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1、考點(diǎn)強(qiáng)化訓(xùn)練4七年級(jí)(下) Units 58一、閱讀理解。 Some people like to be scared! Choosing to be scared can be fun. Dr.Margee Kerr,a sociologist, explained the science of fear. “Some people like to be scared because they like the way their body changes,” she says. Being scared is not always fun.When a balloon pops, we m

2、ay jump.Our heart beats faster and harder.How does the body have the reactions?“When we meet something startling,our brain and body start making changes to help us prepare for the unknown,” Dr.Kerr explains. “These changes are caused by the senses, which always send information to the brain.It gives

3、 out chemicals into the bloodstream, and those chemicals act on different parts of the body.At the same time, the brain decides whether or not the danger is real.” Fear is a tool that the brain uses to keep the body safe.It helps a person to hide, run away, or protect oneself.Our memories also help

4、protect us.As we grow, we learn whats unsafe, and our brains keep those memories.Then our brains use fear to warn us of dangers.Dr.Kerr says, “.” However, too much fear can be harmful because experiences can lead to long-lasting fears that may stop a person from trying new things.A long-lasting fear

5、 can mean youve had a bad experience, and your brain doesnt want you to have it again. Many people have beaten their own fears.Instead of listening to their imagination, they learn the facts about anything that seems scary.Knowledge can help a person feel less afraid.Dr.Kerr grew up on a farm.She wa

6、s scared of black bears in the woods before.She says,“After I read a lot about them, I knew for sure what to do if I ever met a bear and how to protect myself.”1.The underlined word “startling” in Paragraph 2 probably means “”.A.surprising B.tiring C.boring D.interesting 2. Which is most likely to b

7、e put in “” in Paragraph 3? A.We feel a little excited when we watch a scary movieB. Its good to have a healthy sense of whats dangerous C.Understanding the facts gives me a sense of confidenceD.Being afraid doesnt mean youre weakAB3.How is the passage organized? 4.The best title for this passage ma

8、y be .A.The Science of Fear B.The Imagination of Fears C.The Ways of Beating FearsD.The Reasons of Being Scared AA二、完形填空。There was once a man who built his own house.From top to bottom, he designed and 5 every part of his home.It took him over a year, but in the end, he had a beautiful house of 6own

9、.No other house in his neighborhood looked like it and many of his neighbors 7 it.But as time went by, his house started to have some 8.One day, a neighbor said, “Friend, it looks like your front yard is a bit overgrown with grass.” The man 9, “Yes, I know.But its okay, Ill cut the 10tomorrow.” A fe

10、w days later, a mailman came by with a letter for the man.The 11 said, “Friend, it looks like your windows are a bit 12.I can hardly see through them.” The man answered, “Yes, I know.But its okay.Ill13 them tomorrow.” Weeks passed by.Finally, the mans brother came over to 14 him.He took one look at

11、his brothers house and couldnt 15 what he saw.The yard was a 16, the paint on the wall was falling down and the windows were covered with dirt.The house 17it could fall apart at any second because the man put everything off until “tomorrow”. 18 we put off, “tomorrow” can turn into “next week” or eve

12、n“next year”.Its much better to just take care of things today than to wait until some imaginary“tomorrow” that might not 19come.There is no time like the present.5.A.looked B.built C.planned D.found 6.A.its B.their C.her D.his 7.A.admired B.hated C.minded D.stood 8.A.requests B.problems C.worries D

13、.mistakes 9.A.listened B.read C.replied D.asked 10.A.flowers B.trees C.woods D.grass 11.A.mailman B.brother C.neighbor D.friend 12.A.clean B.dirty C.bright D.broken 13.A.wash B.buy C.take D.repairBCDABABDA14.A.visit B.call C.become D.discuss 15.A.think B.watch C.wonder D.believe16.A.beauty B.garden

14、C.mess D.waste 17.A.looked up B.looked into C.looked for D.looked like 18.A.Before B.When C.Until D.Although 19.A.usually B.simply C.actually D.luckily DBCADC三、語(yǔ)法填空。 The wolf is one of the fiercest(最兇殘的) of all the beasts of prey.It is 20._ animal of the dog kind,and is a little like a dog,and a lit

15、tle like a fox. It has 21. _(it)“home”in the forest,far away from the homes of humans.Here in summer it lives 22._birds and small animals. But in winter,wolves often leave the forests in search of food.They then hunt in large packs,and when pressed by hunger,they become very fierce and bold23._(easy

16、).They will even enter villages and attack lambs,24._(sheep),cows,and horses.an itson easilysheep In the depths of winter,when the snow is on the ground,often,a wild cry 25._(hear) in the stillness of the night.And in the morning,the loss of a cow or a horse tells the people of the village that they

17、 have had a visit from the wild wolf of the forest. Once a 26._(Russia) noble(貴族) and his wife were chased by a pack of wolves,when they 27._(drive) in a sledge drawn by four horses. They were in great fear of being torn to 28._(piece).And they had to leave their horses one after another to be eaten

18、 29._ they got out of their reach!is heardRussianwere drivingpiecestill/until四、單詞拼寫。30.We should be friendly to a_. We are all living in the same world.31.Recently,Jim has made big money.He s_3,000 yuan buying a lot of Lego for his son.32.Peter wanted to buy the necklace for Lucy,but she p_for it he

19、rself.33.He s_ down and began to read a newspaper as my father got home.34.Youll find a nicer world if youre k_and helpful to people around.35.My mother often c_delicious food for our family.36.The police station is b_the post office and the library.nimalsatpentaidindooksetween37.Jack m_ his family

20、very much because he has been studying abroad for four years.38.Look!Its s_ outside.Lets go and make a snowman.39.In my f_ time,I often do some reading.issesreenowing五、書(shū)面表達(dá)。假定你是李平,美國(guó)交換生John想?yún)⒓幽阈5乃囆g(shù)節(jié)活動(dòng)。請(qǐng)根據(jù)他的郵件和你校地圖進(jìn)行回復(fù),詞數(shù)80左右。Dear Li Ping, .Ive heard that there will be a report in your school art festival and Im interested in itHowever, I dont know your school very wellCould you please tell me how I can get to the Report Hall? When will the report start? What other activities can


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