



1、2022-2023學(xué)年廣東省汕頭市澄海集賢中學(xué)高二英語聯(lián)考試題含解析一、 選擇題1. From his _ look, we could see that he hadnt expected that we could raise such _questions to him. A. confused; confusing B. confusing; confused C. confusing; confusing D. confused; confused參考答案:A2. In Thailand, the normal greeting is a slight bow with the ha

2、nds _ together.A. to pressB. pressingC. pressedD. being pressed參考答案:C【詳解】考查非謂語動(dòng)詞。句意:在泰國,一般的問候方式是雙手緊握,微微鞠個(gè)躬。本句為with的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu),with后的名詞hands與press構(gòu)成被動(dòng),故用過去分詞。故選C?!军c(diǎn)睛】With復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)的構(gòu)成 它是由介詞with或without+復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)成,復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)作介詞with或without的復(fù)合賓語,復(fù)合賓語中第一部分賓語由名詞或代詞充當(dāng),第二 部分補(bǔ)足語由形容詞、副詞、介詞短語、動(dòng)詞不定式或分詞充當(dāng),分詞可以是現(xiàn)在分詞,也可以是過去分詞。With結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)成

3、方式如下: 1. with或without-名詞/代詞+形容詞 2. with或without-名詞/代詞+副詞 3. with或without-名詞/代詞+介詞短語 4. with或without-名詞/代詞 +動(dòng)詞不定式 5. with或without-名詞/代詞 +分詞本句為with的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu),with后的名詞hands與press構(gòu)成被動(dòng),故用過去分詞。故選C。3. She _ into the thick forest alone on such a dark nightA. dares not go B. dares not to go C. dare not to go D. d

4、oesnt dare to go參考答案:D4. Research shows that though students benefit from having parents involved at school, _ happens at home matters much more.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. whether參考答案:B5. As a member of the Youth League, you should _ other students.A. give an example of B. set an example to C. make an

5、 example for D. take an example for 參考答案:B6. The poor man, _,ran out of the dark cave.A. tiring and frightened B. tired and frighteningC. tired and frightening D. tired and frightened 參考答案:D7. Sensory memory _ in information from our five senses, but these memories last just a few seconds. A. takeB.

6、 tookC. takesD. will take參考答案:C8. How about putting some pictures into the report?_ A picture is worth a thousand words. A. No way. B. Why not? C. All right.D. No matter.參考答案:B9. I am _the government as well as to the general public for just treatment _ peasant-workers, who have made great contribut

7、ion to the improvement of city life. A. asking; on behalf of B. applying; in the name of C. demanding; in the name of D. appealing to; on behalf of參考答案:D10. According to the rules, those living in this apartment have free _ to the parking area.A. charge B. entrance C. time D. access參考答案:D11. Its on

8、such occasions _ his classmates get together that he misses his teachers. A. that B. whether C. as D. when 參考答案:D12. As shes not here, I suppose she _ home.A. must go B. must have goneC. might go D. might be going參考答案:Bmust后接動(dòng)詞完成式表示對(duì)過去情況的肯定推測,意為“一定已經(jīng)做了某事”。13. Although she is only 17 years old, she _

9、 drugs for two years.A. Addicts B. has addicted to C. has addicted D. has been addicted to參考答案:D14. -Would you mind my coming over and having a look at your new garden? My little sons curious about those roses you grow. -_. Youre welcome. A. Yes, I do B. Never mind C. Yes, please D. Not a bit參考答案:D1

10、5. -How often do you eat out?-_, but usually once a week. A. Have no idea B. It depends C. As usual D.Generally speaking參考答案:B16. Ill give you my friends home address, I can be reached most evenings.A. which B. when C. whom D. where參考答案:D二、 書面表達(dá)17. 書面表達(dá)(滿分25分)最近,聯(lián)合國一個(gè)考察團(tuán)來你市參觀考察,請(qǐng)你根據(jù)下列所提供的信息,寫一篇文章,宣傳

11、我國人民近幾年來生活水平發(fā)生的巨大變化,生活質(zhì)量的顯著提高:1.家庭轎車擁有量成倍增長;2.住房條件有了很大改善,房屋變大了,變新了;3.旅游的人多了,走得更遠(yuǎn)了,然而,所有這些在二十年前是想象不到的。注意:1.文章的開頭已為你寫好,可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮,使文章連貫,生動(dòng)。 2.詞數(shù):100左右。 3.參考詞語:小康:well-off 生活水平living standardsGreat changes have taken place in our country in recent years._參考答案:略三、 閱讀理解18. Lost iPhoneUnexpectedly, I lost my w

12、hite iPhon5s in Midtown on Friday night. It had a blue green cover on it. There are many pictures of my son on it, and Im heartbroken, Please return, no questions asked. Reward. Reply to: -2652255359Do you need a babysitter that you can trust?My name is Tina. I am a responsible babysit

13、ter that you can trust. If you are looking for someone dependable and affordable I am that person! I HAVE MORE THAN 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE (including disabled children)! I am a retired Home Health Aid and ly love children. I work with my sister Iris who has also 20+years as a teachers assistant. WE

14、LOOK FORWARD TO MEETINC YOU! Available 24 hours and flexible with fees! I am fully bilingualSpanish/English. Please email me or call 712-867-7688.I BABYSIT ONLY AT MY HOME. I accept children from all ages. Fee starts from $100-$150 a week depending on the hours. I am very flexible and my fee can cha

15、nge. Feel free to contact me via email or on my cell phone 566-67-1873 and we can work something out.Part-time Chinese Babysitter WantedPart-time Chinese speaking babysitter needed to assist with one-year-old twins and to perform some light house work as needed. Assistance needed Fridays and occasio

16、nal weekends. Please provide your salary expectation. College students are welcome to apply.Reply to:comm-encbq-2652113885 53. If you want to send your kids to the babysitters home, you can find one in_.A. Ad 1 B. Ad 2 C. Ad 3 D. Ad 454. What do we know about Tina?A. She can speak two languages. B. She liv


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