1、廣西北海2015 年中考英語試 5.A.SeeB.NoC.Notat6.A.GoodB.Sure,hereyouC.No,ImB.Coffee,C.Nothing 8.A.B.HowareC.Who are9.A.B.C.Imsorrytohear10.A.ThankB.ThatsC.Have agood 11.A.B.C.12.A.B. C.13.A.OnceaB.TwiceaC.Threetimesa14.A.B.C.15.A.ToclimbtheB.TowalktheC.Tocatchthe聽第一段長,回答第 16 至 18 小題。Wheredoesthe girlinviteBobto
2、 TotheB.TotheC.TothepostWhatisBob ReadingB.SeeingaC.PlayingtheWhatisBobsTobeaB.TobeaC.TobeaHowwasthewomansB.InteresC.Whatdidthewomando alltheShereadB.SheC.ShelistenedtoHowlongdoesittaketogettothehofromthe AbouttenB.AbouthalfanC.AboutoneWhatfestivalwilltheyThewaterB.TheMid-AutumnC.TheLanternWhydoesnt
3、themangooutduringtheBecauseheisveryBecausehelikestostaywithhisBecauseitscrowdedeverywhereinWhowillthemancelebratethefestivalHisB.TheC.HowwillthemancelebratetheHewillgotoHewill readintheHewilladmirethemoonandeatWhereisPeterB. C.NewWhoisMr.B.PetersC.PetersWhatdoesMr.BlackB.C. t.WhattimeshouldPetergett
4、oBeforeB.BeforeC.BeforeWhatdoesthesign NoB.SlowC.SchoolGoWhatdoyouthinkofairissoA.B.C.D.isittodayA.B.C.D.NotonlythestudentsbutalsotheteacherstooktheschoolsportsmeetinglastAB. C. DforJimmycantbuyanything nowbecausehemoneyonA.B. a C. D.aOnbirthday,IgotaguitarasagiftfrommyA.B. C.the D.theMysisterwaswri
5、tingan I waswatchinatthistimeAB.C. DassoonamovietheaterinyourTownCinema.IthasthemostcomfortableA.B.theC. D.theIsthatboyunderthe treeLiNo,beLiMing.HeisinShanghaiA.B.mus C. D.Howlonghavethebikeover FortwoAB. C.D. lentDad,smokingisbadforyourYoureright.Ive decidedA.takeitB.finditC.turnitD.giveitsilent,p
6、lease.ThebabyissleeA.B.C.ToD.IknowNanningverywellbecausetheremanyA.B.willC. haveD.haveIthinkIllwearjeanstotheThatsnotagoodidea.Ifyoudo,theyou A.dontB.wontC.didntD.doesntThetwohowto danceonemonthago and nowthey candance A.B. have C. are D.wereMr.Wang,couldyoul?UsuallyattheDragonBoathowpeople eat B.ho
7、wdopeopleeatC.whenpeopleeatD.whendopeopleeatOne day, a poor man was travelling on horseback. At noon, he tried his 46 to a tree and then sat down to eat something.A few minutes later, a rian came along and tied his horse to the 46 tree. “Please 46 your horse to another tree,” said the poor man.” My
8、horse is wild. It will kill 46 .” But the rian said, “I shall tie my horse as I like!” He tied up his horse and had his lunch nearby.來源:After a moment they heard a terrible noise, the two horse . They went up to them, but it was late. The rians horse was killed. “See what your horse has done!” cried
9、 the rian. “You will have it.”Andhe broughtthe poormanbeforethe judge(The judge asked the poor man some questions. But he made no 46 . At last the judge said, “This man is dumb(啞的). He cannot speak.” “Oh.” the rian shouted 46 , “He can! He spoke to me when I met “Areyousure?”askedthejudge.“Whatdidhe
10、“He told me not to tie my horse to the same tree 46 his horse was wild and would kill my horse.” “Oh.” saidthejudge.“Sohewarnedyou.Andcanyouexpecttogetmoneyfromhim?”Theri ansaid 46 andleft46.A.B.C. D.47.A.B.C. D.48.A.B. C.D.49.A.B. C. D.50.A.B.C.D.51.A.lookB. pay C.think D.fight52.A.B.C.D.53.A.B.C.D
11、.54.A.B. C.D.55.A.B. C.D.AGe e was head of an African country. He was going to pay a visit to the USA. He decided to learn some English words so that he might gree t Bill Clinton, of the USA then, in English. So he asked his wife for help because she knew a little English. His wife told, “When you m
12、eet Mr. , just greet him with “How are you”,and he may answer Iam fine. Then you need only to say Me, too, and leave the rest to your interpreter(口譯When his plane lan ded at the airport, e said to the smiling Clinton, “Who are you?”. This was unexpected to the and surprised him greatly. But he quick
13、ly calmed() down. Still with a son his face, he answered, “I am Hillarys husband.” To his reply, Ge e answered back without a moment “Me, too”, and looked at the s wife, Hillary, smiling sweetly as well.ewasfromeswifeknewalotofewantedtolearnsomeEnglishwordstogreetBillClintoninBillClintonwasverysurpr
14、isedwhenesaid“Whoareyou?”toFromthepassageweknowthatewasHillarysBTravelling around the world is a dream for many people, but a young couple from China has made his dream come true. They drove along the ancient Silk Road, from China to the UK.Luo Chang and Ding Jie, a young couple from Chinas Guizhou
15、Province, spent two months drving from their home in S hanghai all the way to London. The journey covered about 20,00 0 kilometer, and they crossed 14 countries and regions(地區(qū)).Ding Jie said, “ People were excited to see two travelers driving a foreign license car, appearing on streets. We were stop
16、ped many times to take photos with them. Sometimes, when we couldnt understand each others language, they would express their ideas with gestures(手勢).During their driving trip, they also spent many nights in local peoples homes. Luo Chang said, “This is amazingexperience.Weweredrivingonahighwayoraco
17、untryroadtosomeoneshome.Someoneyouvenever met but was already preparing dinner for you. We feel we have friends all over the world.Duringthetrip,LuoandDingtooknearly10,000photosandkeptdiaries to record the beautiful scenery(風(fēng)景), the friendly people and the different customs on the way.Theyoung coupl
18、esdreamtotravel aroundtheB.totravelaroundthe C.totravelaroundD.totravelaround theTheyoungcouplecovered kilometersandcountriesandregions.來源: A. B.20,000;C.10,000;D.2,000;HowdidtheyoungcoupleA.ByB.By C.By D.ByDuringthetrip,the couplerecordedthefollowingbeautifulB.friendlyC.differentD.foreignFromthepas
19、sage,wecanlearnthecoupleknew14 thecouplespentallthenightsin thecoupleedduringthethecoupledrovealong theSilkRoad,fromChinatoCTornadoes() are one of the worst weather events on earth. Each year, tornadoes kill many people. The storms often carry homes, cars and trees from one place to another. And the
20、y c so destroy anything when they pass by.Atornado comes from a thunderstorm(雷雨) in the sky down to the ground. It is big at the top and small at Atornadoappearswhenwindsindifferentdirectionsmeetinthecloudandbegintoturnincircles.Peoplecan see tornadoes almost everywhere in the world. But most happen
21、 from late winter to middle summer. There is a secondhighseasoninNovember.Duringspring,warmairmovesnorthandmixeswiththecoldairleftfromwinter. In November, the opposite happens. Cold air moves south and mixes with the warm air left from summer.Tornadoesalways come suddenly.Weatherscientists have done
22、 something to predict() tornadoes. But the storms often move too fast for people to protect themselves. Last year, tornadoes killed more than one hundred people in United States.Scientists say the best place to be in is a small room, without windows, in the middle the lowest part of a building when
23、tornadoes come.Accordingtothepassage,weknowtheofthetornadoesmay beIntheUnitedStates,mosttornadoesfromlatesummertomiddleB.fromlateautumntomiddleC.fromlateautumntomiddle D.fromlatewintertomiddleAccordingtoParagraph4,tornadoesappearwarmairandcoldairB.cold airandcold air C.warmairand warmairD.warmwatera
24、ndcoldwaterWhatstheChinesemeaningoftheunderlinedwordA. 保B.珍C. D.懲Fromthepassage,weknowtheUnitedStateshasveryfewtornadoesareoneoftheworstweathereventsinthepeopleshouldstayinbigroomswithwindowswhentornadoesmorethanonethousandpeoplewerekilledby tornadoesinthe USAlast五、單詞拼寫(本大題共 10 小題,每小題 1 分,共 10 分)Can
25、 you findHepu on (地圖of Whatdoesyourauntlook -Shesofmediumbuild,andshehasWhichofthetwoT-shirtsdoyoulike(黃色的) MyunclegoesfishingtorelaxShebegantolearn(做飯whenshewaseightyearsWhenImdownor tired,(更喜歡moviesthatcan cheerme Thegeography teacher lsusthattheCaspianSeais1,025Theboywhoisoftenabsentfromclasses(不
26、及格hisexamsthisHangzhou(廣泛地knownfortheWestLakeandLongjingThere are (三十newwordsinUnit3andIvealreadymemorizedallofA:Hi,excuseB:Yes.HowcanA:Imnewintown.WhereistheScienceMuseum,B: Go along Center Street andrightonMainStreet.Thenyoullseeitonyourleft.Itsacrossfromthe A:Isitfarfrom 83 ,itsquitefarfromhere.A
27、ndyoucantakeabus. A: Whichc an I take?B:TheNo.5A: Is 85 a bus stop near here? B:Yes,thereis.Icanwalkwithyou. A:Oh,thatsgreat!Thankssomuch. B: No problem.Young people and older people dont always agree with each other. They sometimes have 86 ideas about work and life. But in one special program in Ne
28、wYork State, adults and teenagers live together in a 87 way.Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 88 live and work together for eight weeks as a group. Everyone works several hours each day. Some teenagers work in the forest or on the farms. Some learn to make things like tables and chairs and build houses. The adults 89 them theses skills.There are several free hours every weekday. Week
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