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1、Unit 5 How to Celebrate Holidays Text A Writing Three Thank-you Letters,Pre-reading Questions,Can you name some Chinese 她有個習(xí)慣就是, 看完書后就把書收好. She has a habit of putting away her books after reading them. You wash the dishes and Ill put them away in the cupboard. 儲蓄,存錢 The old couple has put away a con

2、siderable sum of money for their future life.,I made my way out there, breathing in great, deep draughts while walking slowly about, still wearing my white cooks hat. 譯: 我信步走去,一邊深深呼吸著空氣,一邊慢慢地踱著步, 頭上還戴著那頂白色的廚師帽.,get to sth./doing sth.: 開始考慮, 做事 Recently Ive got to wondering why I am doing the part-ti

3、me job. Ill get to the accounts as soon as possible. 經(jīng)歷了這次事件之后, 他開始對他周圍的人好了. Having gone through the accident, he got to treating people around him kindly.,and the rest: and so on; and the like等等 The patient can have apples, apple sauce, and the rest. The citizens are interested in the governments p

4、olicies on such important issues as health, education, tax, and the rest.,in quest of: seeking 尋求,探求 Tony went to the school library in quest of Mark Twins novels. 他們?nèi)ゼ又輰ふ医鹱? They went to California in quest of gold.,reverse: v. 扭轉(zhuǎn),反轉(zhuǎn); adj. 相反的,反面的 n. 背面, 反面; n. 失敗,挫折 They have made it clear that th

5、ey will not reverse the decision to increase prices. Why dont you reverse the order so that I play first and she plays second? The financial reverses wont discourage him.,turn over: think about 思考; Even when she didnt say anything you could see her turning things over in her mind. 他靜靜地坐在那里, 思考著那個問題.

6、 He sat quietly, turning over the problem. 移交(控制權(quán)/所有權(quán)等) The old lady turned the shop over to her granddaughter when she retired.,repay: pay back, reward 償還 She repaid me the money. 我該如何報答你對我的好呢? How can I ever repay you for your kindness?,Not one time had I ever bothered to express to any of them so

7、 much as a simple, sincere “Thank you”. Paraphrase: I had never expressed my thanks to them, even a simple, sincere “thank you.”,So much as “甚至” He doesnt so much as invite his best friends. 他甚至連他最好的朋友都沒邀請. Mike left all of a sudden, without so much as a simple “bye-bye”.,Summary of Part One(para1-9

8、): The writer came up with the idea of expressing his gratitude to people who had helped him before.,I realized, swallowing hard, that half of them had since died-so they were forever beyond any possible expression of gratitude from me. Paraphrase: I feel terribly sorry since about half of them had

9、died, so that they could never receive any expression of appreciation from me.,gratitude: 感激 (to sb./for sth.) It is my great pleasure to be here to express my sincere gratitude to my fellow members for electing me as your president. 她對我們的幫忙表示感激. She expressed her gratitude for our help. Sincere / s

10、how / feel / deep ,specific: 具體的 specific description/purpose/details/facts The new system made it easier for employers to recruit workers based on specific needs. 你有沒有一些對你要申請的工作有用的具體技能? Do you have any specific skills that will be of use to you in the job you are applying for?,on ones behalf/ on th

11、e behalf of sb.: 代表, 為了的利益. He delivered a speech on the behalf of all the graduates on Graduation Day. 律師代表當(dāng)事人說話. The lawyer spoke on behalf of his client.,impress: 使重視, 給予強烈影響; 使印象深刻 The teacher tried to impress on his students the necessity of being honest. 我父親使我明白了努力工作的價值. My father impressed on

12、 me the value of hard work. Mr. Smith often impresses his students with humor in his speeches. I was deeply impressed by/with his performance. impressive 動人的, 使人印象深刻的 impression n. 印象,diminish: make or become smaller or less vt/i. (使)減少, 變小 Her patience with the children diminished as the hours went

13、 by. Time will not diminish our friendship. 沉重的工作負(fù)擔(dān)并沒有降低他對戶外運動的熱情. The heavy workload does not diminish his enthusiasm for outdoor sports.,So many times I have felt a sadness when exposed to modern children so immersed in the electronic media that they have little or no awareness of the marvelous wo

14、rld to be discovered in books. Paraphrase: have felt sorry for many times when I saw modern children immersed themselves in the electronic media to such an extent that it almost remained unknown to them that there is a marvelous world in books.,expose: leave uncovered; make accessible 使暴露, 使接觸 be ex

15、posed to 暴露于; 與接觸 It is feared that people living near the power station may have been exposed to radiation. 這種植物不能暴露在強光下. This plant cant be exposed to strong sunshine.,immerse: over completely in a liquid; absorb deeply 使沉浸(在水中); 專心于 I held my breath and immersed myself in water, trying to stay un

16、der water for as long as possible. 約翰完全沉浸在電腦游戲中, 沒有意識到周圍發(fā)生的事情. John was so immersed in playing the computer games that he was unaware of things happening around him.,assemble a) bring or call together in a group集合,集會 Delegates were assembling in Geneva for the conference. b) fit together the parts o

17、r pieces of 組裝 It took me less than an hour to assemble the bookcase. Everyone _ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.00-06, CET-6 A. Piled B. assembled C. joined D. accumulate,B,considerate of 對無微不至, 考慮周到 considerable相當(dāng)?shù)? 非常的 sprinkle 灑, 噴灑 sprinkle sth. on/over sth. Sprinkle water

18、 on the grass sprinkle sth. with sth. Sprinkle the dish with pepper. Summary of part two (paras. 10-16) The writer wrote 3 thank-you letters to _, _, and _.,his father,Rev. Nelson,his grandmother,accord: a) grant給予, 贈與 The headmaster accorded me permission to attend the seminar. 我們對他給予了熱烈的歡迎. We acc

19、orded a warm welcome to him. b) be in agreement ( with) (使)符合, 一致 His behavior does not accord with his principles. 我們應(yīng)該言行一致. What we say should accord with what we do. accord with 與相一致 accord sth. to sb. 贈給 in accord with 與一致, 融洽 of ones own accord 主動,自愿 with one accord 全體一致地 in accordance with 根據(jù)

20、accordance. n. 符合, 一致, 和諧 accordingly. 相應(yīng)地, 因此, 所以.,successive: following one after the other連續(xù)的, 不斷的 The Brazilian mens soccer team has won three successive games so far. 接二連三的恐怖襲擊已經(jīng)引起了所有人的關(guān)注. The successive terrorism attacks have aroused the attention from all humanity. succession n. 連續(xù), 連續(xù)不斷的事物 i

21、n succession 接連的 a succession of victories 連續(xù)的勝利 successor 后繼者, 繼承者 succeed. 繼承, 繼任.,In turn 轉(zhuǎn)而,反過來 Language is the carrier of culture and in turn is influenced by culture. 語言是文化的載體,文化對語言反過來起著制約作用。,One “mail call” brought me responses from Grandma, Dad, and the Reverend Nelson and my reading of thei

22、r letters left me not only astonished but more humbled than before. Paraphrase: Then came the time when the loudspeaker called there was mail for us, I received three replies from Grandma, Dad and the Reverend Nelson. After reading them, I felt astonished, but more humbled than ever.,Undergo v. to g

23、o through, endure 經(jīng)歷, 遭受 Undergo great hardship/suffering 遭受巨大的艱難, 困苦 Undergo repair/surgery接受檢修, 進(jìn)行手術(shù). She has undergone a lot of sufferings during the last 20 years. After the craft returned safely to Earth, Yang Liwei underwent immediate physical exam.,A glance at Grandmas familiar handwriting, b

24、rought back in a flash memories of standing alongside her white rocking chair, watching her “settin, down” some letter to relatives. Paraphrase: As I saw Grandmas familiar handwriting, what instantly came to mind was the time when I stood beside her white rocking chair and watched her writing to rel

25、atives.,Bring back 使記起, 使回想起 The smell of autumn always brings back memories of new terms at school. The whole scene brought back the days of my childhood. Bring forward 把提前( the party); 提出( a plan) Bring about 導(dǎo)致, 使發(fā)生 Bring out 生產(chǎn); 揭示 Bring through 拯救 , 救活,In a flash: 立刻, 一瞬間,The 100-meter dash was

26、 over in a flash. A flash in the pan 曇花一現(xiàn) A flash of lightning 閃電 A flash of hope一線希望 Summary for part three ( paras. 17-23) The writer got 3 letters in reply.,Go about 四處走動; 開始, 從事, 著手做 How shall we go about the job? 你怎樣著手修理這臺機器? How do you go about repairing this telex machine? Go about with sb. 和

27、常聯(lián)系, 走動 Nowadays its quite common to see freshmen go about with their girlfriends.,In the end we are mightily(在很大程度上, 非常) and merely people, each with similar needs. 譯: 其實,我們都是十分相象的凡人, 有著相似的需求.,Summary for Part Four(para 24.26) The writer wishes everyone to _.,find the good and praise it.,認(rèn)真思考,gradu

28、ate into a habit of,真摯的文字,由衷的感激,genuine statements,give serious thought to,漸漸地變成一種習(xí)慣,很少了解,給撒下美妙遐想,電子媒體,heartfelt appreciation,electronic media,have little awareness of,按常規(guī),sprinkle with stardust,個人經(jīng)歷,in the routine,最重要的事,personal experience,topmost priority,圍聚在周圍,a rocking chair,一把把,發(fā)生迅猛的變化,fistful

29、of,cluster about,搖椅,靠當(dāng)為生,使某人意識到,向表達(dá)充滿愛意的謝意,undergo swift changes,express ones loving gratefulness to,make a living as,有著相似的需求,give sb. an insight into,簡單的常識,with similar needs,實現(xiàn)世界和平,simple common sense,achieve world peace,對至關(guān)重要,be paramount for,Thank him for teaching the writer from boyhood to love

30、 books and reading.,Thank him for his morning school prayers,Thank her for teaching the writer how to tell the truth, to share, to be forgiving,Tell his son how he, as a teacher and father, felt content with him.,About his retirement with self-doubt, and the reassurance the letter brought to him.,Ex

31、presses her loving gratefulness for her grandson,hold,cabin,afterdeck,deck,ship,coastguardsman,sailor,seaman,shipmate,Put to sea,Be under way,Be at sea,Word Web,Key Points Review重點回顧,I was one of the Murzims several cooks and, quite the same as folks ashore, his Thanksgiving morning had seen us busi

32、ly preparing a traditional dinner, featuring roast turkey. (現(xiàn)在分詞作定語). 例: As early as 1647, Ohio made a decision that free, tax supported schools must be established in every t/wn _ 1,000 households or more. (1998-01, CET-4) A. having B. to have C. to have had D. having had,A,分詞作補語 例: After the Arab

33、states won independence, great emphasis was laid on expanding education, with girls as well as boys _ to go to school.(97-01, CET-4) to be encouraged B. been encouraged being encouraged D. be encouraged 介詞with引出分詞獨立結(jié)構(gòu),表示一種陪襯性動作或補充說明.,C,分詞作狀語,I made my way out there, breathing in great, deep draughts

34、 while walking slowly about, still wearing my white cooks hat. (現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語) 例: _ the earth to be flat, many feared that Columbus would fall off the edge of the earth. (96-06, CET-4) A. Having believed B. Believing C. Believed D. Being believed,B,真題回放,1. As Ill be away for at least a year, Id appreciate

35、 _from you now and then telling me how everyone is getting along. (2000研) A. hearing B. to hear C. to be hearing D. having heard,2. The words of his old teacher left a _ impression on his mind. He is still influenced by them. (00-01, CET-4) A. long B. lively C. lasting D. liberal,A,C,真題回放,3. Everyth

36、ing we eat and drink contains some salt; we can meet the bodys need for it from natural resources without turning _ the salt bottle(鹽灌) 01-01, CET4 A. up B. to C. on D. over,4. The younger persons attraction to stereos cant be explained only _ familiarity with technology. 99-06, CET-6 A. in quest of

37、 B. by means of C. in terms of D. by virtue of,B,C,真題回放,5. In Britain people _ four million tons of potatoes every year.00-01, CET-4 A. swallow B. dispose C. consume D. exhaust,6. Several international events at the beginning of the 21st century are likely to _ the trends emerging in the late 1990s.

38、 A. revert (恢復(fù),回到原狀) B. reverse C. revolve (旋轉(zhuǎn)) D. review,C,B,真題回放,7. Thomas was late for school for our _ days. A. successor B. succession C. successive D. successful,8. The evidence her father produced does not _ with that of his sister. A. compromise B. accord C. accuse D. accustom,C,B,真題回放,9. Its high time we _ the pressing situation. A. dealt out B. coped with C.


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