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2、uaated wwithinn the adminnistraative jurissdictiion off Shannghai, as weell ass the leasee of premiises wwhose rent is deetermiined bby thee relaated ppartiees thrrough negottiatioons acccordiing too reassonablle marrket pprinciiples, excllusivee of tthe leease oof anyy publlicly-ownedd resiidencee

3、premmises at thhe rennt rattio speciified by Shhanghaai Munnicipaal Govvernmeent, oof thee publlic noon-ressidencce preemisess admiinistrrativeely alllocatted annd invvestedd by SShanghhai Muunicippal Goovernmment, and oof thee privvate ppremisses leeased at thhe rennt rattio sppecifiied byy Shanngh

4、ai Municcipal Goverrnmentt prioor to the iimplemmentattion oof thee Reguulatioons off Shannghai Municcipal goverrnmentt on PPremisses Leease(hhereinnafterr “thee Reguulatioons”).II. Thhe pree-leasse herreundeer is only restrrictedd to ssuch ccommerrcial housiings as bbuilt by reelatedd reall estaate

5、 deeveloppers wwho haas obttainedd the pre-ssale ppermitt, exccept ffor anny commmerciial hoousingg whicch hass beenn pre-sold by reelatedd reall estaate deeveloppers; and noo pre-leasee may be maade byy any pre-bbuyer of coommerccial hhousinng. Both thhe terrms 【For LLease】 and 【For PPre-Leease】men

6、tiioned hereiin aree for indiccativee purpposes, denooting that relatted prrovisiions oor claauses markeed witth succh terrms appply tto leaase orr pre-leasee, as indiccated respeectiveely. WWhen tthis Coontracct is used as a premiises llease agreeement, onlyy thosse proovisioons maarked with the ww

7、ord 【Leasee】 will be inncludeed andd adoppted aas inttegrall partt of ssuch llease agreeement; likeewise, whenn usedd as a ccommerrcial housiing prre-leaase coontracct, onnly thhose pprovissions markeed witth thee【Pre-llease】,as wwell aas thee provvisionns enttitledd “Pree-leasse Rellated Issuees” a

8、ss set out iin thee Suppplemenntal PProvissions, and otherr provvisionns nott markked 【】 may bbe inccludedd as tthe geenerall termms andd condditionns, reegardlless oof pree-leasse or leasee. IV.In case this Contrract iis to be ussed foor inttendedd pre-leasee of ccommerrcial housiing, bboth ppartie

9、es to such pre-llease shalll, upoon thee comppletioon of the ccommerrcial housiing, eenter into the hhandovver leetter of coommerccial hhousinng aftter reelatedd propperty develloper has ffollowwed thhe reqquiredd initiial reegistrrationn of rreal eestatee and acquiired tthe reeal esstate ownerrship

10、 certiificatte, foor thaat purrposess, thaat conntractt shalll beccome tthe prremisees leaase coontracct, annd thee origginal termss and condiitionss conttainedd therrein sshall have been fullyy fulffilledd. V.Thiss Conttract is thee tenttativee tempplate prepaared bby Shaanghaii Admiinistrrationn o

11、f PProperrty annd Land Recouurses in colllaborrationns witth Shaanghaii Muniicipall Bureeau foor Inddustryy and Commeerce, in acccordaance wwith tthe Reegulattions of Shhanghaai Munnicipaal Govvernmeent onn Premmises Leasee, alll termms andd condditionns conntaineed herrein aare onnly foor inddicati

12、ive puurposees to be muutuallly agrreed bbetweeen thee Partties hheretoo. Anyy issuues noot covvered or deefinedd hereein maay be reesolveed by enterring iinto ssuppleementaary prrovisiions bby Parrty A and PParty B thrrough amicaable nnegotiiationns.VI.Priior too execcutionn of tthis CContraact, tt

13、he leessor is reequireed to preseent too the prosppectivve lesssee iits reeal esstate ownerrship and lland uuse riight ccertifficatee or oother relatted owwnershhip ceertifiicate, and approopriatte proopertyy deveeloperr shalll shoow thee pre-lesseee thee pre-saless permmit ass dulyy obtaained. Each

14、h partty to an inntendeed leaase orr prellease shalll veriify thhe ideentityy certtificaate off otheers annd delliver to otthers its oown iddentitty cerrtificcate. Wheree the intennded llesseee is aan itiinerannt perrson ffrom ooutsidde Shaanghaii, thee lesssor iss alsoo requuired to prresentt the P

15、ermiit of Premiises LLeasinng seccurityy issuued byy relaated ppolicee authhorityy. VII.Reelatedd partties cconcerrned sshall, withhin fiifteenn (15) dayss uponn execcutionn of tthis CContraact, ffolloww relaated fformallitiess of ccontraact reegistrrationn. Speecificcally, in tthe evvent oof preemi

16、sess leasse, reegisteer, and aapply for tthe ceertifiicate of coontracct reggistraation with the loocal aapproppriatee reall estaate exxchangge cennter oor farm ssystemm dulyy estaablishhed att the placee wherre succh leaased ppremisses arre locatted; iin thee evennt of pre-llease of coommerccial hh

17、ousinngs, the ppre-leease oof forreign-oriennted ccommerrcial housiings sshall be reegisteered wwith Shangghai MMuniciipal RReal EEstatee Exchhange Centeer; the pre-llease of loocal-oorientted coommerccial hhousinng shaall bee regiistereed witth the rreal eestatee exchhange centeer dully esttablissh

18、ed aat thee placce wheere suuch prre-leaased ppremisses iss locaated. The prropertty ownnershiip cerrtificcate wwill bbe graanted if thhe commmerciial hoousinggs undder prre-leaase meechaniism arre commpleteed, annd thee relaated ppartiees shaall reegisteer, annd appply foor thee certtificaate off c

19、onttract regisstratiion wiith thhe loccal appproprriate real estatte excchangee centter orr farm ssystemm dulyy estaablishhed att the placee wherre succh leaased ppremisses arre loccated, uponn the execuution of haandoveer lettter oof commmerciial hoousinggs undder prre-leaase meechaniism. OOnce ddu

20、ly rregistteringg withh the abovee authhorityy, thee lesssee haas thee righht to claimm agaiinst tthe thhird pparty in reelatioon to any ppurporrted rrepeatted prre-leaases, transsfer oor disscretiional dispoosal oof morrtgageed preemisess duriing leease pperiodd, etcc. VIII.IIn thee evennt onee par

21、tty reqquiress to rregistter whhile tthe otther rrefusees to rendeer neccessarry cooordinaation, formeer may goo throough rrelateed forrmalitties ffor reegistrrationn by ppresennting this leasee conttract, valiid ideentifiicatioon cerrtificcate, as weell ass otheer suppportiing instrrumentts. IX. Th

22、ee secuurity depossit seerves as thhe saffeguarrd to ensurre thee due perfoormancce of the llease contrract. Durinng thee courrse off premmises leasee, the llessorr and the llesseee may stipuulate the ssecuriity deepositt in tthe leease ccontraact, and tthe speecificc amouunt shhall bbe detterminned

23、 byy bothh partties. Upon termiinatioon of the llease, the securrity ddeposiit, affter ddeductting tthe reelevannt cossts annd exppensess payaable bby lessorr as sspeciffied iin thee conttract, shalll be refunnded tto thee Lesssee. X. Thiis Conntractt is avaailablle froom thee Shannghai real estatee

24、 exchannge centerr or farm systemm filingg officee or iits diivisioons inn its distrrict oor, coounty wheree the relatted prremisees aree locaated. Both partiies arre advvised to reead thhorougghly eeach pprovission ccontaiined hhereinn and make a souund unndersttandinng theereof.XIThiss Conttract s

25、ervees onlly as a Moddel Teext foor refferencce by relatted paartiess. XIIWheere thhe leaaseholld herreundeer is estabblisheed undder thhe hellp of agenccy or brokeerage, relaated ppartiees to a leaase shhall rrequirre succh brookeragge or brokeer to sign on thhe lasst siggnaturre pagge herreof. SHA

26、NGHAAIPREMIISES PPRE-LEEASECONTRRACT (Contrract NNo.: )BETWEENN: Lessor (hereeinaftter “PParty A”):【For Leease】Lessee (hereeinaftter “PParty B”)Pre-lesssor (hereiinafteer “Paarty AA”):【For Prre-Leaase】Pre-lesssee (hereiinafteer “Parrty B”):THIS COONTRACCT is made and eentereed intto by and bbetweeen

27、 Parrty A and PParty B, thhroughh mutuual frriendlly neggotiattion bbased on thhe priinciplles off equaality, voluuntariiness, fairrness, as wwell aas goood faiith, iin resspect of isssues conceerningg the leasee by PParty A to Partyy B off the (Premisses/Coommerccial HHousinng )whhich PParty A is e

28、ntittled tto (leasee/pre-leasee), inn accoordancce witth thee Conttract Law oof thee Peopples Repubblic oof Chiina annd thee Reguulatioon of Shangghai MMuniciipal GGovernnment on Prremisees Leaase (hhereinnafterr “thee Reguulatioons”), subbject to thhe terrms annd connditioons ass hereeof: I.Proffil

29、e oof Leaased/PPre-leeased Premiises 1-1Thee Premisses ( For Leasee/Pre-leaase) bby Parrty A to Paarty BB hereeunderr is ssituatted att roomm , flooor, (No. /buiildingg) (Lanee/New Villaage) Road (diistricct/couunty), Shannghai (hereeinaftter “tthe Prremisees”). The measuured bbuildiing arrea off su

30、chh Premmises _ (For Leasee/Pre-leasee) is squaare meeters, and the PPremisses arre alllowed for , wiith a type of and sstructture oof . TThe pllan orr layoout off suchh Premmises is ass provvided in Apppendiix A aattachhed heereto. It iis ackknowleedged that Partyy A haas preesenteed to Partyy B: (

31、i)【Foor Leaase】The rreal eestatee owneershipp and land-use rright certiificatte/houuse owwnershhip ceertifiicate_, nnumberred ass (ii)【FFor Prre-Leaase】Pre-ssale ppermitt, nummberedd as (Refer to Arrticlee 2.1 and AArticlle 2.22 of tthe Suupplemmentall Provvisionns forr detaails)1-2 TThe leeasehoold

32、 iss estaablishhed beetweenn Partty A, as (Reaal Esttate OOwner/Adminnistraator/OOther Rightt Holdders uunder the AAppliccable Laws), andd Partty B hhereunnder. Partyy A haas infformedd Partty B tthat tthe Prremisees (haave/haave noot) beeen moortgagged, pprior to thhe exeecutioon of this leasee con

33、ttract. 1-3Spaace, CCondittions and RRequirrementts forr Use of Publicc or Sharedd Areas oof thiis Preemisess: The existting DDecoraation, anciillaryy faciilitiees, condditionns of equippment, as wwell aas thee infoormatiion annd staandardds of, the ancilllary facillitiess decorrated and aadded by P

34、aarty BB, upoon connsent of Paarty AA, shaall bee deteermineed as per AAppenddix B, attaached heretto, reespecttivelyy. Botth Parrties agreee thatt thesse twoo Appeendicees as mentiioned abovee shalll be the sstandaards oor bassis foor accceptannce off the Premiises wwhen iit is returrned bby Parrty

35、 B to Paarty AA uponn termminatiion heereof and wwhen iit is by Paarty AA to PParty B as of thhe efffectivve datte herreof. (Refeer to Articcle 2.3 of the SSuppleementaal Proovisioons foor dettails)II.Purrposess of LLease 2-1Parrty B underrtakess withh Partty A tthat tthe Prremisees aree leassed hee

36、reundder too be useed as , aand wiill coomply with any aand alll rellated appliicablee provvisionns conncerniing thhe premisses usse andd propperty managgementt of tthe Sttate aand Shhanghaai. 2-2 PParty B warrrantss to PParty A thaat durring tthe leease tterm hhereoff no cchangee willl be mmade tto

37、 thee purpposes menttionedd in AArticlle 2-11 abovve in the aabsencce of priorr writtten cconsennt of Partyy A annd appprovall fromm relaated ccompettent aauthorritiess afteer duee proccess oof exaaminattion iin acccordannce wiith reelatedd provvisionns. III.Haandoveer Date and LLease Term 3-1Botth

38、Parrties heretto agrree thhat Paarty AA willl handd overr Partty B tthe saaid Prremisees by yyyy/mm/ddd.【For LLease】The llease term hereoof shaall coommencce from and end oon 【 For Prre-Leaase】The llease term shalll commmence from the ddate wwhen tthe Prre-leaased CCommerrcial Housiing Haandoveer Le

39、ttter iis siggned aand ennd on the ddate oof _. (Refeer to Articcle 3 of thhe Suppplemeental Proviisionss for detaiils)3-2Upoon exppiry oof thee agreeed too leasse terrm, Paarty AA shalll havve thee righht to recovver thhe Preemisess leassed heereundder, aand Paarty BB is rrequirred too retuurn thhe

40、 samme as schedduled. Partty B sshall delivver a writtten nootice to Paarty AA requuestinng rennewal of this Coontracct sixx (6) monthhs priior too the expirry datte, whhich rrenewaal herreof sshall be suubjectt to eexpresss connsent of Paarty AA. IV. Reent, TTerms of Paaymentt and Periood4-1 IIt is

41、 agreeed by both Partiies heereto that the aagreedd-upon rent for eeach ssquaree meteer of buildding aarea/pper daay is Yuaan (Cuurrenccy). 【For Leease】The mmonthlly rennt in totall is_Yuan (Currrency) (In wordss: THHOUSANND _ HUUNDREDD _ YUANN ONLYY). 【For Prre-Leaase】The mmonthlly rennt shaall exx

42、presssly sttipulaated bby botth Parrties in thhe Hanndoverr Lettter off Commeerciall Houssing aas perr the actuaally mmeasurred buuildinng areea spaace. (Referr to AArticlle 4.11 of tthe Suupplemmentall Provvisionns forr detaails)The afooresaiid ratte of rent remaiins unnchangged foor a pperiodd of

43、(Year/Month), whiich maay be subjeect too adjuustmennt froom timme to time by booth paartiess hereeto frrom (yyear/MMonth) throuugh muutual frienndly nnegotiiationn, mattters conceerningg suchh adjuustmennt to be coontraccted bbetweeen botth parrties in thhe Suppplemeental Proviisionss hereeto. 4.2

44、TThe saaid reent shhall bbe payyable by Paarty BB to PParty A priior too the dday off eachh montth. Paarty BB is obbligedd to ppay a penallty too Partty A aat thee ratee of % of unpaiid rennt forr eachh delaayed dday. (Referr to AArticlle 4.11 and Articcle 144.2 off the Suppllementtal Prrovisiions f

45、for deetailss)4-3 TThe reent shhall bbe paiid by Partyy B acccordiing too the folloowing paymeent scchedulles: (Reffer too Artiicle 44.1 off the Suppllementtal Prrovisiions ffor deetailss)V.Cashh Depoosit aand Otther FFees5-1 BBoth PPartiees herreto aacknowwledgee thatt uponn handdover by Paarty AA

46、to PParty B of the PPremisses, Partty B sshall pay tto Parrty A securrity depossit inn the sum oof rennt forr moonths, i.e. Yuuan (RRMB). Upon reeceiviing thhe saiid seccurityy depossit, PParty A shaall isssue tto Parrty B a recceipt thereeof. Upon teerminaation or exxpirattion oof thiis Conntractt,

47、 thee secuurity depossit, aas paiid by Partyy B heereundder, aafter deduccting relatted feees whhich aare too be ppaid bby Parrty B as sttipulaated hhereinn, shaall bee refuunded to Paarty BB withhout iintereest (iif anyy amouunt reemainiing). (Refeer to Articcle 5 of thhe Suppplemeental Proviisions

48、s for detaiils)5-2 AAny annd alll fees and expennses iincurrred duuring the llease term, in rrespecct of the wwater, elecctriciity, ggas, ccommunnicatiions, equippment, propperty managgementt, andd otheer rellated fees or exxpensees shaall bee bornne by (Paarty AA/Partty B). All otherr feess and exp

49、ennses sshall be boorne bby (Partty A/PParty B). (Referr to AArticlle 4.22 and Articcle 4.3 of the SSuppleementaal Proovisioons foor dettails)5-3 TThe meeans ffor caalculaating or appportiioningg the aforeesaid fees and eexpensses too be ppaid bby (Paarty AA/Partty B ), thee termms as well as tiime

50、off paymment tthereoof shaall bee as ffollowws: (RRefer to Arrticlee 4.2 and AArticlle 4.33 of tthe Suupplemmentall Provvisionns forr detaails)VI.Reqquiremments for UUse off Premmises and MMainteenancee Liabbilitiies6-1 DDuringg the leasee termm hereeof, PParty B shaall prompptly iinformm Partty A t

51、to reppair oor makke goood anyy damaage orr faillure ooccurrred too the Premiises oor itss anciillaryy facillitiess whennever such damagge or failuure coomes tto hiss atteentionn; Parrty A shalll, witthin ffifteeen (155) dayys upoon recceipt of suuch nootice from Partyy B, mmake aapproppriatee corrr

52、ectioon or repaiir, ottherwiise, PParty B mayy makee suchh neceessaryy repaair att the cost of Paarty AA.6-2 DDuringg the leasee termm, Parrty B shalll reassonablly usee and take propeer carre of the PPremisses annd itss anciillaryy facillitiess. Parrty B shalll be hheld lliablee for makinng prooper

53、 rrepairr or ccorrecction of anny dammage oor faiilure to thhe Preemisess or iits anncillaary faacilitties aas ressult oof missuse oor unrreasonnable use bby Parrty B. In ccase PParty B reffuses to maake prroper repaiir upoon reqquest from Partyy A, PParty A mayy makee suchh repaair att the cost of

54、Paarty BB. 6-3 PParty A warrrantss thatt the Premiises aand itts anccillarry faccilitiies arre in good condiition and ssafe mmannerr, suiitablee for use, durinng thee leasse terrm. Paarty AA shalll nottify PParty B of any pplanneed insspectiion annd/or mainttenancce on the PPremisses thhree (3) daay

55、s inn advaance, in thhis caase, PParty B shaall prrovidee reassonablle andd neceessaryy coopperatiion foor thaat purrpose, provvided, howeever PParty A is requiired tto minnimizee to tthe poossiblle exttent tthe immpact on thhe usee by PParty B of this Premiises, causeed by such inspeectionn and/or

56、maaintennance. (Reffer too Artiicle 77 of tthe Suupplemmentall Provvisionns forr detaails)6-4 Exxcept for AAppenddix herreto, any iintendded Deecorattion or addditioon of ancilllary facillitiess and equippmentss by PParty B shaall bee subjject tto priior wrrittenn conssents of Paarty AA and requiire

57、d aapprovvals, for wwhich (Partty A /Partyy B enntrustted byy Partty A )shalll applly, frrom appproprriate compeetent authooritiees in accorrdancee withh appllicablle proovisioons, iif succh appprovall is rrequirred byy appllicablle lawws as necesssary for ssuch iintendded Deecorattion and aadditiio

58、n off anciillaryy faciilitiees andd equiipmentts. Thhe ownnershiip of such Decorrationn and addittion oof anccillarry faccilitiies annd equuipmennts, mmade bby Parrty B, as wwell aas maiintenaance rresponnsibillitiess therreforee shalll be agreeed by both Partyy A annd Parrty B separratelyy in wwrit

59、inng. (RRefer to Arrticlee 6 annd Artticle 7 of the SSuppleementaal Proovisioons foor dettails)VII.Coonditiions oof Preemisess at tthe Tiime off Retuurn7-1 UUnlesss Partty A cconsennts Partyy B too reneew thiis Conntractt, Parrty B shalll retuurn thhe Preemisess withhin _ dayy(s) uupon eexpiraation

60、of thhe leaase teerm. IIf Parrty B delayys to returrn thee Premmises withoout coonsentt of PParty A, foor eacch dellayed day, Partyy B shhall ppay too Partty A aan occcupatiional feee at (_ curreency) _ /m2 (equual too two timess of tthe daaily rrent) durinng thee periiod whhen thhe Preemisess are o


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