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1、第第40頁(共29頁)2019-2020學(xué)年廣東省廣州市白云區(qū)八年級(上)期末英語試卷一、語言知識及運用(5)第一節(jié) 單項選擇(515)從下列各題所給的ABCD11分)Why dont you take a trip to merica among us can speak Engish)AEverybodyBAnybodyCSomebodyD21分)Have you been to JpanNeve I plan to go there neyear)AeverBneverCalwaysDsometimes31分)Its alreayYou are 10 minutes than yeerd

2、ay)AlateBlaterClatestD thelatest41分People jump the line when they are waiting to get tickets in the par()AshouldBneedCshouldntDneednt51分Hurry u, Ji Youll be late for school you nowAifBwhenCunlessDafter第二節(jié) 語法選擇(11010)語法性和上下文連貫的要求,從下列各題所給的ABCD 項中選出最佳選項610分Confucius was )August 2t,551 Cin ChiaHe was ag

3、reat teacher at thtucius is l)as Kong QiIt is generally thoughtthat he was born n)a rich famlHowever,some people describe as being born oorConfucius beliefs were based on the concpdce律He believed thata leader neee)disciplnHis teaching ideas focused on Artthemain goalof(5)a teacherwas to teach people

4、 to honest Through hi(),he made a big difference in thasocietyConfucius is famu)writigHe wrote some of the most famous ,and one of them is The Spring and Autumn Aas Confucius alsowrote The Analects of Concu語It wa(9)important in Chinese culturethat everyone in China kew it Confucius died on 479 Cin Q

5、uf,ChinToday he is widelyregarded as oneo1)teachers in Chinese hstory(1)A(2)AatknowBBonknewCCinknownDDfromknowing(3)AaBanCtheD/(4)AexerciseBto exercisingCto exerciseDto be exercised(5)AbeBbeingCto beDto being(6)AteachingBteachCteachesDtaught(7)AinBofCasDfor(8)AworksBworkingCworkDworkings(9)AasBsuchC

6、soDvery(10)A greatB greatestC greaterD thegreatest二、完形填空(11010)ABCD710分Xu Jiayu is a2yeaold world swimming champin冠軍 He takes much(1)training everydabut he is always in a hih iver gets bored withpracticing i2)in the polHis team has some training at a winter camp inKunmingThey have o3)for the 2019 Wo

7、rld Championships and 2020 Tokyotraining hpmake full preparations phyicallyXu won the silver mdl牌in the 100 meter backtoeat the 2016 Summer the first Chinese man swimmer to win the backstroke championin2017Last game inthemens100meterHangzhou,a city of his own cursaiPeople had high expecttoson me(6)I

8、 was really successfulbrI also gave myself too much pesrefatwinning and losing aritefor We are all fighi)theIt can make me stronger to compete with top swimmers worldXu says thathe( 9)expectsto win the gold medal in 2019 World Championshipsin South Sohetheheavy putstohimsef Its a hard experience but

9、 he will ry his best(1)A(2)A(3)Afairskills organizeBBBcleartalents prepareCCCseriousopinions pushDDDstrictsigns raise(4)AthemBtheyChimDhe(5)ArealizedBbecameCmeantDcheered(6)AuntilBifCsinceDwhile(7)AnormalBsimpleCpossibleDtypical(8)AagainstBforCwithDoff(9)AstillBneitherCalmostDever(10)A come up withB

10、 get outC takeD cutoff三、閱讀(30)第一節(jié) 閱讀理解(31030閱讀下列三篇短文,從每題所給的ABCD810分A couple from England spent a long time stayigfieon the sea aftertheir boat ak沒Twentone days after they left Panama in teitamet some whalsTheystarted to hit the side oebiand then suddenly we heardwo minuteslatr the boat was sininThey

11、 jumped into thelft and watched the boat go underthe watrFor twenty days they had just stayed tty had a fishing line anda machine to make salt water into drinihaught eight to )fish aday and had them for malLater the line bohey had no more fish until something strange happeedSome shars鯊魚)came to catc

12、h smallfd the fish under the raft were so afraid that they came to the surfae htoe caught the fish with hands easiyAbout twenty ships passedthut no one saw temAfter fifty days on heseafishing boat saw them and picked their two monthstripon the was overWhat ruind損壞the couples oatA Bad B Somewhales C

13、A big fire D A big shipWhat did the couple NOT have after losing heir boatAA lieraftB A fishinglineC A useful D SomecampsWhat does the underlined word surface mean ABWhat do we know from the pasageAThe couple had a2day trip in JpanBThe couple only had raw fish to eat n the seaCThe couple sent sinl號f

14、or help after their bat sankDThe couple was saved by a police man inthe endWhat can be the best title for te passageA A Hard Experience on the Sea B Strange Things on the SeaC Huge whales in theSeaD Fishing Boats on theSea910分Bob isaman fromtheUSA He is76yearsoldandlivewithadogcalled KelseSeveral da

15、ys gwhen he went out alone to collet ofell down and brokeItwas a snowy The around 4 For only several meter,Bob was just wearing a shirt and shorts when he wnHoin the snow forabout 14 horsThanks to his ohe didntdiThe dog kept him warm through the nightand barkd狗叫for hepI was shouting forheut my neare

16、st neighbor is about a quartermity10:30 m,but Kelsey caesaid BbKelsey kept Bob warm by lying on the tooaikept him awake by likn) his hands and aceShe kept barking for help but never lefmSiept me warm and awaeBymorning my throat was sore and I couldnt shot tsey didnt stop brkngknew I shouldnt give up

17、 because it was my hpto liveBobs neighbor finally found him after hearing Kelseys barking ndled 911Bob arrived at the hopis temperature was belo9 Normal body temperature is98.6The doctor siI think his dog really help him and savhefveryluckyThe story happened in A springB summer C autumn D Bob went o

18、ut in a shirt and shorts becaueA his dog could warmhimB he didnt know the temperatureoutsideC he thought it would be very quick to get wood D Kelsey would bring him the clothesHow did Kelsey help to save Bos life Called911 Kept himwarm Kept himawake Barked forA B C D Which of the following is RUEAIt

19、 was on an afternoon when Bob fel downB Bobs neighbor lived very himC Bob never stopped shouting for help timeDBobs neighbor didnt find Bob until he heard Kelsys shoutingWhat is the main idea of the assageABe careful in bad wetherB Humans should get along wellC A dog saved hisDThe exciting experienc

20、e of an ld man1(10分Dear teachers and stuentsGood afternoon!Now I want to talk about what to do when an erhukhappen If we are in Firt stop as quickly as wecaWe should not stop eaor under buildings andtres They can fall down on or carSecon,stay in our car and wait until the earthe rl protect us from m

21、ost falling tingsThir,after the earthquakestsshould move carefled better not drive on broken roads and brigesIf we are in a buldingFirttry to find a tIsuld be under a tablaesure the place canprotect us from fallingthingsSecondrocover and hlIt means we should get to the flooce ourhands and arms to co

22、ver our heads ad kthen hold something to stop usmovingThir,donmove untiwe aresuretheearthquakstop Ifistop,we carefully leave the bilice and hospital help should be on thway soonThank you alHow many situations does the writer tlk aboutA Two B C Four D Fivecan protect us from falling things in n A Tal

23、l buildings andtreesB Roads and C Cars andtablesD Police anddoctorsIf you are in chat should you do when theres an eathquake Stop as quickly as youcan Move carefully after the earthquakestops Get out of your carquickly Drive on broken roads and bridges A B C D Which is TRUE AYou must hide somewheeco

24、ve, and holBYou should cover your eadCYou should stay and aitDYou must have something in yourhandsThe purpoe意圖of the passage is to A tell us the danger of anearthquakeB show us some safe places in an earthquake C make us be relaxed in an earthquakeD tell us how to protect ourselves in an earthquake第

25、二節(jié) 閱讀填空(155)入空白處的最佳選項1(5分There was a KigHe was very rchbut he was neither happy nor otnt的One da, the King saw a servant was singing happily while he wawrngSo he asked the sevhy are you so hapThe man answerdIm just a servant andmy family dont need mue just need ro頂over our heads and warm odThe King t

26、old his friend about what the srvsend a()What is 99 Cu the King asedHis friend aiYou can put 99 gold ons幣)in a bg ()The King diditThe servant found the bag and began ten he thougtWheres the last coi()From that aythe servant stopped snnworked harder because he wanted to get the finl coinThe servant h

27、as joined the 99 Cugs friendshe 99 Club is a name topeople who have enough to be happy but are nevrctentHowever,we canbe happ, even with very little in ulivesA No one would leave 99coins!BThey always want to get the finl thingsCThe King was curiu好奇的DAnd then you can leave it at this serants floorE I

28、 believed that the servant didnt joithe 99 Club第三節(jié) 閱讀填詞,每空 1 詞(共 1 小題;每小題 5 分,滿分 5 分)12(5 分)As we know, SpringFestivaisaspeciatimeforfamilytogettogethein ChinNow peoples celebrations of eating are becomine環(huán)保的On Chinese New Years vthe family usually sits around the table to enoBtmealnot a tradition f

29、or the Chinese nation totkidifor food on thadanyyears ao people only killed animals for food when they were too poortoy meatnow nobody needs to do so because our livingsadr平has been improved alotA reporsaidsome organizatioutup manypostes海報)beforethifestivalcame They hoped that people could know more

30、 about animals in danger and wouldnt them eat well also means not to waste the common tosee people finish the food on their plates at home and take away the left food in the restaur on this fesivalChinese Spring FestivalPeoples activitiesGoback home stay with their(1)Enjoyabig( 2 ) on Peoples Chines

31、e New Years EveRefuse to (3) wildlifefor on their tables Try to stp4) thefood on the tableIn a people realized h)of friendly eating on Spring estival四、寫作(共三節(jié),滿分5分)第一節(jié) 單詞拼寫(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)據(jù)下列句子以及所給單詞的首字母寫出所缺單詞在填寫答題卡時,要求寫出完整單詞 11分If you cant attend the eeian go i11分Nowadays, smart phones are pwith pe

32、ople in many counries11分People rhim because he is wise and alwayshonest11分The workers have a lot of t using the new machne11分If you uFrenc, you know the meaning of the laguage第二節(jié) 完成句子(5210)成下列句子12分)飯后散步有益It is good toafter diner12分)烹煮時間取決于土豆的大小大點的需要多點時間The cooking timethe size of the ote bigger ones

33、 need moretime22分)畢業(yè)后我與同學(xué)們保持著聯(lián)系Imy classmates after gradation22分)戲劇俱樂部將在周六晚上演一部新劇,我們迫不及待地想看The drama club is going toa new play on Saturday night and we cant wait see t22分)我們已經(jīng)參觀過長城Wealreadythe Great 第三節(jié) 書面表達(dá)(120) 2(20分)例文:The ostrih鴕鳥)Many animals are very spcr exampe the ostrich is one oeostrich i

34、sthelargesofalbirdontheEart Icanbeupto2.8meterstaland150kilograminweighOstriches wings are so small that thevythey are good at runningbecause their legs are long adoan run 70 kilometers ahtriches live indeserts in AficThey feed on grssleaves and insctThey show great ability to live without drinking

35、water for a lng time參照例文,并根據(jù)下面表格內(nèi)容提示寫一篇80 詞左右的英語短文,介紹海豚的生活習(xí)性名 稱 體 長 體 重 棲息地海豚1.2米30海洋其他特征以魚類為食皮膚光滑無毛,善于跳躍和潛泳,是在水中行動最迅速的哺乳動物mammal 記憶力良好, 能在人類的訓(xùn)練下學(xué)會許多動作,是最聰明的動物之一,溫和友善、活潑好動,受到世界各地人民的普遍喜愛要求:詞數(shù):不少于 80,文章開頭已給出,不計入總次數(shù)The dolphinMany animals arevery For example,the dolphin is one them參考答案一、語言知識及運用(5)第一節(jié) 單

36、項選擇(515)從下列各題所給的ABCD11分)Why dont you take a trip to merica among us can speak Engish)A Everybody B Anybody C Somebody DNobody 某人;你們?yōu)槭裁床蝗ッ绹眯心??nobody 符合句意故選:D 21分)Have you been to JpanNeve I plan to go there neyear)AeverBneverCalwaysDsometimesAplan to go there r故選:A 31分)Its alreayYou are 10 minutes t

37、han yeerday)AlateBlaterClatestD thelatestlat遲來的(原級late遲來的(比較級latet來的(最高級根據(jù)thanyesterdy故選:B41分People jump the line when they are waiting to get tickets in the par()AshouldBneedCshouldntDneedntshoulneedshouldntneedn jump thelin(插隊,可知when they are waiting to get ikt等待買票的時候,是不可以,不應(yīng)該插隊的故選:C51分Hurry u, Ji

38、 Youll be late for school you nowAifBwhenC unless Dafteriwhenunlesafte在以后根據(jù)句故選:A第二節(jié) 語法選擇(11010)語法性和上下文連貫的要求,從下列各題所給的ABCD 項中選出最佳選項610分Confucius was bon)B August 2t,551 Cin Chia He was a greatteacher at thattnfucius is as2) C as Kong QiIt is generally thought that he was born it) Da rich famlHowever,s

39、ome people describe him as being born porConfucius beliefs were based on the concpdce律He believed thata leader needd4) C sefdisciplneHis teaching ideas focused on theSoArtConfuciuthe main goa) Ba teacher was to teach people to lieyhis(6) A,he made a big difference in Confucius is famu7) D writigHe w

40、rote some of the most famous traditionalChinese(8)A ,and one of them is The Spring and AutumAnlConfucius also wrote The Analects of Confuu It wa() C important in Chinese culture everyone in China kneitConfucius died on Novembes21479 Cin Quf,ChinToday he is widelyregarded as oneo1) D teachers in Chin

41、ese hstory(1)A(2)AatknowBBonknewCCinknownDDfromknowing(3)AaBanCtheD/(4)AexerciseBto exercisingCto exerciseDto be exercised(5)AbeBbeingCto beDto being(6)AteachingBteachCteachesDtaught(7)AinBofCasDfor(8)AworksBworkingCworkDworkings(9)AasBsuchCsoDvery(10)A greatB greatestC greaterD thegreatest 后面加具體時刻;

42、 從; 551928要用介詞on,故選Bknow 動詞原形; BknewCknownDknowingbeknown as被稱為,公認(rèn)為,句意:孔子又稱孔丘, 故選C(3)D 考查冠詞A 一,用于首字母發(fā)音是輔音音素前;B 一,用于首字母發(fā)音是元音音素前;C 特指;D 不填;句意:一般認(rèn)為他出生在一個富裕的家庭然而,有人形容他出生在一個貧窮的家庭,后面有a,所以什么也不填,故選D (4)Cneededneed to do hC(5)B 原型; 動名詞; 不定式; 介詞短語;句意:對孔子來說,做一名教師的主要目的是教人們誠實地生活空前是介詞,后面跟名詞、 代詞、動名詞,故選B 動詞原型; 第三人稱

43、單數(shù); 過去式;根據(jù)題干,A 在里;be famous fr因此選fo故選DHe some of the most famous traditional hns要用名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式,句意:他寫了一些最著名的中國傳統(tǒng)作品,其中之一是詩經(jīng)A(9)C 作為; 如此,后面加名詞; 如此,后面加形容詞; 非常;根據(jù)importan是形容詞,應(yīng)該是固定短語stht 如此以至于句意這在中國文化中是如此重要,以至于每個中國人都知道故選C 原型; 最高級;根據(jù)one of可知要用最高級,前面需要加師之一故選D二、完形填空(11010)ABCD710分Xu Jiayu is a2yeaold world swimmi

44、ng champin冠軍 He takes much(1) Dtraining everydabut he is always in a higsrever gets bored with practiciis(2) AinthepooHisteamhassometrainitawintecamp in Kunming They have Bforthe2019WorldChampionshipsand2020Tokyotraining hpAmake full preparations phyicallyXu won the silver mdl牌in the 100 meter backt

45、oeat the 2016 Summer he(5) Bthe first Chinese man swimmer to win the backstroke championin2017Last game inthemens100meterHangzhou,a city of his own cursaiPeople had high expecttoson me(6) CI was really successfulbrI also gave myself too much prssefatwinning and losing areAfor We are all fighi) BtheI

46、t can make me stronger to compete with top swimmers worldXu says thath) Aexpects to win the gold medal in 2019 World Championshipsin South So he 10) Bthe heavy pressure he puts tohifa hardexperience but he will tryhis best(1)A(2)A(3)Afairskills organizeBBBcleartalents prepareCCCseriousopinions pushD

47、DDstrictsigns raise(4)AthemBtheyChimDhe(5)ArealizedBbecameCmeantDcheered(6)AuntilBifCsinceDwhile(7)A normal(8)A against(9)A still(10)A come up withB B forB neitherB get outC C withC almostC takeD D offD everD cutoff【解答(1D考查形容詞fai公平的clea清楚的seriou嚴(yán)重的strit格的結(jié)合句意,他每天都進(jìn)行的訓(xùn)練,但是他仍然精力充沛,根據(jù)選項,判斷空格處詞 義為嚴(yán)格的故選D

48、能,opinions觀點,signs跡象,結(jié)合He takes 1)Dtraining everydabut he is always in a 每天訓(xùn)練,因此判斷他永不疲倦地練習(xí)游泳技能,故選A (3)B的make full preparain2019年世錦賽和 2020B為動詞,動詞后判斷用人稱代詞賓格,上文中提到的人物為 His 代指,故選A(5)Bdbecamebecomemean 的過去式,意為意味著,cheered B(6)C 考查連詞直到因為,while們對我抱有很高的期望 我之前非常成功,結(jié)合選項,判斷空格處詞義為因為,表示因果關(guān)系故選C(7Anormalsimplpossib

49、ltypicl型,根據(jù)選項判斷normalA(8Bfight frfight agaisfight wih肩作戰(zhàn),fight fchampionB(9Astilneithealmos幾乎,ever曾經(jīng),結(jié)合句意,徐說期待在2019年韓國的世錦賽上獲得冠軍判斷空格處l合題意故選A(10)Bup 想出,提出,get out ftake 寫下,cut 斷,結(jié)合句意,所以他必他給自己強加的沉重壓力,判斷空格處意為擺脫,故選B三、閱讀(30)第一節(jié) 閱讀理解(31030閱讀下列三篇短文,從每題所給的ABCD810分A couple from England spent a long time stayi

50、gfieon the sea aftertheir boat ak沒Twentone days after they left Panama in teitamet some whalsTheystarted to hit the side oebiand then suddenly we heardwo minuteslatr the boat was sininThey jumped into thelft and watched the boat go underthe watrFor twenty days they had just stayed tty had a fishing

51、line anda machine to make salt water into drinihaught eight to )fish aday and had them for malLater the line bohey had no more fish until something strange happeedSome shars鯊魚)came to catch smallfd the fish under the raft were so afraid that they came to the surfae htoe caught the fish with hands ea

52、siyAbout twenty ships passedthut no one saw temAfter fifty days on heseafishing boat saw them and picked their two monthstripon the was overWhat ruind損壞the couples oatBA Bad B Somewhales C A big fire D A big shipWhat did the couple NOT have after losing heiDboatAA lieraftB A fishinglineC A usefulmac

53、hineD SomecampsWhat does the underlined word surface mean ABWhat do we know from the pasageB AThe couple had a2day trip in BThe couple only had raw fish to eat n the seaCThe couple sent sinl號for help after their bat sankDThe couple was saved by a police man inthe endWhat can be the best title for te

54、 pssageA A Hard Experience on the Sea B Strange Things on the SeaC Huge whales in theSeaD Fishing Boats on theSea【解答】(1)B 細(xì)節(jié)理解題根據(jù)第二段Twentyone days after they left Panama in theirboa,they met some whaeThey started to hit the side febiand thensuddenly we heard wtr知,是一些鯨魚損壞了這對夫婦的船故選B(2)D細(xì)節(jié)理解題根據(jù)第二段 Fort

55、wentydaystheyhadjusstayedatthelinratThey had a fishing line and a machine to make salt water intornig water沉了后,這對夫婦僅有的東西是救生艇,釣線及使海水變成飲用水的機器,結(jié)合選項, ABC 選項都有故選D (3CThe couple caught the fish with handaiyC(4BThey caught eight to eafish a day and had them for meas可知,這對夫婦在海上只能吃生的魚故選B(5)A 標(biāo)題歸納題根據(jù)第一段A coupl

56、e from England spent a long time staying in a liferat救生艇the sea after their sn一段After fifty days on te eafishing boat saw them and picked their two monthstripon the was over可知,本文主要講述了這對夫婦在海上的艱苦經(jīng)歷故選A 910分Bob isa man from theUSA He is76 yearsoldand livewitha dog called Kelse Several days gwhen he went

57、 out alone to collet ofell down and broke Itwas a snowy The around 4 For only several meter,Bob was just wearing a shirt and shorts when he wnHoin the snow forabout 14 horsThanks to his ohe didntdiThe dog kept him warm through the nightand barkd狗叫for hepI was shouting forheut my nearest neighbor is

58、about a quartermity10:30 m,but Kelsey caesaid BbKelsey kept Bob warm by lying on the tooaikept him awake by likn) his hands and aceShe kept barking for help but never lefmSiept me warm and awaeBymorning my throat was sore and I couldnt shot tsey didnt stop brkngknew I shouldnt give up because it was

59、 my hpto liveBobs neighbor finally found him after hearing Kelseys barking ndled 911Bob arrived at the hopis temperature was belo9 Normal body temperature is98.6The doctor siI think his dog really help him and savhefveryluckyThe story happened A B summer C autumn D Bob went out in a shirt and shorts

60、 ecuseA his dog could warmhimB he didnt know the temperatureoutsideC he thought it would be very quick to get wood D Kelsey would bring him the clothesHow did Kelsey help to save Bos ife Called911 Kept himwarm Kept himawake Barked forA B C D Which of the following is RUEDAIt was on an afternoon when


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