衫掉了一顆紐扣,能幫我縫上嗎?Please deposit your money, jewelry and other valuables in the hotel safety box.譯:請將您的現(xiàn)金、珠寶和其他貴重物品寄存在酒店的保險箱內(nèi)。We will check them with the security section.譯:我們會同保安部的工作人員一起去查找一下。You

17、 can make long distance calls from your room.譯:您可以在房間里打長途電話。Im sorry, sir. Im going to your room as soon as I finish this one.譯:對不起,先生,我打掃完這個房間就去您的房間。If you have any requests, please dont hesitate to let us know. 譯:如果您有需求,請隨時找我們。Could you check the contents in your parcel?譯:您檢查一下您包裹里的物品好嗎?Id like to

18、 have an extra blanket and one more glass. 譯:我想多要一張?zhí)鹤雍鸵粋€玻璃杯。Im sorry to hear that, madam. But would you tell me exactly what happened?譯:女士,很遺憾,發(fā)生了這種事,您能把事情經(jīng)過詳細描述一下嗎?Could you call maintenance to fix the window and housekeeping to clean the carpet, please?譯:您能派名維修人員來修理窗戶并派名客房服務員來打掃一下地毯嗎?Do you prefer

19、 laundry returned on the same day or by express service? 譯:您的衣服是要當日取還是快洗服務?Ill send maintenance to your room to check it right away. He will be here in a few minutes.譯:我馬上派一名維修工到您房間檢查一下,他馬上就到。Were very sorry for the delay, sir. Your luggage/baggage was wrongly delivered to Room 608.譯:很抱歉行李送晚了,您的行李被誤

20、送到608房間了。We apologize for troubling you so much. 譯:很抱歉給您添了這么多麻煩。Im sorry to disturb you. Im here to check the smoke detector in your room. 譯:對不起打擾了。我來查看您房間里的煙感器。I assure you it will never happen again. 譯:我向您保證這類事情以后不會再發(fā)生了。Im afraid all printers have been sent out. 譯:恐怕我們的打印機都被借走了。If the guest doesnt

21、 know how to use the electric facilities in the room, show him how to use it or give some explanations.譯:如果客人不會使用房間的電器設備,給客人演示或解釋。For baby-sitting service, the charge is 50 Yuan per hour. 譯:托兒服務每小時收費50元。How would you like to pay, by credit card or in cash? 譯:請問您要怎么付款,刷卡還是付現(xiàn)金?Ive come to repair the f

22、acilities in the bathroom. Can you please tell me what the problem is, please?譯:我來維修衛(wèi)生間的設施,請您詳細地告訴我什么壞了,好嗎?According to the regulations, anyone who breaks a glass will have to pay for it. 譯:根據(jù)規(guī)定,任何打碎玻璃杯的人都得賠償。I am Sandy from housekeeping. If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact

23、 me. 譯:我是房務部的Sandy。如果您有任何需要,請及時聯(lián)系我。Part two 情景應答:Q:What would you say if the guest wants you to bring some drinks for him? A:I will send them to your room right away.Q:You are going to clean the room for the guest, but he tells you that it is not convenient for him now, what will you say? A:Ill say:

24、 Thats all right. I will be back later. What time would be convenient, sir? Q:What will you do if the guest says that she wants to use her hairdryer but its 110 volts? A:I will send her a transformer or a hairdryer for 220 volts. Q:You are going to make turn-down service for the guest, but he is wor

25、king, what will you do? A:I will ask the guest if I should do it now. If not, I will ask him when it will be convenient for him. Q:What would you say if the guest tells you the temperature is low in the room?A:I will adjust the air-conditioning for you.Q:What would you say when you want to know whet

26、her the guest needs some more help? A:Is there anything else I can do for you? Q:If the guest complains that there is hair all over his bathroom counter and in his tub, what will you do?A:I will apologize first. And then explain that cleanliness is very important to us. I will have a room attendant

27、take care of that immediately.Q:If a guest calls to complain that his room key does not work, what will you say? A:Im sorry for the inconvenience. I will make you a new key right now, however I need your identification please. Q:What will you do if the guest wants to surf the internet in the hotel?A

28、:I will tell the guest that the hotel offers free internet service in the room, and there is an internet caf in the hotel as well.10.Q:How will you introduce a guestroom to the guest?A:I will introduce the equipment, the views, the services provided and so on to the guest. 11.Q:When a guest asks you

29、 to take her clothes for laundry by phone, what will you say? A:Certainly, madam. I will inform our housekeeping to pick up your laundry. May I have your room number, please? 12.Q:If the guest says he would like to sleep late the next morning, what would you say? A:Please press the “Do Not Disturb”

30、button so the room will be cleaned after tomorrow lunchtime. Is that OK? 13.Q:When a guest asks about the express laundry service, what will you say?A:For express service, you may get your laundry back in 4 hours. But there is a 50% extra charge. 14.Q:What do you need to check when you collect the guests laundry? A: I will check how many pieces of laundry there are and see if the guest has filled in the laundry list. 15.Q:What would you say if a guest asks the attendan


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