



1、2022-2023學(xué)年山西省臨汾市晉鋒中學(xué)高三英語模擬試卷含解析一、 選擇題1. Mike didnt play football yesterday because he had his leg. Adamaged Bhurt Chit Dstruck參考答案:解析:B本題考查動詞詞義及搭配。hurt ones leg意思是“某人的腿受傷”,符合題意。damage指對物體的損壞,不能用于對人的損傷。2. Hi, Lydia. Are you going to the concert on Friday?Id like to. But there are so many problems_.A

2、. remaining to be settled B. remained settlingC. remaining to settle D. remained to be settled參考答案:A3. They _ at the side instantly if the police had not had a helicopter. A. can have arrivedB. couldnt arriveC. might arrive D. couldnt have arrived 參考答案:D4. It was in Sichuan, _ is a lovely province i

3、n Southwest China, _ those pandas were brought up.Awhere, that Bwhich, that Cwhich, where Dwhere, which參考答案:B 5. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _ it comes to classroom tests. A. before B. since C. when D. after 參考答案:C6. Where did you put yo

4、ur bag? Oh, I _ I put it on the chair because the phone_ when I came in.A. remembered; rang B. remembered; was ringing C. remember; ring D. remember; was ringing參考答案:D7. When did your computer break down?This morning, while I _ the reading materials downloaded from some websites. A. have sorted B. w

5、as sorting C. am sorting D. had sorted 參考答案:B8. Did you tell Mother you have passed the exam?Oh, I forgot. I her now.A.will call B. will be calling C. am calling D. am to call參考答案:A9. Scientists who study noise say that average noise level inthis district is as high as 70. 3 decibels. A. ;the B. ;an

6、 C. the;an D. a;the 參考答案:A10. Shirey went to New York _ a good job. Which of the following is not true? Ain hopes of finding Bwith the aim of finding Choping to find Daim to find參考答案:D11. Yesterday,IreadWhite Night by Higashino Keigo. Such a good book! _.NoonecanmatchHigashino Keigo inartistictalent

7、.A.YousaiditB.You dont say C.You cant be seriousD. You set me up參考答案:A12. Only after Mary read her composition the second time_ the spelling mistake.A.did she notice B. she noticedC. does she notice D. she has noticed參考答案:A13. The boss wanted an assistant with knowledge of French and work experience

8、 Athe; a B不填; the Ca; 不填 Dthe; 不填參考答案:C29. Having checked the doors were closed , and _ all the lights were off, the boy opened the door to his bedroom.A. / B. that C. when D. where參考答案:B略15. Lydia doesnt feel like _ abroad. Her parents are old.A. study B. studying C. studied D. to study參考答案:B略16. E

9、verything he _ to his country.A. had contribute B. had been contributed C. had to be contributed D. had was contributed參考答案:D17. Do you work in this office? No, as a clerk in this office is on vacation, Im just _ here for about a week.Ahanging out Bworking out Cturning out Dhelping out參考答案:D18. Much

10、 to my , Im unable to accept your kind invitation.A. fault B. duty C. guide D. regret參考答案:D19. Ann a piece of science fiction,completely lost to the outside world. A. reads B. is reading C. has read D. will read參考答案:B 二、 書面表達(dá)20. 書面表達(dá)假設(shè)你是李華,請你以自己網(wǎng)上購書所遇到的不愉快經(jīng)歷,向中國某家英文報紙生活欄目寫一封抱怨信。要點如下:1. 所購書中有破損、缺頁現(xiàn)象;

11、2. 一些書籍價格比實體書店還要貴;注意:1.詞數(shù)100左右;2.可適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫;3開頭語和結(jié)尾已給出(不計入總詞數(shù))。Dear Sir or Madame,I am a middle school student. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction and disappointment about the unpleasant experience _ _I would be grateful if you could take my opinion into consideration.Yours sincerely,Li

12、Hua參考答案:Dear Sir or Madame,I am a middle school student. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction and disappointment about the unpleasant experience when I bought some books from the Internet the other day.The reason for my dissatisfaction and disappointment is that the books I bought online were

13、beyond my expectation. In the first place, they were poorly printed. In addition, some books are slightly damaged and even some pages are missing. Needless to say, the price of some books is even higher than that in our local Xinhua Bookstores.To solve these problems, I am writing this letter to you

14、, hoping that my letter will arouse the attention of the public through this media. I am fully confident that they will improve their service with the supervision of the public opinion.I would be grateful if you could take my opinion into consideration.Yours sincerely,Li Hua21. 假定你是李華。近期有報道指出中國正在變成一

15、個“一次性社會(The throw-away society)”,即什么東西都用完即扔的社會。請你就此用英文給報社編輯寫封信,內(nèi)容包括:1. 自己的看法;2. 舉例陳述理由;3. 提出建議。注意:1. 詞數(shù)100左右;2. 可以適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫; _參考答案:Dear editor, Im writing to express my opinion, Im afraid that the report is a warning because everything that we use involves throwing something away. Everyone is fo

16、cused on whats new, hot or better. For example, we often abandon our cell phones after maybe just two years and then we buy a new one though they are still in good condition. Whats worse, almost every day, after opening a new package or a food product, there is always a protective wrapper to throw a

17、way. I think it is a huge waste. There are numerous ways to prevent that, such as simplifying packing, recycling more different varieties of products and making full use of everything.I really hope our media can take the responsibility to convey the concern to everyone. Thank you.Yours,Li Hua三、 閱讀理解

18、22. While engineers have made out fantastic products for sitting stillMunchery instead of walking to lunch, Uber instead of walking to the bus stopservices to make you move have been less appealing for consumers.Fitbits stock price fell 18% after they announced their latest Apple Watch-like product

19、named Fitbit Force. And new data suggests that, for the first time, death rates for large parts of the American population are rising, with signs pointing to inactivity and weight gain as the reasons. Our digital lifestyles and desk-based workplaces are contributing to serious health problems and co

20、uld be shortening our lives, wellness firms want us to believe.Northrup, president and co-founder of the connected exercise device TAO-Wellness, was in Las Vegas to promote TAOs small device that encourages exercises. He lifts the device, about the size of an apple, and says workplaces should start

21、encouraging on-site exercise.Nick Mokey, the managing editor of Digital Trends, agrees. “I hate to break it to you, a room full of people sitting down, but sitting is killing you,” he says to the audience. They shift in their seats.In the health section of the Sands Exposition Hall, people are selli

22、ng devices made by LifeSpan Fitness. They say theyre the largest seller of treadmill(跑步機) desks in the US. At the center of their exhibition area is a Bike Desk, which looks like three gym bikes attached to a table. Thats for people who just want to sit and enjoy conversation.Treadmill desk-related

23、shame is their biggest obstacle, they say when LifeSpan installs two in opposite ends of the same building, neither tends to get used. If the company installs two next to each other, people will use them. “You dont want to be so noticeable, especially at work,” company spokesman James Lowe says. Wha

24、ts more, what if we get sweaty using a treadmill in the office?32. According to new data, the rising death rates in America are caused by_.A. lack of exercise B. serious pollutionC. high work pressure D. poor indoor environment33. What can we learn about the device TAO-Wellness?A. It is a kind of treadmill desk.B. It is comparatively small in sizeC. It is created by LifeSpan Fitness. D. It is designed for outdoor exercise.34. Which of the following may


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