Unit 6 Lesson 2-3 同步基礎(chǔ)能力提升測試-2022-2023學(xué)年高中英語北師大版(2019)必修第二冊(含答案)_第1頁
Unit 6 Lesson 2-3 同步基礎(chǔ)能力提升測試-2022-2023學(xué)年高中英語北師大版(2019)必修第二冊(含答案)_第2頁
Unit 6 Lesson 2-3 同步基礎(chǔ)能力提升測試-2022-2023學(xué)年高中英語北師大版(2019)必修第二冊(含答案)_第3頁
Unit 6 Lesson 2-3 同步基礎(chǔ)能力提升測試-2022-2023學(xué)年高中英語北師大版(2019)必修第二冊(含答案)_第4頁
Unit 6 Lesson 2-3 同步基礎(chǔ)能力提升測試-2022-2023學(xué)年高中英語北師大版(2019)必修第二冊(含答案)_第5頁
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1、Section B LESSON 2 & LESSON 3A級必備知識基礎(chǔ)練I .單詞拼寫.Hard work is f to success.He got the job through an employment(代理處).But I(為做廣告)a lot on the radio and in local newspapers now. All theories o from practice.He took the woman as the first(證人).We need a big win to(促進)our confidence.The company(贊助)several T

2、V programs last year.8.If you want to use an own image,you can u it here on the web.9.We a that sales will rise next year.10.She tried to(吸弓I) the waiter, s attention.II.單句語法填空don t have anything(suit) to wear for the party.The film is a(vision) art.We hope it will be a(commerce) success.The company

3、 says they re able to keep pricing(compete).He made one big mistake,and,as result,lost his job.r m ringing about your(advertise) in the paper.The play needs the audience, s(participate).They took away his(free) and broke his spirit.He(genuine) cares about his employees.Our society could not survive

4、without scientific and(technology) knowledge.in用適當(dāng)?shù)慕樵~或副詞填空he cut four metres of cloth from the roll.He answered the question the spot.The trip will combine business pleasure.Most of the problems were due human error.don t ever want to go anything like that again.Anyone who has the talent for music o

5、r loves singing can participate the contest.What will life consist on other planets?.As we know,we must link theory practice.Higher living standards separate the older generation their children.10.Of all the plans discussed,only one really stood.IV .短語填空Section B LESSON 2 & LESSON 3I .1.fundamental

6、2.agency 3.advertise 4.originate5.witness 6.boost 7.sponsored 8.upload9.anticipate 10. attractII .1.suitable 2.visual 3 mercial 4 petitive5.a 6.advertisement 7.participation 8.freedom9.genuinely 10.technologicalIII. 1.off 2.on 3.with 4.to 5. through 6.in 7.of 8.with 9.from 10.upIV.l.make a contribut

7、ion to 2.As always 3.take part in 4,stand out 5.1n modem times 6.find out 7.hear of 8.originate from 9.aim to 10.have a hard timeV .l.are likely to feel anxious 2.Not all the students 3.A chair consists of 4.stands out very well5.cut out smoking and drinkingVI.1.suitable 2.to show 3.visually 4.highe

8、st 5.concepts6.a 7.aiming 8.to participate 9.on 10.be ignoredVIL【語篇導(dǎo)讀】本文是一篇應(yīng)用文。文章介紹了廣告設(shè)計大賽的相關(guān)內(nèi)容,包括大賽目的、如 何加入和得獎?wù)叩母@?.B 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)題干中的關(guān)鍵詞main purpose定位到原文第一殳中的“This competition primarily aims to highlight the best advertisement design ideas in graphic design.,由此可知,本次大 賽的主要目標(biāo)是突出最好的廣告設(shè)計理念,故B項正確。.C 細節(jié)理解題

9、。根據(jù) How to Join 局部中的“create an account at the A Design Award and Competitionjog on to your account and send your work”可知,加入該 大賽的 第一步是注冊貝艮戶,故 C項正確。.A 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù) Benefits for Award Winners 局部中的Your work and your details will be communicated to thousands of press contacts.local press contacts.”可佚口,獲月生者可

10、以得至I 被賞識 的機會,應(yīng)選A項?!菊Z篇導(dǎo)讀】本文是一篇記敘文。文章主要講述了作者的丈夫與印刷報紙之間的故事,表達了 他對印刷報紙永恒的愛。.A 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第四段中的I thought he was going to fall over.The colour faded from his face.及“I rolled up his paper and waved it under his nose.The smells from the ink woke him up.“可 知,他在聽到女孩的問題時,震驚得要暈倒了。A項符合題意。.C 推理判斷題。作者說他的腿在抽搐是想表達他在知道小

11、女孩竟然不知道他最在意的報紙 是什么東西時,幾乎要失去平衡,失去知覺。.C 推理判斷題。根據(jù)倒數(shù)第二段中的a young mother who subscribes to the daily newspaper” 及“Because it s print! she said. I love print!可知,這位年輕的母親喜歡印刷報紙,由此 可推測出,作者寫這位母親的目的是為了表達還有年輕人喜歡印刷報紙。.B 主旨大意題。根據(jù)第二段中的“My husband is less willing to accept the downward trend of print-edition newspa

12、pers,as he has worked in newspapers since the age of 16.口最后一段中的“My husband will be so thrilled that he might write this young woman into his will.“可知,本文講述 了 作 者的丈夫與印刷報紙之間的故事,表達了他對印刷報紙永恒的愛。因此B項(一個男人對印刷報 紙永恒的愛)符合文章大意。【語篇導(dǎo)讀】本文是一篇說明文。文章主要講述了由于電子產(chǎn)品的大量使用,越來越多的孩子 出現(xiàn)近視眼這一現(xiàn)象。8.A 推理判斷題。由第二段中的Also there is a f

13、ear that their eyesight is declining too.Although there s not much evidence to prove this yet,recent findings have brought the problem into light.”可 知,人們已經(jīng)注意到久看屏幕對于視力的影響了,故答案為A項。9.C 細節(jié)理解題。由第四段中的“Annegret Dahlmann,expert at Moorfields Eve Hospital in London,says lack of natural light seems to be the

14、key issue.”可知,孩子們眼睛近視的主要原因是缺 少自然光,故答案為C項。10.C 細節(jié)理解題。由最后一段中的“This leads to a dilemma:achieving short-term academic success or protecting your long-term eyesight.”可知專注于學(xué)習(xí),還是保護視力”這一問題引起了 人們的關(guān)心,故答案為C項。11.B 細節(jié)理解題。由最后一段中的“So,maybe it s time to hit the off button and get our children outside.”可知,作者呼吁孩子們關(guān)掉電

15、子設(shè)備,多進行戶外活動,故答案為B項?!菊Z篇導(dǎo)讀】本文是一篇說明文。文章主要講述了科技對人們看電視節(jié)目的方式的改變。12.B 詞義猜想題。根據(jù)畫線詞上文“The survey also points out that people have many ways to watch shows apart from cable TV.號口下文的“include smartphones,computers,and tablets”可次口,They 指代上文中的“many ways to watch shows,即“人們看電視的方式應(yīng)選B項。.C 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段中的Technology has

16、 changed not only where but also how we watch TV.”可知,科技改變了我們看電視的方式。應(yīng)選C項。.C 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第四段中的“Without having to wait for the next week, s episode,viewers can watch the whole season in a day,or at whatever pace they choose.”可知,流媒體 網(wǎng) 絡(luò)相對于電視 的優(yōu)勢是用戶可以一次享受整季的劇集。應(yīng)選C項。.D 推理判斷題。文章主要講述了科技對人們看電視節(jié)目的方式的改變。由此可推知,文章 最

17、有可能出自雜志。應(yīng)選D項。vin.【語篇導(dǎo)讀】本文是一篇說明文。文章主要講述了如何撰寫新聞報道,如:收集事實材料、給 出重要的細節(jié)等。.E 根據(jù)前面的“寫新聞報道和寫其他的文章不同”可知,下面要談到它的不同之處,E項符合語 境。.G 根據(jù)下文的It will also help you write a clean,succinct article.“可知,上文也應(yīng)提到“help”,G 項符合語境。.D 解答該題的關(guān)鍵詞語是“the lead”,也就是開頭句。D項說明的是開頭句的作用,所以符合語 境。.C 根據(jù)小標(biāo)題可知,本段談?wù)摰氖羌毠?jié)。C項中的“what,where,when,who and

18、 why”都是細 節(jié)。.A 根據(jù)下文的“Be sure to double check all the facts”可知,本段的內(nèi)容與核實事實細節(jié)有關(guān), 所以選A項。IX.【語篇導(dǎo)讀】本文是一篇記敘文。在自己的狗去世后,史蒂夫格雷格開始收養(yǎng)很多老年狗,給 它們提供一個家。后來他開始在Meta上發(fā)布他養(yǎng)的動物的家庭照片,他的粉絲迅速增加,他的照 片也產(chǎn)生了很大的積極影響。1.B 根據(jù)下文提到的他收養(yǎng)了好幾只狗可知,他的生活從此改變了(changed)。.D 根據(jù)下文“wouldn t have had a home”可知,此處是指他收養(yǎng)了(adopted)一只又一只狗。下 文的I adopted

19、 these animals”也有提示。.C 根據(jù)上文“all of whom have been in their last few years of life可知,這些都是老年(senior) 狗。.C 根據(jù)下文“on Meta可知,此處是指在Meta上發(fā)布(posting)照片。.D 根據(jù)下文“He now has more than 894,000 followers”可知,他的粉絲迅速增加(grew)。.B 根據(jù)第一段中的“When Denver accountant Steve Greig lost his beloved dog Wolfgang eight years ago”

20、可知,沃爾夫?qū)ナ懒?,所以他收養(yǎng)這些動物是為了紀(jì)念(in memory of)沃爾夫?qū)?B 根據(jù)下文“adopted the oldest dog there”可知,此處是指他去了 一處收容所(shelter)。.A 根據(jù)第二段中的family photos of his animals”可知,他開始記錄自己和動物們的日常(daily) 生活。.D 根據(jù)下文“I have no idea that these photos”可知,此處是指這將是一張很棒的照片(picture)o 此處為同義詞復(fù)現(xiàn)。.C 根據(jù)下文“now the followers are still growing”可知,他

21、沒有想到這些照片傳播得(spread)這 么快。.C 根據(jù)下文“which teaches kids about”可知,此處是指他原本沒打算激勵(inspire)別人。.B 根據(jù)上文“his mailbox”可知,此處是指郵箱里塞滿了其他收養(yǎng)老年狗的人的信息 (messages) o.D 根據(jù)下文“instead of.”可知,這本書教孩子們尊重(respecting)舊事物,而不是尋找下一個新 事物。.A 根據(jù)下文“knowing the end is near”可知,此處是指在知道離別之日很快到來的情況下,忍受 (bear)這種痛苦來收養(yǎng)老年狗。.C 根據(jù)下文“Love doesn t h

22、ave a time limit.可知,答案對他來說很簡單(simple)。X.【語篇導(dǎo)讀】本文是一篇說明文。文章介紹了中國第一本高中生人工智能教材。這本專門 為高中生編寫的人工智能教材在2018年出版。本文介紹了與此教材相關(guān)的信息。l.was brought 考查動詞時態(tài)、語態(tài)和主謂一致。bring sth out意為“生產(chǎn),出版此處表示書被出版,因此用被動語態(tài);又因時間狀語為in 2018,因此應(yīng)該使用一般過去時;又因主語 China s first artificial intelligence(AI) textbook 為 單數(shù),故填 was broughto.to include 考

23、查非謂語動詞。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)并結(jié)合語境可知,此處為不定式作定語,修飾名詞 d 考查非謂語動詞。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,此處為分詞短語作定語,修飾textbook,又因 name與textbook為邏輯上的動賓關(guān)系,故用其過去分詞形式namedo.scholars考查名詞復(fù)數(shù)。scholar表示“學(xué)者”,為可數(shù)名詞,其前無限定詞修飾,故應(yīng)用其復(fù)數(shù)形 式。.practical考查形容詞。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,此處應(yīng)為形容詞,修飾名詞use。.who 考查定語從句。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,此處引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句,在從句中作主語,先行 詞指人,故填whoo.have undertaken 考查動詞時態(tài)和主謂一致。分析

24、句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,此處應(yīng)為句子的謂語,由該句 中的Up till now可判斷,此處應(yīng)該為現(xiàn)在完成時;又因主語為復(fù)數(shù)形式,故用have undertakeno 8.by 考查介詞。根據(jù)語境可知,此處意為“通過”,表示方式,故用by。.globally 考查副詞。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,此處作狀語,應(yīng)為副詞。a 考查冠詞。breakthrough為可數(shù)名詞。根據(jù)語境可知,此處表示“這本書的出版是一次突 破”,表示泛指,應(yīng)用不定冠詞;又因breakthrough的發(fā)音以輔音音素開頭,故填a。stand out,make a contribution to,hear of,have a hard time,a

25、s always,find out,in modern times,aim to,originate from,take part in1.1 would like to the motherland.2.,Peter had a reason for his action.3.Six theatre companies have been selected to this year s festival.4.She wants to make herself.5.questioning has entered the classroom and attracted more and more

26、 people s attention.6.If there has been any funny business,we? 11 soon.7.1 was very sad indeed to your father? s death.8.Do the idioms of Chinese all stories?9.Students should become more independent of their teachers.10.1 guess I won t finding a room.V.完成句子1 .你可能會感到焦慮并且有壓力。(be likely to do sth)You

27、and pressured.2,并非所有的學(xué)生都去看電影了。(not all) went to the cinema.3.椅子是由椅座和椅背構(gòu)成的。(consist of) a seat with a back.4黑體字非常醒目。(stand out)The bold print.5.他已決心戒煙戒酒。(cut out)He has decided to.VI.課文語法填空The advertising industry that started with the purpose of promoting and selling goods has gone through changes b

28、ecause of the developments of society,economy and technology.Classic ads used to give information about finding certain products,the location of the company and the name of the product.Though they were effective,they mightn t be 1.(suit) for products.lt s normal to see ads that consist of pictures o

29、r words from experts 2.(show) people how good the product is in order to hold people s attention.Moreover,some ads apply modern design techniques to make the ads 3(visual) attractive.As the development of advertising,modern ads combine the 4.(high) standard of design with creative ways by using the

30、5(concept),which can make them stand out in 6 world of competition.Today? s top advertisers make people notice their products by using humour 7.(aim) to create something that has never been seen before.However,not all advertising is about selling products and services for a profit.Public ads encoura

31、ge citizens 8.(participate) in improving their neighbourhood,protecting theenvironment,and helping other people.Having sponsored ads to educate the public 9.fighting AIDS,saving water,etc.,the government tries to increase public knowledge about topics that used to 10.(ignore) by most people.B級能力素養(yǎng)提升

32、練 vn .閱讀理解A主題語境:人與自我語篇類型:應(yīng)用文Advertisement Design CompetitionThe Advertisement Design Competition is an international design contest organized by the A Design Award and Competition,which is the world s largest design competition awarding best designs,design concepts and products & services.This compe

33、tition primarily aims to highlight the best advertisement design ideas in graphic design.Award winners usually get recognition opportunities,appear on various publications and get the press s attendance.How to JoinJoining the Advertisement Design Competition is easy:create an account at the A Design

34、 Award and Competition,log on to your account and send your work.When you submit your work,it will be checked by the preliminary judges for necessary qualities.Then,your design will be either approved or rejected to take part in the competition.If your design is approved,you can continue recommendin

35、g your design by paying the necessary processing fees.Benefits for Award WinnersA unique public relations campaign will be made for Advertisement Design Award winners.Your work and your details will be communicated to thousands of press contacts,and also we will prepare a media kit for you. You can

36、use this professionally prepared media kit to contact local press contacts.The winning design and the designer or the design studio will also be featured in the design yearbook which is distributed by Design PR Wire to key figures in the design industry such as famous editors,press members and multi

37、-national companies.All winning designs will be included in the winners book free of charge.The winners will be listed as co-editors of the book.Submit your design by 25 November. You will be informed of the outcome by 25 December.l.What s the main purpose of the Advertisement Design Competition?A.T

38、o collect ad designs for a book.B.To draw special attention to ad design concepts.C.To make ad designs international.D.To promote ad designs in popular media. What should you do first if you want to join the competition?A.Submit your work.B.Pay necessary fees.C.Register an account.D.Recommend your d

39、esign.What can award winners get?A.Chances to get noted.B.Access to Design PR Wire.C.Positions as editors.D.Contact with other competitors.B主題語境:人與自我語篇類型:記敘文Every morning I walk outside and bring in the morning newspaper.There was a time when every house on both sides of the street had a newspaper i

40、n the driveway.There was also a time when every house had a landline telephone,but not anymore.Not for a long time.My husband is less willing to accept the downward trend of print-edition newspapers,as he has worked in newspapers since the age of 16.Even before that,he was what you would call an ind

41、ependent publisher”.Recently,we were in a Chicago park with our grandchildren.My husband had a newspaper folded under his arm.He sat down and put the paper on the bench beside him.A young girl walked overlooked at the newspaper,picked it up and asked,What s this?”I thought he was going to fall over.

42、The colour faded from his face.His eyes rolled back in his head and his legs were giving out.I rolled up his paper and waved it under his nose.The smells from the ink woke him up.Some people simply love paper-the feel,the portability,and the pleasure of piling them higher and higher until their wife

43、 criesJEnough!” My husband was happy when he spent time with our youngest daughter and her husband.When they lived with us,they raced to pull the crossword puzzle from the paper every day.It s hard to do a crossword online.Pencil doesn t come off a computer screen as easily as you might think.Now my

44、 husband will be very excited that I have found further proof that there may still be hope fbr the survival of print.I was chatting with a young mother who subscribes to the daily newspaper.I asked why she did something so conservatively.She looked shocked.Because it s print! she said.I love print!W

45、hen the paper didn t come one day,would you believe I called the main number to let them know and the lady said, Why don t you just subscribe to the online version? She shook her head in disbelief.My husband will be so thrilled that he might write this young woman into his will.I say we leave her al

46、l our piles of old newspapers.How did the author , s husband feel when a girl asked a question in the park? A.Shocked.B.Thrilled.C.Disappointed.D.Confused.What does the author probably mean by saying his legs were giving out”?A.He was feeling tired and needed a rest.B.He was very old and unable to s

47、tand long.C.He almost lost his balance and became unconscious.D.He was annoyed with the girl and played a trick on her.What does the author intend to tell us with the example of the young mother? A.Many young people follow an old-fashioned lifestyle.B.It s inconvenient for the old to read online new

48、spapers.C.There re still young people who love printed newspapers. D.Printed newspapers will be replaced by online newspapers. 7.What does the author mainly talk about in the passage? A.The new rise of digital newspapers online.B.A man s everlasting love for printed newspapers. C.The pleasure of loo

49、king through daily newspapers. D.A family s memory of reading printed newspapers.C主題語境:人與自我 語篇類型:說明文These days there is so much tempting technology to look at:smartphones,tablets,computer games and TV screens.Much of children s entertainment and education come from using them,so it s no wonder they

50、spend so much time staring at them.But even if the saying that looking at a screen for too long gives you square eyes isn t true,there is still some concern.So,should we be worried?Certainly for children who spend hours glued to a screen,there is a concern that their health might be at risk.Also the

51、re is a fear that their eyesight is declining too.Although there s not much evidence to prove this yet,recent findings have brought the problem into light.Chris Hammond,consultant at St Thomas? Hospital,says,uWe find short-sightedness is becoming more common.lt has greatly spread in East Asia,Singap

52、ore,South Korea where approaching 90% of 18- year-olds are now short-sighted.But can this be linked to children s addiction to using electronic gadgets?Annegret Dahlmann,expert at Moorfields Eve Hospital in London,says lack of natural light seems to be the key issue.She has suggested that children i

53、n East Asia study a lot,using computers,smartphones or tablets,and they go outside less.Wearing glasses is one solution,but it s not ideal.This leads to a dilemma:achieving short-term academic success or protecting your long-term eyesight.lt? s always going to be a challenge to drag children away fr

54、om their screens and it s likely that more and more studying will be done online.Despite that,Professor Hammond says/In regions like urban China,where 10% of children in each class per year are becoming short-sighted from about the age of six.There s an argument for saying we should be trying to pre

55、vent it. It s evidence we can t turn a blind eye to.So,maybe it,s time to hit the off button and get our children outside.What can we infer from the first two paragraphs?A.Recent findings have opened our eyes to the issue of eyesight.B.Looking at a screen for too long will get you square eyes.C.It h

56、as been confirmed that children s eyesight is failing.D.Using electronic gadgets affects children s education.According to Annegret,which is mainly to blame for short-sightedness?A.Wearing glasses.B.Heavy schoolwork.C.Lack of natural light.D.Booming technology.What trouble has raised concerns accord

57、ing to the text?A.Learning online or offline.B.Reading for pleasure or exams.C.Focusing on study or protecting eyesight.D.Protecting eyesight or promoting technology.What does the author call on children to do?A.Study hard.B.Head outdoors.C.Quit the computer.D.Challenge more.D主題語境:人與社會 語篇類型:說明文Durin

58、g the outbreak,watching TV shows has become the most popular activity,according to a survey by Chinese market research company Guideline Research.The survey also points out that people have many ways to watch shows apart from cable TV.They include smartphones,computers,and tablets.It s true that TV

59、is not usually watched on an actual TV anymore.Technology has changed not only where but also how we watch TV.Streaming(流媒體)networks,rather than live TV,have helped viewers watch their favourite shows when it s most convenient for them.In the US,content providers like Netflix and Amazon Prime keep p

60、eople entertained.Users can choose which services offer the shows and movies they like.Binge-watching(刷劇)has become a new trend due to some companies releasing entire seasons at once.Without having to wait for the next week, s episode(M),viewers can watch the whole season in a day,or at whatever pac


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