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1、2021-2022學(xué)年中考英語模擬試卷注意事項(xiàng):1 答題前,考生先將自己的姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號填寫清楚,將條形碼準(zhǔn)確粘貼在考生信息條形碼粘貼區(qū)。2選擇題必須使用2B鉛筆填涂;非選擇題必須使用05毫米黑色字跡的簽字筆書寫,字體工整、筆跡清楚。3請按照題號順序在各題目的答題區(qū)域內(nèi)作答,超出答題區(qū)域書寫的答案無效;在草稿紙、試題卷上答題無效。4保持卡面清潔,不要折疊,不要弄破、弄皺,不準(zhǔn)使用涂改液、修正帶、刮紙刀。. 單項(xiàng)選擇1、 You look so worried, James. What happened? Im still thinking _ I can pass the exam or no

2、t.Athough Bwhether Cunless Duntil2、Shall I give you a ride as you look so tired?Thank you. _.AIts your duty.BDont mention itCDo as you likeDIt couldnt be better.3、After the government carried out the two-child policy, she had a second child in her_.AthirtiethBthirtiesCthirtyDthe thirtieth4、-He seems

3、 _ ill. Shall we take him to the hospital right now?-I dont think it matters. Maybe hes caught a bit of a cold.AterribleBterriblyCevenDto be terrible5、-Have you ever traveled abroad? -Sure. I_in a small town in the USA with my grandparents.Aused to liveBwas used to livingCwas used to liveDdidnt use

4、to live6、- Tom, you wont make much progress_ you work really hard.-Ok, I will try my best.Aif Bthough Cunless Dwhen7、The Chinese are the ones who best understand the nature of tea. As we know, _ show us how to make a perfect cup of tea with beautiful tea sets.ATea art performanceBTea art projectsCTe

5、a art performances8、-Where is your father?-He is helping David _ a shelf above the bed.Aput in Bput on Cput up Dput out9、What do you want to be in the future?Im good at writing , so I want to be a writer.AfictionBdecisionCexample10、 I will give you a gift if you keep the secret for me. OK. _.AIts a

6、dealBJust so-soCof course notDIm afraid so. 完形填空11、Traffic rules help to keep order on the road. They also help to keep people 1 .The pedestrian (行人)has as many rules to 2 as the driver of a car. You should walk on the sidewalk (人行道)or at the side of the road. Always look 3 before you walk across th

7、e street.If you like riding a bike, dont ride in the middle of the road or run 4 red traffic lights. When you ride a bike with a friend, dont look around or talk. If you drive a car, you should 5 at the traffic lights. You must always 6 a seat belt(安全帶).Without belts 7 the driver and the passengers

8、maybe badly hurt in a sudden accident.You may not need to take a bus, but 8 if you have to travel in one. Get on or get off a bus only when it comes to a 9 .When it is full, dont try to get inside 10 you may fall off.Traffic rules are also called Road Safety rules.1Ahealthy Bsafe Chappy2Afollow Bmak

9、e Cbreak3Ahappy Bhappily Ccarefully4Athrough Bon Cat5Aspeedup Bgo ahead Cslow down6Atake Bwear Ccarry7Ahalf Bnone Cboth8Alook around Btake care Ctake a seat9Asign Bstop Ccorner10Aand Bso Cor. 語法填空12、The Value of a DollarWhen I was nineteen, I had a job at a local bookstore. One night, a young couple

10、 came in and walked here and there looking for a book. They seemed 1 (be) the usual type to give mall 2 (worker) a hard time. When they came to the register (收銀處), she was a dollar or two short of 3 (buy) the book she wanted.She looked 4 (disappoint). I had a customer discount (折扣) card and it was s

11、till active. I told the girl 5 (gentle), “Hang on, dont worry, youll have the money to buy the book.” I put in my password.She gave me a 6 (thank) smile. With a dollar left, she and her boyfriend left the store. I believed that I would never see 7(they)again.I dont remember 8 long it was, but they d

12、id return later that evening just to bring me 9 beautiful card that said “Its people like you who make the world a 10 (good) place to live in.”Im deeply moved by the little girl and her boyfriend. In fact, they have also made the world a little brighter. 閱讀理解A13、World Sleep Day is on March 21st. Las

13、t years theme was “Healthy sleep, away from the slow disease”. Its aim is to celebrate the benefits (好處) of good and healthy sleep.Sleep is like food for the brain. Enough sleep helps the body and brain grow and develop. According to the National Sleep Foundation in the US, adults need seven to nine

14、 hours of sleep every night. For students aged 10 to 17, a healthy amount is about eight to nine hours per night.But many students dont get enough sleep because of early school start times and heavy homework. About 80 percent of middle school students dont get enough sleep, the China Youth and Child

15、ren Research Center reported. For some students, they want to sleep early, but they keep worrying about their schoolwork and cant fall asleep quickly. For others, they may even have insomnia which might keep them awake all night.These sleeping problems greatly affect peoples lives. Experts have show

16、n that lack of sleep for teenagers leads to poor grades. Students without enough sleep cannot pay attention in class or do well in sports. Also, lack of sleep may make them depressed.Luckily, with good sleep habits, it is easier to fall asleep. Some of these good habits include avoiding drinks that

17、make people excited late in the day, going to sleep at the same time each night, and sleeping in a comfortable place that is dark, quiet, and neither too warm nor too cold.1If Li Hong is 15 years old, how much sleep does she need every night?A10-12 hours. B8-9 hoursC7 hours. DLess than 7 hours.2What

18、 might happen if teens dont get enough sleep?AThey might do well in sports.BTheir bodies and brains might grow better.CThey might feel depressed.DThey might not be able to finish their schoolwork.3Which is NOT a reason why so many students dont get enough sleep?AThey cannot pay attention in class.BT

19、hey have too much homework to do.CThey have sleeping problems.DThey have to get up very early to go to school.4Which of the following are good sleeping habits?a. Sleeping in a bright place.b. Going to bed at the same time.c. Sleeping in a dark and quiet place.d. Drinking something that makes you exc

20、ited.Aa-b Ba-c Cb-c Db-d5The underlined word “insomnia” means “_” in Chinese.A健忘癥 B肥胖癥 C多動癥 D失眠癥B14、 These days the subject of security(安全) on campus is talked about quite often. Some students mobile phones are stolen, some students fight with and hurt one another, and others are knocked down by the

21、 fast running motorbikes or cars.These problems are common on campus. I think there are three causes for these. Firstly, some students dont take care of their own things. They are still young and not careful enough. Secondly, some students want to do everything well. They want to be the winners in e

22、xams, and they also want to be the winners in fighting. And thirdly, the campus guards dont carry on their duties well.In order to have a safe campus, all the students should be very careful about their own things. They should also mind their behaviors and act politely. The campus guards are suppose

23、d to be devoted(致力于) to the safety on campus, and it is their duty to safeguard a safe campus to help provide a good environment for the students.1According to the passage, some studentsare stolen.AbooksBwatchesCbikesDmobile phones2There are _ reasons for the campus problems.A2B3C4D53The passage tel

24、ls us some _ dont carry on their duties well.ACampus guardsBstudentsCteachersDHeadteachers4Which of the following sentences is NOT right?ASome students are knocked down by the cars.BSome students want to be winners in exams and fighting.CAll the students take care of their own things.DAll the studen

25、ts should take care of their own things.5This passage is mainly about .Ahow to act politelyBhow to do well in examsCHow to make the campus safeDHow to take care of thingsC15、One day, a farmer was walking along a road with his son Thomas. The father said, “Look! Theres a horseshoe. Pick it up and put

26、 it in your bag. ” Thomas said, “It isnt worth the trouble.” His father said nothing but picked it up himself. When they got to a nearby town, they had a rest. There the farmer sold the horseshoe and with the few pennies he bought some cherries(櫻桃).The father and the son continued their way. The sun

27、 was well up in the sky, and there wasnt a house or even a tree where they could have a rest. Thomas felt too thirsty to walk on. At this time, his father dropped a cherry on the ground and Thomas picked it up quickly and ate it. After a while, his father dropped another cherry and once again, his s

28、on lost no time in picking it up and putting it in his mouth.And so they went on. The old farmer dropped the cherries and the son picked them up. When Thomas had eaten up all the cherries, his father said to him, “My dear son, if you had bent(彎腰)down early to pick up that horseshoe, it would not hav

29、e been necessary for you to bend so many times for the cherries. Always remember the lesson, that he who does not worry about the little things will find that he cannot do the great things.”1Who picked up the horseshoe at last?AThe son.BThe father.CBoth the father and the son.2The farmer bought _ wi

30、th the money after he sold the horseshoe.Asome water Bsome cherries Csome pennies3When the son refused to pick up the horseshoe, the father _.Adidnt say anythingBfelt very sadCbecame very angry4The father dropped the cherries one by one, because _.Ahe wanted to teach his son a lessonBhe wanted his s

31、on to do more exerciseChe wanted his son to eat them all5From the story, we can learn that _.Amany hands make light workBif we want to eat cherries, we must pick up a horseshoeCif we dont worry about the little things, we cannot do the great thingsD16、In fact, at the time they seemed to be ordinary

32、events, but now everything seems different. I had spent 10 years away from the place where I was born. Even though I made the decision to leave my country by myself, I miss a lot of things now. The person that brought me the happiest memories is my best friend. She is the greatest person in the worl

33、d, and I am not exaggerating(吹噓). She is kind, funny,polite,and always willing to listen,and has been a great friend. I always recall(回想)events from our childhood. I think about the school where we met in the first grade and went on until the 5thgrade. I think about the talks we had and the things w

34、e did together. If someone wants me to describe our friendship, Id say we have been close friends for 17 years and we never got angry with each other. Its amazing, isnt it? I havent been able to do that with anybody else. Sometimes I even feel guilty(有罪的). I miss her more than my own brothers and si

35、sters. And of course besides those memories, my kids are number one in my life. I have plenty of beautiful memories with them, especially when they were born, which also turned out to be a sad moment for both of them, because they were premature babies(早產(chǎn)兒). Anyone, who has had an experience with a

36、premature baby, can_what I mean.1How does the writer feel about her best friend?AShe is patient and funBShe is famous in the worldCshe is more important than her sonsDThey have been best friends and lived close.2How long has the writer spent with her friend?AFor 5 years BFor 6 yearsCFor 10 years DFo

37、r 17 years3Which of the following words has the same meaning of “figure out”?AGuess BLook for CUnderstand DPoint out4What can we learn from the passage?AThe writer still lives in her own country.BThey got to know each other in their childhood.CThe writer felt tired of looking after her children.DIts

38、 common that the writer never quarreled with her friends.E17、We have always been interested in the moon.2000 years ago, people already knew that the moon moves around the earth and where it would be in the sky at different times of the year. At that time, everything about the moon was learned by wat

39、ching it carefully in the sky.When scientists could use telescopes to study the moon more closely, their ideas began to change. They could see the moon was made of rocks. Most scientists thought moon rocks would be different from those on the earth. This was because they believed the moon had once b

40、een a planet that had been caught in the earths gravity millions of years earlier.In 1969, moon rocks werefinally brought to the earth and studied. Much to their surprise, scientists found that, except for water, the moon and the earth were made of the same things. Once again new ideas were needed f

41、or this new information.After years of study, most scientists now think that the moon was once part of the earth. They believe very early in its history, maybe 4 billion years ago, something about the size of Mars hit the earth. This sent billions of rocks into space around our planet. These rocks s

42、lowly joined together and after many years became the moon.In the future, even thought our ideas about the moon may change again, we will still be interested in it.12000 years ago, people already knew_.Athe earth moved around the moonBthe moon and the earth were made of the same thingsCthe moon was

43、made of rocksDthe moon moves around the earth2Before 1969, most scientists thought the moon was_.Apart of the earth billions of years earlierBolder than the earthCa planet caught by the earths gravityDmade of the same things as the earth3After years of study, most scientists now think_.Athe earth wa

44、s once part of the moonBthe moon was once part of the earthCsomething about the size of Mars will hit earth in the near futureDa lot of rocks will slowly join together to become the other moon4From this passage we can learn that_.Ascientists in the past were not cleverBscientists are so clever that

45、they know everythingCnew information brings new ideasDwe now everything about the moonF18、Circle of Knowledge Most students today depend on the rapidness and convenience of the Internet to provide the facts they look for. Given a research task,many students make use of a website known as Wikipedia,w

46、hich is available(可獲得的)to all users of the Internet. However,before the introduction of the Internet, students journeyed to the library to search for facts,figures and stories in a huge collection of books known as encyclopedias(百科全書) The word“encyclopedia,meaning“whole circle of knowledge”,comes fr

47、om the ancient Greek language. The first encyclopedias were organized by topic. These early collections were the works of a single writer. The first book of this kind was written by a Roman,Pliny the Elder, nearly 2,000 years ago. Plinys collection remained popular for almost 1,500 years. Producing

48、such huge works was a difficult task. So experts began to work together, sharing responsibility for writing about different topics. The first set of books to use many authors was An Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences published in 1728. The multiple-author model became the most widely used for

49、mat. Today there are many encyclopedias in different media. The online encyclopedia Wikipedia was started in 2001. Users can visit the free website on the Internet. But the online information has mistakes. Users are warned that newer articles may have large mistakes. Printed encyclopedias are more o

50、r less free of mistakes. However, it is expensive to make sure of the correctness. Wikipedia is trying to improve its correctness. They employ(雇用)1,000“fact checkers to look through the website and correct mistakes. The website managers also state that older articles are more complete and balanced.

51、Encyclopedia Britannica has even made moves away from being a single-format book too. The company started a free online version. The free articles are short;however, longer articles are available after users pay for them. Both online and print editions(版本)have disadvantages. The mistakes can be corr

52、ected,but the process takes time. Print editions are resistant(頑固的)to such mistakes. They are also resistant to something else:change. Sometimes new information becomes available after an encyclopedia is printed. Publishers can wait to include the new information in the next edition,but that might b

53、e a year or more away. More changes are likely for encyclopedias,whether in print or online. As time goes by,the knowledge of humankind will still need to be recorded,sorted,and stored. The story of how that information will look in 20,50 or even 100 years is still unwritten.1What is the second paragraph mainly about?AThe readers of encyclopedias.BThe journey to the library.CThe history of encyclopedias.DThe change to the library.2The problem of online encyclopedia Wikipedia might be that Athe services cost too muchBnew articles cannot be foundCusers cannot visit th


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