新人教版 高中英語必修第一冊 Welcome Unit復習學案(學生版教師版)_第1頁
新人教版 高中英語必修第一冊 Welcome Unit復習學案(學生版教師版)_第2頁
新人教版 高中英語必修第一冊 Welcome Unit復習學案(學生版教師版)_第3頁
新人教版 高中英語必修第一冊 Welcome Unit復習學案(學生版教師版)_第4頁
新人教版 高中英語必修第一冊 Welcome Unit復習學案(學生版教師版)_第5頁
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1、新人教版 2019) 高中英語必修 Welcome Unit 復習學案(學版教版Book 1 Welcome Unit 學生班級:姓:過關篇 adj._ adj._ n._ n._ n._ adj._ adj._ adj._ adj._ adj._ n._ . n._ n._ adj._ adj._ n._ n._ n._ n._ n. _ adj._ n._ n._ n._ II. 詞形變化 v. _ n._ _ _ n. n./v. _ n. _ adj. v._ adj._ _ adv._ _ _n. _adj. n. _ _ _III. 詞組梳理_._IV. 詞識記與應用(單詞拼寫)

2、d_() people who have of for longtime.2.I am not outgoing so m ) right now.3. kids t stop talking, and was beginning ) with them. They very f_()of move.5. My teachers rich knowledge humorous talk left a deep ) on 6. couldnt c_()on the To be honest, I ) that I present difficulty. well ) and had good t

3、ime it. here are ) about life foreign students.10. She a lot ) 11. They talking about their learning s_.(12.The children all have very p_.13. Most of the for homeless is provided by o_().14.Our childrens needs learning s_()created 15.Three editors handled the work of r_() the for French has ) greatl

4、y.17. can up c_ in activities.18.A thought ) through Harrys 19. I the first to ask him ) 20. In this unit, will r_() for courses.21.There have cultural between in recent years.22. I going series of his )23.The of n_().24. Shes very o_. ()25.Our attach importance ) for a 26. I would like in e_() for

5、a weeks )27.She and ) the city with them.28. ) is to ) their g_() with p_( )活用篇 (wand)(What if.) that) explore (look forward to) true (it is to do.) 10. what.) .文法空On my first high school, I that one would talk to I was not I 2._(anxiety). I make good first impress. The first class but I found the t

6、eacher most of classmates friendly and 4._(help). had our in science lab, the to me to to time, which me 5._(annoy) couldnt concentrate 6._the experiment. I really wanted leave 7._ . At last, I didn feel awkward or frightened all. I friends junior school, I I will new friends here, and a lot 9._(exp

7、lore) at high. I 10._(confident) than I felt I also reflect on my learning 11._(strategy). No matter 12._I resolve to I will commit to it and my dream 單話寫。 .( .(personality) (hobbies) (learning strategies) . Book 1 Welcome Unit 教師過篇 n./v._ n./v._ _ n._ adj._ adj._ n._nation_ n._designer_ adj._anxiou

8、s_ adj._frightened_ _leave alone_ adj._junior_ _look forward to_ n._flash_flash n._organization_ n._strategy_ n. adj._curious_ n._style_ II. 詞形變化 v. n._registration_ _nation_ adj. _national_ n./v. _design_ adj. _ _ n._ion_ adj._impressive_ _confident_ n. _organization_adj. n. _personal_ _personality

9、_III. 詞組梳理_attend lecture_take course_ campus_be anxious annoyed with_ on_do an experiment_confidence_ a goal_ a goal_._be about_ curiosity_keep sb company_ forward you_IV. 詞識記與應用(單詞拼寫) d_esigned_() have been of for a time.2.I am not outgoing so m ) right 3. kids t stop talking, and was beginning a_

10、nnoyed_() with They very f_rightened_() move.5. My teachers rich knowledge humorous talk left a deep ) on 6. couldnt c_oncentrated_() experiment. To be honest, I ) that I can the difficulty. well o_rganized_() had a at here are c_urious_() about life foreign students.10. She a lot )the 11. They talk

11、ing about their learning s_trategies_.(12.The children all have very p_ersonality_.)13. Most of the for homeless is provided by ). 14.Our childrens needs learning )created problems.15.Three editors handled the work of r_evision_() articles for French has i_mproved_() 17. can up c_onfidence_by taking

12、 part in activities.18.A thought f_lashed_() through mind.19. I the first to ask him ) 20. In this unit, will r_egistering_() for courses.21.There have cultural e_xchanges_() between in 22. I going series of his )23.The of n_atianlities_()24. Shes very o_utgoing_. ()25.Our attach importance ) for a

13、course.26. I would like in ) for a weeks ccommodation_(). 27.She and ) the city them.28. s_trategy() a ) their ) with p_artner()活篇 (wand)(What if.) that) explore (look forward to) true (it is to do.) 10. what.) if I wave my nothing 2.When he came to, found himself surrounded by family friends.3.I am

14、 worried that I with the other students in new and began to city with them.5.I am I can write my own make future.6.Known as kite of world, (is in province.7.I am looking forward reply earliest convenience.8.If you try your dream will will realize your dream.9.If you English, it to read some English

15、novels.10. No want do with your youll an education to do .文法空On my first high school, I that one would talk to I was not I 2._(anxiety). I make good first impress. The first class but I found the teacher most of classmates friendly and 4._(help). had our in science lab, the to me to to time, which m

16、e 5._(annoy) couldnt concentrate 6._the experiment. I really wanted leave 7._ . At last, I didn feel awkward or frightened all. I friends junior school, I I will new friends here, and a lot 9._(explore) at high. I 10._(confident) than I felt I also reflect on my learning 11._(strategy). No matter 12._I resolve to I will commit to it and my dream 4. 5.annoyed on alone 8. but explore more confident strategies 12. 、元題作 .( .(personality) (hobbies) (learning strategies) . ne is Li I am a boy 16/I a Ilike making new friends. I only have a for dancing, also love I am at and have good knowledge


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