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1、牛津英語6A期中試卷 2010.11姓名 班級 聽力部分(共30分)一 、選出你所所聽到的內容容。(10分分)( )11. A. cupbboard B. bllackbooard C. bookkcase D. penccil caase( )22. A. baskketballl B. voolleybball C. baaseballl D. ffootbaall( )33. A. wherre B. thhere C. thesee D. thosse( )44. A. storrybookk BB. nottebookk C. ccopyboook D. bbookmaark( )5

2、5. A. woulld B. shhould C. shoullder D. showw( )66. A. Januuary BB. Febbruaryy C. JJune D. JJuly( )77. A. signn B. ssing C. ssong D. ssome( )88. A. fiftteen B. fiifth C. fiftty D. fivee( )99. A. horsse B. hoouse C. mouthh D. mmonth( )110. AA. feeel B. ffilm CC. fissh DD. feeet二、根據所聽情情景及問題選選擇正確的答答案。(

3、100分)( )11. A. It iss in tthe deesk. B. It wwas beehind the ddesk. C. Itt was in thhe dessk. D. Itt is bbehindd the desk.( )22. A. Id llike ssome ccrayonns. B. A stooryboook. C. Somme craayons. D. Id likee a sttoryboook.( )33. A. Its in Noovembeer. B. Its on thhe 30tth of Novemmber. C. Itss the 13th

4、 of Novemmber. DD. Sorrry, II dont knoow.( )44. A. We shhouldnnt keeep quuiet hhere. B. We shoulld be quiett.B. We sshoulddnt wwalk oon thee grasss. C. We shoulld keeep offf the grasss.( )55. A. Tuesdday . BB. Thee secoond off Julyy.C. A quuarterr to tten. D. Thhe firrst off Julyy.三 、根據所聽聽內容填入所所缺單詞。

5、(110分)I know a lott abouut ssigns in thhe parrk. Thhey diffeerent thinngs.We mustt thee grasss. Wee shouuldntt onn it. We shhouldnnt near the bbirdss cagee. Thee signn on tthe in thhe parrk meaans “DDangerr”. Wee mustt froom it. 筆試部分 (共共70分)四、找出每組單單詞中劃線部部分發(fā)音與其其他三個不同同的選項 (5分)( ) 1 A. year B. neaar C.

6、 peaar D. heaar( ) 2 A. rready B. reaading C. swweater D. heaad( ) 3 A. ssign B. ccousin C. publlic DD. sing ( ) 4 A. family B. danger C. happy D. hand ( ) 5 A. orangee B. often C. open D. costumee五、翻譯詞組(12分)1.散步_ 2禁止吃喝 _ 3.把他們撿起起來_ 4一副耳機_ 5. 十月十二二日 _ 6在五月_ 7. 兩本日記記本_ 8. 尋找找他們的禮物物_ 9. go hhome ttoge

7、thher 10. wwatch a runnning race 11. bloow outt the candlles 12. coome upp to hhim 六、選擇填空。(110分) ( ) 1. _ speakk louddly . Keep quiett, pleease.A. Dont B. SShoulddnt C. Doesnnt D. Woulddnt( ) 2. Whhat _ is itt todaay? Itts Frriday.A. datee B. tiime C. dday D. wweek( ) 3 . Whhere _ you two ddays aago

8、? II _ in Beijiing.A. was weree B. weere wwas C. wwas wwas D. wwere were( ) 4. Id likke a bbig caake _ lotss of ggrapess _ my birthhday pparty.A . of, for . witth, ass . witth, foor D. off, as( ) 5. Here are yyour sshoes._, pleease.A. Put it onn B. Put on thhem C. Puut on it DD. Putt themm on( ) 6.

9、Woould yyou liike soome sttoryboooks aas youur birrthdayy pressent? Yes, .A . I wwould BB. Idd likee to C. suree D. IId liike( ) 7. Whens youur birrthdayy, Liuu Tao? My bbirthddays _.A. of JJanuarry B. in Jaanuaryy C. on Jaanuaryy D. in thhe Jannuary( ) 8. Thhe paiir of earphhones Suu Hais.A. are B.

10、 am CC. is DD. /( ) 9. Doo you like ffootbaall ? Yes, I A. playying , do B. plaay, amm C. to pplay, can D. /, liike( )110. Woould yyou liike oraange jjuice? No, .A. any, I wouuldnt B. any, thankks C. somee, thaanks D. somme, I woulddnt七、用所給單詞詞的適當形式式填空。(88分)1. My bbirthddays on thhe _ (five) of OOcto

11、beer.2. We aare waatchinng a _(fun) ccartooon. We aare veery _ (exciite). 3. Lookk, Wanng Binng _ (surff) thee Inteernet.4. Woulld youu likee _(ttake) some photoos?5. Wherre ( bee ) thhe diaaries noow? TThey ( be ) theree justt now.6. We _(shoulld)smokee and litteer in the cclassrroom.八、在A欄中找找出與B欄相相

12、對應的句子子。(10分分) (A) (B) ( ) 1. Can yyou seee thoose siigns? .A. OOctobeer 9. ( ) 2. Whats thee datee todaay ? B .Alll rigght. ( ) 3.HHow maany siigns ccan yoou seee? C. Yees,pleease. ( ) 4. Shalll we ggo to the zzoo ? D. Itts Tuuesdayy. ( ) 5. What day iis it ? E.Thhank yyou.( ) 6. WWould you llike ss

13、ome mmilk ? F. Soome fllowerss. ( ) 7. What do yoou likke ? G. II can. ( ) 8. Does he offten ggo shooppingg ? H.Noo. ( ) 9. Your shoess lookk so nnice. I.YYes, hhe doees.( )10. WWho caan reaad thee wordds ? J. Seveen.九、按要求改寫寫句子(100分)1. The ffilms were in thhe bagg. (對劃線線部分提問) _ _ thee filmms?2. He g

14、ooes too schoool frrom Moonday to Frriday.(改為一般般疑問句) _ he _ too schoool from Mondaay to Fridaay ? 33. Theree weree somee glassses oon thee deskk justt now.(改成否定定句) Theere _ _glaasses on thhe dessk jusst noww.4. Id llike ssome ttoys aas my birthhday ppresennt.(劃線線部分提問) _ _ yoou likke as your bbirthdd

15、ay prresentt?5. Pleaase piick upp the penciils. (同義句)Please pick _ _ .十、根據實際情情況回答問題題。(10分分)1.What day iis it todayy ? 2.What date was iit yessterday ? 3. Whenns yoour biirthdaay ? 4. Do yyou ussuallyy havee a biirthdaay paarty ? 5What wouldd you like as a birthhday ppresennt?_十一、閱讀短文文并判斷對錯錯。對的打”, 錯的

16、打打” 。(5分)Today iis Sunnday. Its sevenn thirrty inn the morniing. IIts ffine. Kate and hher paarentss are goingg to tthe Grreat WWall. Kates fatther iis a ddoctorr. Herr mothher iss a teeacherr. Noww theyyre ggettinng on a bigg bus. Therre aree twennty-twwo peoople iin it. Somee are Engliish, aand so

17、ome arre Ameericann and Japannese. They look very happyy. Theeyre goingg to tthe Grreat WWall, too.There aare foour Chhinesee on tthe buus. A youngg womaan, shhes aa drivver. AA younng mann, hes a gguide. My ffatherr and I aree goinng to the GGreat wall, too.( )1、Its a ffine SSundayy mornning.( )2、K

18、attes ffatherr and motheer aree teacchers.( )3、Theere arre tweenty-ttwo peeople in thhe buss.( )4、Theey aree happpy.( )5、Thee drivver iss a yooung mman.牛津小學英語66A 期中試試卷聽力題 20010.111一、聽錄音,選選出你聽到得得內容。聽兩兩遍。10分分)cupboarrd; bbasebaall; theree; coopyboook; wwould; June; ssong; fiftyy; mouuth; fillmA C BB C

19、 A C C CC C B二、根據所聽內內容及問題選選擇正確的答答案。聽兩遍遍。(10分分)A: Wherres yyour bbag, JJim? B: IIts iin my desk. A: Itss not theree now. B: It wwas thhere jjust nnow. EEn Wheere iss it nnow ? Lookk, mumm, its behhind mmy dessk.Q: Wherre is Jiims bbag? ( D )A: Whatt woulld youu likee as aa birtthday preseent, HHelen?

20、 A sttoryboook? B: NNo, Id likke somme craayons. Q: WWhat wwould Helenn likee as aa birtthday preseent? ( C )A: My bbirthdday iss in NNovembber. B: WWhen? A: My bbirthdday iss on tthe 133th of Novemmber. B: Ohh, I ssee. Q: WWhen iis hiss birtthday? (A ) 4.A: Whhat dooes thhis siign meean? B: IIt mea

21、ans wee shouuldntt makee noisse herre. Q: Whhat dooes thhat siign meean? ( B ) A: Helllo, Yaang Liing. WWhat dday iss it ttoday? BB: Its Weddnesdaay. A: WWhat ddate iis it todayy? B: Its the 22nd of July. A: WWhatss the time now? B: IIts aa quarrter tto tenn. Q: WWhat ddate wwas itt yestterdayy? ( D

22、 )三 、根據所聽聽內容填入所所缺單詞。聽聽三遍。 (110分)I know a lott abouut pubblic signss in tthe paark. TThey mean diffeerent thinggs. Wee mustt keepp off the grasss. We shoulldnt walk on itt. We shoulldnt make noisee near the bbirds cage. The sign on thhe walll in the ppark mmeans “Dangger”. We muust stay away from it.

23、 四、找出每組單單詞中劃線部部分發(fā)音與其其他三個不同同的選項 (5分)C B AA B C五、翻譯詞組(12分) 1 taake a walk, go ffor a walk 2 No eeatingg or ddrinkiing 3 ppick tthem uup 4 a paiir of earphhones 5 tthe twwelfthh of OOctobeer 6 iin Mayy 7 ttwo diiariess 8 look for ttheir preseents 9 一一起回家 10 觀看一場場跑步比賽 11 吹吹滅蠟燭 12 來到他面面前六、選擇填空。(110分)A C BB C D B B C A C 七、用所給單詞詞的適當形式式填空。(88分)1. My bbirthddays on thhe fiffth (five) of OOctobeer.2. We aare waatchinng a funnny (fun) ccartooon. We aare veery exxcitedd. (exciite). 3. Lookk, Wanng Binng is suurfingg (surff) thee


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