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1、第 PAGE42 頁 共 NUMPAGES42 頁高級口譯教程詞匯預(yù)習答案副總經(jīng)理 deputy managing director 研究生 postgraduate研究成果 research findings實驗助手 lab assistant 市中心 downtown area 假日酒店 Holiday Inn旅館招待費 hotel accommodation fee招待所guesthouse 舒適如歸 make sb. comfortable排憂解難 help sb. out 不盡如人意之處 inconvenience in work and life a land of wonder充

2、滿奇觀的國家magical power神奇的魅力 head office 總部 Confucianism儒家思想Taoism道家學說 inexplicable 難以言表的 set foot on 踏上 的土地 cosmopolitan city 國際大都市 maximize 充分利用 in no time 不久 rewarding 有成效的 Unit 2 禮儀祝詞 閣下 your excellency. 建交 the establishment of diplomatic relations 近海石油勘探 offshore oil exploration 積貧積弱,任人宰割 enduring

3、impoverishment, long-standing debility and was for a time at the mercy of other countries 落后要挨打 lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks 刻骨銘心的教訓(xùn) never-forgotten lesson 中華民族偉大復(fù)興 the rejuvenation of China 不懈努力 make unremitting efforts 與時俱進 keep pace with the times 第一要務(wù) the primary task 發(fā)展是硬道理 d

4、evelopment is of overriding importance 科學發(fā)展觀 scientific outlook 和諧社會 harmonious society 互利共贏 win-win 本著 的精神 it is in the spirit of 一貫奉行 in the persistent pursuit of 雙邊關(guān)系 bilateral relations 祝酒 join sb in a toast mission 代表團 gracious hospitality友好款待 convey 轉(zhuǎn)達 bosom friend 知己 thriving and robust 蓬勃向上

5、megalopolis 特大型城市 boast 以 為自豪 unequalled 不能與 相媲美 miraculous rise 奇跡般地迅速崛起 financial giants 金融業(yè)的巨頭 business community商業(yè)界 manufacturing industry 制造業(yè) IPR(intellectual property rights) 知識產(chǎn)權(quán) joint consultancy service 合資咨詢服務(wù)機構(gòu) transnational corporation 跨國公司 last but not least 最后 at one s earliest convenie

6、nce 在其方便的時候,盡早 cherish 珍惜 economic recession 經(jīng)濟不景氣 ensure a sustained growth 確保持續(xù)增長 on the occasion of 請允許我借 的機會 Unit 3 商務(wù)談判 進出口商品交易會 import and export commodities fair 銷售部經(jīng)理 sales manager supply department 采購部 brochure 宣傳小冊子 scope of business 經(jīng)營范圍 machine tool 機床 workmanship 工藝 make an inquiry 詢價 q

7、uotation 報價 C.I.F Seattle 西雅圖到岸價(*cost,insurance.freight) 調(diào)整價格 adjust the price competitive 具有競爭力 bulk 很大 substantially 大大地 展臺 exhibition stand 經(jīng)營的新品 new line of business 汽車零部件 auto parts update 調(diào)整 at the cost of 不惜以 為代價 our part 我方 發(fā)盤/報盤 offer 折扣 discount supplies 貨物 free sample 免費樣品 inspection 檢驗

8、floor offer 底盤 counter-offer 還盤 合同格式 format of contract 規(guī)格 specification 單價 unit price 保險費由貴方承擔 the insurance premium should be born by your side business transaction 生意順利成交 Unit 4 旅游觀光 廣袤無垠的中華大地 the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory 絢麗多姿的自然景觀 gorgeous and varied natural scenery 如詩如畫 poetic

9、 and picturesque 名勝古跡 places of historic interest and scenic beauty 兵馬俑 terra-cotta soldiers and horses 故宮 the Imperial Palace 五岳之首 the most famous of China s 5 great mountains 峻拔突兀 majestic and precipitous appeal 山外有山 mountains beyond mountains 融自然與文化景觀于一體 embody natural scenery and cultural herita

10、ge 奇石,清瀑,古松,亭閣 grotesque rock formation, clear waterfalls, old-age pine trees and pavilions 歷代文人雅士書法家 famous ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers of various dynasty 石刻碑文 stone inscription 重巒疊嶂 peaks rising one after another 經(jīng)典佳作 great classics of ancient writers of various dynasty 華夏祖先 Chines

11、e ancestors 吉祥之地 propitious place 祭祀天地 offer sacrifices to Heaven and Earth 聯(lián)合國教科文組織 UNESCO(c=cultural,其他不必說了吧) 世界自然與文化遺產(chǎn) World heritage Commission geological accident 地質(zhì)變化 the earth s crust 地殼 temperate climatic zone 熱帶地區(qū) unique fauna and flora 珍禽奇獸,奇花異草 Great Barrier 大堡礁 Ayer s Rock 阿葉爾斯石柱山 Cacadu

12、 National Park 卡喀杜國家公園 Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌劇院 skiing resort 滑雪場 gross domestic product(GDP) 國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值 camping park 野營公園 caravan and cabin 汽車旅館,公寓住所 international cuisine 國際烹飪水準 ethnic restaurant 風味餐廳 departure tax stamp 離境印花稅票 American Express 美國運通信用卡 Unit 6 宣傳介紹 地勢平坦的沖積平原 a soil deposit plain land 常

13、住居民 permanent residents 慈懸浮列車 the maglev train 長江三角洲 Yangtze River Delta 龍頭作用 play a leading role 清朝乾隆,嘉慶年間 during the reigns of Qianlong and Jiaqing of Qing Dynasty 石油化工產(chǎn)業(yè) the petrochemical industry 精細化工產(chǎn)業(yè) the fine chemical 家用電器產(chǎn)業(yè) the home electrical appliance industry 生物醫(yī)藥產(chǎn)業(yè) the bioengineering and

14、 pharmaceutical industry 支柱產(chǎn)業(yè) pillar industry 歷史文物保護單位 sites of historical interest and cultural relics under protection 海派文化 Shanghai regional culture 美食家 gourmet 清真 authentic Muslim 萬國建筑博覽會 exhibition of the world s architecture 內(nèi)環(huán)線高架道路 elevated inner beltway 野生動物園 the Wildlife zoo 迎新撞鐘活動 New year

15、 s Greeting Bell-striking 廟會 Temple Fair 桂花節(jié) Sweet Osmanthus Festival 海納百川,有容乃大 the sea admits hundreds of rivers for its capacity to hold 乘騏驥以馳騁兮 on your steed galloping 來吾道夫先路 on my road pioneering 聰明,精明,高明 bright, smart, wise British Commonwealth 英聯(lián)邦 physically spread out 布局分散 predominant 主導(dǎo) cong

16、lomeration 聚結(jié) commute 外來工作者 prominent landmark 顯著的地貌標志 Saint Paul s Cathedral 圣保羅大教堂 Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特教堂 monarchy 君主政體 coronation 加冕禮 Buckingham Palace 白金漢宮 hub 中心 slum 貧民窟 lavish 豪華 philharmonic orchestra 愛樂樂團 venue 場所 cornucopia 各類 successive eras 各個階段 chronologically 從歷史上 repository 陳列館 pre

17、mier art collection 最重要的美術(shù)作品 striking portraits of Britons 不列顛人逼真的肖像 Unit 7 參觀訪問 學位點 degree program 國家級重點社科研究基地 key social science research centers 博士后科學研究流動站 post-doctoral research stations 國家級重點學科 national key disciplines 兩院院士 academicians of the Chinese academy of science and the Chinese academy

18、of engineering 網(wǎng)絡(luò)教育 online education 科舉制 imperial examination 日月光華,旦復(fù)旦兮brilliant are the sunlight and the moonlight after night the day dawns again 人文精神 humanistic spirit 披荊斬棘,篳路藍縷 negotiate various impediment 博學而篤志,切問而近思 extensive scholarship with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry with clos

19、e examination 治學態(tài)度 educational philosophy 取精用弘的學術(shù)思想 the academic ideology of extracting the best and exploiting the greatest 懷抱超曠的才雋學人 graduates with brilliant scholarship 高等教育發(fā)展的重中之重 priority among institutions of high learning 承前啟后 inherit fine tradition and usher in the future mission 精誠團結(jié),共襄盛舉 s

20、trive together in good faith 文理工醫(yī)科綜合性大學 a comprehensive university with a complete range disciplines in liberal arts, science, engineering and medicine 全面提升知名度和影響力 elevate influence and visibility in all dimensions 社會轉(zhuǎn)型時期 a period of social transition 百年傳承之名校a prestigious university with a century-l

21、ong academic tradition and intellectual esteem Vancouver 溫哥華 Canada s gateway to the pacific 加拿大通往太平洋的門戶 The Panama Canal 巴拿馬運河 Natural ice-free harbor 天然不凍港 Manufactured goods 制成品 Lumber and paper milling 伐木、造紙 Oil refining 煉油 Metal fabricating 金屬鍛造 Printed matter 印刷 Real estate 房地產(chǎn) Triple 增至3倍 Qua

22、druple 增至4倍 Quintuple 增至5倍 High-rise office building 摩天辦公樓 Boutique 時裝禮品店 Ethnic group 少數(shù)民族團體 Planetarium 天文館 Aquarium 水族館 Skating rink 溜冰場 Botanical garden 植物園 Conservatory of exotic plants 異國植物花房 Maple tree 楓樹 Sap 樹液 syrup 糖漿 Unit 8 人物訪談 國際清算銀行行長 president of the Bank for international settlements

23、 宏觀經(jīng)濟 macroeconomic 浮動匯率 floating foreign exchange rate world economic projection 世界經(jīng)濟預(yù)計 impetus 動力 reassuring 讓人放心 command economy 計劃經(jīng)濟 fiscal policy 財政政策 surplus and deficit 贏余和赤字 deterioration 最壞;最低點 without precedent 第一次 pact 公約 curb deficits 防止財政狀況惡化 pension commitments 養(yǎng)老金投入 yields on nominal

24、bonds 名義收益率 deflation 緊縮 exchange rate appreciation 貨幣升值 domestic liquidity 國內(nèi)流動資金 precipitous move 突然變動 stifle 葬送 workable measures of transition 可行的過度措施 stance 姿態(tài) 新千年 the new millennium 新紀元 the new age 精髓 essence 陶器 pottery 京劇戲裝 Costumes of Peking Opera 莫高窟復(fù)制品 the replica of the Mogao Grottoes 青銅戰(zhàn)

25、車 the bronze chariot 戰(zhàn)國早期的禮儀樂器 ritual musical instruments produced early in the Warring States Period 八音度 a range of octave 音域?qū)?wide range 定音 tone setting 瑟,笙,簫,鼓 se, sheng, xiao, drums 整理 collate 骨哨 bone flute 搖籃 cradle 舞臺服飾 performance costumes 夸張和象征的手法 exaggeration and symbolic means 名模 famous mo

26、del Unit 9 文化交流 民為貴 people being the most important 巨大活力 the immense vitality 生動寫照 vivid reflection 生存權(quán) subsistence right 立國之本 the foundation to build the country 不懈努力 make unremitting endeavor 相輔相成 the two are complementary to each other 民族先人 ancestor 初步繁榮昌盛 initial prosperity 吸收和借鑒 absorb and draw

27、 upon fruits of 祖國統(tǒng)一 reunification of the country 繁衍 multiply 偉大復(fù)興 the great rejuvenation 先行者 forerunner 區(qū)域自治 regional autonomy 憲法保障 protected by the Constitution 崇高目標 lofty goal 親仁善鄰 benevolence and good-neighborliness 國之寶箴 treasured maxim millennium 千年 landmark 標志性 reclusive 避世隱居 Danish architect

28、Jorn Utzon 丹麥設(shè)計師鈞恩烏特松 with media access 有機會接觸媒體 architectural icon 建筑業(yè)偶像 in the pantheon of 在 的萬神殿中 pluck 淘汰 a complete one-off 空前絕后 was quite at odds with 相去甚遠 rectilinear 垂直式 maverick genius 獨樹一幟的奇才 promontory 海角 backdrop 背景 in high dudgeon 一怒之下 manifold difficulties 各種各樣的困難 seductive beauty 有魅力的純

29、美 patron 資助人 Unit 10 科學報告 中國古代藥王神農(nóng)氏 Shennong, the celebrated herbal master of ancient China 中醫(yī)史上的萌芽階段 the embryo stage in the development of TCM 戰(zhàn)國時期 the Warring States Period 黃帝內(nèi)經(jīng) HuangDi s Classic of internal Medicine 神農(nóng)本草經(jīng) Shennong s herbal classic 主治、功用和毒性 primary treatments, functions and toxic

30、 character 藥典 pharmacopoeia 救死扶傷 healing the sick and saving the dying 職業(yè)道德規(guī)范 professional work ethic 食補保健 food treatment approach 延緩衰老 defer senility 相互作用、互為依存 be of mutual influence and interdependence 有機的整體 an organic whole 診斷疾病 diagnose disease 陰陽對立制約 yin and yang are mutually opposing and const

31、raining 互根互用 be interdependent and mutually promoting 消長平衡 proportionally change with the decrease of one, resulting in, or from the increase of the other 相互轉(zhuǎn)化 mutually transformational 健康的要素 be essential for the maintenance of good health 指導(dǎo)思想 guiding concept 臨床治療方法 clinical treatment 針灸療法 acupunct

32、ure and moxibustion 按摩推拿 medical massage 氣功療法 deep breathing exercises 贏得廣泛贊譽 win worldwide acclaim 中醫(yī)專業(yè)隊伍 TCM professionals 綜合醫(yī)院 general hospital astrobiology 天體生物學 nitrogen 氮 hydrogen 氫 oxygen 氧氣 photosynthesis 光合作用 equilibrium 平衡 meteor 流星 embedded 埋植 carbon compound 碳化合物 hypothesis 假設(shè) Antarctic

33、南極的 aesthetics 審美觀 the Leonid meteor showers 獅子座流星雨 debris 碎片 comet 彗星 The Azores 亞速爾群島 Infrared spectrographs 紅外線攝譜儀 organic molecule 有機分子 spectrographic 攝譜的 disseminate 散布 prebiotic life 前生物生命 galaxy 銀河系 Unit 11 飲食文化 烹飪藝術(shù) culinary art 民以食為天 food is the paramount necessity of the people 推陳出新 creati

34、ve efforts 色、香、味 color, aroma and taste 擺放 layout 冷盤 cold dishes 原料 raw material 作料調(diào)配 the blending of seasoning 調(diào)味藝術(shù) the art of proper seasoning 食物質(zhì)地 the texture of food 刀功 slicing technique 乳豬 suckling pig 點心 pastries 黃酒 yellow rice wine 烈性白酒 strong white liquor 敬酒 toast with 小啜 take a sip 饅頭 steam

35、ed bread 熱卡 calories 主食 staple food food style 飲食習慣 solid diet 豐盛的食物 health food 保健餐 Little Italy 小意大利城 Germantown 德國城 native specialties 家鄉(xiāng)特色菜 Creole accent to the food 克里奧耳口味 physical well-being 身體健康 ironic 諷刺的 preservative 防腐劑 cheese 奶酪 Unit 12 中國改革 翻天覆地的變化 earthshaking changes 面貌煥然一新 take on a b

36、rand-new look 出/入境旅游 outbound/inbound travel 村/居委會 village committee/urban neighborhood committee 解決溫飽問題 solve the problem of food and clothing 落實科學發(fā)展觀 follow a scientific approach of development 以人為本,執(zhí)政為民 put people first in administration 著力搞好宏觀調(diào)空 concentrate on doing macro-regulatory work well 激發(fā)

37、創(chuàng)造活力 stimulate creativity 實施穩(wěn)健的財政政策 follow prudent fiscal policy 三農(nóng)工作是重中之重 work relating agriculture, rural areas and farmers remains top priority 加強農(nóng)田水利建設(shè) intensify development of irrigation and conservancy project 多渠道轉(zhuǎn)移農(nóng)業(yè)富余勞動力 transfer surplus rural labor to nonagricultural jobs 推進產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)優(yōu)化升級 optimiz

38、e and upgrade the industrial structure 加強生態(tài)建設(shè) strengthen ecological improvement 推進財稅體制改革 promote the reform of fiscal and tax system 加強精神文明建設(shè) promote social and ethical progress 加強行政能力建設(shè)和政風建設(shè) improve the government s administrative capacity and style of work 建設(shè)服務(wù)型政府 service-oriented government 意氣風發(fā)

39、in high spirits 同心同德、再接再厲 united with one heart and one mind, continue our concerted and unyielding efforts overstate 夸大 turn one s back on 對 封閉 anarchy 政治混亂 warlordism 軍閥割據(jù) make up lost ground 收復(fù)失地 springboard 跳板 with gusto 滿懷熱情 subsistence farming 自然經(jīng)濟 marginal productivity 邊際生產(chǎn)力 tariff barrier 關(guān)稅

40、壁壘 bolster 保持 joint venture 合資企業(yè) incremental capital output ratio 資本產(chǎn)出比率 reckon 估計 purchasing power parity 購買力平價 capital accumulation 資本積累 demographic forecasts 人口統(tǒng)計學上的預(yù)見 hiccup 磕磕碰碰 forerunner 前驅(qū) dwarf 讓 相形見絀 Unit 13 信息時代 籌備會議 preliminary meeting 處理程序性問題 address procedure issue 智能化 intelligence com

41、puterization 多樣化 diversification 信息通信技術(shù) infocom technology 結(jié)構(gòu)調(diào)整 architecture readjustment 升級換代 upgrading 融語音、數(shù)據(jù)、圖像于一體 integrate voice date and image 寬帶高速信息網(wǎng) high-speed broadband information network 全方位地滿足業(yè)務(wù)需求 meet various service requirements in all dimensions 制約因素 reason 宏觀調(diào)控 macroeconomic control

42、市場管制 market regulation 規(guī)避市場風險 avoid market risks 創(chuàng)新的融資機智 innovative financing mechanism 資金的多元投入 for more financing channels 911事件 September 11 terrorist attack 應(yīng)急系統(tǒng) emergency system 數(shù)字鴻溝 digital divide don 穿上 scaffold 框架 thermostat 恒溫計 EKG 心電圖儀 telemetric system 遙測系統(tǒng) emulate 仿效 symbiosis 共生現(xiàn)象 softwa

43、re programmer 軟件編程師 collaborate 合作 debug 調(diào)試 neuron 神經(jīng)元 tackle 解決 interstellar 星際 microprocessor 微型處理器 ad hoc 特別的 cell phone 手機 the heftiest desktop 最先進的臺式機 fight off an attacking wasp 擊退發(fā)起進攻的黃蜂 simpleton 傻子 emergent behavior 突發(fā)性的行為 mischievous and sinister 惡意 antithetical 對立的 resilience 應(yīng)變能力 seismic

44、 activity 地震活動 geomagnetic storm 地磁風暴 a worrisome spike 麻煩 reroute traffic 改變行動路線 Interplant 星際網(wǎng) asteroid 小行星 unmanned probe 吾人駕駛探測器 proprietary (信息)專有 feel tingles on one s spine 感覺到脊椎的震顫 Unit 14 外交政策 外國使節(jié) diplomatic envoy 復(fù)雜而深刻的變化 complex and profound changes 各種問題相互交織 various threats are intertwin

45、ed 指導(dǎo)國際關(guān)系的準則 norms governing international relations 切實履行 implement in real earnest 以強凌弱的霸權(quán)主義 bully the weak and pursue hegemony 文明的多樣性 the diversity of civilizations 萬物并育而不相害 all living creature grow together without harming one another 道并行而人不相悖 ways run parallel without interfering with one anothe

46、r 相互借鑒、取長補短 learn from each other in mutual emulation 相互包容、求同存異 mutual tolerance, seek agreement while shelving differences 減免債務(wù) reduce and forgive debts 軍事聯(lián)盟 military alliance 動輒訴諸武力 resort to use or threat of force 擯棄冷戰(zhàn)思維 the Cold War mentality should be done away with 核武器擴散 nucleus weapons prolif

47、eration 跨國犯罪 trans-boundary crimes 生態(tài)惡化 environmental degradation 永遠不稱霸 never seek hegemony 維護國家主權(quán)和領(lǐng)土完整 safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity 睦鄰、安鄰、富鄰政策 the policy of creating an amicable, secure and prosperous neighborhood 奔騰不息的時代潮流 irresistible tide of the times diplomacy 外交手段 monetary structure 貨幣組織 military deterrence 軍事威懾 utmost purpose 最高宗旨 subordinate 服從于


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