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1、 新人教版選擇性必修第一冊 Unit 1詞匯知識清單1詞匯知識清單1 Part I Reading and Thinking重點詞匯1.physiology n.生理學;生理機能2.crucial adj.至關(guān)重要的;關(guān)鍵性的3.vitaladj.必不可少的;極其重要的;充滿生機的mitvt.承諾;保證(某個人、機構(gòu)等)vi.忠于;全心全意投入(工作、活動等)5.academicadj.學業(yè)的;學術(shù)的6.objectiven.目標;目的adj.客觀的7.botanical adj.植物學的8.evaluatevt.評價;評估9.propertyn.性質(zhì);特征;財產(chǎn)10.distinctadj.

2、清晰的;清楚的;有區(qū)別的11.boilvt.&vi.(使)沸騰;煮開;燒開n.沸騰;沸點12.liquidn.液體 adj.液體的;液態(tài)的13.obtainvt.(尤指經(jīng)努力)獲得;贏得vi.(規(guī)章、習俗等)存在;流行14.acknowledgevt.承認(屬實、權(quán)威等);(公開)感謝15.defeatn.失敗;挫敗vt.擊敗;戰(zhàn)勝16.analyse vt.分析17.apparentlyadv.顯而易見;看來;顯然18.substancen.物質(zhì);物品;事實根據(jù)19.insistvi.&vt. 堅持;堅決要求20.scientificadj.科學(上)的;關(guān)于科學的21.mostlyadv.

3、主要地;一般地重點短語1.make a discovery發(fā)現(xiàn)2.lead to 導致;引導3.die from 死于4.graduate from從畢業(yè)5.in the fight against同作斗爭6.by chance 偶然地7.draw out 取出;擬定;導致8.insist on 堅持9.be tested on 接受檢測10.according to根據(jù)重點句式1.Later,the medicine was tested on malaria patients,most of whom recovered.2.Upon hearing that she had been a

4、warded the Nobel Prize,she said,“The honour is not just mine.”I.重點詞匯1. crucial adj.至關(guān)重要的;關(guān)鍵性的用法:be crucial to/for. 對至關(guān)重要 play a crucial part in/role in. 在中起至關(guān)重要的作用 2. vital adj. 必不可少的;極其重要的;充滿生機的用法:be vital to/for . 對極其重要It is vital to do sth. 做某事很重要Its vital that. 極為重要3. committed adj. 盡心盡力的,堅定的;堅信

5、的轉(zhuǎn)化: commit vt.承諾:保證(某個人、機構(gòu)等)vi.忠于;全心全意投入(工作、活動等)用法:commit oneself to (doing) sth 承諾做某事be committed to (doing) sth 承諾做某事committed a crime/a mistake 犯罪/犯錯誤commit . to . 投入于4. evaluate vt.評價;評估 轉(zhuǎn)化: evaluation 評價;評估例句:Our research attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs.我們的研究試圖評估不

6、同藥物的有效性。It is widely acknowledged that students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality.人們普遍認為應(yīng)該從綜合素質(zhì)的角度來評價學生。5. distinct adj. 清晰的;清楚的:有區(qū)別的用法:be distinct from 與不同 轉(zhuǎn)化: distinction6. acknowledge 承認(屬實;權(quán)威、地位等);(公開)感謝;告知收悉用法:acknowledge having done sth. 承認做了某事acknowledge that 承認 acknowledge to b

7、e 認為是It is generally/widely acknowledged that 普遍認為7. defeat n.失敗;挫敗 vt.擊敗;戰(zhàn)勝用法:suffer a defeat 遭受失敗acknowledge defeat 承認失敗8. insist vt. 堅持;堅決要求 insist on堅決要求例句:She insisted on going to the cinema alone.她堅持自己去看電影。My friend insisted on my going to her birthday party.我的朋友堅持讓我參加她的生日聚會。9. conclusion n.結(jié)論

8、; 推論用法:come to/arrive at/reach/draw a conclusion 得出結(jié)論jump to conclusions 匆忙下結(jié)論in conclusion 最后(用于文章或講話的末尾)bring to a conclusion 使結(jié)束。轉(zhuǎn)化:conclude vt.得出結(jié)論,推斷出 vi. &vt.(使)結(jié)束,終止II.重點句型1. Later,the medicine was tested on malaria patients,most of whom recovered.后來,用這種藥物在瘧疾患者身上做試驗,大部分患者都康復了?!痉治觥勘揪涫且粋€含有非限制性定

9、語從句的復合句。 主句是 “the medicine was tested on malaria patients”, “most of whom recovered”是“不定代詞+of+關(guān)系代詞”引導的定語從句?!安欢ù~/數(shù)詞/名詞+ of + 關(guān)系代詞”引導的定語從句在關(guān)系分句中作主語,說明整體中的一部分。當先行詞指人時, 關(guān)系代詞用whom; 先行詞指物時, 用which。2. Upon hearing that she had been awarded the Nobel Prize,she said,“The honour is not just mine.”當聽到自己被授予諾貝爾

10、獎時,她說,“榮譽不只是屬于我自己的?!薄痉治觥吭诒揪渲? she said, .是主句, that引導的句子作hearing的賓語。Upon hearing.是“upon+動詞-ing形式”構(gòu)成介詞短語,在句中作時間狀語。upon還可換為介詞on,表示一件事情緊接著另一件事情發(fā)生。這種用法常見于正式文體中,根據(jù)語境,可翻譯為“當時;一就”。例如:Upon graduating from college,he first worked as a teacher,and then in a government office.有時也可用“upon/on+名詞”形式表達相同的意思。On his r

11、eturn from his vacation,he began writing his first novel.他休假回來后,就開始寫他的第一部小說。Part II Learning About Language重點詞匯1.conclusionn.結(jié)論;推論2.penicillin n.青霉素;盤尼西林3.fleevi.&vt.迅速離開;逃跑4.circumstancen.usually pl.條件;環(huán)境;狀況5.novelistn.小說家6.noveln.(長篇)小說7.flow n.流;流動;流暢;供應(yīng) vi.流;流動8.chartn.圖表 vt.記錄;制訂計劃重點短語1.wear an

12、d tear 磨損;損耗 2.flow chart 流程圖3.with great effort 努力地4.be distinct from 與不同5.be well known for以而著名e to a conclusion得出結(jié)論7.with the objective of帶著的目的8.change ones mind 改變某人的主意9.care about 關(guān)心;在乎10.show promise in 在顯示出潛力 11.beyond ones control 失去控制12.under construction在建設(shè)中重點句式It struck him that the other

13、 Chinese men in the photo apparently did not care about what was happening to their fellow countrymen.Id like to try that Chinese herbal medicine again,which seems to work best for my cough.I.重點詞匯1.conclusion n.結(jié)論;推論例:Your information is inaccurate and your conclusion is therefore wrong.你的信息不準確,所以你的

14、結(jié)論是錯誤的。I drew a conclusion from my own experiences that a friend in need is a friend indeed.我從我自己的經(jīng)歷中得出結(jié)論:患難見真情。2.circumstance n.條件;環(huán)境;狀況例:Obviously we cant deal with the problem until we know all the circumstances.顯然,我們只有了解全部情況后才能處理這個問題。I wish we could have met under happier circumstances.我真希望我們是在更

15、愉快的情況下相識的。II.重點句式1.It struck him that the other Chinese men in the photo apparently did not care about what was happening to their fellow countrymen.他感到驚訝的是,照片中的其他中國男人顯然不在乎同胞們發(fā)生了什么?!揪涫狡饰觥縤t是形式主語,that引導的句子是真正的主語,what引導的句子作介詞about的賓語。 It strikes sb that.某人突然想到,某人感到驚訝的是It struck me that playing against

16、 the other team was a great learning moment for all the girls on the team.我突然意識到和另一支球隊比賽對隊里所有的女孩來說都是一個很好的學習機會。2.Id like to try that Chinese herbal medicine again,which seems to work best for my cough.我想再試一次那種中草藥,它似乎對我的咳嗽最有效。【句式剖析】本句是一個復合句。主句是Id like to try.,which引導的是非限制性定語從句。would like意為“愿意;想要”,后接名詞

17、、代詞或動詞不定式作賓語。She asked me what I would like to do and mentioned a particular job.她問我想干什么,然后提到了一份特別的工作。I would like to thank them for allowing me to develop their original idea.我想感謝他們允許我深入完善他們最初的想法。Part II Using Language & Assessing Your Progress重點詞匯1.found vt.創(chuàng)建;建立;把建立在2.infervt.推斷;推定3.politiciann.從

18、政者;政治家;政客4.numerousadj.眾多的;許多的5.theory n.理論;學說6.relativity n.相對論;相對性7.genius n.天才;天資;天賦8.gentleadj.溫柔的;文靜的9.patentn.專利;專利證書;獲得專利adj.有專利的;受專利保護的10.passionn.酷愛;激情11.extraordinaryadj.不一般的;非凡的;意想不到的12.gradually adv.逐漸地;逐步地13.institution n.社會公共機構(gòu);制度;習俗14.instituten.(教育、專業(yè)等)機構(gòu);機構(gòu)建筑15.consequence n.結(jié)果;后果16

19、.draft n草稿;草案 vt.起草;草擬17.peculiarityn.個性;特點;怪異的性質(zhì)18.encounter vt.偶然碰到;遇到n.邂逅;遭遇19.professorn.教授20.mournvt.&.vi.哀悼;憂傷21.remarkable adj.非凡的;顯著的22.devicen.方法;技巧;裝置;儀器23.sum vi.總結(jié);概括n.金額;款項;總數(shù);總和重點短語1.make great advancement in在取得進展 2.give reasons for 給出的原因3.at other time 在另一些時候4.for a moment 一會兒5.hold o

20、n a moment 請稍等6.on the tip of my tongue 就在我嘴邊7.bring happiness to 給帶來快樂8.make great contributions to 為做出巨大貢獻 e to power (開始)掌權(quán);上臺10.take up a position 擔任;任職11.sum up 總結(jié);概括12.due to 由于13.out of a strong passion 出于強烈的愛好14.as a consequence 因此15.stand on end 倒立16.be mistaken for 被誤認為是17.pass away 去世18.p

21、ut forward 提出18.be based on 以為基礎(chǔ)20.play a key role in 在起重要作用重點句式1.He made numerous contributions to the world,the most well-known being the general theory of relativity and the famous formula E=mc2.2.On 18 April 1955,it was reported that Einstein had passed away,and the whole world mourned the great

22、 loss of a brilliant scientist.I.重點詞匯1.found vt.創(chuàng)立;建立;把建立在例:He founded the Centre for Journalism Studies at University College Cardiff.他在加的夫大學學院成立了新聞學研究中心。The village was founded by settlers from the Volga region.來自伏爾加地區(qū)的移民建了這個村莊。Tsinghua University,founded in 1911,is one of the best universities in

23、 China.清華大學建立于1911年,是中國最好的大學之一。2.infer vt.推斷;推定例:I inferred from her expression that she wanted to leave.從她的表情我可以推斷出,她想離開。Much of the meaning must be inferred from the context.大部分含意必須從上下文中推斷。e to/into power(開始)掌權(quán);上臺例:After he came into power,the President delivered a wonderful speech.總統(tǒng)上臺之后,發(fā)表了一篇精彩的

24、演說。It is said that the new mayor will come into power next month.據(jù)說,新市長下個月執(zhí)政。4.consequence n.結(jié)果;后果例:Many believe that poverty is a direct consequence of overpopulation.許多人認為貧窮是人口過剩的直接后果。If climate changes continue,we will suffer the consequences.如果氣候變化繼續(xù)下去,我們將自食其果。5.take up a position擔任;任職例:After gr

25、aduating,he took up a position in a computer company.畢業(yè)后,他去了一家電腦公司任職。He left to take up a new position with another company.他走了,在另一家公司謀得了一個新職位?!驹~匯拓展】take up還有“占用(時間);占據(jù)(空間);繼續(xù);開始;接受;拿起;從事”等含義。例:I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldnt want to take up too much of your time.我知道您肯定特別忙,我當然不想占

26、用您太多的時間。He will take up his post as the head of the civil courts at the end of next month.他將在下個月底就任民事法庭庭長一職。6.encounter vt.偶然碰到;遇到n.邂逅;遭遇例:They encountered serious problems when two members of the expedition were injured.當探險隊的兩名隊員受傷時,他們遇到了嚴重的問題。It was the encounter with Mary that delayed him.就是由于同瑪麗

27、的邂逅而耽擱了他。7.sum vi.總結(jié);概括n.金額;款項;總數(shù);總和例:To sum up,for a healthy heart you must take regular exercise.總之,為了有一個健康的心臟,你必須經(jīng)常鍛煉。They presented a sum of money to the college in memory of their son.為了紀念他們的兒子,他們向?qū)W院贈送了一筆錢。The citys problem can be summed up in three words: too many people.城市的問題可以概括為三個字:人太多。II.重

28、點句式1.He made numerous contributions to the world,the most well-known being the general theory of relativity and the famous formula E=mc2.他為世界做出了許多貢獻,最著名的是廣義相對論和著名的E=mc2公式?!揪涫狡饰觥勘揪渲械膖he most well-known being the general theory of relativity and the famous formula E=mc2是獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)。其基本形式是:名詞普通格/代詞主格+動詞-ing

29、形式。例:The floor being wet and slippery,we had to stay outside for a while.地板濕滑,我們不得不在外面待一會兒。So many students being absent,the meeting had to be put off.那么多學生缺席,會議不得不延期?!揪涫酵卣埂开毩⒅鞲襁€可以用“名詞/代詞+過去分詞/動詞不定式/名詞/形容詞/副詞/介詞短語”表示。例:The job not finished,we couldnt see the film.工作沒有完成,我們不能去看電影。These are the first

30、two books,the third one to come out next month.這是前兩本書,第三本下個月出版。Many people joined in the rescue work,some of them women and children.許多人加入了救援工作,其中一些是婦女和兒童。2.On 18 April 1955,it was reported that Einstein had passed away,and the whole world mourned the great loss of a brilliant scientist.據(jù)報道,1955年4月1

31、8日,愛因斯坦逝世,全世界哀悼這位杰出科學家的逝世。【句式剖析】本句是一個并列句。在第一個分句中,it是形式主語,后面的that從句是真正的主語。It was reported that.意為“據(jù)報道”。例:It is reported that the temperature will decline sharply in one or two days.據(jù)報告在一兩天內(nèi)氣溫將急劇下降。It is reported that the production has been put into use.據(jù)報道,這種產(chǎn)品已投入使用。語法知識清單語法知識清單2非限制性定語從句一、非限制性定語從句非限

32、制性定語從句是指在復合句中對某些名詞、代詞或主句等被修飾部分作進一步說明的定語從句。在一般情況下, 非限制性定語從句都由一個逗號將其與句子的其他部分分開, 在譯成漢語時多譯成一個并列句。In around 80 A. D. , the Romans built the Colosseum, which remains the worlds best known stadium. 大約在公元80年, 羅馬人建造了斗獸場, 它仍然是世界上最著名的體育場。My name is Li Hua, whom you taught oral English when I was in Senior 1. 我

33、叫李華, 高一的時候你教過我英語口語。(2019全國卷)I wanted to be a fireman, whose uniform looked so cool. 我想成為一名消防員, 消防員的制服看起來很酷?!咀⒁狻?1)that不能引導非限制性定語從句。(2)引導非限制性定語從句時, 常用for which代替why。(3)引導非限制性定語從句的關(guān)系詞作賓語時, 不可省略。1. who, whom, whose引導的非限制性定語從句(1)關(guān)系代詞who, whom引導的非限制性定語從句修飾人。(2)關(guān)系代詞who在定語從句中作主語、賓語或表語; whom作賓語; 介詞后用whom, 不

34、用who。(3)whose作定語, 先行詞是人時, whose + n. 相當于the +n. +of whom。先行詞是物時, whose + n. 相當于the +n. +of which。(2020全國卷)One nonprofit organization, which monitors the treatment of animals in filmed entertainment, is keeping tabs on more than 2, 000 productions this year. 一個監(jiān)督電影中處理動物的方法的非營利組織, 正在密切關(guān)注今年2 000多部電影的制作

35、。(2020全國卷)“Nicolo, ” whose real name(=the real name of whom) cannot be exposed to the public because of Italys privacy laws, finished working the whole night at a factory in Turin. 因為意大利的隱私法, “Nicolo”的真實名字不能被透露給公眾, 他在都靈的一家工廠完成了一整夜的工作?!疽c歸納】非限制性定語從句的關(guān)系詞及用法一覽表非限制性定語從句關(guān)系詞用法說明who, whom, whose, which指人時可

36、用who(主語), whom(賓語); 指物時可用which(主語或賓語); whose既可以指人, 也可以指物, 在從句中作定語when, where, when指時間, where指地點, 它們都在句中作狀語asas引導非限制性定語從句時, 常指代整個主句, 有“正如, 就像”之意(代詞+)介詞+ which/whom關(guān)系代詞which或whom前可以有(復合)介詞, 如: in which, most of which, none of whom等2. when, where的用法(1)關(guān)系副詞when在非限制性定語從句中作時間狀語, 指代主句中表示時間的詞語。(2)關(guān)系副詞where在

37、非限制性定語從句中作地點狀語, 指代主句中表示地點的詞語。(3)when/where有時可以換成“介詞+which”。(2021全國甲卷改編)Southbank is the center of British skateboarding, where the continuous crashing of skateboards left your head ringing. 南岸是英國滑板運動的中心, 那里滑板不斷地撞擊讓你的腦袋嗡嗡作響。The Mid-autumn festival falls on August 15th of the Chinese lunar calendar, w

38、hen people of a family get together and enjoy the dinner together. 中秋節(jié)在中國農(nóng)歷八月十五, 家人們會在這一天聚在一起享用晚餐。3. which, as引導非限制性定語從句的區(qū)別關(guān)系代詞aswhich指代指代整個主句指代整個主句指代主句的一部分從句位置主句之前、之中或之后不能位于主句之前意義正如這, 那Thank you for your letter, which really made me happy. 謝謝你的信, 這真的讓我很高興。As someone noted in this paper a couple of

39、weeks ago, they eat great food and never gain weight. 正如幾周前有人在本報刊登的文章中指出的那樣, 他們愛吃美食, 而且從不發(fā)胖。4. “介詞+關(guān)系代詞”引導的定語從句在“介詞+關(guān)系代詞”中, 關(guān)系代詞用whom指人, 用which指物。Selfie is a popular way of showing themselves, through which some teenagers may gain more confidence. 自拍是一種很受歡迎的展示自我的方式, 通過這種方式一些青少年可以獲得更多的自信。Id like to r

40、ecommend Peking Opera Club to you, from which I believe you will learn a lot. 我想向你推薦京劇俱樂部, 我相信你可以從中學到很多。Our class consists of 40 students, all of whom are working hard at their lessons. 我們班由40名學生組成, 他們都學習很努力。二、非限制性定語從句與限制性定語從句的區(qū)別項目限制性定語從句非限制性定語從句作用起限定作用, 限制或約束先行詞, 是先行詞不可缺少的定語, 不可去掉, 否則主句意義不完整對先行詞或整個

41、主句附加說明, 可以省略結(jié)構(gòu)不用逗號與主句隔開用逗號與主句隔開引導詞1. 作賓語時可省略, 介詞之后的關(guān)系詞不能省略2. 可用that1. 作賓語時不可省略2. 不可用thatJust by scanning the QR code that/which appears behind the seat, one can unlock a shared bicycle. 僅僅掃描座位后的二維碼, 就能夠解鎖共享單車。Worse still, some games are full of violence, which will be harmful to your mental health.

42、更糟糕的是, 一些游戲充滿了暴力, 這對你的精神健康有害。Later, he worked in Africa, where many people suffered from blindness for lack of proper treatment. 后來, 他在非洲工作, 那里的許多人因為缺乏適當?shù)闹委煻?。語篇知識清單語篇知識清單3寫作指導【寫作試題】假定你是李華, 你的澳大利亞筆友Jenny來信,讓你介紹一位你最崇拜的中國科學家,請你根據(jù)下列表格中的內(nèi)容提示給她寫一封回信。姓名梁建英出生年份1972年職務(wù)中國高鐵總設(shè)計師主要經(jīng)歷(1)1995年大學畢業(yè)后開始從事高鐵研究工作(2)

43、研制出時速300350千米高速動車組(3)2015年獲獎注意:1.詞數(shù)80左右;2.可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。參考詞匯:高速動車組high-speed EMU【寫作策略】一、審題定調(diào)1.確定體裁:本次寫作要求是一封信件,內(nèi)容為介紹一位自己最崇拜的中國科學家。2.確定人稱:本文介紹的是一位科學家,所以要用第三人稱。3.確定時態(tài):時態(tài)以一般現(xiàn)在時和一般過去時為主。二、謀篇布局本文分為三個段落。第一段:首先介紹自己最崇拜的科學家的名字及其職務(wù);第二段:介紹梁建英的出生年份,再介紹其主要經(jīng)歷;第三段:表達自己對人物的看法。三、常用語塊 general designer of的總設(shè)計師was born in 出生于graduate from university大學畢業(yè)devote all ones time to 致力于outstanding contributions杰出的貢獻play a leading role in在起主導作用as a consequence結(jié)果 set a good example to us給我們樹立了好的榜樣realize our dreams實現(xiàn)我們的夢想四、遣詞造句普通表達高級表達Since she graduated


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