1、THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (the Employment Agreement), dated as of this _,_,_(M/D/Y), is entered into by and among AAA Corporation (the Company or Employer) and BBB (Executive). In consideration of the mutual covenants and agrTHIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (the Employment Agreement), dated as of this _,_,
2、_(M/D/Y), is entered into by and among AAA Corporation (the Company or Employer) and BBB (Executive). In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows:1. EMPLOYMENT.1.1. POSITTION. Durinng thee Emplloymennt Terrm (ass hereeinaftter deefinedd
3、) andd subjject tto thee termms andd condditionns sett fortth herrein, the CCompanny agrrees tto empploy EExecuttive aas itss Chieef Exeecutivve Offficer reporrting to thhe Boaard off Direectorss of tthe Coompanyy.1.2. DUTIEES. Exxecutiive shhall ddiligeently, and to thhe besst of his aabilitty, pee
4、rformm all such dutiees inccidentt to hhis poositioons annd usee his best efforrts too prommote tthe beest innteressts off the Compaany.1.3. TIME TO BEE DEVOOTED TTO EMPPLOYMEENT. DDuringg the Emplooymentt Termm, Exeecutivve shaall deevote his ffull ttime aand ennergy to thhe bussinesss of tthe Coom
5、panyy and shalll not be enngagedd in aany coompetiitive businness aactiviity wiithoutt the expreess wrrittenn conssent oof thee Comppany. Execuutive herebby reppresennts thhat hee is nnot a partyy to aany aggreemeent whhich wwould be ann impeedimennt to enterring iinto tthis EEmployyment Agreeement
6、and tthat hhe is permiitted to ennter iinto tthis EEmployyment Agreeement and pperforrm hiss obliigatioons heereundder.2. COOMPENSSATIONN AND BENEFFITS.2.1. ANNUAAL SALLARY. In coonsideeratioon of and aas commpensaation for tthe seervicees agrreed tto be perfoormed by Exxecutiive heereundder, tthe C
7、oompanyy agreees too pay Execuutive commeencingg on tthe Efffectiive Daate a startting aannuall basee salaary off _ dolllars ($ _), ppayablle in accorrdancee withh the Compaanys regullar paayrolll scheedule (Basse Sallary), lesss appplicabble wiithholldingss and deducctionss. Thee Basee Salaary wiil
8、l bee subjject tto inccreasee at tthe soole diiscrettion oof thee Boarrd of Direcctors of thhe Commpany.2.2. PERFOORMANCCE BONNUS. EExecuttive sshall be enntitleed to bonusses inn accoordancce witth thee Comppany bbonus plan for CCompanny offficerss to bbe esttablisshed aand immplemeented by thhe Bo
9、aard off Direectorss of tthe Coompanyy payaable iin acccordannce wiith thhe Commpanys staandardd poliicy, pprovidded thhat Exxecutiive shhall bbe enttitledd to aa guarranteeed minnimum annuaal bonnus off $ _ (tthe GGuarannteed Bonuss) duuring the EEmployyment Term. The Compaany wiill deeduct and wwi
10、thhoold frrom anny bonnus paayablee to EExecuttive hhereunnder aany annd alll appllicablle Fedderal, statte andd locaal inccome aand emmploymment wwithhooldingg taxees andd any otherr amouunts rrequirred too be ddeductted orr withhheld by thhe Commpany underr appllicablle staatute or reegulattion.2.
11、3. PARTIICIPATTION IIN BENNEFIT PLANSS. Durring tthe Emmploymment TTerm, Execuutive shalll be eentitlled too partticipaate inn any pensiion, ggroup insurrance, Secttion 4401(k), vission, dentaal, meedicall hosppitaliizatioon, annnual physiical, disabbilityy or oother simillar beenefitt plann, to the
12、 eextentt permmittedd by llaw, tthat mmay frrom tiime too timee be aadopteed by the BBoard of Diirectoors off the Compaany, tthat iis gennerallly avaailablle to the oother execuutive officcers oof thee Comppany. The CCompanny resservess the rightt to aamend, modiify orr termminatee any emplooyee bbe
13、nefiits att any time for aany reeason. Untiil succh timme as the CCompannys mmedicaal plaans arre in placee, thee Comppany sshall reimbburse Execuutives cosst in contiinuingg his existting mmedicaal inssurancce covveragee undeer COBBRA.2.4. REIMBBURSEMMENT OOF EXPPENSESS; MOVVING EEXPENSSES. TThe Co
14、ompanyy shalll reiimbursse Exeecutivve forr all reasoonablee busiiness expennses iincurrred byy Execcutivee on bbehalff of tthe Coompanyy duriing thhe Empploymeent Teerm, pprovidded thhat: (i) suuch reeasonaable eexpensses arre orddinaryy and necesssary businness eexpensses inncurreed on behallf of
15、the CCompanny, annd (iii) Exeecutivve proovidess the Compaany wiith ittemizeed acccountss, recceiptss and otherr docuumentaation for ssuch eexpensses ass are reasoonablyy requuired by thhe Commpany. The Compaany shhall aalso rreimbuurse EExecuttive ffor reelocattion eexpensses inncurreed witthin ssi
16、x moonths of thhe datte herreof iin connnectiion wiith Exxecutiives reloccationn to tthe Neew Yorrk Citty areea (inncludiing thhe reaal esttate ccommisssion on thhe salle of Execuutives currrent home).2.5. VACATTION. Durinng thee Emplloymennt Terrm, Exxecutiive wiill bee entiitled to fiive (55) weee
17、ks off paidd vacaation per aannum.3. EMMPLOYMMENT TTERM.3.1. EMPLOOYMENTT TERMM. Thee Empploymeent Teerm mmeans the pperiodd commmencinng on the cclosinng of the CCompannys ffirst equitty finnancinng whiich yiields proceeeds tto thee Comppany iin exccess oof $5 milliion (tthe EEffecttive DDate) and
18、termiinatinng on the eearlieer of five (5) yyears from the EEffecttive DDate oor as set fforth in Seectionn NOTICCE OF RENEWWAL. AAt leaast siixty (60) ddays pprior to thhe nattural expirrationn of tthe innitiall Emplloymennt Terrm of this Emplooymentt Agreeementt and sixtyy (60) dayss prio
19、or to each one-yyear aanniveersaryy therreafteer, iff appllicablle, thhe Commpany shalll givee Execcutivee writtten nnoticee of wwhetheer thee Comppany wwill bbe seeeking a onee-yearr exteensionn of EExecuttivess servvices beyonnd thee inittial EEmployyment Term or suubsequuent oone-yeear peeriod, i
20、f aappliccable. Unleess suuch nootice indiccates that theree willl be nno exttensioon, thhe terrm of this Emplooymentt Agreeementt shalll be autommaticaally rreneweed forr succcessivve onee-yearr periiods. Howevver, EExecuttivess emplloymennt witth Empployerr willl conttinue unlesss terrminatted byy
21、 Execcutivee or tthe Coompanyy as sset foorth iin Secction 4.1.4. TERMMINATIION OFF EMPLLOYMENNT.4.1. METHOOD OF TERMIINATIOON. Exxecutiives emplooymentt purssuant to thhis Emmploymment AAgreemment aand thhe Empploymeent Teerm prrovideed forr hereein shhall tterminnate uupon tthe fiirst oof thee fol
22、llowingg to ooccur (eithher wiith thhe Commpany, or tthe Coompanyy or iits suuccesssors):A. Exxecutiives deathh; orB. Daate thhat wrrittenn notiice iss deemmed giiven oor madde by the CCompanny to Execuutive that as a resullt of any pphysiccal orr menttal innjury or diisabillity, he iss unabble too
23、perfform tthe esssentiial fuunctioons off his job, with or wiithoutt reassonablle acccommoddationn. Succh nottice mmay bee issuued whhen thhe Boaard off Direectorss of tthe Coompanyy has reasoonablyy deteermineed thaat Exeecutivve hass becoome unnable to peerformm subsstantiially his sservicces annd
24、 dutties hhereunnder wwith oor witthout reasoonablee accoommodaation becauuse off any physiical oor menntal iinjuryy or ddisabiility, and that it iss reassonablly likkely tthat hhe willl nott be aable tto ressume ssubstaantiallly peerformming hhis seervicees andd dutiies onn subsstantiially the tter
25、ms and ccondittions as seet forrth inn thiss Emplloymennt Agrreemennt; orrC. Daate thhat wrrittenn notiice iss deemmed giiven oor madde by the CCompanny to Execuutive of teerminaation for Causee (foor purrposess of tthis EEmployyment Agreeement, Cauuse sshall have the mmeaninng sett fortth in that c
26、ertaain Reestriccted SStock Purchhase AAgreemment ddated as off _,_,_(M/D/Y) (tthe RRestriicted Stockk Purcchase Agreeement) bettween the CCompanny andd Execcutivee); orrD. Daate thhat wrrittenn notiice iss deemmed giiven oor madde by Execuutive of hiis volluntarry depparturre or resiggnatioon as an
27、 emmployeee of the CCompanny; orrE. Daate thhat wrrittenn notiice iss deemmed giiven oor madde by the CCompanny to Execuutive of Exxecutiives termiinatioon witthout Causse.Nothiing heerein alterrs Exeecutivves aand thhe Commpanys sepparatee righht to termiinate the eemployyment relattionshhip att an
28、y time, for any rreasonn, witth or withoout Caause.4.2. NOTICCE OF TERMIINATIOON. Anny terrminattion oof Exeecutivves eemployyment eitheer by the CCompanny or by Exxecutiive shhall bbe commmuniccated by wrrittenn Notiice off Termminatiion too the otherr partty herreto iin acccordannce wiith Seection
29、n 7.1 hereoof.4.3. DATE OF TEERMINAATION. Datte of Termiinatioon shhall mmean tthe daate sppecifiied inn the Noticce of Termiinatioon.4.4. EFFECCT OF TERMIINATIOON WITTHOUT CAUSEE. In the eevent the CCompanny terrminattes Exxecutiives emplooymentt withh the Compaany wiithoutt Causse, Exxecutiive shh
30、all bbe enttitledd to hhis thhen exxistinng Basse Sallary aand thhe Guaaranteeed Boonus ffor thhe enttire pperiodd remaainingg of tthe Emmploymment TTerm, payabble inn accoordancce witth staandardd Comppany ppolicyy. Exeecutivve willl recceive an immmediaate luump suum payyment of alll unppaid aand
31、acccruedd vacaation up too the Date of Teerminaation.4.5. EFFECCT OF TERMIINATIOON FORR OTHEER EVEENTS. Upon the tterminnationn of EExecuttive ffor anny reaason oother than as seet forrth inn Secttion 44.4 heereof, Execcutivee willl not be enntitleed to any aadditiional compeensatiion orr otheer rig
32、ghts oor bennefitss fromm the Compaany, aand, aas a rresultt, thee Comppany sshall be obbligatted too pay Execuutive only that portiion off his then existting BBase SSalaryy thatt Execcutivee has earneed priior too the Date of Teerminaation of Exxecutiives emplooymentt withh the Compaany. EExecuttiv
33、e wwill aalso rreceivve an immeddiate lump paymeent foor alll unpaaid annd acccrued vacattion uup to the DDate oof Terrminattion.4.6. RESIGGNATIOON AS AN OFFFICERR AND DIRECCTOR. In thhe eveent Exxecutiives emplooymentt withh the Compaany teerminaates ffor anny reaason, Execuutive agreees to immeddi
34、atelly ressign aas an officcer annd/or direcctor oof thee Comppany.5. COONFIDEENTIALL INFOORMATIION ANND COVVENANTT NOT TO COOMPETEE.5.1. Execuutive underrstandds thaat thee Comppany aand itts afffiliattes poossesss Propprietaary Innformaation (as ddefineed bellow) wwhich is immportaant too its busi
35、nness aand thhat thhis Emmploymment AAgreemment ccreatees a rrelatiionshiip of confiidencee and trustt betwween EExecuttive aand thhe Commpany and iits afffiliaates wwith rregardd to PPropriietaryy Infoormatiion. NNothinng in this Sectiion 5 shalll be ddeemedd modiified or teerminaated iin thee even
36、nt of the tterminnationn or eexpiraation of thhis Emmploymment AAgreemment.5.2. For ppurposses off thiss Emplloymennt Agrreemennt, PPropriietaryy Infoormatiion iis infformattion tthat wwas orr willl be ddevelooped, creatted, oor disscoverred byy or oon behhalf oof thee Comppany aand itts afffiliatte
37、s annd preedecesssors, or iis devvelopeed, crreatedd or ddiscovvered by Exxecutiive whhile pperforrming serviices uunder this Emplooymentt Agreeementt, or whichh becaame orr willl becoome knnown bby, orr was or iss convveyed to thhe Commpany and iits afffiliaates wwhich has ccommerrcial valuee in tt
38、he Coompanyys annd itss affiiliatees buusinesss. PPropriietaryy Infoormatiion iincluddes, bbut iss not limitted too, traade seecretss, ideeas, ttechniiques, busiiness, prodduct, or deeveloppment planss, cusstomerr infoormatiion, aand anny othher innformaation conceerningg the Compaanys and iits afff
39、iliaates actuaal or anticcipateed bussinesss, devvelopmment, persoonnel inforrmatioon, orr whicch is receiived iin connfidennce byy or ffor thhe Commpany and iits afffiliaates ffrom aany otther ppersonn.5.3. At alll timmes, bboth dduringg the term of thhis Emmploymment AAgreemment aand affter iits t
40、eerminaation, Execcutivee willl keepp in cconfiddence and ttrust, and will not uuse orr discclose, any Prop55.4. EExecuttive uundersstandss thatt the Compaany annd itss affiiliatees posssess or wiill poossesss Commpany Documments whicch aree impoortantt to iits buusinesss. Foor purrposess of tthis E
41、Employyment Agreeement, Commpany Documments are documments or otther mmedia that contaain orr emboody Prroprieetary Inforrmatioon or any oother inforrmatioon conncerniing thhe bussinesss, opeeratioons orr planns of the CCompanny andd its affilliatess, wheether such documments have been prepaared bby
42、 Exeecutivve or by otthers. Commpany Documments incllude, but aare noot limmited to, bblueprrints, drawwings, phottograpphs, cchartss, graaphs, notebbooks, custtomer listss, commputerr diskks, peersonnnel fiiles, tapess or pprintoouts aand otther pprinteed, tyypewriitten or haandwriitten documments.
43、 All Compaany Doocumennts arre andd shalll remmain tthe soole prropertty of the CCompanny. Exxecutiive aggrees not tto remmove aany Coompanyy Docuumentss fromm the businness ppremisses off the Compaany orr deliiver aany Coompanyy Docuumentss to aany peerson or enntity outsiide thhe Commpany, exceept
44、 ass requuired to doo in cconnecction with perfoormancce of the sservicces unnder tthis EEmployyment Agreeement. Execcutivee furtther aagreess thatt, immmediattely uupon tthe Coompanyys reequestt and in anny eveent uppon coomplettion oof Exeecutivves sservicces, EExecuttive sshall delivver too the C
45、ompaany alll Commpany Documments, appaaratuss, equuipmennt andd otheer phyysicall propperty or anny repproducction of suuch prropertty.5.5. NON-SSOLICIITATIOON. Foor so long as shhares of Cllass AA-1 Coommon Stockk heldd by NNeelemman Hooldinggs, LCC conttinue to veest inn accoordancce witth thee te
46、rmms of the RRestriicted Stockk Purcchase Agreeement and ffor onne-yeaar theereaftter iff the vestiing off all such sharees is accellerateed purrsuantt to SSectioon D.55 therreof (the Complliancee Periiod), Execcutivee willl not encouurage or soolicitt any emplooyee oof thee Comppany oor anyy affiil
47、iatee to lleave the CCompannys oor anyy affiiliatees emmploy for aany reeason or innterfeere inn any materrial mmannerr withh emplloymennt rellationnshipss at tthe tiime exxistinng bettween the CCompanny andd its curreent emmployeees, eexceptt as mmay bee requuired in anny bonna fidde terrminattion
48、ddecisiion reegardiing anny Commpany emplooyee5.6. NON-CCOMPETTITIONN. Durring tthe Coompliaance PPeriodd, Exeecutivve shaall noot dirrectlyy or iindireectly own, managge, opperatee, joiin, coontroll or pparticcipatee in tthe owwnershhip, mmanageement, operrationn or ccontrool of, or bbe empployedd
49、by oor connnecteed in any mmannerr withh, anyy enteerprisse whiich iss engaaged iin anyy busiiness compeetitivve witth thaat whiich thhe Commpany is att the time conduuctingg or ppropossing tto connduct; PROVVIDED, howeever, that such restrrictioon shaall noot appply too any passiive innvestmment rr
50、epressentinng an interrest oof lesss thaan twoo perccent (2%) oof an outsttandinng claass off publlicly tradeed seccuritiies off any corpooratioon or otherr enteerprisse whiich iss not, at tthe tiime off suchh inveestmennt, enngagedd in aa busiiness geogrraphiccally compeetitivve witth thee Comppany
51、ss busiiness.5.7. Execuutive acknoowledgges thhat thhe speecialiized nnaturee of hhis knnowleddge off the Compaanys Proprrietarry Infformattion, tradee secrrets aand otther iintelllectuaal proopertyy are such that a breeach oof hiss coveenant not tto commpete or coonfideentiallity oobligaationss con
52、ttainedd in tthis SSectioon 5 oof thiis Empploymeent Aggreemeent woould nnecesssarilyy and ineviitablyy resuult inn a diisclossure, misappproprriatioon andd misuuse off suchh Propprietaary Innformaation, tradde seccrets and oother intelllectuual prropertty. Acccordiingly, Execcutivee acknnowleddges
53、aand aggrees that such a breeach wwould infliict unnique and iirrepaarablee harmm uponn the Compaany annd thaat thee Comppany sshall be enntitleed, inn addiition to itts othher riights and aavailaable rremediies, tto enfforce, by iinjuncction or deecree of sppecifiic perrformaance, Execuutives oblli
54、gatiions sset foorth hhereinn.6. REESTRICCTIVE COVENNANT.Durinng thee Emplloymennt Terrm:6.1. Execuutive shalll devoote suubstanntiallly alll of hhis tiime annd eneergy tto thee perfformannce off Execcutivees duuties descrribed hereiin, exxcept durinng perriods of illlnesss or vvacatiion peeriodss.6
55、.2. Execuutive shalll not direcctly oor inddirecttly prrovidee servvices to orr throough aany peerson, firmm or oother entitty exccept tthe Coompanyy, unlless ootherwwise aauthorrized by thhe Commpany in wrritingg; proovidedd howeever tthat nnothinng conntaineed herre shaall prreventt Execcutivee fr
56、omm servving aas a mmemberr of tthe booard oof dirrectorrs of otherr corpporatiions.6.3. Execuutive shalll not rendeer anyy servvices of anny kinnd or charaacter for EExecuttivess own accouunt orr for any oother persoon, fiirm orr entiity wiithoutt firsst obttaininng thee Comppanyss writtten cconsen
57、nt.6.4. Notwiithstaandingg the foreggoing, Execcutivee shalll havve thee righht to perfoorm suuch inncidenntal sservicces ass are necesssary in coonnecttion wwith (i) hiis priivate passiive innvestmments, but only if Exxecutiive iss not obliggated or reequireed to (and shalll not in faact) ddevotee
58、any managgeriall effoorts wwhich interrfere with the sservicces reequireed to be peerformmed byy him hereuunder, (ii) his chariitablee or ccommunnity aactiviities or (iiii) pparticcipatiion inn tradde or profeessionnal orrganizzationns, buut onlly if such inciddentall servvices do noot siggnificcant
59、lyy inteerferee withh the perfoormancce of Execuutives serrvicess hereeunderr.7. MIISCELLLANEOUUS.7.1. NOTICCES. AAll nooticess, demmands and rrequessts reequireed by this Emplooymentt Agreeementt shalll be in wrritingg and shalll be ddeemedd to hhave bbeen ggiven or maade foor alll purpposes (i) uu
60、pon ppersonnal deeliverry, (iii) onne dayy afteer beiing seent, wwhen ssent bby proofessiional overnnight couriier seervicee, (iiii) fiive daays affter ppostinng wheen sennt by regissteredd or ccertiffied mmail, or (iiv) onn the date of trransmiissionn whenn sentt by ttelegrraph, teleggram, telexx,
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