牛津譯林版八年級暑假語法預習unit 5 語法 情態(tài)動詞may動詞不定式一學案_第1頁
牛津譯林版八年級暑假語法預習unit 5 語法 情態(tài)動詞may動詞不定式一學案_第2頁
牛津譯林版八年級暑假語法預習unit 5 語法 情態(tài)動詞may動詞不定式一學案_第3頁
牛津譯林版八年級暑假語法預習unit 5 語法 情態(tài)動詞may動詞不定式一學案_第4頁
牛津譯林版八年級暑假語法預習unit 5 語法 情態(tài)動詞may動詞不定式一學案_第5頁
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1、 May you enjoy your study and get progress here. 牛津譯林版新初二暑假語法預習講義(8AU5)情態(tài)動詞may情態(tài)動詞may的用法:may表示請求允許:請求別人允許自己做某事 結(jié)構(gòu):_ _ stay?我可以留下嗎Yes, you_. / No, you _.自己允許別人做某事 結(jié)構(gòu):_ You _ come in.你可以進來了。 You _ _ tell him this.你不可以告訴他這件事。表示推測“可能性”時,譯為“可能、也許” (1)If we _ _, there_ _none left.如果我們什么也不做,也許就不會(有熊貓)剩下了。

2、(2)The bamboo forests_ _ _ _ _. Pandas _ _ _a place _ _or food _ _.竹林正變得越來越小。熊貓可能會沒有地方生存或沒有食物吃?!咀⒁狻繀^(qū)分cant 表推測 與 may not (一般不縮寫) 表推測。cant :_(把握較大) may not:_(沒有很大把握)He cant help you, because he is a selfish man and seldom helps anyone. 他不可能幫助你的,因為他是一個自私的人且從不幫助任何人。He may not help you but there is no ha

3、rm in asking him.他可能不會幫助你不過問一下求他一下倒也無妨。隨堂練習( ) 1.May I open the window? No, you _, It is blowing heavily outside. A. may not B. dont C. cant D. shouldnt( )2. Have you decided which club to join?Not yet. I _ go to the Swimming Club.A. must B. may C. need D. should ( ) 3. Im afraid I need a pair of gl

4、asses. I _ hardly see the words on the blackboard. A. can B. must C. may D. need( ) 4. He_like coffee. I see him drink a cup at times.A.mustB.mayC. cantD. mustnt( ) 5. .Hi, Jack. I saw your father standing outside the school gate just now.Oh, it_be him. He went to Shanghai on business just an hour a

5、go.mustntB. needntC. cantD.may not動詞不定式(一)動詞不定式基本形式為_, 其否定形式為_ ,_人稱,_數(shù)和時態(tài)的變化。When she was six months old, she began to eat bamboo.When she was 20 months old, she learnt to look after herself.He tried not to leave the paint on the floor.I decide not to be late again.常見不定式作賓語的動詞有哪些:stop, begin, start,

6、 continue(繼續(xù)), forget, rememberagree, refuse(拒絕), decide, fail, hope, learn, plan, prepare,try, want, would like, act, choose, offer, promise(承諾). V to do & V doing隨堂練習1. Because of my laziness, I failed _ my work in time.A. and finished B. to finishC. and finishingD. to finished2. She tried hard _

7、(not laugh) aloud when she heard this mans ridiculous(荒謬的) words. 3. Before doing homework do not forget _(clean) your desks4. I remember_(see) you somewhere but I cant remember where.5. Im too tired after running Lets stop_(have) a rest.6. We have finished our homework. Now lets continue_(read) som

8、e books.課后作業(yè)( ) 1.Have you decided which senior high school to choose?Not yet. I _ go to Moonlight School.A. must B. may C. need D. should( ) 2.Bob, where is Mary?She _ be in the library. But I am not sure.A. mustB.may C.needD.has to( ) 3. Have you heard that some bad things would happen in 2012?Don

9、t worry! The news _ be true.A. mustnt B. may not C. neednt D. shall not( ) 4. Tom, you _ play with the knife. You _ hurt yourself.A.wont; cantB. mustnt; may C. shouldnt; must D. cant ;should( ) 5. Amy, I hear youve got many foreign coins. _ I have a look?Of course, Ill fetch them for you.A.May B.Mus

10、t C.Should D.Need( ) 6. They decided _ a bridge over the river.A. buildB.to build C.buildingD.built( ) 7. Remember _the lights on when you leave the room, please. We should save the energy. to keep B.keepingC.not to keepD.to keeping( ) 8. He promised _ his old friend during his stay in Tianjin.see B

11、.seeing C.saw D.to see( )9. I didnt hear you come in just now. Thats good. We tried _ any noise, for you were sleeping. A. not make B. not to make C. to make D. making( )10. Jims father promised _ a fancy model car for him on his _ birthday. A. to buy; tenth B. to buy; the tenth C. buying; tenth D.

12、the tenth二、詞匯應用【請先回顧一下U5書后單詞哦,并請家長打亂順序報中文默寫U5單詞20個】1. People kill wolves because they think wolves are dangerous to (人類).2. Who knows the (結(jié)果) of the two basketball matches yesterday evening?3. Only one of the rooms (面對) south, so I dont like it.4. After a short (一會兒), he went away happily.5. My bro

13、ther (重) 4 kilos when he was born.6. There are fewer and fewer (wolf) in the world.7. I hate to say this. But this experiment failed, (main) because of your carelessness.8. You may get (lose) in the forest on foggy days.9. His (sick) makes him look much older than the people of his age.10. If we do nothing, there will be no pandas (leave).11. In the (開始),I didnt like him. Bu


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