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1、,Unit 6 Food,Useful information,Food is a basic necessity ,so every culture has important norms(規(guī)范) and customs related to it. The forms of dining vary in cultures. Some use formal meals as a way of meeting, socializing, while others treat meals as a form of recreation or entertaining. Because of th

2、e fast pace of modern life,eating away from home in resaurant,taverns (小酒館) or hotels has long been an option of people. As eating habits have changed, table manners tend to decline, though proper etiquette is still needed on formal occasions.,Mealtime differs considerably from culture to culture an

3、d from household to household.Usually the 2nd and the 3rd meals are the largest ,as we call them dinner.Some who skip breakfast may prefer brunch istead. And tea in the afternoon is a fourth meal in a day. The biggest recent change in food-related lifestyle is the rising of fastfood.Sociologist Geor

4、ge Ritzer uses the metaphor of Mcdonaldization to criticize the entire cultural trend toward standardized pre-packaged products which can be quickly consumed.,Warm-Up,Check Your Vocabulary,Vegetable(蔬菜),Cabbage, beet(甜菜), carrot(胡蘿卜), lettuce(萵苣), eggplant, cucumber bean(豆,蠶豆), pea(豌豆), onion, garli

5、c(蒜),pepper, spinach(菠菜), turnip(蘿卜), cauliflower(花椰菜,菜花) celery(芹菜),mushroom, pumpkin, brocolli(花椰菜), beansprout, wax gourd(冬瓜), asparagus(蘆筍) tuber onion (韭菜),Fruit,fig(無花果), peach, grape, persimmon(柿子), pineapple, apricot(杏), plum(李子), mango, watermelon, lemon, grapefruit(西柚), strawberry, lychee/

6、litchi, papaya/papaw(木瓜), coconut(椰子), honeydew melon, cantaloupe(甜瓜), cherry(櫻桃) kiwi fruit(獼猴桃), pear,Meat,pork(豬肉), beef, lamb, mutton, bacon, chicken, Roasted duck, turkey, steak,Cereal (谷物),Rice, oat(燕麥), wheat, maize/corn, millet(小米), barley(大麥), noodle, spaghetti, rice cake, dumpling, steamed

7、 bread/roll, pan cake, pizza,Others,Egg, bean curd, crab(蟹), cake, cookie, biscuit, cracker(薄脆餅干), nut, shrimp(蝦), fish, lobster(龍蝦) clam(蚌,蛤蜊) prawn (對蝦),Drink,Tea, coffee, Coke, rum(朗姆酒), Pepsi, wine, Seven-up, Sprite, beer, whiskey, bandy, milk, juice, soda water, lemonade, mineral water,pure wat

8、er Yoghurt(酸乳)sour milk,In-Class Reading,Food and Culture,India,1.Cow help plow the field. 2. Cow manure can be used as fertilizer. 3. Manure can be made into cooking fire.,cow,The United States,dog,1. Dog serve as companions for people. 2. Dogs serve as protection against thieves.,Ancient Egypt def

9、inite (清楚,明確的) E.g. There was a distinct sense of embarrassment in the air. 周圍的氣氛中有一種明顯的局促不安的感覺。,(from sth.)different kind, separate (種類不同的,分開的) E.g. Astronomy, as distinct from astrology, is an exact science. 天文學是一門嚴謹?shù)膶W科,與占星述完全不同。,Preserve (L59), Preserve 保護維護 維持,保留 保存食物 preservative 防腐劑 conserve 保

10、護 保留 保藏 conservative 保守的 Reserve / 保留,儲備 預訂訂購 reserved 矜持的,內(nèi)向的,1.We should _ wild animals in that area. 2. Salt and spices can help to _meat. 3. Efforts to _the peace have failed. 4. God _ us! 5. _your strength for climbing. 6. Please _ a table for two in the name of Mariah.,Conserve/preserve,preser

11、ve,preserve,preserve,Conserve/ Preserve,reserve,Passage 2,Cooking and Cuisines,Questions: What are the three acknowledged great national cuisines? What are the characteristics of each of them? 3. What are the threats to keeping national cuisines?,Appeal (L4), 有吸引力 懇求,呼吁 上訴,1.The police _the crowd no

12、t to panic. 2. She _ the high court against the sentence. 3. His sense of humor _her enormously. 4. The idea of camping has never _ me.,Appealed for,Appealed to,Appealed to,Appealed to,Be typical of(line 13) 特有的,獨特的 E.g. it was typical of her to forget. Be characteristic of 構成人或事物特征之一部分的,典型性的 E.g. S

13、uch bluntness is characteritic of him. 他就是這么遲鈍。 Be distinctive of特別的,有特色的,if omitted連詞+分詞結(jié)構作狀語,分詞與主語有邏輯上的動賓關系,Conjunctions with such usage are: When, while, once, until, If, unless, Though, although, as, As if, as though E.g. He went on talking,though continually interrupted.,But the separation into

14、 three major cuisines does mark some kind of distinctive characteristic and three major cuisines, (each based on a different major characterist,) have persisted for a long time through human history.(L31),它們確實是因為各有其顯著特點而分成三大類的,這三種特色各異的菜系, 在人類歷史上長期發(fā)展,持續(xù)至今。,Take up (L42) -fill or occupy (space or time

15、)填滿,占據(jù), take sth. up lift up, raise 拿起,舉起 -adopt sth. as a hobby or pastime 以某事作為消遣愛好 -start or begin sth. as a job 開始從事,1. She has taken up yoga recently. 2. Move the table to the corner. It takes up too much space. 3. He will take up his duties/responsibilities next week.,愛好,作為消遣,占據(jù)空間,他下周開始履行職責。,W

16、hat unites all great national cuisines, (besides regional variety,ingenious use of available resources and an influence international eating habits), is the attitude toward food.(line 69),所有著名的國菜,除了地方菜的種類繁多、可用資源的巧妙利用和對世界飲食習慣的影響這幾方面外,它們共同具有的是對食物的態(tài)度。,Most of the preparation time is taken up by the cut

17、ting of vegetables and the chopping of meat, not by the actual cooking process. 絕大部分的準備時間是用來切菜和剁肉,而不是用在真正的燒菜過程中.,Translation Practice (P222),1. What is unusual is the fact that many students dont eat vegetables. 2. Students from the North like pasta, for example, noodles and dumplings. 3. Students b

18、rought up near the sea eat sea food, while those from West China enjoy beef and lamb. 4. What is worth mentioning is some girls are on diet to keep a lim figure.,5. Food likes and dislikes vary from one student to another. 6. Some students are keen on meat of all kinds,while others prefer fruits and nuts. 7. In some families, parents do most of the cooking, while in others,grandparents will take on the responsibility. 8. Generally speaking, most of the students eat at the


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