



1、2021-2022學(xué)年陜西省西安市鐵第一中學(xué)高三英語(yǔ)模擬試卷含解析一、 選擇題1. Was it near the building, if I may ask, _ Martin Luther King gave the speech I have a dream?A. whereB. whichC. thatD. when參考答案:A2. Cheer up! Everyone may have periods in their lives everything seems toughAwhich Bwhere Cwhen Dthat參考答案:C略3. Tom in the library

2、every night over the last three months.A. works B. worked C. has been working D. had been working參考答案:C考查動(dòng)詞的時(shí)態(tài)。句意為“在過(guò)去的三個(gè)月里,湯姆每天晚上都在圖書(shū)館里學(xué)習(xí)?!鳖}干中出現(xiàn)的over the last three months,是明顯提示用現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí)或現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)。故選C。4. Only when one loses freedom _ one know its value. Adid Bdoes Cwas Dhave done參考答案:B5. _ terrible, the

3、 medicine was thrown away by the child. A.TastedB.TastingC.To tasteD.Being tasted參考答案:B 【分析】句意:這種藥嘗起來(lái)非常難吃,被這個(gè)孩子扔掉了。主語(yǔ)是medicine,taste與主語(yǔ)是主動(dòng)關(guān)系,而且taste是系動(dòng)詞無(wú)被動(dòng),因此用現(xiàn)在分詞,故選B?!军c(diǎn)評(píng)】考查非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞,本題涉及現(xiàn)在分詞作原因狀語(yǔ)。6. The man could hardly imagine _ _ _ connection his son could have had with the murder Awhether Bthat Cwh

4、ich Dwhat參考答案:D7. Im sorry I was late. _ up for it, let me treat you to a meal.A. To he making B. Make C. To make D. Making參考答案:C略8. Many difficulties have _ as a result of the changeover to a new type of fuel.A. risen B. raised C. aroused D. arisen參考答案:D略9. They are living with their parents for th

5、e moment because their own house _.A. is being rebuilt B. has been rebuilt C. is rebuilt D. has rebuilt參考答案:A略16. Also when you write your goals in a particular way you are able to make yourself continuously _ situations that will bring you nearer to your goal.A. aware of B. worried about C. familia

6、r with D. accustomed to 參考答案:A略11. My friends thought they had made things very smooth for me, but I felt that there was still much to_ with.A. wrestleB. compromiseC. associateD. stress參考答案:A12. Our family are traveling to Tsingdao for the Beer Festival._!ACongratulations BSee you laterCHave fun DTa

7、ke care參考答案:C13. You cannot be_ careful when driving a car. A. much B. very C. too D. /參考答案:C略14. It is reported that recently discovered painting may be Van GophAthe;不填 Ba;the Ca;不填 Dthe;a參考答案:D29. There is a great deal of evidence _ that music activities engage different parts of the brain. A. ind

8、icate B. indicating C. to indicate D. to be indicating參考答案:B略16. George said that he would come to school to see me the next day, but he _.A. wouldnt B. didnt C. hasnt D. hadnt參考答案:B略17. I didnt know your address; otherwise I _ have sent the box to you yesterday. A. must B. should C. would D. need 參

9、考答案:C略18. Currently car insurance is not _ in the annual inspection; all the vehicles are required to register insurance covering safety and property.A. temporaryB. optionalC. arbitraryD. confidential參考答案:B二、 單詞拼寫(xiě)61. In the earthquake _ areas, people suffered great financial losses . (strike)62. Alw

10、ays bear in mind that your own resolution to _ is more important than anything. (succeed)63. The ceremony is a _ from pre-Christian times. (survive)64. It seems that living green is _ easy and affordable. A small step makes a big difference. (surprise)65. Five _ will each receive a signed copy of th

11、e album. (win)66. In traditional Chinese culture , _ decision were often made by parents for their children. (marry)67. We should know our own strengths and _ and think what could be done about them . (weak)68. His brother _ to leave her in the dark room alone when she disobeyed his order. (threat)6

12、9. There is a wide _ of patterns to choose from. (vary)70. First aid is a very important step in the _ of burns. (treat)71. The _ in weather delayed our journey to Europe. (certain)72. Teaching in the village left him a/an _ experience. (forget)73. Although skills and talents bring great achievement

13、s , the most _ thing one can hold is the heart. (value)74. Walking in the fields on a March afternoon, he could feel the _ of spring. (warm)75. We _the benefits of the plan against the risks involved again and again . (weight)參考答案:61. stricken 62. success 63. survival 64. surprisingly 65. winners 66

14、. marriage 67. weaknesses 68. threatened 69. variety 70. treatment 71. uncertainty 72. unforgettable 73. valuable 74. warmth 75. weighed【61題詳解】考查形容詞。句意:在地震災(zāi)區(qū),人們?cè)馐芰司薮蟮慕?jīng)濟(jì)損失。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,空處填形容詞,再根據(jù)句意可知,stricken area意為“受災(zāi)地區(qū)”,故填stricken?!?2題詳解】考查名詞。句意:永遠(yuǎn)記住,你自己成功的決心比任何事情都重要。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,空處填名詞,再根據(jù)句意可知,success是succ



17、房間里。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,空處填時(shí)態(tài),根據(jù)語(yǔ)境,此處用一般過(guò)去時(shí),再根據(jù)句意可知,threaten是threat的動(dòng)詞形式,意為“威脅”,綜上,故填threatened。【69題詳解】考查名詞。句意:有很多種式樣可供選擇。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,空處填名詞,再根據(jù)句意可知,a wide variety of意為“各種各樣的”,variety是vary的名詞形式,故填variety?!?0題詳解】考查名詞。句意:急救是治療燒傷的重要步驟。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,空處填名詞,再根據(jù)句意可知,treatment是treat的名詞形式,意為“治療”,與題意相符,故填treatment。【71題詳解】考查名詞。句意


19、寶貴的東西是心。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,空處填形容詞,再根據(jù)句意可知,valuable是value的形容詞形式,意為“有價(jià)值的”,與題意相符,故填valuable?!?4題詳解】考查名詞。句意:三月的一個(gè)下午,他走在田野里,感到春天的溫暖。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,空處填名詞,再根據(jù)句意可知,warmth是warm的名詞形式,意為“溫暖”,故填warmth?!?5題詳解】考查動(dòng)詞和時(shí)態(tài)。句意:我們一遍又一遍地權(quán)衡這個(gè)計(jì)劃的利弊。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,空處填動(dòng)詞,再根據(jù)句意可知,weigh是weight的動(dòng)詞形式,意為“衡量”,再根據(jù)語(yǔ)境可知,此處用一般過(guò)去時(shí),綜上,故填weighed。三、 閱讀理解20. De

20、sert plants fall into two sorts according to the way they deal with the problem of surviving drought. There are the droughtavoidersthose which persist(存留) only as seeds, ready to spring up when it rains, to flower quickly and produce another crop of seeds, and to die again. There are also the drough

21、tresistersthose which have evolved various methods for strong water, locating underground water, or reducing their need for water by such devices as shedding their leaves. The droughtresisters are perennials(多年生植物),they manage to live from one rainy season to another, slowly growing bigger and bigge

22、r. Of these, the succulents(肉質(zhì)的) is a small but interesting fraction(小部分). They may store water in their leaves, in their stems, or in underground containers. In the American deserts the bestknown succulents are the cacti(仙人掌). They come in a wide range of sizes, from 50foot tall giant saguaros(樹(shù)形仙人

23、掌) to tiny round cacti about the size of a thumbnail. They take thick, cylindrical(圓柱體的) or even spherical forms, thereby exposing a minimum of evaporating surface to the air and light. They are leafless, except in youth, and then the leaves are small. Typically their surfaces are spiny, discouragin

24、g thirsty animals, and channeled like an accordion(手風(fēng)琴), so the fleshy stem may expand quickly when the plant drinks and contract slowly as it uses up the water. The root system is widespread and shallow, with good reason; only about 3 per cent of the rain that falls on the desert penetrates to any

25、significant depth into soil. 65. The passage classifies(將分類(lèi)) the desert plants according to_ . A. the ways they take to deal with the typical climatic condition in desertB. their shapeC. how they use waterD. when they produce their seeds66. According to the passage, some desert plants drop their leaves _ . A. because the temperature is too highB. so that the plants can evaporate less waterC. because they are drought resistersD. so that the plants can store more water67. What interests the author most when he or she mentions


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