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1、2017年濱海新區(qū)初中畢業(yè)生模擬學(xué)業(yè)考試試卷(一)九年級英語本試卷分第I卷(選擇題)和第n卷(非選擇題)兩部分,第I卷為第1頁至第9頁,第 II卷為第9頁至第11頁.試卷滿分120分,考試時間】00分鐘。答題時,請將所有答案都寫在答題紙上,答案寫在試卷上無效考試結(jié)束后,將本試 卷和答題紙一并交回。祝你考試順利!第I卷(選擇題 共五大題 共80分)一、聽力理解(本大題共20小題,每小題1分,共20分)A.在下列每小題內(nèi),你招聽到一個或兩個句子并看到供選擇的A、B、C三幅圖畫:找出與 你所聽句子內(nèi)容相匹配的圖畫。九年級英語第1頁(共12頁)B)下面你將聽到十組對話,每組對話都有一個問題。根據(jù)對話內(nèi)

2、容,從每組所給的土、亂(三個選項中找出能回答所提問題的限在選項,How long has ihc woman been in Shanghai?C, For fifteen days.C. C, For fifteen days.C. Twq years ago.C. Keep waiting.C. Country muaic.C. For tour weeks.C. Once.When did Wendy Tiiove here?A. Two ago.B. Two months ago.Wh&t will the man probably do next?A. Leave a message

3、.B. Call Sally,What kind of music does the man like?A, Rock musk.B. Pop music,How long has lie man had a headache?Au For two weeks,B. For three weeks.0, How many times should the man take the mediciiiea day?A. Three limes.B. Twice.Why did Kevin hae a stomachache?A. Becauie he did tpc much exercise.

4、B. Because he took many classes.C, Because he often had much last fncd and no breakfast.Where did the man stay for weeks?A, At his aunts home.Bn his home town. C, At his friends home.What was Judy doing at eight thirty yestcrdax evening?A. She was doing her homew ork.El. She was washing up.C. She xv

5、as u 削chi ng TV.Is the wciinan glad to look after the dog?A. No. She hates (he dog. B. Yes, she is glad to. C. We dont know.c聽下面長曲話電獨自“每段上對話或獨百后都rr幾個問題,從題中所給的3b.1.三個 選項中選出最佳選項.聽下面一段材料,回答第15至第17題“Wliat did Ken think of the concert?A. t was great.R. It as boring,C. It was noisy.Who did Ken go to the c

6、oncert with?A. His mother.B. His father.C. His classmates.7, Wliat did Ken% mom think at first?A. Ken didnt go to (lie conwrt,B. Ken didnt do his homevi-ork.C. Ken didnt goto school.九年級語英語第2頁(共12頁)聽下面一段材料,回答第降至第20題.I 因.Wh史已飛 j ane+s unc les farm?A. Near her home.B. Far axvay from her school.C. Far a

7、way from her home.Why do they 1 ike reading on the fann?A. Ii is qiEEet (titre.B. They can enjoy clean air,C, They can vatch ihe animals.What do they like doing al ihe weekend?A. Swimming in the lake. B. Skanng on the lake.C. Go fishing.二 單項填空(本大題共加小題,每小題I分,共2。分)從下列每小題所給的3乩G。四個選項中,遺出可以滇入空臼處的最佳選項“一Io

8、mT whafs matter with you?I feel so terrible and ! guess I have bad cold.A. the; /R. the; theC. the; aD. a; theI called you a( five yesterday afternoon, but there was no anser.-Oh* gorty I ping-pong w ith my friends,A, playB. have played C. playedE. was playingKnives and forks for most Western fbod.A

9、r is usingB. are usedC. have usedD, will be usedNancy i lost of 也由(慈善)50乩 since slie entered college:,A. has doneB, will doC. doesD. is doing一 is it from Zhengzhoii to Beijiaig?一Ifs abcui ialf and two hours ride by high-speed railway (高鐵).A. How far民 How soonC, How longD. How much一How vias your vaca

10、iion in Airerica?】l couldnt be worse! I dont want to talk about it!A. leastB. evenC. neverD. hardlyWhat is the most popular way to comnnunkiite in China nnw?WoChaH 激信上 One of its is that it can send words pictue as we fl as voices.Ar situationB. advaiuages C. purposesDP expressions一Have you watched

11、tlie lasted iMovie ZootDpia?瘋狂動物城?一Yes. the theme is about bravely achieving dreajns and its for us.A. educationaiB. international CL certainD. impossible九年級英語 第m更共I?頁)Ben the mistake he made esierdav. He fbrcot lo close the door u hen he left.A. realizedB. thought C. imaginedD. supposedThey hare re

12、ached a(n)that students should be given more free time to take up a hobby.A. development B. message C. agreementD. degreeFrance is a nice place and we are all looking fbnvard to it.A. visitB. visitsC. visitingD. visitedMr Zhang is teacher and he teaches historj.A. our; ourB. our; usC. ours; ourD. ou

13、rs; usWhen will your new book? 1 cant wait to read it.Next month.A. give outB. come out C. work outD. sell outThere are so many different kinds of transportation we can choose in life.Even Uber (優(yōu)步打車)provides us a number of transportation services.A. toB.atC. forD. withDo ou still remember?-On July,

14、 15th ,2015.when did BRT(快速公交)in the city start to runwhen BRT in ihe city started to runhow BRT in the cinf started lo runhow did BRT in the city start to runDid vou know that the earth is home to animals?A. millionB. millions C. million ofD. millions ofI think honest is the most important thing in

15、 doing everything.A. All right B. Never mind C. I think so, tooD. Yes, pleaseDrivers wear seat bells(安全帶)while their cars are running on the road.A. needB. canC. mayD. mustHow time flies! hs almost three years we met last time.A. sinceB. beforeC. whileD. whenWish you good luck in this English exam.A

16、. ThafsOK.B. Thank you.C. Congratulations!D. Youre welcome.A. ThafsOK.B. Thank you.C. Congratulations!D. Youre welcome.九年級英語笫4頁(共12頁)三、完形填空(本大題共10小題.每小逐1分,共川分)道讀下面垣文,掌握其大意,然后從在毀所給的A、兒C D四個這項中選出最隹這項Our school decided to organize a run 仍 colled in one; for the hornslesS 尸 opM S:ud m hs eniered the run

17、 actively and asked their relatives and neighbors to support them. These r?ople agreed to 41 some money50 cents or a dollar for samp缸 for even-1 kilometer thst the students completed.John look part in it But he was the 42 student in m class becuusc he seldom did ;li: exercise and be 逢館 plenty of jun

18、k food. He never waiked to school. He always took a bus. When lie was asked 43 he was going to take part in the run, be said he would think about ii. A 壬小 students laughed and 1 thought John felt embarrassed (尷尬的). I felt a bit sorn, Or him.The next day, as I ivas riding to schooL I saiv John walkin

19、g in the street. I stopped and 34 why he was 44. He iaid lie 管任 training to take part tn ihe run. Good for)on, John 15ad.Howeer, 1 told my friends about Jolin. Most of them just laughed arid said that lli?y didnt diink hd would 45 the run. I wasnt sure, but I decided that I would 46 John, So. fbr th

20、e weeks before the run, I was his trainer. He walked to school for a tew days. Then he stan?d 1a run soxvy,On the day of the run. John lined up (排 隊)with the other students. The 47 began and soon John uas left behind. Well* it took him hours to finish and he didnt expect to 網(wǎng) the other srudents. but

21、 he tried lo do his besl. And 4g he completed the run. Even one h” 50 and said. LiWell done, JohnT What was more, John collected more money I han an n】iet students!41. A. borrow1B.getC. giveD. lend42. A. happiestB. heaviestC. vilestD. jonngest43. A. howBx whereC. whyD. if44. A. cryingB. ridingC. sin

22、gingD. walking45. A. completeB. discussC. support工 undersumJ46, A, helpB. inviteC. stopD. visit47. A. classEk movieC. raceD, school48. A. catch up withB. get on well wrthC. make iriands 叫 iiliD. alk49. A. easilyB. quicklyC. firstlyD. finally50. A. busyB. happyC. interestedD. nervous九年級英語 第5 ,貞共12奧)三

23、、完形填空(本大題共10小題,每小題1分,共10分)閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從各題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中選出及住選項Our school decided to organize a run to collect money for the homeless people. Students entered the run actively and asked iheir relatives a前 neighbors to support them. These people agreed(o 41 some money50 cents or a dollar, for examp

24、le, for every kilometer that the students completed.John took pan in it. But he was ihe J2 student in my class because he seldom did any exercise and he ate plenty of junk food. He never walked to school. He always took a bus. When he was asked 43 he was going to take part in the run, he said he wou

25、ld ihink about it. A few students laughed and I thought John felt embarrassed (誨尬的). I felt a bit sorry for him.The next day, as I was riding to school. 1 saw John walking in the street. I stopped and asked why he was 44 . He said he was training to take part in ihe mn. *Good for you, John!” 1 said.

26、 However. I told my friends about John. Most of them just laughed and said that they didnt think he would 45 the run. I wasnt sure, but I decided that I would 46 John. So, for ihe no weeks before the run, I was his trainer. He walked to school fbr a few da s. Then he started to run slowly.On the day

27、 of the run, John lined up (排隊)w ith the other students. The 47 began and soon John uas left behind. Well, it took him hours to finish and he didnt expect to 48 the other students, but he tried to do his best. And 49 he completed the run. Everyone was ery 50 and said, “Well done. John!M Whai was mor

28、e, John collected more money than any other students!4 LA. borrowB.geiC. giveD. lend42. A. happiestB. heaviestC. tallestD. youngest43. A. howB. whereC. whyD. if44.A. cryingB. ridingc. singingD. walking45. A. completeB. discussC. supportD. understand46. A. helpB. inviteC. stopD. visit47. A. classB. m

29、ovieC.raceD. school48. A. catch up withB. get on well withC. make friends withD. talk with49. A. easilyB. quicklyC. firstlyD. finally50. A. busyB. happyC. interestedD. nervous九年級英語第5頁(共12頁)四、閱讀理解(本大題共15小題;51小愚 每小邈2分;6165小題,每小屋I分; 共25分)閱讀下面的材料,從每小題所給的A、1 C、D四個選項中選址最隹選項。What is our idea of a c時砥城堡)? W

30、hat does il look like? Where is ii? Mosi people doifl imagine cities in the United Slates, bul William Randolph Hearsi iSil Fk buili a castle 黜 San Simeon in California. The castle lias 56 bedrooms, 19 living rooim, two scumming pool$n and a zoo!The Hearsi family was v笛 rich. When William was a boy,

31、 he and his mother went on many trips to Europe She taught him about European art. They bought art and antiques(古董)for their family collection. When he crew up. Hearst remembered those trips. He remembered the beautiful castles. He tinted to build his own castle. He planned to fill it with art and a

32、ntiques.Hearst hired architect(建筑肺)JuUiai Morgan to design and build the castle. He bought art and antiques to fill it He also bought some antique buildings. Workers took apart (拆開;ihe buildings in Europe. Then they sent the pieces to California. Morgan used the ceilings(天花板,fireplaces, and windows

33、in the rooms at Hearst Castle,Hearst and Morgan worked on the castle for 28 years. Hearst grew old and became ill. In 1947, cor倒ructig(建設(shè))finally stopped, Hearst died in 1951 at the age of 88, In 1957, the Hearst family gave the castle to the state. Today it is a museum. Thousands of visitors come t

34、o San Simeon everyto tour Hearsts American castle.55.On the trips to Europe, Hearst and his motherB. took classes in artD. took apart buildingsB. took classes in artD. took apart buildingsB. art collections from around ihe worldD. all of the aboveC. bought an and antiquesJn Hearst Casvle there areA.

35、 pieces from other buildingsC. more than 75 rooms53, How long did Hearst and Morgan 曲ork on Hearst Castle?19 years.28 year.56 years.88 years.19 years.28 year.56 years.88 years.Why did Hearst want to build a castle?He wanted a museum for visitors.He wanted a castle like the castles in Europe.He wante

36、d tu protect his family.He wanted to live in Europe but it wasnt possible.In J947, wnstructicin stopped at Hearst Castle because-A. Hearst was too ill to continueB, ihe castle was finishedC, Hearst diedD. Hearat didnt have any ffiore art九年緞?wù)Z英語第6頁(共12頁BTrips left me many happy memories that I siill r

37、emeinher even so niany years later, bm the most impressive of thoie was probably the wtun?eer experience in Sir Lanka.On arriving in Sir Lanka 1 found exactly what I was looking lor. TIk orange streets, the ooden road-side shacks (窩標(biāo)new smells and beautiful sights came to me.I was met at the airport

38、 by the Travellers Sri Lankan Manager. He was friendly and drove me to the Elephant Orphanage (孤兒院). We went straight up to Pi naw ala where I met the other votunteers and got shown around the tilkg. Tli?y told me their stories cfChristmas and New Year, and stories of clanibmg mountitns at sunrise,

39、The expressions on their faces suggested that they were very happy, And we soon became friends.began my work the follcuving day. W? were told 2 help look after the elephants. This included cleaning in the morning and washing the baby elephants in the river in the afternoon. Many of the ekphants have

40、 been saved from ilie wild. And their parents were killed for ivory tusk$ (思牙).This orphanage was one of the largest and most succcisfuJ elephant centers in the ortd. It 克蕊 a ven meaningful experience for a young girl seUmg eyes oji ihcm for the first time.How did other volunteers feel about their l

41、ife in Sir Lanka?A. Happy.0, Diflcrrnt.C. Nervous,D. Dangerous.Many of the elephants in the orphamge wouldA, be sold to the farmersC. be shown around the worldA, be sold to the farmersC. be shown around the world58. According to (he passage, llw 舊血r _A- had been to Sri Lanka many timesC. had stayed

42、in Sir Lanka for many yearsB. grow up without their parentsD, be killed for their ivor* (usks at lastB. enjoyed Ihtveiling during her free time. had muny volunteer u-orkingexperiencesWhich of the following about the Ekphant Orphanage is NOT true?k Its in a village of Sri Lanka.Many volunteers coinc

43、to work for it.Many of its elephants are saved frnm the wild.If s the largest elephant center in the world.Illis text mainly tells us a trout tlie authors.A. stories in an orphanageB. trip to the famous elephant parkC. volunteer experience in Sir LankaD, idea about different countries九年級英語第丁頁(共l?頁On

44、e day. a rich and clever boy got a very old mirroR鏡子)from his grandma as a gift. The bo wem io see himself in it. His face looked ven sad. He tried smiling and making funny faces, but it was no use. Surprised, the boy went off to buy io s. He happily bought all kinds of toys home, but still looked s

45、ad in that mirror. uWhat a terrible mirror! Its the worst mirror le ever seen!” He threw the mirror in the comer.That same afternoon in a park, he saw a linle boy who was crying. The boy couldn?l find his parents. Tlien he decided to help the little boy. Finally, after much walking, he found ihe lil

46、lle boys parents.Thu rich boy went home tiredly. Then he noticed a shining light in the comer. It was the old mirror. In it he saw his happy face. Now he understood the secret of that mirror-it was the only mirror that could show the true happiness of its owner. From then on. each morning uhen he di

47、dnt see a happy look in the mirror, he knew u hat he had to do to bring it back.At first no maner how hard the rich boy tried smiling.A. he could only see his sad face in the mirrorB.he couldnt make his parents pleasedhe found ihe mirror shining as usualhe still couldn*t find a toy he liked mostlow

48、did ihe rich boy feel when looking in the mirror after he bought many to s?A. Surprised.B. Excited.C. Happy.D. Angry.The little boy cried in the park because he couldnt find his.A. way homeB. parentsC. petD. school bagThe rich boy couldnt see his true happiness in the mirror unless.A. he worked hard

49、 at schoolB. he had enough candyC. he gave someone helpD. he did something interestingWhat can we in佗r(推新)from the passage?There was something urong with the old mirror.The rich boy would be more willing to help others.Parents should be rich with iheir children.The rich boys parents bought him the m

50、irror.九年級英語第8頁(共12頁)五、補全對話(本大題共5小題,每小題1分,共5分)根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,從方框中選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)木渥?,將對話補充完整(選項中有兩項是多為A W hat exam are ou having?R Are jou having an exam this week?C Im sornt to hear that.D. You always study uell.E Yes. Pd love to.P I hope youll get good grades.G Whats your favorite subject?Kelly: Hi. David. Would you l

51、ike to go to the movie with me tonight?David:66 But I have to go oxer my lessons.Kelly: WTiat a pity! 67David: Yes. n e are having our mid-tenn exam.Kelly:68David: I hope so! But Tin a little afraid.Kelly: Afraid? 69David: But I haven,i studied history fbr a week.Kellv: Whv? David: Because my histor

52、j leachcr is ill in hospital.Kelly:70 Does she get better now?David: Yes. she will come back to school tomorrow.Kelly: Sounds great. See ou!David: See you!第n卷注意事項:i.用黑色字跡的簽字筆將答案寫在“答題卡”上.2.本卷共四大題,共40分。六、完成句子(本大題共5小題,每小題2分,共10分) 根據(jù)所給中文意思完成句子,每空限填一詞。71.你可以在任何一個小組工作,這取決于你個人的選擇。You can work in any of (he

53、 groups, ii your personal choice.九年娘英語 第9頁|共12頁)托尼參加了寫作競賽并獲得了一等獎qTony entered a writing competition and won ihc.醫(yī)生告訴大明不要再吃快餐食品了。The doctor told Darning not to eal any more.你打算什么時候扔掉那些舊雜志?When are jou going io those old magazines?玲玲昨天醒得很晚,沒吃早餐就去上學(xué)了。Lingling late yesterday. She had to hurry to school

54、without breakfast.七、任務(wù)型閱讀(本大題共5小超,每小題1分,共5分)閱讀下面的材料,根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容完成句子。When Spencer West was just five years old. he had such a serious illness that he had to cut off both his legs. However, the young Canadian has never let this problem get in his way. He has shown that he can do anjihing a person with two

55、legs can do, including climbing the worlds highest snow-covered mountainMt. Kilimanjaro!Spencers great adventure to get to the top of the 19,341-fboi-high peak(頂峰)began on June 13th from the small village of Naro Moru in Kenya. The team included his best friends Daid Johnson and Alex Meers.For the first days, Spencer walked 80 percent of the rocky road using his hands. Only when it became impossible would he use the wheelchair(輪椅).As it would be expected, the nights were terrible(he ground was so rocky and the temperatures were louer than the


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