



1、M3U1 Where did you go?教案Learning aims(學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)):1. 能聽說讀寫單詞及詞組: rode, rode a horse, rode a bike, went ,went camping, hurt, hurt my foot and went fishing.2. 能聽說認(rèn)讀句子:Where did you go last Saturday? I went to a forest park. What did you do there? I rode a bike.3. 會唱歌曲Tell me about your holidayImportant &dif

2、ficult points(重難點(diǎn)):1. 學(xué)習(xí)五個短語,注意ride, go,hurt的過去式。2. 學(xué)生能用句型進(jìn)行簡單的對話。導(dǎo)學(xué)探究Step 1.預(yù)習(xí)溫故(用時5分鐘)1. Show the pictures and Go over the phrases of Unit 2.S1:watched TV S2: I watched TV S3: I watched TV last weekend.同樣的方法復(fù)習(xí)cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, read a book, saw a film, had a cold a

3、nd slept.2. Free talk. - What did you do last weekend?Step 2. 新課內(nèi)容展示(用時15分鐘)1. 教學(xué)短語(1)Show the picture of ride a horse. 教讀短語T: ride a horse I often ride a horse. (學(xué)生跟讀)Go camping, hurt my foot,go fishing.(用同樣的方法復(fù)習(xí)這些詞組)(2) 呈現(xiàn)句子T: I rode a horse last weekend.同樣的方法教學(xué)短語rode a bike, went camping, hurt my

4、 foot,went fishing.(3)T:What did you do last weekend? Ss: I rode a horse/ went camping (學(xué)生多操練)2. T: Where did you go last Saturday? I went to a forest park.師生互答。3. Play the tape of Lets learn.學(xué)生跟讀,然后分角色朗讀對話。Step 3.合作交流:(用時10分鐘)1. Play a game. 叫一名同學(xué)到講臺前表演動作,其他的同學(xué)說出短語。2. 學(xué)生靈活運(yùn)用本課時詞組,自由編對話。3. Finish Li

5、sten, answer and write. 齊讀這些句子。(選上)4. 學(xué)唱歌曲Tell me about your holiday.Step4、達(dá)標(biāo)檢測(用時9分鐘)一.讀短語,選圖片。2023人教PEP英語六下:Unit 3 Where did you go?教案(2)二. 問與答,連連看。1. What size are your shoes? A. I went to the bookstore.2. Where did you go yesterday? B. I am 45 kg.3. How heavy are you? C. Size 7.4. What did you d

6、o last night? D. It was fine.5. How was you weekend? E. I watched TV.三.連一連,讀一讀。1. 他上周六去釣魚。 A. I hurt my foot last Tuesday.2. 我媽媽上周末去野營。 B. She rode a bike last Monday.3. 約翰昨天去騎馬。 C. He went finishing last Saturday.4. 她上周一騎自行車。 D. My mum went camping last weekend.5. 我上周二傷了腳。 E. John rode a horse yest

7、erday.四.寫出下列動詞的過去式。go- ride- hurt - watch - clean- 學(xué)生小結(jié):這節(jié)課我學(xué)到了 。Step5、布置當(dāng)堂作業(yè)(用時1分鐘)1.抄寫并背誦四會短語 2. 用本課時句型寫一個對話。板書設(shè)計: Unit 3 Where did you go?rode a horse, rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot and went fishing.ride rode go went hurt - hurtZhang Peng: Where did you go last Saturday?John: I went to

8、a forest park.Zhang Peng: What did you go there?John: I rode a bike.教學(xué)反思:Period 2 Lets try Lets talk P24Learning aims(學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)):1. 能聽懂Lets try并完成Tick and cross.2. 能理解Lets talk并能聽說認(rèn)讀下列句子: What happen? Are you all right? Im OK now. Where did you go? It looks like a mule. Did you go to Turpan? Yes, we did.

9、3. 能聽說認(rèn)讀單詞 fell off, mule,could, till, Labour Day, TurpanImportant &difficult points(重難點(diǎn)):1. 聽說認(rèn)讀句子:What happen? Are you all right? Im OK now. Where did you go? It looks like a mule. Did you go to Turpan? Yes, we did.2. 理解句子:I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot.導(dǎo)學(xué)探究Step 1.預(yù)習(xí)溫故(用時5分鐘)1.

10、復(fù)習(xí) Lets learn.Eg: rode a horse. I rode a horse last weekend.2. Free talk. -Where did you go last Sunday/ Saturday? - I went to a forest park.- What did you do there? - I rode a bike. / .Step 2. 新課內(nèi)容展示(用時15分鐘)1. 教讀并理解重點(diǎn)單詞和句型fell off, mule,could, till, Labour Day, TurpanWhat happen? Are you all right?

11、 Im OK now. Where did you go? It looks like a mule. Did you go to Turpan? Yes, we did.I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot.2.學(xué)生聽錄音,老師教讀對話。3.學(xué)生小組閱讀對話并回答問題。(1). What happened to John? (2). Where did John go over his holiday? (3). What did he do?4.學(xué)生講解對話,教師補(bǔ)充答疑。Step 3.合作交流:(用時10分鐘)1. Role play. 學(xué)生靈活運(yùn)用本課時句型和所學(xué)詞組扮演John和Amy打電話。2. Finish Lets try.Step4、達(dá)標(biāo)檢測(用時9分鐘)一.填一填,譯一譯,讀一讀。1.r de a ho se ( ) 2.rode a b ke ( ) 3.w nt c mping ( )4.h t my f t ( ) 5.went


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