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1、Passage A words and phrases1.approach n. the act of getting nearer; a way or method of doing somethingThe approach of Christmas has brought about a shopping boom.With the approach of the examination, she spends more time studying.Do you find this approach usually works?The traditional approach _with

2、 complex problems is to break themselves into small, more easily managed problems. A. to dealing B. in dealing C. dealing D. to deal Key: AMore to learnapproach to sth (doing sth)approach v. 1)to deal with (something) We need to find the best way of approaching this problem. He approached the new jo

3、b with enthusiasm.他滿懷熱情地去干新的工作。Did he approach you about/on lending him some money? 為某事同某人打交道2)to come near (er)The total amount raised so far is approaching $1000. It is not allowed to approach the forbidden area.這里是禁區(qū)不許接近。2.bald adj. with little or no hair (on the head) 禿頭的a bald head 禿頭You are go

4、ing to be bald. (of tire)worn out and smooth (輪胎)磨光的,破舊的One of her bald tires went flat on her way home. 在她回家的路上一只舊輪胎漏氣了。 with little or no ornament; plain 毫不掩飾的,直率的a bald statement 直言不諱的聲明Money is too bald a word, they prefer funds.More to learn3.core n. centre/ essence,germthe hard central part of

5、 certain fruits, which contains the seeds果核the central part of something核心,重點The core of a paragraph is the most important, or topic sentence of a paragraph. to the core completely透頂?shù)?十足的Shes American to the core. 她是個地地道道的美國人。 More to learncore v. to remove the core fromPeel and core the pears befor

6、e serving them.The _ of the doctors advice was that we should take care of our health.A.cork B. cord C. corn D. coreKey: Dcork:軟塞 cord:細(xì)繩短語: to the core透頂?shù)? 徹底的 throw away the apple because of the core 因噎廢食5.crack: n.1) 裂口 split/ chink2) 爆炸聲,轟響 explosion/ blow3)moment, instance 一刻,瞬間The bottle hit t

7、he wall with a crack.The dish has a crack in it.The jug hit the floor with a terrible crack.a crack of thunder 一聲霹靂Just sit here, Ill be back in a crack More to learnv. make a sudden,sharp noise 發(fā)出爆裂聲,劈啪地響 I heard fireworks cracking.break or split 破裂,裂開,斷裂The ice cracked as I stepped onto it. Dont p

8、our boiling water onto the glass or it will _. A. Crush B. crack C. smash D. shatter Key: Bcrush:壓碎 smash: 打碎 shatter; 粉碎,成為碎片collapse from strain 累垮,體力衰退,精神崩潰They questioned him for days before he cracked.More to learn 派生詞: cracked adj. 有裂痕的His trousers _ when he tried to jump over the fence. 2003/

9、12/65A) cracked B) split C) broke D) burstkey: B近義詞: break 打破,打斷,將某物打碎或折段Try to crack the walnut without breaking the kernel. 把核桃砸開,但不要把核仁砸碎了.Her bone isnt broken; its just cracked. 她沒有骨折,只是骨裂. 短語crack up (因壓力)而身體衰弱;精神崩潰If he continues to work at that pace, hell certainly cracked up.crack down采取嚴(yán)厲的措

10、施crack out laughing 發(fā)笑crack a smile微笑(at) crack of day (在)黎明 at the crack of dawn 黎明,破曉,清晨 in a crack 即刻,立即the crack of doom 世界末日6.deliberate a. 1)(often of something bad) intentional or planned The car crash wasnt an accident; it was a deliberate attempt to kill the witness. 2) slowly and usually c

11、arefully 謹(jǐn)慎的,從容不迫的,深思熟慮的From her slow, deliberate speech I guessed she must be drunk.He is deliberate in everything he said.More to learnv. consider carefully,think thoroughly 深思熟慮,反復(fù)思考They deliberated on whether to continue with the talks. We had no time to deliberate on the problem.近義:careful, int

12、entional, purposeful, slow v. discuss, consider, examine反義:impulsive沖動的 casual無意的 短語: deliberate on/upon/about 慎重衡量,考慮deliberative adj.審議的,商討的deliberation n.in an intentional way Slowly and with deliberation she turned to Jack and told him to get out.8.efficient a. working or operating quickly and e

13、ffectively in an organized way The citys transport system is one of the most efficient in Europe. We need an efficient secretary who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.反義: inefficient 派生: efficiency n. efficiently adv.比較: effective &efficienteffect-effective; efficiency-efficienteffect

14、iveness n. effectively adv. ineffectiveMore to learnefficienteffectiveeffectual:奏效的,不能形容人efficacious: 與efficient 相同, 但不能形容人,只藥或治療方法 She is a very _ secretary ; she never forgets anything or makes a mistake.anxious B. effective C. adequate D. efficient.10. invent: to create something new; to make up

15、a story/fabricate He invented an ingenious(巧妙的) excuse for his absence11.punctually ad. in a punctual mannerThe meeting started punctually at 10.00 a.m.punctual a.The meeting was punctual but the attendants were not.Our manager is known as a very punctual person.The train was punctual to the minute.

16、punctuality n. being punctual The professor does expect punctuality from his students. punctuate: v 加標(biāo)點符號 puncture: v. 刺穿More to learnTo impress a future employer, one should dress neatly, be _, and display interest in the job.(考研:2000) A. swift B. instant C. timely D. punctualKey: D12.relief n. (si

17、ngle; U) a feeling of happiness that something unpleasant has not happened or has endedShe breathed a sigh of relief when she found out she had passed her exams. It was such a relief to hear that Glen survived the accident. .(U)money, food, or clothing provided for people in troubleThe government se

18、nt relief to people who lost their homes in the flood.relief fund救濟金More to learnrelieve v. to make something unpleasant less strongre (back) + lieve (light)使變輕減輕;使輕松This pill will relieve your headache.relive sb. of sth.-to free sb. of sth. heavy or difficult解除某人的負(fù)擔(dān) Let me relieve you of those parc

19、els. 讓我來幫你拿那些包裹吧。relived adj. happy after a period of anxietyMore to learnbelieve-belief; relieve-relief; grieve-griefTranslate: 醫(yī)生給了她緩解頭疼的藥。The doctor gave her a drug that relieves headaches. Im much relieved to find the children safe. Or: Its a relief to me to find the children safe.v. 1)give up a

20、s not completely needed.擠出(時間),騰出(人或時間做某事)Id love to have a break,but I cant spare the time just now. 2) to leave someone or something unharmed饒恕;赦免Take my money but spare my life!The criminal was spared by the king.3) save (someone) (need or trouble)省掉;免除(需要或麻煩)I want to spare him the trouble of se

21、eing me off at the airport.4)keep from using, spending, etc.(否定句)舍不得;節(jié)省;He didnt spare any effort on his studies.More to learn短語: spare ones life 饒某人一命 spare no expense: 不惜工本 spare no effort 不遺余力 spare sbs feelings 不惹某人難受,避免觸及 某人痛處sparing adj.節(jié)約的,有節(jié)制的Alice didnt come, and_, she didnt even telephone.

22、 A. for sure B. for a wile C. for that matter D. for allKey: C a.肯定b.暫時c.就此事(即不能來的原因)d.盡管,不顧 15.in turn: in due order or succession依次,后來,轉(zhuǎn)而out of turn: not in due order不合時宜地,魯莽地by turns: one after another in regular succession 輪流地,依次at every turn: at every succession總是,經(jīng)常I told Frank and he in turn told Sl about/around to move about in a disorderly or confused way Crazy ideas milled around in his mind. Transla


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