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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.成都市高中畢業(yè)班第二次診斷性檢測(cè)英語(yǔ)第一卷(共115分)第一部分:聽(tīng)力(共共兩節(jié),滿滿分200分)做題時(shí),先先將答案案劃在試試卷上,錄錄音內(nèi)容容結(jié)束后后,你將將有兩分分鐘的時(shí)時(shí)間將試試卷上的的答案轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)涂到答答題卡上上。第一節(jié)(共共5小題題,每小小題1分分,滿分分5分)聽(tīng)下面5段段對(duì)話,每每段對(duì)話話后有一一個(gè)小題題,從題題中所給給的A、BB、C三三個(gè)選項(xiàng)項(xiàng)中選出出最佳選選項(xiàng),并并標(biāo)在試試卷的相相應(yīng)位置置。聽(tīng)完完每段對(duì)對(duì)話后,你你都有110秒鐘鐘的時(shí)間間來(lái)回答答

2、有關(guān)小小題和閱閱讀下一一小題。每每段對(duì)話話僅讀一一遍。1. Whhen willl EEricc arrrivve?A.10: 500. BB. 110: 45. C. 111: 220.2. Whhat didd thhe tteaccherr doo?A. Hee peersuuadeed tthe womman nott too taake thee cooursse.B. Hee asskedd thhe wwomaan tto sstuddy hhisttoryy. CC. HHe ggavee a tallk tto tthe hisstorry cclasss.3. Whhat

3、doees tthe womman meaan?A. Shhe ccan hellp tthe mann. BB. SShe hass doone thee exxerccisee.C. Shhe wwantts tto ddo tthe exeerciise witth tthe mann.4. Whhat willl tthe womman do?A. Sttay up alll niightt. BB. FFiniish herr paaperr. CC. GGo tto bbed.5. Whheree dooes thiis cconvverssatiion takke pplacce

4、?A. Inn a posst ooffiice. B. Inn a bannk. C. Inn a depparttmennt sstorre.第二節(jié)(共共15小小題;每每小題11分,滿滿分155分)聽(tīng)下面5段段對(duì)話或或獨(dú)白,每每段對(duì)話話或獨(dú)白白后有幾幾個(gè)小題題,從題題所給的的A、BB、C三三個(gè)選項(xiàng)項(xiàng)中選出出最佳選選項(xiàng),并并標(biāo)在試試卷的相相應(yīng)位置置。聽(tīng)每每段對(duì)話話或獨(dú)白白前,你你將有時(shí)時(shí)間閱讀讀各個(gè)小小題,每每小題55秒鐘;聽(tīng)完后后,各小小題將給給出5秒秒鐘的作作答時(shí)間間。每段段對(duì)話或或獨(dú)自讀讀兩遍。聽(tīng)第6段材材料,回回答第66-8題題。6. Whhat happpenned to thee

5、 maan?A. Hee feell andd huurt himmsellf bbadlly. B. Hee waas vveryy siick andd waas ttakeen tto tthe hosspittal.C. Hee brrokee hiis lleg in a ttraffficc acccidden.7. Whhat is thee maanss trroubble noww?A. Hee haas aa chhestt paain andd caan hharddly breeathhe.B. Hee feeelss tooo wweakk too waalk. C.

6、 Hiis lleg is brookenn annd hhis cheest hurrts.8. Hoow llongg wiill thee maan hhavee too sttay awaay ffromm woork?A. Foour weeeks or lesss. B. No morre tthann onne mmontth CC. MMoree thhan onee moonthh.聽(tīng)第7段材材料,回回答9-11題題。9. Whhy ddid Marry ccalll?A. Too seee hhow herr paarennts werre. B. To telll hhe

7、r fattherr soome goood nnewss.C. Too innvitte hher parrentts tto hher homme.10. WWhatt doo yoou kknoww abboutt Toom?A. Hees Marryss soon. B. He gott a risse iin ppay. C. Hee iss Mrr. DDaviis goood ffrieend.11. HHow manny cchilldreen ddoess Maary havve?A. Onne sson andd onne ddaugghteer. B. Twoo soon

8、s andd onne ddaugghteer. C. Twoo soons.聽(tīng)第8段材材料,回回答122-144題。12. WWhatt arre ttheyy taalkiing aboout?A. A fillm. B. A bbookk. CC. AAn aactoor.13. WWhatt doo thhe sspeaakerrs tthinnk oof iit?A. Itt atttraactss onnly youung peooplee. BB. IIt mmakees ggrowwn-uups youungeer.C. Itt iss poopullar witth bbot

9、hh chhilddrenn annd aadullts.14. WWhatt dooes thee woomann suuggeest?A. Thhinkkingg affterr reeadiing it. BB. SSeeiing thee fiilm. CC. RReaddingg thhe bbookk.聽(tīng)第9段材材料,回回答155-177題。15. WWhatt arre tthe twoo sppeakkerss?A. A teaacheer aand a sstuddentt. BB. TTwo colllegge sstuddentts. C. Twoo coolleege

10、teaacheers.16. WWhatt abbiliity is tesstedd inn Coompooundd Diictaatioon?A. Reeadiing abiilitty. B. Traansllatiing abiilitty. C. Lisstenningg abbiliity.17. WWhatt wiill thee woomann prrobaablyy doo?A. Shhe wwilll fiind a ggoodd joob. B. Shhe wwilll taake thee exxam. CC. SShe willl aask thee maan tto

11、 hhelpp heer.聽(tīng)第10段段材料,回回答188-200題。18. WWhenn diid CChinna mmakee a forrmall aggreeemennt wwithh itts mmajoor ttraddingg paartnnerss?A. Onn Deec, 11. B. Onn Seep, 17. C. Onn Moondaay.19. WWhatt dooes thee 2nnd ppiecce nnew telll yyou?A. Foourtteenn wiinneers recceivved peaace priize.B. Foortyy peeopl

12、le rreceeiveed ttheiir aawarrds forr thhe ssamee reeasoon.C. Foourtteenn wiinneers in diffferrentt fiieldds wwon thee Noobell prrizees.20. WWhatt diid yyou knoow ffromm thhe 33rd pieece of newws?A. Thhe DDeadd Seea hhas stooppeed ssinkkingg. BB. TThe Deaad SSea is lowwer thaan bbefoore.C. Thhe DDead

13、d Seea hhas sunnk6.35 cenntimmetrres.第二部分:英語(yǔ)知知識(shí)運(yùn)用用(共兩兩節(jié),滿滿分455分)第一節(jié):?jiǎn)螁雾?xiàng)填空空(共115小題題,每小小題1分分;滿分分15分分)21. Didd yoou ssee anyyonee coominng iintoo thhe bbuilldinng?No, I ddidnnt. _ ?Therre iis nno ddoubbt aabouut iit.A. OKK B. Suure C. Reaallyy D. Iss thhat so22. TThe docctorrs aare tryyingg too reeducc

14、e tthe pattiennts s feaar _ he wouuld diee off thhe ddiseeasee.A. whhichh B. whhen C. thaat DD. iif23. TThe mannageer hhas hadd soome proobleems _ wwhettherr thhey shoouldd boorroow tthe monney froom tthe bannkerr.A. too deecidde B. deccidiing C. deecidded D. haavinng ddeciidedd24. TThe fanns iin CC

15、hiccagoo addmirre MMichhaell Joordaan _ he is no lonngerr fiighttingg foor tthe Chiicaggo BBullls.A. siincee B. evven if C. hoowevver DD. wwhenn25. HHe ttrieed mmanyy tiimess too snneakk accrosss tthe borrderr too a neiighbbourringg coounttry, _ eacch ttimee.A. haavinng bbeenn caaughht B. unfforttun

16、aatelly ccaugghtC. allwayys bbeinng ccaugght D. onlly tto bbe ccaugght26. Whaat ddo yyou knoow aabouut tthe neww pllan?I knnow eveery dettaill abboutt itt._ ,II thhinkk I knoow.A. Thhereeforre BB. OOr rrathher C. Nammelyy D. Thhat is27. DDaviid ggetss upp eaarlyy annd ttakees aa waalk in thee moorni

17、ing, _ iss ussuall wiith himm.A. ass B. thhat C. whaat D. succh28. DDuriing thee exxamiinattionns wwe aare supppossed to staay iin oour, keeep ourr eyyes on ourr woork, _to annyonne.A. innsteead of speeakiing B. rattherr thhan speeakC. annd nnot speeak D. butt woouldd noot ttalkk29. II_ yyou a vvalu

18、uablle ppressentt foor yyourr biirthhdayy, bbut I wwas shoort of monney at thaat ttimee.A. woouldd haave givven BB. llikeed tto ggivee. C. liikedd too haave givven D. wouuld likke tto ggivee30. II knnow thaat BBob is nott muuch of a ffoottballl pplayyer, buut wwhenn itt_ to matths, hee iss ammongg t

19、hhe ttop thrree in thee cllasss.A. reeferrs BB. ggoess C. coomess D. coonceernss31. Whyy waas tthe roaad ccrowwdedd?The traaffiic wwas _ bby aa caar aacciidennt.A. heelp up B. helld bbackk C. heeld outt D. heeld to32. XXiammen is _ mosst bbeauutifful coaastaal ccityy annd II beelieeve Illl ccomee fo

20、or _ seccondd tiime.A. a; thhe BB. tthe; a C. thee; tthe D. a; a33. TThe carr _ at thee prreseent speeed unttil it reaachees tthe fooot oof tthe mouuntaain at aboout nivve oocllockk toonigght.A. weent B. is goiing C. gooes D. willl bbe ggoinng34. CChenngduu haas ccut itss biirthh-raate _ allmosst 66

21、0 pperccentt inn thhe ppastt 200 yeearss.A. too B. byy C. foor DD. wwithh35. IIf tthe worrk _ byy thhe eend of thee moonthh iss deelayyed, thhe cconsstruuctiion commpanny wwilll bee fiinedd.A. beeingg coomplleteed BB. hhavee beeen commpleeteddC. too bee coomplleteed DD. wwilll bee coomplleteed第二節(jié):完完

22、型填空空(共220小題題,每小小題1.5分;滿分330分)閱閱讀下面面的短文文,掌握握其大意意然后從從3535各各題所給給的四個(gè)個(gè)選項(xiàng)中中,選出出一個(gè)最最佳答案案。Cars aree ann immporrtannt ppartt off liife in thee Unniteed SStattes. Wiithoout a ccar mosst ppeopple feeel tthatt thhey Aree 36 . Annd eevenn iff a perrsonn iss pooor he doeesnt ffeell 37 ppoorr whhen he hass a carr.

23、Henryy foord wass thhe MMan whoo fiirstt sttartted 38 caars in larrge nummberrs. He proobabbly diddntt knnow howw muuch thee caar wwas goiing to 339 AAmerricaan ccultturee. TThe carr maade thee Unniteed SStattes a nnatiion 440 . Annd iit 441 too maake thee Unniteed SStattes whaat iit iis ttodaay.The

24、ree arre tthreee mman reaasonns tthatt thhe ccar hass beecomme sso 442 iin tthe Uniitedd Sttatees. 443the ccounntryy iss a hugge oone andd Ammeriicanns llikee too 44 arroudd inn itt. TThe carr 455 thee moost commforrtabble andd chheappestt foorm of traanspporttatiion. Wiith a ccar peooplee caan ggo

25、aany plaace 46 sppenddingg a lott off mooneyy. TThe seccondd reeasoon iis tthatt thhe UUnitted Staatess neeverr reeallly ddeveelopped an efffcieent andd innexppenssivee foorm of pubblicc 47 .LLongg diistaancee trrainns hhavee neeverr beeenaas 488 inn thhe UUnitted Staatess ass thhey arii inn ottherr

26、 paartss off thhe wworlld. Nowwadaays theere is a ggoodd syysteem oof aair-serrvicce pprovvideed bby 499 . Butt itt iss tooo eexpeensiive to be useed 500 . TThe thiird reaasonn iss thhe mmostt 51 onee. TThe Ameericcanss sppiriit oof 522 iss whhat reaallyy maade carrs ppopuularr. AAmerricaans donnt l

27、ikke tto wwaitt foor aa buus oor aa trrainn 53 a pplanne. Theey ddont llikee too haave to 554 aan eexacct sscheedulle. A ccar givves theem tthe freeedoom tto sscheedulle ttheiir oown timme. Andd thhis is thee frreeddom thaat AAmerricaans wannt 555 too haave.36. AA. hheallthyy B. riich C. preettyy D.

28、pooor37. AA. rreallly B. truuly C. acttuallly D. exaactllv38. AA. ddoinng BB. mmakiing C. dessignningg D. owwingg39. AA. aaffeect B. afffordd CC. eeffoort D. efffectt40. AA.fooot B. horrse baccks C. chaairss D. whheells41. AA. ttrieed BB. hhelpped C. hopped D. gott42. AA. wwelll-knnownn B. loovelly

29、CC. ppopuularr D. faamouus43. AA. IIn aall B. Aftter alll C. Fiirstt off alll DD. AAbovve aall44. AA. mmovee B. trranssporrt CC. wwalkk D. goo45. AA. ooffeers B. prooviddes C. takkes D. proovess46. AA. wwithh B. wiithoout C. forr D.by47. AA. jjourrneyy B. trraveel CC. ttrannspoortaatioon DD. ttripp4

30、8. AA. ccommmon B. usuual C. unuusuaal DD. oordiinarry49. AA. bbikees BB. sshipps CC. rrockketss D. pllanees50. AA. ffreqquenntlyy B. coontiinuoouslly CC. ccompplettelyy DD. ffullly51. AA.fuunnyy BB. iimpoorannt C. commmann D. siimplle52. AA. ddepeendeencee B. seelf-connfiddencce CC. sselffishhnesss

31、 DD. iindeepenndennncee53. AA. oor eevenn B. buut CC. aand D. norr54. AA. ttakee B. reeceiive C.ffoollow D. accceptt55. AA. wworsst BB. mmostt C. beest D. leaast第三部分:閱讀理理解(共共20小小題。每每小題22.5分分;滿分分50分分)閱讀下列短短文,從從每題所所給的四四個(gè)選項(xiàng)項(xiàng)中,選選出最佳佳答案。(A)We weelcoome youu abboarrd tthe Finnnaiir FFligght andd wiill do

32、ourr beest to makke yyourr trrip commforrtabble andd ennioyyablle.For yyourr saafetty aand connvenniennceTo beeginn thhe ttripp, wwe wwoulld llikee too drraw youur aatteentiion to somme ssafeety-rellateed ddetaailss. TThesse aare alsso eexpllainned on thee innstrructtionn caard in thee seeat poccket

33、t inn frrontt off yoou. Seaat bbeltts mmustt riimaiin ffastteneed wwhille tthe Faasteen sseattbellts siigm. Itt iss addvissablle tto kkeepp thhem fasstenned at alll tiimess whhilee seeateed. Alll fllighht ssaree noon - smmokiing. Thhe uuse of mobbilee teelepphonnes isnnow allloweed wwhenn thhe aairp

34、planne iis oon tthe rouund andd tthe fasstenn seeatbbeltts tummed offf. DDuriing thee fllighht tthe usee off CDD annd DDVD plaayerrs iis nnow allloweed.For yyourr ennterrtaiinmeentTo heelp youu ennjoyy yoour triip, we proovidde aa raangee off neewsaaperrs oon iinteernaatioonall fllighhts. Onn ouur M

35、MD-111 aand Boeeingg aiircrraftt, wwe aare alsso ppleaasedd too prroviide mussic andd viideoo prrogrramss. OOn AAirbbus A3221/3320/3199, aairccrafft rroutte mmapss annd sshorrt vvideeos shoown. Dcctaiils of entterttainnmennt pproggramms aavaiilabble on MD-11 airrcraaft aree shhownn onn thhe ssepaara

36、tte On thee Aiir broochuure loccateed iin yyourr seeat pocckett.For yyourr chhilddrennspeciial reaadinng mmateeriaal iis pprovvideed ffor chiildrren andd onn loongeer ffligghtss thheree arre aalsoo auudioo anndvideoo prrogrramss foor tthemm. OOn llongg-diistaancee fllighhts, fiirstt-tiime flyyerss b

37、eetweeen thee agges of22 annd ll5 ccan joiin oour Finnnaiir JJuinniorr Pllus Cluub.Mealss annd ddrinnksDurinng mmostt fllighhts we serrve youu a tassty meaal wwithh drrinkks tto aaccoopanny iit. Beeer,wwinee annd ootheer ddrinnks aree seerveed ffreee off chhargge. Cofffeee, ttea andd juuicee arre ss

38、ervved freee oof ccharrge on alll doomessticc fllighhts of pyeer 335 mminuutess, OOn ddomeestiic ffligghtss leeaviing befforee niine andd onn alll ffligghtss too noorthhernn Fiinlaand, a snaack is serrvedd. WWe vvaluue yyourr oppiniion.In thhis maggaziine youulll fiind a sspecciall foorm forr yoour

39、commmennts aboout ourr seerviice. Kiindlly rretuurn thee foorm to ourr crrew or anyy Fiinnaair offficee. IIt wwilll bee roorwaardeed ddireectlly tto tthe appproppriaate depparttmennt. Youu caan aalsoo faax iit (+ 3358 - (0) 898819 - 777299)orr seend youur ccommmentts bby ee - maiil tto ffeeddbacck f

40、iinniiar. coom. Ourr crrew is pleeaseed tto aanswwer youur qquesstioons durringg thhe ffligght wheenevver posssibble.56. WWhicch oof tthe folllowwingg sttateemennt iis NNOT truue?A. Duurinng tthe fliightt yoou hhavee too keeep youur sseatt beelt fasstenned alll thhe ttimee.B. Whhen takkingg Aiirbuus

41、 3321/3200/3119, youu maay kknoww whheree yoou aare thrrouggh aan aairccrafft rroutte mmap.C. Duurinng tthe fliightt yoou mmay lisstenn too muusicc orr waatchh viideoo.D. Duurinng tthe fliightt yoou mmay havve ssomee cooffcce oor ttea or juiice forr frree.57. TThe purrposse oof tthe passsagge iis tt

42、oA. teeachh thhe ppasssenggerss hoow tto uuse thee seeat belltsB. teell thee paasseengeers whaat kkindd off ennterrtaiinmeent theey ccan enjjoy durringg thheirr fllighhtC. enncouuragge tthe passsnggerss too giive commmennts on thee seerviiceD. inntrooducce tthe goood sservvicee off thhe FFinnnairr a

43、nnd aattrractt moore passsenngerrs58. YYou mayy fiind thiis ppasssagee innA. a newwspaaperr B. a bbookk C. a maggaziine DD. aan ooffiiciaal ddocuumennt(B)The ccommmon colld iis tthe worrlds mmostt wiidesspreead illlnesss, whiich is plaaguees(疫疫病)tthatt flleshh reeceiivess.The mmostt wiidesspreead fa

44、lllaccy (謬誤) off alll iis tthatt cooldss arre ccaussed by colld. Theey aare nott. TTheyy arre cauusedd byy viirusses (病毒毒)paassiing ou froom ppersson to perrsonn. YYou cattch a ccoldd, aand it wouuld be reaasonnablle tto eexpeect thee Esskimmos to suffferr frrom theem fforeeverr, BBut theey ddo nnot

45、. Annd iin iisollateed aarcttic reggionns eexplloreers havve rrepoorteed bbeinng ffreee frrom collds unttil commingg innto conntacct aagaiin wwithh innfecctedd peeoplle ffromm thhe ooutssidee woorldd byy waay oof ppackkagees aand maiil ddropppedd frrom airrplaaness.Durinng tthe Firrst Worrld Warr so

46、oldiierss whho sspennt llongg peerioods in thee trrencchess(戰(zhàn)壕壕), colld aand wett, sshowwed no inccreaasedd teendeencyy too caatchh cooldss.In thhe SSecoond Worrld Warr prrisoonerrs aat tthe nottoriiouss nootorriouus AAuscchwiitz conncenntraatioon ccampp(奧斯斯維辛集集中營(yíng)), nnakeed aand staarviing, weere as

47、ttoniisheed tto ffindd thhat theey sselddom hadd cooldss.At thhe CCommmon Colld RReseearcch UUnitt Ennglaand, voolunnteeers toook ppartt inn exxperrimeentss inn whhichh thhey gavve tthemmsellvess too thhe ddisccomffortts oof bbeinng ccoldd annd wwet forr loong strretcchess off tiime. Affterr taakinn

48、g hhot batths, thhey putt onn baathiing suiits, alllowwed theemseelvees tto bbe ddippped witth ccoldd waaterr, aand theen sstoood aabouut ddripppinng wwet in draaftyy rooom. Soome worre wwet soccks alll daay wwhille ootheers exeerciisedd inn thhe rrainn unntill cllosee too exxhauustiion. Noot oone o

49、f thee voolunnteeers camme ddownn wiith a ccoldd unnlesss aa coold virrus wass acctuaallyy drroppped in hiss noose.In thhe ccoldd wee haave notthinng tto ddo wwithh caatchhingg cooldss, WWhy aree thhey morre ffregguennt iin tthe winnterr? DDesppitee thhe mmostt paainss - takkingg reeseaarchh, nno oo

50、ne hass yeet ffounnd tthe ansswerr. OOne expplannatiion offfereed bby sscieentiistss iss thhat peooplee teend to staay ttogeetheer iindooorss moore in colld wweattherr thhan at othher timmes, annd tthiss maakess itt eaasieer ffor colld vviruusess too bee paasseed oon.No onne hhas yett fooundd a curr

51、e ffor thee coold. Thheree arre ddruggs aand paiin ssupppresssorrs(止止痛片)succh aas aaspiirinn, bbut alll thhey do is to rellievve tthe symmptooms(癥狀).59. TThe wriiterr offferred _ exxamppless too suuppoort hiss arrgummentt.A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 360. WWhicch oof tthe folllowwingg dooes nott aggreee wiich

52、thee chhoseen ppasssagee?A. Thhe EEskiimoss doo noot ssufffer froom ccoldds aall thee tiime.B. Cooldss arre nnot cauusedd byy coold.C. Peeoplle ssufffer froom ccoldds jjustt beecauuse theey llikee too sttay inddoorrs.D. A perrsonn maay ccatcch aa coold by touuchiing sommeonne wwho alrreaddy hhas one

53、e.61. AArcttic expplorrerss maay ccatcch ccoldds wwhennA. thhey aree woorkiing in thee issolaatedd arrctiic rregiionss.B. thhey aree wrritiing repportts iin tterrriblly ccoldd weeathher.C. thhey aree frree froom wworkk inn thhe iisollateed aarcttic reggionns.D. thhey aree coominng iintoo toouchh agg

54、ainn wiith thee ouutsiide worrld62. VVoluunteeerss taakinng ppartt inn thhe eexpeerimmentts iin tthe Commmonn Coold Ressearrch UniitA. suuffeeredd a lott B. nevver cauughtt cooldss C. oftten cauughtt cooldss DD.beecamme verry sstroong(C)Why, youu maay wwondder,shoouldd sppideers be ourr frriennds? B

55、eecauuse theey ddesttroyy soo maany inssectts, andd innseccts inccludde ssomee off thhe ggreaatesst eenemmiess off thhe hhumaan rracee. IInseectss woouldd maake it impposssiblle ffor us to livve iin tthe worrld; thhey wouuld devvourr(吞食食、毀滅滅)alll oour croops andd kiill ourr caattlle, if it werre nno

56、t forr thhe pprottecttionn wee geet ffromm innsecct - eaatinng aanimmalss. WWe oowe a llot to thee biirdss annd bbeatts wwho eatt innseccts, buut aall of theem pput toggethher killl oonlyy a verry ssmalll aamouunt of thee nuumbeer ddesttroyyed by spiiderrs. Morreovver, unnlikke ssomee off thhe iinse

57、ect eatterss, sspidderss neeverr doo thhe lleasst hharmm too uss orr ouur bbeloongiingss.Spideers aree noot iinseectss, aas mmanyy peeoplle tthinnk, norr evven neaarlyy reelatted to theem. Oneecann teell thee diiffeerennce almmostt att a glaancee foor aa sppideer aalwaays hass eiightt leegs andd ann

58、 innsecct nneveer mmoree thhan sixx.How mmanyy sppideers aree enngagged in thee woork on ourr beehallf? Onee auuthooritty oon sspidderss maade a rreseearcch oof tthe spiiderrs aand fouund thaat ttherre wweree moore thaan 22,2550,0000 in onee accre; thhat is sommethhingg liike 6,0000,0000 sppideers o

59、f diffferrentt kiindss onn a foootbaall fieeld. Sppideers aree buusy forr att leeastt haalf thee yeear in killlinng iinseectss. IIt iis iimpoossiiblee too maake morre tthann thhe wwilddestt guuesss att hoow mmanyy thhey killl, butt thhey aree huungrry ccreaaturres, noot cconttentt wiith onlly tthree

60、e mmealls aa daay. It hass beeen esttimaatedd thhat thee weeighht oof aall thee innseccts desstrooyedd byy thhe sspidderss inn Brritaain in onee yeear wouuld be greeateer tthann thhe ttotaal wweigght of alll huumann beeinggs iin tthe couuntrry.63. SSpidderss shhoulld bbe oour friiendds, beccausse_A.


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