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1、Unit8,. Objectives,. Suggested Teaching Plan,. Background Information,. Class Presentation,Preview,Preview,This is the last unit of Book Two. In the Listening and Speaking section, you will learn how to ask for and give reasons. In the Reading and Writing section, you will read three passages about

2、science and technology. Text A was written at the turn of the 21st century and the writer predicted the top five scientific developments of the coming century. Text B concerns issues of safety that must be guaranteed when the frontier of science and technology is being pushed back. Practical Reading

3、 is a form that people need to fill out upon arrival in the U.S.,prev.,. Objectives,After studying this unit, the students are expected to be able to,Obj.,master the basic language and skills necessary to ask for and give reasons;,1.,understand the main ideas of Texts A and B, and master the useful

4、sentence structures and words and expressions found in the exercises relevant to the texts;,2.,3.,know how to use V-ing phrases, V-ed phrases and To V phrases as adverbials;,4.,know how to write an email;,6.,understand paragraph development (5).,5.,read a form that people need to fill out upon arriv

5、al in the U.S.,. Suggested Teaching Plan,Suggested Time and Teaching Plan for Unit 8,Time,Contents,Plan,1) The Language for Asking For and Giving Reasons,Give a brief lead-in talk on the nature and uses of asking for and giving reasons;,A.,s.t.p.1,The teacher begins with the Preview to make sure tha

6、t the students have a general idea of what this unit is all about. After that, the teacher activates listening and Speaking exercises as follows:,2 periods,Preview,Listening and Speaking,B.,Present the necessary language by doing Exercise 1;,C.,Ask one student to read aloud the talk so students can

7、check their completed answers;,D.,Organize an activity for Ex. 2 that will reinforce the useful language students picked up in Ex. 1.,Time,Contents,Plan,s.t.p.1.2,2) The Practice of Asking For and Giving Reasons,Go through the new words in the first conversation in Ex. 3;,A.,B.,Have the students lis

8、ten to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words;,C.,Ask them to answer the questions about the conversation;,D.,Tell them to look for the language used to asking for and giving reasons;,Time,Contents,Plan,s.t.p.2,Ask the students to role-play the conversation;,Have them l

9、isten to the second conversation twice and complete the short passage accordingly;,F.,E.,Suggest they discuss each of their completed answers in order to gain a better understanding of the conversation;,G.,Now, have them listen to the conversation again and complete the form as the speaker recounts

10、it;,H.,Afterwards, have them check their responses by acting out the conversation;,I.,Time,Contents,Plan,s.t.p.3,3) Listening Practice,Before ending, the teacher tells the students to do Ex. 5-10 as their assignment to review the functional and notional language picked up in the Listening and Speaki

11、ng section. The teacher also tells them that they should be prepared to answer the questions in Exercise 9 and give an oral presentation in class when they next meet.,Organize a unique classroom activity for Ex. 4 that will reinforce the useful language students picked up earlier in the unit.,J.,3 p

12、eriods,Review of the listening and speaking skills the students have learned,The teacher begins with a review of the functional and notional language the students picked up in the previous classes. The teacher asks several students to answer the questions in Ex. 9 of the Listening and Speaking secti

13、on, and invites a few to share with their classmates their opinions on the topic “It is more important to raise questions than to answer them.” Then, the teacher turns to the Reading and Writing section. (These activities should be completed in 15 minutes.),s.t.p.4,Time,Contents,Plan,1) Starter,Afte

14、r a brief explanation of the instructions, the teacher,A.,gives the students a few minutes to think about the questions in the starter;,s.t.p.5,Time,Contents,Plan,B.,asks some students to answer the questions.,2) Text A,A.,The teacher,lets the students answer the text-related questions, helps them i

15、dentify the main idea of each paragraph, and analyzes some difficult sentences and some language,Text A ,s.t.p.9,Practical Writing,2) Practical Writing,The teacher explains to the students how to write an email by doing Ex.12 of Practical Writing, and then requires the students to do Ex.13 and Ex.14

16、 after class.,Time,Contents,Plan,s.t.p.10,2 periods,Text B, finally he stammered, “You mean youre not the flight instructor?”,CP-lp16,Listen to the following talk and fill in the blanks with the missing words. The talk is given twice.,In trying to explain the existence of the complicated body struct

17、ures we see in living things, a theory of evolution (進(jìn)化) has been developed. While most scientists accept this theory, many people do not. They feel it what is written in the Bible (圣經(jīng)). This theory is that all the plants and animals in the world today have developed in a natural way from earlier fo

18、rms that . These earlier forms developed from still simpler ancestors (祖先), and so on back through millions of years to the very beginning when life was , merely a tiny mass of jellylike (膠狀的) protoplasm (原生質(zhì)).,were simpler,_,in its simplest form,_,goes against,_,around us,_,8,In trying to prove tha

19、t evolution did take place, scientists depend on three chief “signs.” One of these is the study of fossil (化石) remains of animals and plants of . Some of these fossils seem to trace at work. Fossil remains of primitive (原始的) men that go back to a time 1,000,000 years ago. Fossils of certain crablike

20、 (似蟹的) animals nearly 500,000,000 years. These fossils show that fish developed in the waters of the earth before amphibians (兩棲動物), amphibians before reptiles (爬行動物), , and so on. Scientists believe this proves life has progressed (211 words),the steps of evolution,CP-lp17,_,have been found,_,repti

21、les before birds,_,go back,_,past ages,_,from one form to another,_.,Why do complicated body structures exist according to scientists?,Because of evolution.,2. Why is the theory of evolution acceptable to most scientists?,Because it proves that all the plants and animals in the world today have deve

22、loped in a natural way from earlier forms that were simpler.,CP-lp18,Listen to the talk again and then answer the following questions orally.,9,3. Why do scientists study fossil remains?,Because they can prove that evolution did take place.,4. What do these fossils show?,That fish developed in the w

23、aters of the earth before amphibians, amphibians before reptiles, reptiles before birds, and so on.,5. What is the theory of evolution?,A theory that proves that life has progressed from one form to another.,CP-lp19,Explore a response to the statement given below.,CP-lp20,These expressions may help

24、your discussion:,10,Try this discussion:,CP-lp20,Student A: The world is a complex place. To understand it, we need to ask as many questions as possible. Even if they have no answers, we still have to ask. And to ask is to seek. The process brings growth. Student B: I get your point. What youre real

25、ly saying is that we need to explore in order to discover the truth. When you seek, you open up the possibility of discovery. That is what science is all about. Student C: But what about the classroom? Think about it. Instructors tend to raise questions. But they only want familiar answers. Students

26、 are passive, since theres no reward for initiative or originality.,CP-lp20,Student D: Lets change that, together. How about we constantly raise questions and wonder about their answers? We dont have to come to a conclusion about anything. Lets just not stay passive in the known. If we constantly se

27、arch, our minds will become more powerful.,RW list,Reading best 最重要的;最好的,Article1_popwin_title2,e.g.,Scientists have made a major breakthrough in the treatment of cancer. Breakthroughs in nuclear research have led to the development of nuclear bombs.,科學(xué)家在癌癥治療方面取得了重大突破。,核研究方面的突破導(dǎo)致了核彈的研發(fā)。,Language Poi

28、nts,breakthrough / : n. important development or discovery, esp. in scientific knowledge(尤指科學(xué)知識上的)重大進(jìn)展(或發(fā)現(xiàn)),突破,1) What will bring about more changes in the 21st century than in the 20th century?,Advances in science and technology.,Article1_popwin_Q,Question About This Paragraph,21世紀(jì)科學(xué)的五大突破 詹姆斯特雷菲爾 2

29、0世紀(jì)以令人目眩的速度成就了科學(xué)和技術(shù)的變革程度之劇超過了歷史上任何一個世紀(jì)。但是21世紀(jì)這個新千年的開端完全可能經(jīng)歷由科技進(jìn)步推動的更為劇烈的變革。,Chinese Version,Article1_popwin_T,technology /: n. (the study and knowledge of) the practical, esp. industrial, use of scientific discoveries 技術(shù)(學(xué)),工藝(學(xué));工業(yè)技術(shù),e.g.,Science and technology have caused major changes in the way

30、we live. Modern technology has opened our eyes to many things.,Article1_popwin_technology1,Language Points,科學(xué)技術(shù)使我們的生活方式發(fā)生了重大改變。,現(xiàn)代技術(shù)使我們了解了許多事物。,Article1_popwin_technology2,Language Points,technological /: a. of or referring to technology技術(shù)(學(xué))的,工藝(學(xué))的,e.g.,The steam engine was the greatest technologi

31、cal advance of the 19th century.,蒸汽機(jī)是19世紀(jì)最偉大的技術(shù)進(jìn)步。,dizzy /: a. (of a person) feeling as if everything is spinning around; of or causing this feeling 頭暈?zāi)垦5?,眩暈的;使人眩暈?Article1_popwin_dizzy,e.g.,If you feel dizzy or short of breath, stop exercising immediately. After another glass of whisky I began to

32、feel dizzy.,如果你感眩暈或氣短,立即停止鍛煉。,我又喝了一杯威士忌酒,便開始感到頭暈?zāi)垦A恕?Language Points,Article1_popwin_dizzy,dizzying: a. making sb. feel dizzy 令人眩暈的,e.g.,The view from the restaurant on the 80th floor is dizzying.,從80層高的飯店往下看令人眩暈。,Language Points,dawn: n. the beginning of a period of time or a situation 黎明;開端,Articl

33、e1_popwin_dawn,e.g.,Since the dawn of history, there have been many kinds of wars.,自有史以來,就發(fā)生了各種各樣的戰(zhàn)爭。,Language Points,millennium /: n. period of 1,000 years 一千年,千年期,Article1_popwin_millennium,e.g.,Ten decades are a century, and ten centuries are a millennium. events which took place at the turn of t

34、he last millennium,十個十年是一個世紀(jì),十個世紀(jì)是一千年。,上個千年交替時所發(fā)生的事件,Language Points,Article1_popwin_pace,pace /: n. speed 速度,e.g.,Realizing he was late, he quickened his pace towards the hotel. Many people are not satisfied with the pace of change.,他意識到自己遲到了,于是加快步伐向旅館走去。,許多人都不滿意變化的速度。,Language Points,Article1_popw

35、in_dramatic,dramatic /: a. very noticeable and surprising; exciting and impressive 引人注目的;激動人心的;給人深刻印象的,e.g.,Computers have brought dramatic changes to the workplace. Yao Mings excellent performance earned the Houston Rockets a dramatic victory yesterday.,計(jì)算機(jī)給工作場所帶來了巨大的變化。,昨天姚明的出色表現(xiàn)為休斯敦火箭隊(duì)贏得了一場激動人心的勝

36、利。,Language Points,drive: vt. provide the power or energy that makes someone or something work 為提供動力,Article1_popwin_drive,e.g.,The Industrial Revolution was driven by the development of steam power. He was driven by greed and ambition.,蒸汽動力的開發(fā)推動了工業(yè)革命。,他受貪欲和野心驅(qū)使。,Language Points,advance /: n. forwar

37、d movement; progress 前進(jìn);進(jìn)步,Article1_popwin_advance,e.g.,Advances in medical science may make it possible for people to live for 150 years. The last 20 years have seen enormous advances in communications technology.,醫(yī)學(xué)的進(jìn)步可能會使人活150歲。,過去的20年見證了通信技術(shù)的巨大進(jìn)步。,Language Points,greater than in any other centur

38、y in history: 這段文字修飾破折號前的changes。該修飾語一則因?yàn)樘L,二則因?yàn)槭亲髡哐a(bǔ)充說明上文的,所以放在被修飾的名詞changes之后。,Article1_popwin_greater,Language Points,James Trefil / / 詹姆斯特雷菲爾(美國物理學(xué)家、作家,弗吉尼亞州喬治梅森大學(xué)物理學(xué)教授),Article1_popwin_james,Language Points, may well see even more dramatic changes driven by advances in science and technology. 完全

39、可能經(jīng)歷由科技進(jìn)步推動的更為劇烈的變革。 英語中, may well一起使用,常表示“有充分的理由可以,完全可能”。,Article1_popwin_N1,Notes on the Text,e.g.,What you say may well be true. That may well cause too dramatic a change.,你所說的完全可能是真的。,那很可能會引起過于劇烈的變化。,2) How does the writer arrange his predictions?,He arranges them in the order he thinks theyll h

40、appen.,Article2_popwin_Q,Questions About These Paragraphs,3) What is the writers first prediction?,Well know where we came from.,4) What is the writers first prediction based on?,On theories about the evolution of the universe and advances we have made in this field.,Chinese Version,在這幾頁里,我對未來100年里我

41、們將會見到的最重要的科學(xué)發(fā)展作了預(yù)測,并按照我認(rèn)為它們會發(fā)生的先后順序進(jìn)行排列。 1. 我們將知道來自什么地方 宇宙為什么會存在?自20世紀(jì)20年代以來,科學(xué)家們已經(jīng)了解到宇宙正在擴(kuò)張,這就意味著宇宙一定是在過去某一特定的時候開始形成的。他們甚至已經(jīng)提出種種理論詳盡地描繪了宇宙從最初一直到現(xiàn)在的演變過程。,Article2_popwin_T,Article2_popwin_N1,On these pages are my predictions for the top scientific developments well see in the next 100 years, 在這幾頁里,我

42、對未來100年里我們將會見到的最重要的科學(xué)發(fā)展作了預(yù)測。 本句為倒裝句,真正的主語為my predictions。課文中類似的倒裝句還有第十段中的:And with that knowledge will come an increasing willingness to use it to manage the workings of our planet. 擁有了這些知識,人們將更樂意用它來管理我們這個星球的運(yùn)行。,Notes on the Text,Article2_popwin_N2, scientists have known the universe is expanding, w

43、hich means it must have started at a definite time in the past. 科學(xué)家已經(jīng)了解到宇宙正在擴(kuò)張。這就意味著宇宙一定是在過去某一特定的時候開始形成的。 本句中,which引導(dǎo)一個非限制性定語從句,which指上文scientists have known the universe is expanding整個句子。,Notes on the Text,e.g.,I never met Bob again, which was a pity. He was a professor at Beijing University from 1

44、989 to 1999, after which he founded his own IT company.,我再也沒有見到鮑勃,真是遺憾。,在1989到1999年期間,他是北京大學(xué)的教授,此后他創(chuàng)建了自己的信息技術(shù)公司。,prediction: n. a statement about what is going to happen 預(yù)言,預(yù)測,Article2_popwin_prediction,Language Points,e.g.,His prediction is no better than a wild guess. Many of his predictions are c

45、oming true.,他的預(yù)言不過是瞎猜而已。,他的預(yù)言有不少正在實(shí)現(xiàn)。,predict /: vt. say in advance that (sth.) will happen; forecast 預(yù)言;預(yù)測;預(yù)報,e.g.,The future is hard to predict. People have tried to predict the weather for thousands of years.,未來很難預(yù)測。,人們試圖預(yù)測天氣已有幾千年了。,Article2_popwin_devel,development /: n. developing or being deve

46、loped 發(fā)展;發(fā)達(dá);發(fā)育;成長,e.g.,The president wants the people to work hard for the economic development of the country. A good diet and lots of exercise are important to a childs healthy growth and development.,總統(tǒng)要人們?yōu)閲业慕?jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展努力工作。,合理的飲食和大量鍛煉對孩子的健康成長和發(fā)育是重要的。,Language Points,Article2_popwin_universe,universe /

47、: n. (our) world, sun, moon, stars, etc. and all the space around them 宇宙,e.g.,We can never understand why the universe began. Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?,我們永遠(yuǎn)都無法理解宇宙始于何因。,宇宙的其他地方有具有高度智慧的生命嗎?,Language Points,Article2_popwin_exist,exist /: vi. be real or actual; have being; l

48、ive; keep living; continue to live 存在;生存;生活;繼續(xù)生活,e.g.,Do you think ghosts really exist? Last week we heard about the poor conditions which exist in American prisons. Poor families in this city were barely able to exist during the winter.,你相信真的有鬼嗎?,上星期我們聽說了美國監(jiān)獄里的糟糕情況。,這個城市里的窮苦家庭幾乎無法在冬天里生存。,Language P

49、oints,Article2_popwin_theory,theory /: n. set of reasoned ideas intended to explain facts or events 理論;學(xué)說,e.g.,There have been a lot of theories about the meaning of dreams. To date there is no evidence to support this theory.,關(guān)于夢的含義有很多種理論。,到目前為止,還沒有證據(jù)支持這種理論。,Language Points,Article2_popwin_detailed

50、,detailed: a. containing or including a lot of information or details 詳細(xì)的,e.g.,For detailed information, please contact the admissions office.,欲知詳情,請與招生辦公室聯(lián)系。,Language Points,Article2_popwin_evolution,evolution /: n. (scientific description of the) development of more complicated, organized forms of

51、 life from simpler forms over a long time 進(jìn)化(論),e.g.,Charles Darwin, in his theory of evolution, stressed the role of competition.,查爾斯達(dá)爾文在他的進(jìn)化論里強(qiáng)調(diào)了競爭的作用。,Language Points,Article3_popwin_Q,5) Why does the writer mention 19th century operas in his second prediction?,By talking about them, he wants to

52、remind or inform readers that human beings were not even able to cure tuberculosis in the 19th century.,Question About These Paragraphs,Article3_popwin_T,Chinese Version,在未來的幾十年中,由功能異常強(qiáng)大的新型望遠(yuǎn)鏡所帶來的數(shù)據(jù)以及我們對物質(zhì)在宇宙初期極度高溫高壓下表現(xiàn)狀況的進(jìn)一步了解都會使這些理論更加精確。 2我們將破譯遺傳密碼并征服癌癥 在19世紀(jì)的歌劇中,如果女主角在第一幕中咳嗽的話,觀眾便知道她將在第三幕中死于肺結(jié)核。但

53、是由于20世紀(jì)抗生素的出現(xiàn),這一度無法醫(yī)治的疾病現(xiàn)在只要服一些藥片就可治愈了。,Article3_popwin_ decade,decade /: n. period of ten years 十年,e.g.,These advances in science and technology were predicted more than three decades ago.,早在三十幾年前就有人預(yù)言了這些科技方面的進(jìn)展。,Language Points,Article3_popwin_1920,1920s: 20世紀(jì)20年代。 注意英語中表達(dá)世紀(jì)和年代的方法。另如:1840s (19世紀(jì)40

54、年代),1590s (16世紀(jì)90年代), 1100s (12世紀(jì)初)。,Language Points,Article3_popwin_refine,refine /: vt. remove impurities from (sth.), purify; improve (sth.) by removing defects and attending to detail 提煉,精煉;提純;使變得完善,e.g.,Oil must be refined before it can be used. Engineers are working on developing and refining

55、the car engines. This theory still needs a little refining.,石油必須提煉后才能用。,工程師們正致力于研發(fā)和改進(jìn)汽車引擎。,這個理論還需要稍加完善。,Language Points,Article3_popwin_date,data /: n. known information or facts that can be used to find further information or facts, esp. when fed into and analyzed by a computer 資料;數(shù)據(jù),e.g.,The space

56、craft has sent back new data about Jupiters atmosphere. The study was based on data from 2,000 college students.,宇宙飛船已經(jīng)發(fā)回關(guān)于木星大氣層的新資料。,這一研究基于來自2 000名大學(xué)生的數(shù)據(jù)。,Language Points,Article3_popwin_extraordinary,extraordinary /: a. beyond what is ordinary; very unusual; remarkable 不平常的,不普通的;非常的;特別的;非凡的,e.g.,H

57、es the most extraordinary man Ive ever met. The mans story was so extraordinary that I didnt know whether to believe him or not.,他是我所遇到達(dá)的最不尋常的人。,那人的故事如此非同一般,我不知道該不該相信他。,Language Points,Article3_popwin_powerful,powerful /: a. of or having great power 強(qiáng)有力的;強(qiáng)大的;大功率的,e.g.,Tom is a very powerful swimmer;

58、 he has powerful arms and legs. Do you really need a car with such a powerful engine?,湯姆是個很有力量的游泳運(yùn)動員;他有著強(qiáng)有力的手臂和腿。,你真的需要一輛具有如此大功率引擎的汽車嗎?,Language Points,Article3_popwin_behave,behave /: vi. act or conduct oneself in the specified way; (of machines, etc.) work or function 表現(xiàn);(機(jī)器等)運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn),e.g.,Her kids just

59、 dont know how to behave. Light is a form of energy that behaves in some ways like waves.,她的孩子不懂規(guī)矩。,光是一種能量,它的運(yùn)動方式有些類似于波浪。,Language Points,Article3_popwin_ extremely,extremely: ad. to a very great degree 極其,e.g.,Earthquakes are extremely difficult to predict. Everyone in our team has worked extremely hard in the past month.,預(yù)測地震極為困難。,在過去一個月里,我們團(tuán)隊(duì)中的每一個人都工作得極其努力。,Language Points,Article3_popwin_extr


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