



1、四川省德陽市南華中學(xué)2022年高二英語期末試題含解析一、 選擇題1. While cleaning the snow on the road, _.A. a wallet was found on the ground. B. a wallet appeared on the ground.C. I found a wallet lying on the ground. D. I found a wallet laid on the ground.參考答案:C2. _,and well get everything ready for the taking off.AHave one more

2、 hour BOne more hourCGiven one more hour DIf I have one hour more參考答案:B3. The manager told us that the telegram asked for a(an) _ reply.A. complex B. enthusiastic C. instant D. scepcial 參考答案:C略4. Whats wrong with him?The picture he came across his memory of a sad story in his childhood. A. put off B

3、. took off C. set off. D. gave off 參考答案:C5. Everyone should learn something about first aid, because every second _ in an accident.A.urgesB.witnessesC.needsD.counts參考答案:D考查動詞辨析。句意:每個人都應(yīng)該了解有關(guān)急救的知識,因為在事故中每一秒都很重要。urge力勸,催促;witness見證;need需要;count重要。根據(jù)語意選D項。27. By coincidence, oil paints were also develo

4、ped at this time, _ made the color1 s used in paintings look richer and deeper. A. that B. when C. which D. who參考答案:C略7. The food is not worth .A. eat B. eating C. to eat D. being eaten參考答案:B【詳解】考查非謂語動詞。句意:這種食物不值得吃。sth. be worth doing,為固定用法,意為“某事值得做”。此句式中要用主動形式而非被動形式。所以不能用D。因此A、C和D是錯誤的。此句是指“這食物不值得吃”

5、,因此選B?!军c睛】worth的用法小結(jié)。1.worth 作形容詞,意為“值(多少錢)”、“相當于的價值”或“值得”等。其后通常接表示錢數(shù)的名詞或相當于“價錢”的名詞。例如:1) This book was worth five francs at most. 這本書最多值五法郎。 2) The project is worth effort we devoted to it.這個項目值得我們付出的時間和精力。2. be worth 后還可接動詞的 -ing 形式,意為“值得做”,應(yīng)使用主動結(jié)構(gòu)表示被動意義。但be worth 后不能接不定式。3) I think the film is wo

6、rth seeing twice. 我認為這部電影值得看兩遍。4)The problem is worth considering.這個問題值得考慮。3. be worth 后還可接名詞形式,意為“值得做”,第4個句子也可用consider的名詞形式,即:The problem is worth consideration.4.作名詞。作名詞時,意為“價值,值錢(的東西)”。例如:What is the worth of the old painting?這張舊油畫值多少錢?8. _ in his research paper for a long time, his eyes were ba

7、dly hurt.A. Because he was absorbed B. Having absorbed C. He was absorbed D. Absorbed參考答案:A略9. Most people are familiar with the idea that all matter in the universe _ atoms.A. makes up B. makes up of C. consists in D. consists of參考答案:D10. In the dark forests _, some large enough to hold several Eng

8、lish towns. A. stand many lakes B. lie many lakesC. laymany lakes D. many lakes stand參考答案:B11. Marry, I think you have left your umbrella in the restaurant.-Oh, so I have. I go and fetch it at once.A. am going to B. am to C. will D. am about to參考答案:C12. To everyones surprise, the woman all her money

9、 to the poor. Agave away Bgave in Cdropped out D. dropped by參考答案:A13. By 16:30, _ was almost closing time, nearly all the paintings had been sold.A. whichB. whenC. whatD. that參考答案:A略14. The quality of TV prgrams seem all the timeAto get worse Bto have got worse Cthat it is getting worse Dto be getti

10、ng worse參考答案:D15. Women usually regard their best friend as someone _ they can talk frequently.A. who B. that C. about which D. with whom參考答案:D考查定語從句。句意:女性通常把她們最好的朋友當作她們可以經(jīng)常談心的人。此處為定語從句,先行詞是someone,指人,在從句中作賓語,talk with sb. 表示“與某人談話”,故空白處用“with whom”形式,故D項正確。16. - Have you finished the report?- No. I

11、 _ it all this week.A. will do B. had done C. have been doing D. have done參考答案:C17. The holiday was ending, it _ to both of them that they still had loads of homework to do.Ahappened Boccurred Cthought Dtook place參考答案:B18. The criminal,as well as some people directly_ to this case, was arrested by t

12、he police the other day. A.relevant B.exposed C.evident D.sensitive參考答案:A二、 短文改錯19. 假定英語課課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯誤僅涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。增加:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號(),并在其下面寫出該加的詞。刪除:把多余的詞用斜線()劃掉。修改:在錯的詞下劃一橫線,并在該詞下面寫出修改后的詞。注意:1.每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞。2.只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計分。Encouragement, what is

13、 a kind of power, is very important.Failing my English exam once got me casting down. My teacher encouraged me not to lose hearts. He said it was no big deal to fail a exam and what mattered was to figure out the reasons instead of feeling sorry for me. I looked into my English paper and realized th

14、at the reason why I failed was because I had two weeks sick leave. So I made up for the lessons I have missed and my efforts was paid off in the following exams.Encouragement is great benefit to me and Ill give it to those who are in need of it.參考答案:1.此處Encouragement是先行詞,指物,在后面的非限制性定語從句中做主語,故把what-w

15、hich。2.句意:英語考試失敗使我沮喪。get +賓語+過去分詞,根據(jù)句意可知把casting-cast.3.固定詞組:lose heart喪失信心,故把hearts-heart.4.名詞exam是以元音開頭,表示“一”,故把a-an。5.句意:重要的是找出原因,而不是為我感到難過。根據(jù)句意可知把me-myself。6.句意:我瀏覽了我的試卷。look through瀏覽,仔細查看,根據(jù)句意可知把into-through。7. the reason做主語,后面的表語從句用that,故把because-that。8.句意:我彌補了我錯過的功課。根據(jù)句意可知定語從句用過去完成時態(tài),故把have-

16、had。9.句意:我的付出在接下來的考試中得到了回報。根據(jù)句意可知此處是主動語態(tài),故把was去掉。10.句意:鼓勵對我來說是有利的。be a great benefit to sb.故在is 和great之間家a。三、 閱讀理解20. Fathers Day Sunset Live Music Dinner CruiseJoin us about the 95 Dana Pride for our special Fathers Day Dinner Cruise. Enjoy a unique evening of fun on the foot, with live music by Mi

17、ke OBrien and a delicious barbecue dinner.Adult: $ 59 Kids (3-12) : $29 Two and under are Free LOCATION: Dana Point HarborBOOK ONLINE OR CALL: 949-496-5794Rancho Days FiestaCelebration the history of Saddleback Valley, there will be childrens activities including free crafts projects. Help make and

18、taste homemade ice cream and butter, warm bread from the oven. Dip water and grind (磨碎) corn while learning about the early days of Orange County.Admission is $ 3 for children 3 to 12 years old and $4 for adults.LOCATION: Heritage Hill Historical ParkINFORMATION: 949-923-2230Annual Silverado Counter

19、 Fair and Art FestivalThe 46th Annual Silverado Country Fair explores the wonders of the areas Old West rustic (鄉(xiāng)村的)culture, great live music tasty food, handmade arts, crafts and family games under the oak-trees below Orange Countrys famous Saddleback Mountain.Daytime adult admission: $4 Kids under

20、 12: only $2 Saturday Night Music Fest : $ 5 for everyoneLOCATION: Silverado Community CenterINFORMATION: 714-997-3968Starr Ranch SanctuaryAudubon Californias Starr Ranch Sanctuary invites you to our fall classes for adults. Join our wildlife biologist for two peaceful days at beautiful 4,000 acre S

21、tarr Ranch in southeast Orange County and experience nature hands-on as a wildlife researcher.Cost: $ 95 for those not camping (including dinner) $100 for those camping (dinner and breakfast provided)LOCATION: Starr Ranch SanctuaryRESERVATIONS OR INFORMATION: 949-858-030921. In which event can you enjoy riding a boat ?A. Rancho Days Fie


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