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1、初中英語自評樣本(時間90(時間90分鐘總分140分)2022. 4Part 1 Listening (第一部分 聽力)I. Listening Comprehension (聽力理解):(共 25 分)I. Listening Comprehension (聽力理解):(共 25 分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根據(jù)你聽到的內(nèi)容,選出相應(yīng)的圖片):(5分).5.B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根據(jù)你聽到的對話和問題,

2、選出最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢?:(5分)()6. A. The music club. B. The sports club.C. The computer club.D.The art club.()7. A. 63744579.B. 63734599.C. 63735597.D.63734497.()8. A. Sunny.B. Windy.C. Rainy.D. Cloudy.()9. A. Ice.B. Chocolate.C. Strawberry.D.Nuts.()10. A. She is too busy to do the shopping.There are no cups in th

3、e supermarket.They dont need to buy a new cup.The boy has to fix his broken cup.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判斷下歹!J句子是否符合你聽到的內(nèi)容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用F表示):(5分)()11. Sam found it hard to get a job because he is from Cornwall.()12. Charlotte had troubl

4、e in having a good relationship with her family.()13. “Fifteen CornwaH“ is a school set up for young people with no future.()14. Only those who have a love for cooking will be given the opportunity.()15. Jamie Oliver has changed lives of some young people in Cornwall.D. Listen to the passage and com

5、plete the following sentences (聽短文,完成下列內(nèi)容,每空 格限填一詞):(10分)The school magazine is going to be printed.If you are, send in a drawing or painting.Send Tom an email if you are going to or any other event.The sports page needs an article about thethis summer.The school magazine will be in the library inst

6、ead of in the shop.Part 2 Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分語法和詞匯)II. Choose the best answer (選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢?:(共15分)()21. That hospital promises to provide the best medical care for old.A. aB. anC. theD. /()22. His new flat is just 5 minutes walk from the underground station, isnt?A. thatB. thereC. hisD. it()23.

7、 One after, the members of the Students, Union gave speeches at the assembly.A. anotherB. the otherC. otherD. others()24. Youd better take the pills exactly as the doctor suggested,it will not work.A. soB. andC. orD. for()25.Sunday night, the closing ceremony of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games

8、 was held at the National Stadium.A. AtB. OnC. InD. To()26. It feels good to take a hot bath during cold winter, but it also cause dry skin.A. shouldB. mustC. needD. can()27. As a green consumer, Tim usually around the city by public transport.A. travelsB. travelledC. will travelD. is travelling()28

9、. When I walked past the music room, I heard someone the piano in it.A. to playB. playedC. playingD. play()29.1 was surprised at how much was given after I posted my trouble on the Internet.A. solutionB. adviceC. reportD. dialogue()30. Jane was looking for a present for Mum while Sam a table at the

10、restaurant.A. was bookingB. had bookedC. would bookD. booked()31. The more relaxed you are,you will perform when you take the interview.A. the goodB. the wellC. the betterD. the best()32. People dont know there will be a safe system to control the advanced future robot.A. becauseB. althoughC. untilD

11、. if()33. An experienced guide is required the adventure into the mountains.A. organizeB. to organizeC. organizedD. organizing()34.32 years old, Professor Wang had written 8 novels, 5 of which are best-sellers.A. AtB. ForC. SinceD. By()35. presentation are you more interested in, Edwards or Emmas?一I

12、 like both.A. WhatB. 一I like both.A. WhatB. WhoseC. WhoD. WhomComplete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once (將下列單詞或詞組填入空格。每空格限填一詞,每詞或詞組只能 填一次):(共8分)A. ambition B. missing C. familiar D. situation E. similarI am Sally. Im elven and I pl

13、ay the character of Junior Detective, Rachel Smart. My latest movie, Rachel Smart and the36necklace, is in the cinemanow. Im going to tell you a bit about myself-Sally, not Rachel.Winning the part was a dream come true. My agent introduced me to the film producers and they thought I was just right f

14、or Rachel. Actually, we are very37. We both try to use bigwords and often get them wrong. Neither of us is shy or nervous, unlike some girls our age. We both have strong opinions. Were smart and have a big 38_just what you need for solvingmysteries, which is what Rachel does. Shes independent, fearl

15、ess and knows how to handle a frightening39. I can see why girls admire her.9.A. film B. enables C. at first D. major E. achievesI see my friends just as much as I did before. Theyve always dreamt of being in the movies and, 40, I thought they might say Why her? Why not us?” But theyve been great. T

16、o them Im silly Sally, not Rachel, which is fine.Actors often move between films and TV. A movie can take over three months to41, while a TV show can be finished in a few days, sothey are different. Not that this makes one better than the other. Some TV work is fantastic and I had great fun playing

17、small parts in a couple of 42weekly shows.Playing Rachel43me to travel around and visit some amazing historical places. I havedecided to study world history at university when Im older. After I finish university, Td love to go round the world seeing everything Fve studied.3.IV. Complete the sentence

18、s with the given words in their proper forms (用括號中所給單詞 的 適當(dāng)形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一詞):(共8分)Nie Haisheng is Chinas astronaut to stay in space for more than 100 days, (one)Jeremy owns a company which mainly helps people find their pets, (lose)That newly-opened restaurant doesnt attract as customers as expected

19、, (more)Lin loves surfing. She usually spends several a year in Hainan Island, (month)Bob refused to depend on anyone else but. He is always independent, (he) 49. We can empty bottles to make vases instead of throwing them away, (use)What a to find a friend that you can share happiness and pain toge

20、ther! (please)Although the boy was born with a physical problem, hes been taken good care of by hisloving parents, (fortunate)V. Complete the following sentences as required (根據(jù)所給要求改寫下列句子。6267 題每空 格限填一詞):(共14分)VR technology in education has recently become a hot topic.(改為感嘆句) hot topic VR technology

21、 in education has recently become!Bing Dwen Dwen is popular. It is really hard to get one.(合并兩句為一句)Bing Dwen Dwen is popular it is really hard to get one.Mark often rode a bicycle to school when he taught English in China.(保持基本句意不變) Mark go to school by bike when he taught English in China.Shes been

22、 told that some Apps illegally collect users personal information.(改為一般疑問句) been told that that some Apps illegally collect users personal information?Mum asked Bill who had invited him to Jennys birthday party.(改為直接引語)Mum asked, Who to Jennys birthday party,Spring in Shanghai is usually warm and co

23、mfortable.(就劃線部分提問)is the weather in spring in Shanghai?easily, without, give up, having, dont, a try (連詞成句)Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 讀寫)VI. Reading comprehension (閱讀理解):(共 50 分)A. Choose the best answer (根據(jù)以下內(nèi)容,選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢福?2分)Holiday Coaching at The Top StadiumStar Basketball will be running b

24、asketball courses over the summer holidays at The Top Stadium.Courseswill cover all that the game requires and will be delivered by our team of highly qualified coaches. Take a look below at our banding system to see which type is right for you and for details of the courses on offer.Age: 8-15 years

25、 old Level: Club & local team players Take the step from dub to local team|Age: 6-10 years 禍kAge: 8-15 years old Level: Club & local team players Take the step from dub to local team|Age: 6-10 years 禍kAge: 8-13 years old Level: School &Level: Beginners Learn & developclub members (Learn newskills in

26、basic skills of the gamean enjoyable environment10-15 years old el: Local team and country players 干 Specialist coaches and professional training1 Course NameI Course Date1 Course Time1 CostI Course Type13-Day Basketball Fun Course15,h-17h July9:30 a.m. - 12:30.p.m.$50 3-Day Summer Holiday Course26,

27、h-28,h July9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.$ 99.99 4-Day Basketball Experience7th-10th August9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.$150 5-Day Super Course21st -25th August9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.$150 Booking informationFor more information and to book on to the courses detailed above please visit HYPERLINK /coaciriq /coaciriq.Pla

28、ces will be limited so please book sooner rather than later to guarantee a place. Each course is open up to 20trainees only.()59. The information above is probably,A. an advertisement B. a timetableC. an invitation D. a notice()60. The basketball courses are designed for students to take part in.bel

29、ow 10 years oldabove 8 years oldfrom 10 to 13 years oldfrom 6 to 15 years old()61. If you prepare to join the local basketball team, the suitable course type for you is.A. B. C. D,()62. Which of the following courses isnt open to beginners?3-Day Basketball Fun Course.3-Day Summer Holiday Course.4-Da

30、y Basketball Experience.5-Day Super Course.()63. You are suggested to to book the course.make a phone callvisit the websitewrite an e-mailpay a personal visit ()64. It is true that.each course usually takes at least 20 traineesall trainees spend six hours a day at the stadiumtrainees of 4 course typ

31、es learn with different aimscoaches are professional players from the country teamChoose the words or expressions and complete the passage (選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或短語完 成短文):(12分)Londons burningThe Great Fire of London started at around 1:00 a.m. on 2nd September, 1666. The fire started in the home of a baker named

32、 Thomas Farynor (Farriner), located on Londons Pudding Lane. Thomas wasnt an65baker. Actually, he was King Charles IPs baker.The fire brought complete damage to the city of London. In 17th century London, not only were buildings made from wood and straw, but they stood very close together, making it

33、 easy for fire to 66. Warehouses(倉庫)around Pudding Lane contained materials such as oil and rope which soon caught fire! Within just a few hours, Lx)ndon Bridge by the River Thames was burning. For the next four days, almost the whole city was on fire.Instead of fighting the fire, peoples first reac

34、tion was to get away as quickly as possible. In a state of great67, they collected all the belongings they could carry and ran.Back then, there was no fire station in London. Local soldiers as well as local people did the best they could with the limited equipment they had.It wasnt until Tuesday, 4t

35、h September that the fire was brought under control. And by Thursday the fire was finally put out. Most of what we know about the Great Fire of London came from the68of two men called Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn, who both left detailed descriptions of this famous tragedy (悲劇).A third of the city ha

36、d been destroyed! About 13,200 houses and 87 churches were burned to the ground.69, only six official deaths were recorded. but theactual figure is likely to be much higher. With 70,000 people left homeless, theft and other crimes swept what was left of the city, as well as sickness and disease.Ther

37、e is no doubt that the Great Fire was an awful tragedy but it did lead to some nice changes to London. The city was rebuilt in a safer and more organized way, 70 such adisaster would not happen again. Streets were made wider, and buildings were made from brick or stone (rather than wood), with bette

38、r access to water. Whats more, Londons first fire brigades were formed!()65. A. honestB. averageC. eagerD.important()66. A. arriveB. keepC.spreadD.pass()67. A. funB. fearC. interestD.pain()68. A. diariesB. proverbsC. storiesD.tricks()69. A. UnluckilyB. CertainlyC. ImmediatelyD.Surprisingly()70. A. b

39、ecauseB. so thatC. althoughD.ifRead the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格內(nèi)填入適當(dāng)?shù)脑~, 使其內(nèi)容通順,每空格限填一詞,首字母已給):(14分)Happy is an Asian elephant. She lives at the City Zoo. Some people say the zoo doesnt give Happy the space and social life she needs. It has restarted talks about wheth

40、er zoos should still exist. Some say zoos save animals from dying out. Others argue that living in a small space is bad for an animafs health. Here are some o71from our young readers.Yanni, 10 years oldThanks to zoos, many animal species(種類)are saved from disappearing c72. Last summer in China, I sa

41、w the panda at the Zoo and learnedYanni, 10 years oldabout the wild life program there. Several decades ago, these cute big bears were almost wiped out in the wild. But the zoo protects them and helps them p73more young pandas. Now there are many more pandas.We shouldnt have zoos. In zoos, animals m

42、ight not be given proper living conditions. Living in an unfamiliar environment and being watched by humans, animals can feel n74. A 2003 study of 35 species ofcamM)但s (食肉動物)found that most zoos were too small for some of the animals to carry out their regular daily a75.We should still have zoos for

43、 a few reasons. Zoos provide animals with food and an environment that is made to look like their n76environment. Zoos also try hard to increase their population. And most zoos have educational programs that help children learn about different animals and conservation efforts.Shane, 10 years oldAnim

44、als are kept away from their homes and put in fenced areas or acages. When theyre in zoos, they can also lose the abilities they were bornwith. If they were released into the wild, they wouldnt know how to s77. An animals health is more important than our entertainment.Susie, 9 years oldThe Next Deb

45、ate! Should the government set screen-time limits for kids?(請在答題紙橫線上寫出完整單詞)o 72. c 73. p 74. n 75. a 76. n 77. sAnswer the questions (根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答下列問題):(12分)Ever imagined what it might be like to go to school in another country? Join us as we spend a school day on the Sunny Island!Welcome to Blue Sky Sc

46、hool on the Sunny Island! This cool school is situated in the north side of the island. It opened in 1962, and teaches 192 students between the ages of 6 and 16.What does the school look like?Blue Sky School might look a little different from your school at home! The buildings are brightly colored a

47、nd decorated with paintings on the walls that display the typical trees and fruits on the island, like bananas!Healthy eating is an important topic at Blue Sky School. Many children that go to school here are from poor backgrounds. Many of the students parents work long hours in local hotels. They d

48、ont have much time to make breakfast fbr their children before school. To help out, nearby hotel Bay Gardens Resort runs a breakfast club at school and students are able to get a tasty breakfast to start the day, free of charge. So school is a place for them to learn and eat a healthy meal.The schoo

49、l kids say that getting to eating breakfast with their friends before class is one of the reasons they love coming to school!Whafs a school day like?The school day begins at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m.7:30 a.m.- 8:45 a.m.Breakfast club9:30 a.m.The bell signals the start of the school day.10:15 a.m.-10:30 a.m.School meeting!10:30 a.m.Break time! Children play games including football and traditional games.10:45 a.m.Language


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