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1、名師精編 優(yōu)秀教案廣州版六年級英語上冊教案UNIT 12 Lets Go Further 一、教學內(nèi)容分析 U12 Did You Know. & Additional Words 二、教學目標(一)語言學問目標 1拓展同學的課外詞匯或詞組: receiver, dial tone, insert, dial the number, speak up, press, refund button, get through. 2明白電話的過去與現(xiàn)在:第一部電話的創(chuàng)造者,電話進展;(二)語言技能目標1能運用所學詞匯到句子中去;2能用英語說出打 ID 電話的過程;(三)學習策略目標telephone的

2、由來,及當今的通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)資料,錄像等向同學出現(xiàn)電話進展歷程,吸引同學的留意力,激發(fā) 其求學的欲望;(四)情感態(tài)度目標1培育同學從小愛科學的精神;2讓同學明白更多的生活常識,從而培育同學喜愛生活的態(tài)度;三、教學重、難點精確認讀 Additional Words;四、教學策略通過歌曲、謎語,激發(fā)同學學習的欲望,并運用多媒體向同學展現(xiàn)電話的發(fā) 展進程;五、教學過程(一)熱身與復習 小詩朗誦;(激情引趣;)名師精編 優(yōu)秀教案聽力訓練;(通過練習,強化同學聽的才能; )聽對話三次,依據(jù)聽到的內(nèi)容填寫表格;A message From : _ 3.揭示本課學習目標;(二)出現(xiàn)與操練方法一: 1.謎語:老師讀

3、出謎語,讓大家猜一物品;奇心;)(適當設(shè)疑,引發(fā)同學的好It s our good friend in our life. You can talk on it with each other. It can t talk. When someone wants to talk with you it can sing “ring, ring, ring. ”What is it. 謎底: Telephone 2.拼讀單詞 Telephone,出現(xiàn)書本 P55 Did You Know. B;The word “telephone” comes from the Greek works: “t

4、ele” and “phone”. “Tele”means “from far”. “Phone” means “sound”.老師邊拆分單詞,比用英文說明,讓學生懂得當中的意思;為檢測成效,可提問個別同學;(同學對此類學問有較深厚的愛好,通過懂得,運用策略記憶單詞,收效較好;)3展現(xiàn)各種電話的圖片(可從網(wǎng)上下載)出現(xiàn)書本P55 Did You Know. C;認讀單詞 mobile, 讓同學從圖片或?qū)嵨铮ɡ蠋煹碾娫挘┲卸闷渲形囊馑?;并作文字介紹: About 58 million people in Britain use around 80 Million telephones and

5、mobiles. Many people prefer the old-fashioned telephone boxes to the modern ones. 通過閱讀及觀看圖片,有利于幫忙同學懂得這段話的含義; 4.通過電腦,出現(xiàn)第一部電話的圖片, 并向同學介紹: This is the first telephone. Do you want to know who invented it.接著老師可出現(xiàn) Alexander Graham Bell 的相片 , 并詢問同學們: Do you know this man.假如個別同學熟悉的話,可讓其用中文先介紹一下他, 老師再作介紹;(這

6、對于同學的懂得有肯定的幫忙; )幫忙同學懂得名師精編 優(yōu)秀教案以下單詞或短語: a 28-year-old, black-haired Scotsman, invent 方法二: 1. 通過錄像,向同學播放撥打 面的學習與懂得做好鋪墊; )ID 電話的過程;(讓同學先感知,為下2. 幫忙同學懂得和認讀課外詞匯或詞組: receiver, dial tone, insert, dial the number, speak up, press, refund button, get through. (可讓同學自主拼讀,從而培育其自學才能;)全班齊讀單詞;3. 小組競賽:把單詞放進對應(yīng)的句子中,并

7、幫句子排序;(提高同學懂得、運用 語言的才能;)讀句子;三拓展與提高 完成活動手冊 P51,Ex.5,P52,Ex.6 2. 練習;讀下面的句子,依據(jù)實際情形,判定句子的正誤,如正確,在括號內(nèi)寫 T,否就 寫 F; 1 In 1997 I was 10 years old. In 2022 I was 12 years old. 2 There were twenty girls and twenty-two boys in my class last term. There were forty-two pupils in my class last term. 3 Yesterday I

8、had two oranges in the morning, three in the afternoon and one in the evening. I had four oranges yesterday. 4 Guangzhou has a history of more than 2022 years. 5 Last year the summer term began in September. (四)作業(yè)布置 聽 U12 Did You Know. & Additional Words 錄音,跟讀;搜集更多的電話資料,制作手抄報;完成拓展閱讀 P52, 依據(jù)提示寫出你是如何打

9、電話的;六、教學反思同學對科學的追求比較旺盛,課堂簡單失控,但仍是應(yīng)當供應(yīng)讓同學充分展 示的平臺,讓其在錘煉中獵取自信,從而提高各項才能;七、教學資源閱讀材料選編:May I Make an Appointment to See the Doctor. 名師精編 優(yōu)秀教案Nurse: Hello, Dr. Hobbs clinic. May I help you. John: Hello, may I make an appointment to see the doctor, please. Nurse: Certainly, would you prefer a morning or an

10、 afternoon appointment. John: Morning, please. Nurse: How about Tuesday morning at 10:30. John: No, sorry. I m working on Tuesday morning. Nurse: Okay. Is 11:30 Wednesday morning OK with you. no, sorry I can t fit that one in either. Do you have any John: Let me see appointment on Thursday. Nurse: I

11、 have a nine o clock appointment, or half past ten, which would you prefer. John: Oh, nine o clock please. Nurse: Okay, could I have your name please. John: I m John Smith 聽力材料選編:Today is March 3rd. Its 10:00 a.m. Mike is calling Ben now. Mike: Hello. May I speak to Ben. Sally: Sorry. Ben isn t in.

12、Who s that, please. Mike: It s Mike here. When will he come back. Sally: At lunch time. Can I take a message for him. Mike: Oh, thank you. Please ask him to bring the storybook to school. Sally: OK. Mike: Thank you. Goodbye. Sally: Bye. 3.讀句子,選出句子相應(yīng)的答語,并把答語的編號寫在相應(yīng)句子前的括號內(nèi); 1 May I speak to Miss Tang.

13、 5 Whos that, please. 2 Is that 83487542. 3 How do you do? 4 How are you. 6 Are you all right. 7 Shall we play football. 8 Were you tired at that time. 名師精編 優(yōu)秀教案 9 Was he there. 10 Did you call me this morning. A. I m very well, thank you. And you. B. How do you do. C. All right. D. Wrong number. E. Speaking. F. It s Ben here. G. Yes, I am. H. Yes, I did. I. Yes, he was. J. No, I wasnt.名師精編 優(yōu)秀教案4.關(guān)于表示消遣的詞匯:play ball games 打球 play poker / cards 玩撲克 play mahjong 打


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