



1、 小學(xué)五年級(jí)英語閱讀理解之兩位公主小學(xué)英語閱讀 英語的應(yīng)用無處不在,學(xué)好英語好處多多,為大家分享五年級(jí)英語閱讀理解之兩位公主,供大家參考! 1.it is a dark and rainy night. barbie is reading in her bed. kelly and stacie run in. tell us a story, barbie, says stacie. 這是一個(gè)黑暗的雨夜。芭比正在床上讀書。凱利和斯塔跑了進(jìn)來。斯塔說:給我們講個(gè)故事吧,芭比。 2.barbie looks around. she sees a bunny. there are two prin

2、cesses named kelly and stacie barbie begins. 芭比看看了四周。她看見了一只松鼠。從前,有兩個(gè)叫凱利和斯塔的公主芭比開始說道。 3.one day, the princesses go to have a picnic in the forest. suddenly it begins to rain! the princesses take their basket and hide inside a big tree. 有一天,公主們?nèi)ド忠安?。突然,天開始下雨。公主們帶著她們的籃子,躲到一棵大樹里。 4.the rain stops. a bun

3、ny hops by. i have nowhere to go. my house has too much rain water, says bunny. 雨停了。一只松鼠跳了過來。我無家可歸了。我的房子里有太多的雨水。松鼠說道。 5.just then a bird flies down. it rained so hard, he says. my nest fell out of the tree. 就在這時(shí),一只鳥飛了下來。雨下的如此之大,他說。我的巢從樹上跌落。 6.the two princesses will help their friends. everyone goes

4、 up the hill. stacie and kelly dig a nice new hole for bunny. thank you, says bunny. 兩位公主將幫助她們的朋友。每個(gè)人都上山了。斯塔和凱利為松鼠挖了一個(gè)又新又好的樹洞。謝謝。松鼠說道。 7.everyone finds twigs and leaves. they build a new nest for bird. thank you, says bird. 每個(gè)人都找到小樹枝和樹葉。她們?yōu)樾▲B建了一個(gè)新的鳥巢。謝謝。小鳥說。 8.kelly and stacie share their picnic wit

5、h bird and bunny. 凱利和斯塔把她們的野餐和小鳥松鼠一起分享。 9.the end, says barbie. kelly and stacie look up. the rain stops. we like your story! says kelly. 最后,芭比說。凱利和斯塔抬起頭。雨停了。我們喜歡你的故事。凱利說。 (注:這里根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容將bunny翻譯為松鼠) 【學(xué)一學(xué)】請(qǐng)小朋友們學(xué)習(xí)以下內(nèi)容: 1.share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物。 課文例句:kelly and stacie share their picnic with bird and bunny. 2.bunny n. 【兒】兔子 【美】 松鼠 【練一練】請(qǐng)小朋友試著回下以下問題: w


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