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1、2023學(xué)年九上英語(yǔ)期末模擬測(cè)試卷考生請(qǐng)注意:1答題前請(qǐng)將考場(chǎng)、試室號(hào)、座位號(hào)、考生號(hào)、姓名寫(xiě)在試卷密封線(xiàn)內(nèi),不得在試卷上作任何標(biāo)記。2第一部分選擇題每小題選出答案后,需將答案寫(xiě)在試卷指定的括號(hào)內(nèi),第二部分非選擇題答案寫(xiě)在試卷題目指定的位置上。3考生必須保證答題卡的整潔。考試結(jié)束后,請(qǐng)將本試卷和答題卡一并交回。. 單項(xiàng)選擇1、 What do you want to eat for lunch? 1 will prepare earlier today,Honey, you_. Lets go out to have something different.AmustntBcantCshoul

2、dntDdont have to2、I still remember the college and the teachers _ I visited in London years ago.AwhatBwhoCthatDwhich3、How long is it _ we last met?More than ten years, I believe. I went to Australia in 2006 and came back only yesterday.Asince Bbefore Cuntil Dafter4、The boy saw a bird resting by the

3、window, and he moved to have a close look.Apolitely Bsafely Cquietly5、Have you seen the movie Wolf Warriors II?Yes. This is educational film and it has become one of most popular films in the world.Aa; /Ba; theCan; theD/; the6、Do you know Mr. Smith?Yes, I _him since 2008.Aknow Bknew Chave known Dwil

4、l know7、Its said that we can lose weight easily by taking such medicine. _. Remember that any medicine does some harm to our health.AThats not the caseBSounds goodCI hope soDBelieve it or not8、There are _ people in the supermarket. Its so crowded.AhundredBhundredsChundred ofDhundreds of9、 _ is it fr

5、om our school to Nianhua Bay? About 40 minutes by coach. Wanna go?AHow longBHow farCHow soonDHow much10、Reading the first sentence of each paragraph (段落) _ you read the whole text helps you get the main idea quickly.AuntilBafterCbefore. 完形填空11、 Betty is the tallest student at school, but she doesnt

6、like being tall. The students in her class make 1 about her. “Betty, Betty, long as spaghetti(意大利面條)!” They always sing to her.Ella is one of the cool students. She can play the guitar and sing very well. Wherever she goes, other students 2 her, and they do everything she does. Although Ella doesnt

7、like it when the students sing to Betty, she 3 tells them to stop. One weekend, Ella went to stay with her grandfather on the farm. She saw a chicken in the corner by itself. It didnt have many feathers(羽毛) and was much 4 than the others. “Whats the matter with the 5 chicken?” she asked.Grandfather

8、told her 6 chickens could act. “If one chicken is different from the others, they 7 it away, and sometimes its so bad that the chicken dies!” he said.Ella 8 the chicken and was lost in thought. “I want to take it home,” she said.After several weeks, the chicken looked healthier. Ella was very happy.

9、 “Its fatter and the feathers are 9 ,” she told her friends.Then she was Betty sitting 10 . “Im going to talk to Betty,” she said.“Betty, Betty, long as spaghetti?” one of her friends asked, “Why 11 ” Ella didnt answer.Ella soon found out that Betty could play the drums. “I can play the guitar,” Ell

10、a said, “ 12 can start a band(樂(lè)隊(duì)).”Betty smiled and Ella felt like her smile was as 13 as the sun.They decided to call their band Chicken Beat. The band became very popular and all the students wanted to be 14 it. Betty and Ella let everyone join and 15 makes up silly songs now. They are busy making

11、 up beautiful songs.1AjokesBchangesCmistakesDreports2AmissBwarnCdescribeDfollow3AstillBevenCneverDoften4AruderBtallerCsmallerDstronger5ApoorBluckyCnoisyDbeautiful6AwhyBhowCwhenDwhere7AputBtakeCpushDwash8Athought aboutBpicked upCagreed withDcheered on9ArisingBmissingCliftingDgrowing10AcloseBaloneCsaf

12、elyDhappily11AmeBusCherDthem12AsoBbutCbecauseDif13AfarBlargeCredDwarm14AinBforCagainstDwithout15AeverybodyBnobodyCsomebodyDanybody. 語(yǔ)法填空12、 My mother is a doctor. She is so busy 1 she isnt able to get back home on time every day. And she has to work on weekends sometimes. So its hard for 2(she) to d

13、o all the chores after work. As a member of the family, I think its my duty to share some housework. Though mother always says she doesnt need any help, there are always things I can do. For example, I can help take out the rubbish and wash 3 dishes. Im sure I can do them 4(good). Whats more, Im 5(t

14、ry) to be independent. I wash my own clothes, tidy up my bedroom and care for my things. Im old enough to do these things. And I cant d6 on my parents forever. I think she is the 7(one) person I should thank. So show your 8(thank) to your mom for everything she 9(do). Just try your b10 to help her.

15、I believe she will feel happy. Try it now. 閱讀理解A13、Would you completely trust your friends if you couldnt see anything? If you are falling, do you believe they will catch you and help you stand up? Our teacher helped us to find the answer.Our teacher is named Morrie. One day, he said that he had a g

16、ame for us to try. He divided us into two groups. One of the students from the first group, stands in front of us with his eyes closed, and then falls backwards(向后). The second group stand behind him. Before he falls on the floor, they should catch him and not let him get hurt. Most of us were uncom

17、fortable with this. We were afraid that they wouldnt catch us and we would hit the floor. So we didnt move. We just stood there and laughed in embarrassment(尷尬).Finally, one student, thin, quiet, dark-haired girl called Sarah, decided to move. She crossed her arms in front of her body, closed her ey

18、es, and slowly fell backwards. She looked quiet but brave.For a moment, I was sure she was going to fall on the floor. But before she hit the floor, the other students caught her, held her and finally helped her stand up.“Whoa!” we were all surprised, and also encouraged. The girl was happy, too. Se

19、eing this, Morrie smiled and said to the girl, “When you close your eyes, you cant see anything. You wont feel safe. When you are falling, the feeling gets stronger. You are not sure whether you will hit the cold, hard floor or the warm, soft hands of your friends. But if you are brave enough to tru

20、st them, they wont let you down.”1According to the passage, we can know Morrie is _.Aa student Ba teacher Ca manager Da farmer2The writer thought the girl was _.Astrong but shy Bactive Cquiet but brave Dcareless3In the end, the girl _.Agot hurtBfell on the floorCwas only helped by the writerDwas cau

21、ght by the other students4The students felt encouraged because _.Athey could stop the game finallyBthey wanted to do something elseCthey thought they had won the gameDthey felt that they could trust each otherB14、All over the world the need for more laptops and computers increases each year. Network

22、s have been part of our life. Probably everyone with a portable device (移動(dòng)設(shè)備) has once logged on to a public WiFi network without paying for it, while they are having a coffee, on a train, in a shopping mall or at a hotel. However, is this kind of public WiFi network safe?Some networks are better pr

23、otected than others because encryption (加密) methods are used. Therefore, they are safer than others. But a survey in 2015 showed that more than 950 million records were not protected, including addresses, emails, birth dales, phone numbers, passwords and so on. These open WiFi networks are really no

24、t safe, because it is very easy for hackers to break into the operating system and get peoples private information.Most smartphones and laptops, by themselves, search and connect to WiFi networks. They usually prefer a network with a connection that has been used before. Hackers devices are able to

25、record these searches and look like the trusted WiFi networks. When these smartphones and laptops log on to the networks which are not real, hackers can easily steal their private information.So next time, when we want to use our laptops or our smartphones in public places which offer free WiFi netw

26、orks,please think it twice or take safe measures before using them.1We can learn from the passage that_.Anot all the public WiFi networks are safe Bnone of the public WiFi networks is safeCin 2015 more than 950 million records were protected Dthere is no way to protect our private information2Hacker

27、s would probably get the following EXCEPT_when we connect our laptops or smartphones to a public WiFi network.Aour birth dates Bour passwordsCour phone numbers Dour smartphones3Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?ADont Use Public WiFi Networks BWhy the Public WiFi Networks a

28、 Possible DangerCWe Neednt Protect Our Private Information DWhy Hackers Break into the Operating SystemC15、A woman came out of her house and saw three old men sitting in her front yard. She invited them in to have something to eat.“We do not go into a house together,” they replied.“Why is that?” she

29、 asked.One of the old men pointed to his friends and explained: “His name is Wealth (財(cái)富),” he said and pointed to the other man: “He is Success, and I am Love. Now go in and discuss with your family which one of us you want in your home.”The woman went in and told her husband what happened. Her husb

30、and was very happy. “How nice!” he said. “Let us invite Wealth. Let him come and fill our home with wealth!”His wife disagreed. “My dear, why dont we invite Success?”Their daughter jumped in with her idea: “Would it not be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love!”“Thats a good

31、idea,” said the husband to his wife. “Go out and invite Love to be our guest.”The woman went out and invited Love in. Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other two old men also got up and followed him. Surprised, the lady asked them: “I only invited Love. Why are you coming in?”The

32、 old men replied together: “If you invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would stay outside. But since you invited Love, wherever he goes, we go with him. Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success!”1The first time the woman came out, what were the three old men doing?AThey we

33、re eating something.BThey were walking toward her house.CThey were sitting in her front yard.DThey were asking for something to drink.2Who made the introduction to the woman?ALove.BSuccess.CWealth.DLoves friend.3What can we learn from the passage?AThe man wanted to be successful.BThe woman loved mon

34、ey most.CThere was no love in the family.DThe girl thought love was the most important.4What does the passage tell us?AYou shouldnt ask for more besides love.BLove is the most important thing in the world.CYou cant get everything you need at one time.DThe more successful you are, the richer youll be

35、come.D16、Twenty years ago, I drove a taxi for a living. One night I went to pick up a passenger at 2:30 AM. When I arrived there, I walked to the door and knocked, “Just a minute,” answered a weak, elderly voice.After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman in her eighties stood before me. By h

36、er side was a small suitcase.When we got into the taxi, she gave me an address, and then asked, “Could you drive through downtown?”“Its not the shortest way,” I answered quickly.“Oh, Im in no hurry,” she said. “Im on my way to a hospice(臨終醫(yī)院). I dont have any family left. The doctor says I dont have

37、 very long.”I quietly reached over and shut off the meter(計(jì)價(jià)器).For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked, the neighborhood where she had lived, and the furniture shop that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl.Some

38、times shed ask me to slow down in front of a special building and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing.In the early morning, she suddenly said,” Im tired. Lets go now.”We drove in silence to the address she had given me.“How much do I pay you?” she asked.“Nothing.” I said.“You have to

39、 make a living,” she answered. “Oh, there are other passengers,” I answered.Almost without thinking, I gave her a hug(擁抱). She held on me and said, “You gave an old woman a little moment of joy.”1The old woman chose to ride through the city in order to _.Ashow she was familiar with the cityBsee some

40、 places for the last timeClet the driver earn more moneyDreach the destination on time2The taxi driver did not get the money because he _.Awanted to give her a handBshut off the meter by mistakeChad received her payment alreadyDwas in a hurry to take other passengers3What can we learn from the story

41、?ANo pains, no gains.BPeople should respect(尊重) each other.CAn act of kindness can bring people great joy.DPeople should learn to enjoy our life.E17、Living in a different culture can be a both exciting and challenging (挑戰(zhàn)性的) experience.You have to learn different cultures and try to get used to them

42、.Lets share some cultural differences between China and the US to help understand each other.Privacy(隱私)一Chinese people talk about subjects such as ages and income(收入),which Americans think is not polite.Families- In China,elders are traditionally treated with respect (尊重).In America,the goal of the

43、 family is to encourage independence (獨(dú)立),especially that of the children.Unlike the Chinese,older Americans seldom live with their children.Friends- Chinese people have different meanings to describe friends.In China,friendship means a lifelong friend who thinks its his duty to give his friends any

44、 help.Americans always call people they meet friends.Money- As is well known ,the Chinese like saving money.They are always careful when they are planning to spend money.It is different in America,where far fewer families are saving money.Education-Chinese people value education and job more than Am

45、ericans do, who pay more attention to good nature instead.1How many cultural differences are mentioned between China and America?AFive. BSix. CSeven. DEight.2If you ask an American woman her age,she may answerA“Im 30 years old.” B“You are kidding.”C“Sorry,Idont know.” D“Oh,its a secret.”3Whats the c

46、ondition of the elders in America?AThey usually live with their children.BThey are greatly respected by the young.CThey usually live alone.DThey usually live with their relatives and friends.4Which of the followings is NOT true?AIn America,fewer people are saving money.BIn America ,people value inde

47、pendence .CIn America,friendship means lifelong friends.DIn America,people pay more attention to good nature.5The passage mainly talks aboutAthe introduction of the American cultureBhow to treat the elders in different countriesCthe experience of living in a different cultureDcultural differences be

48、tween China and AmericaF18、Our class was great. But things turned upside down when Martin Mackenzie arrived. Martin was loud, rude and had a bad temper (脾氣).You never knew what might make him angry, so it was best to keep out of his way. On the last day of term, my friend Harley said to me. “Martins

49、 looking at you.” he said. I was scared, and I didnt know what to do. I looked at Martin and tried to smile. Martin didnt smile back“Youre in trouble now, Josh,” Harley said. “Martins going to do something mean (卑鄙的) to you.” “I havent done anything to him,” I said. “Why would he do something mean t

50、o me?” “He doesnt need a reason. Its just how he is.” I kept away from Martin at lunch time. I smiled as I went to the car park after school. I was safe from Martin for the holidays. But suddenly, a voice called out, “See you on Monday, Josh!” I turned and saw Martin looking at me. “What are you tal

51、king about?” I asked. “Didnt your mum tell you?” Martin said. “Im staying with you for the next two weeks.”“Please tell me Martin Mackenzie isnt coming to stay over the holidays, Mum,” I said, as I got into the car. “Yes, he is,” Mum said. “His mother has to work, and I said Id help her. Is that a p

52、roblem?” “Yep, it is. Hes a bully (恃強(qiáng)欺弱者), and everyone is scared of him,” I said. Mum frowned. “Ive given my word, Josh_You will just have to get along.”O(jiān)n Monday morning, Martin arrived. “Good morning, Mrs Grey,” he said. “Thank you for allowing me to stay. Good morning, Josh. Its wonderful to see

53、 you again.” This wasnt the Martin I knew. Wait until were alone, I thought. Then his good manners will disappear, and hell be horrible (可怕的) again. I was right! As soon as Mum was gone, Martin turned mean. He took over everything, and there was nothing I could do about. It was going to be a long tw

54、o weeksI told Mum how horrible Martin was to me. “Ive just had a talk to Martins mum about that,”she said. “You need to know something.” “What?” I asked. “Martins dad left.” Mum said. “So his mother moved the family every time she found a better job. Martin used to make new friends, but they always

55、forgot about him when he moved. I think hes unfriendly from the start, so he wont bedisappointed (失望的) when he leaves.” I looked at Mum. “1 feel sorry for him,” I said. But he is still horrible. “What can I do?” “Treat him like your best friend - no matter how he acts,” Mum said. It was hard work, b

56、ut I kept at it over the next two weeks. At last, Martin stopped bullying me. That was when I found out he was a nice kid.Martins mum was excited when she came to get him on the last day. “Martin! Ive decided my new job is perfect, so we wont have to move again!” Martin smiled. “Now I can keep my fr

57、iends!” he said. “But, theres a problem. Everyones scared of me.” “Maybe we can fix that,” I said. When Martin and his mum left. I had a word with Mum. We invited my whole class to a party. Martin was very polite and made lots of new friends that night.1How was Martin like when he came to our class?

58、AHe was loud and very active. BHe was rude and bad-tempered.CHe was nice and hard-working. DHe was unfriendly but honest.2Why did Martin dislike making new friends in a new place?ABecause he thought they were all unfriendly.BBecause he was born a bad boy and would never change.CBecause he didnt want to study in a new school.DBecause he wouldnt be sad whe


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