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1、最新譯林版英語六年下冊(cè)第二單元測(cè)試題 班級(jí)_ 姓_ 成績(jī)_一、判斷下列單詞畫線部分讀音是否相同,相同的寫“相同的寫“D ( for ( doctor sport ( horse house( four ( clock 二、英漢互譯。1. 睡覺前3. 跑得快 5. 過來看她 7. 做得好2. 保持房間整潔 4. 幫助他的父母 6. 一些壞習(xí)慣 8. 非常了解9. in order showaround11. 起床早13. 一些好習(xí)慣15. 在街上17. 感到困倦的19. 大聲笑三、找出下列單詞中不同類的一項(xiàng)。12. before lunch14. 16. a hole 18. catch the

2、 lion 20. hit ball ( ) 1. A. habit B. C. talk( ) 2. A. C. you ( ) 3. A. sleep B. C. ( ) 4. A. B. family C. quietly ( ) 5. A. B. C. 四、用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. (go) to early.2. Mike is his (tooth) in 3. I (finish) my homework yesterday.4. Liu should to (he mother at 5. Yang Ling always does at 6. (do not to ea

3、rly every day.7. s friends.8. I last night.9. are 10. Sam sings (bad). I cant 五、單項(xiàng)選擇。( I museum in B. at on D. by( Liu t his bedroom clesn. B. C. D. to ( What is your ? B. habites D. a ( Mike well in subjects. does B.do doing D. ( Your friend t the tree.A.climb B.climbs C. climbing D.to climb ( you

4、walking C. walk ( )7.Yang Ling usually homework A.finishing B. C.finishs D.finishes( You must put books order. in B. on C. at D. by( I TV some B. some D. sometime ( ) 10.We go house find a bin. at B. on into D.in to六、從欄中找出與欄相對(duì)應(yīng)的句子,將其序號(hào)填在題前括號(hào)里。 ( What time you get A. is.( Do up early? B. No,I don ( I

5、s it a habit? I often up at about six twenty.( What it D. Yes,I ( you cooking E. It 八、根據(jù)中文完成句子。1. 這位老婦人正慢慢地走著。The old is walking 2. 昨晚我睡得遲了。 I night . 3. 你吃早飯?jiān)鐔幔?you 4.他總是準(zhǔn)時(shí)去上學(xué)。He always 5. 劉濤和邁克從不早早的完成他們的家庭作業(yè)。Liu Tao Mike . 6. 海倫 總是保持她的臥室干凈、整潔。Helen 九、按要求改寫句子。1. The lion the mouse.(成一般疑問句)the 2. ha

6、s good habits.(改為一般疑問句)he good 3. woke Liu Tao 對(duì)畫線部分提問)Liu Tao ?4. Mike watches 對(duì)畫線部分提問)Mike usually after 5. Did your brother go late?(作否定回答),.十、連詞成句。1. should in clothes you (.)2. the house went children 3. evening John his does late in homework 4. him help get (?)5. laugh brother did 十一、十一、根據(jù)中文完成

7、句子1. 今天早上我早早地去上學(xué)了。I school 2. 他們?cè)跁郎峡吹胶芏鄷?。They books the desk.3. 他每天上學(xué)都很晚嗎?he school day?4. 你能走得快嗎?” “是的,我能 you ? Yes, 5. 我們總是準(zhǔn)時(shí)睡覺。We go to time.十二、閱讀理解。Peter was ten old was a boy. One day, said to him, “I going to a birthday party on Peter. Can you come?Peter his mother, “ you ” phoned Paul Before

8、 went to the on his mother him, dont be polite. Dont ask for food. Wait until someone it to you.“All right, Mum, he went to s home by bike. were a lot of at party. They played together for an hour. Pauls mother gave them some food, but she to some. He politely for a few minutes, he his plate in the said loudly,“ anyone want plate?”A.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷下列句子正誤,正確的寫“T誤的寫“ ( Peter ( Peter asked for at party.( Paul to Peter s home by bike.( There were children at party.( Peter cute but foolish.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,回答下列問題。1. Whose was Sunday?2. Peter s mother to him before went to party?3. How did P


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