2022-2023學(xué)年中職物流英語.第一版Lesson 10電子教案_第1頁
2022-2023學(xué)年中職物流英語.第一版Lesson 10電子教案_第2頁
2022-2023學(xué)年中職物流英語.第一版Lesson 10電子教案_第3頁




1、2022-2023學(xué)年(中職)物流英語.第一版Lesson 10電子教案2022-2023學(xué)年(中職)物流英語.第一版Lesson 10電子教案2022-2023學(xué)年(中職)物流英語.第一版Lesson 10電子教案【課題】Lesson 10 Logistic Documents【教材版本】羅德 金波 中等職業(yè)學(xué)?,F(xiàn)代物流專業(yè)教學(xué)用書物流英語.第一版.背景;高等教育出版社,2007【教學(xué)過程】WARM UPDISCUSS BY GROUPDivide the class into four groups to discuss the logistic documents they have k

2、nown.Hold a competition and praise the winner.Finish the exercise in part of warm-up.LEARN THE IMPORTANT WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS IN THE DIALOGUES1.Confuse 使迷惑,使混亂The heavy traffic that confused the novice driver. 繁忙的交通使新司機(jī)不知所措;2.respectively adv.分別地, 各個地Im referring to each of you respectively.我將逐個提到你

3、們中的每一個3. receipt n. 收條, 收據(jù), 收到4. inventory n. 詳細(xì)目錄, 存貨, 財產(chǎn)清冊, 總量5. endorse v. 在(票據(jù))背面簽名, 簽注(文件), 認(rèn)可, 簽署6. sea transport 海運7. finance documents 資金單據(jù)8. international trade國際貿(mào)易9. advise勸告, 忠告, 警告, 建議10. Be short for是的縮寫11. Draft contract 合同草案12. Bring up提出13. Terms of payment 貨款支付方式14. D/P 付款交單15. L/C

4、信用證16. Negotiating bank 議付行LEARN TO UNDERSTAND SEVERAL KEY DOCUMENTSIn the text, there are three sample documentsshipping note, bill of lading, certificate of origin.Go through the three documents one by one, try to explain the filling-in method to the students. If the students can fill out these do

5、cuments, it is the best.EXERCISE1. Complete the role play in class. Two students make a pair to practice the role play. One asks the question, the other one answers according to the given information.2. Make the documents in exercise twowriting.First the teacher makes the packing list for example. T

6、hen let the students complete the commercial invoice, referring to the sample on page 69.3. Read the documentary credit on page 71. Try to explain the key information and learn the important words、 phrases and expressions.Finish the exercise on page 73.CONCLUSIONThe importance of this lesson: the terms related to logistic documents.The difficulties of this lesson: to understand the important documents and learn to make documents by themselves if possible.HOMEWORKComplete al


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