



1、四川省德陽市八角井鎮(zhèn)中學高一英語期末試題含解析一、 選擇題1. Although the working mother is very busy, she still_ a lot of time to her children.A. devotes B. spends C. offers D. provides參考答案:A略2. Follow your doctors advice, _your cough will get worse. A. then B. and C. or D. so參考答案:C3. I saw her in the office this morning. She

2、_ back to work without the doctors permission. A. couldnt come B. couldnt have come C. should have come D. should not have come參考答案:D4. Soccer is different American football. It is played all over the world.Afrom Bfor Cin Don參考答案:A5. Allow children the space to voice their opinions, _ they are diffe

3、rent from your own. A. until B. even if C. unless D. as though參考答案:B6. Every girl and every boy as well as some teachers who_ to visit the museum_ asked to be at the school gate before 6:30 in the morning.A. are; are B. is; is C. are; is D. is; are參考答案:C7. There is hard evidence _ George has somethi

4、ng to do with the murder. A. which B. what C. why D. that參考答案:8. You cant imagine this lake used to be a beautiful place in our province .Aat any time Bat one time Cin no time Dat times參考答案:B9. The black hero fought all his life to make black and white people _.A. fairB. sameC. equalD. legal參考答案:C10

5、. _ meeting held last night was _ great success.A. A ; a B. A ; / C. The; a D. The; /參考答案:C11. Mrs White found her husband _by letters and papers and_ very worried.A. surrounding ; looked B. surrounded ; looked C. surrounding; looking D. surrounded ; looking參考答案:D12. A new Beichuan _ in 8 years acco

6、rding to a report.A. will be built B. has been builtC. is being built D. was built 參考答案:A略13. Its difficult to_a conversation in a noisy room.A.carry out B.carry on C.speak of D.talk to 參考答案:B14. What did the leaders attending the Belt and Road Forum talk about? They talked about _.A. they felt what

7、 they could do B. what they felt they could doC. what they felt that they could do D. what they could feel they do參考答案:B句意:-出席一帶一路論壇的領導人說了什么?-他們談到他們覺得他們可以做什么。這里介詞about后接賓語從句,賓語從句中they felt作為插入語,用what引導賓語從句,并充當賓語從句的賓語。故選B。15. “ Oh, mum, my dress is rather _. Could you buy me a new one in style?” Jenn

8、y begged her mother. Aout of date Bup to date Cout of season Dout of balance參考答案:A16. Why not take this road? Its a short cut. I am afraid we cant. It _.A. is repaired B. is being repaired C. has repaired D. is repairing參考答案:B二、 書面表達17. 書面表達(滿分20分)最近,很多高中生都開通了微信。對此請根據(jù)提示寫一篇英語作文:1. 一方面,微信可作為展示自己的窗口,釋放

9、學習壓力。2. 另一方面,很多同學成了微信控,影響了學習和生活。3.我的看法詞匯:微信 WeChat字數(shù):100字 (超出130字將酌情扣分)參考答案:(One possible version)As a new tool in mass media, WeChat cant be replaced in peoples life today. Many high school students share their everyday experience with their friends through WeChat. Undoubtedly, its of great help to

10、 reduce their study pressure.However, because of its unusual attraction, students easily get addicted to it. Most of their daily time is taken up by WeChat instead of study and rest, which will probably damage their health.As far as I am concerned, despite the fact that WeChat plays an important rol

11、e in our lives, spending too much time on it will ly do harm to our study and life. Therefore, we should use WeChat reasonably, and let it serve us better.三、 閱讀理解18. Ashlyn Blocker could break her arm and not know it. Thats because Ashlyn, 13, cant feel pain. That might sound like a cool superpower.

12、 But without pain, everyday activities can be hazardous for Ashlyn. In fact, they could kill her.When Ashlyn was born, no one knew that she couldnt feel pain. But soon there was hints(跡象)that something was wrong. When Ashlyns teeth grew in, she almost chewed off part on her tongue. Ashlyns parents t

13、ook her to doctor for tests. The doctors discovered that Ashlyn couldnt feel pain, a condition called congenital insensitivity to pain(CIPA). Fewer than 100 people in the United States have it. There is no cure.(治療方法).“Sometimes its frustrating,” she admits.But Ashlyn doesnt let anything stop her fr

14、om doing things she wants to do. “I just have to be careful,” she says.For years, Ashlyn didnt know anyone else who had CIPA. That made it harder to deal with her condition. “I felt alone,” she says.One night she dreamed that there was a camp for kids like her. In 2011, Ashlys mom made the dream com

15、e true. She started Camp Painless But Hopeless.The camp is for children who have CIPA. Every November, they and their families spend four days together.The campers get to do daring activities like rock climbingwearing safety equipment.Someday, Ashlyn wants to be a director at the camp so she can hel

16、p others who cant feel pain. In fact, Ashlyn is already helping others. Since 2004, she has let scientists study her to learn more about her condition. What they are finding out could one day help people who suffer from the same disease. That makes her feel great. “I believe there is a reason for everything, ” she says, “There is a reason for me.”51. The underlined word “hazardous” in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by “_”.A.interesting B. dangerous C. difficult D. strange52. What can we learn about Ashlyns illness?A. She was born that way. B. It is a commo


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