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1、,教材整理復習篇,九年級全一冊,九年級(全一冊)Units1314,Units1314,中考考點清單,wood,wooden,disadvantage,advantage,law,lawyer,harmful,harm,overcome,overcame,transport,transportation,_overcome,中考考點清單,level,thirsty,degree,thankful,responsible,task,wing,bottom,中考考點清單,PK中考英語,keep ones cool,make a mess,believe in,senior high school,

2、be thirsty for,ahead of,take part in,make a difference,中考考點清單,is badly polluted,being a volunteer,are trying to save the earth,used to be so clean,中考考點清單,make a difference,lead to,drop,will bring,中考考點清單,語,法,重,溫,1.wh-引導的特殊問句用法 2.復習初中階段的各種時態(tài) 3.復習被動語態(tài),中考考點清單,中考考點講解,中考考點講解之考點單詞講解,1.afford的用法,(1)afford作動

3、詞,意為“買得起,負擔得起”,通常與can, could, be able to 等連用,尤其用于否定句或疑問句中。 Can you afford a house in Beijing?你能在北京買得起一套房子嗎? (2)afford之后可以接不定式作賓語 。 The piano is too dear.I cant afford to buy it.這架鋼琴太貴了,我買不起。 (3)afford指“給予”時,可接雙賓語。 My parents afford me nearly all the things.我的父母幾乎給予了我一切。,中考考點講解之考點單詞辨析,1.辨析take, spend

4、, cost與pay,中考考點講解之考點單詞辨析,中考考點講解之考點短語辨析,1.辨析:too much,too many與much too,She has been doing this for a few years now. 她一直在做這件事好幾年了。 (1)“have been + 現(xiàn)在分詞”,是現(xiàn)在完成進行時。表示現(xiàn)在以前這一段時間里一直在進行的動作,這動作可能仍在進行,也可能已停止。 It has been raining since last Sunday. 自上周日以來就一直在下雨。 (2)現(xiàn)在完成進行時與現(xiàn)在完成時的區(qū)別 現(xiàn)在完成時可以表示一個已經完成的動作,而現(xiàn)在完成進行時

5、則表示一個正在進行的動作。 I have read the book.我讀過這本書。 I have been reading the book.我一直在讀這本書。,中考考點講解之考點句型,復習效果自測,B,C,C,1. Please _ the tap when you brush your teeth. A. take down B. turn up C.turn off 2. So far this year, many new houses _ with the help of the government. A. build B. are built C. have been buil

6、t 3. _ we go for a walk? Sounds great. A. Should BShall C. Must,4. It was time _ class. Mr. Green asked all the students to sit down quickly. A. for B. of C. from 5. Its dangerous for us _ with fire. A. to play B. playing C. play,A,A,高分作文指導,計劃與愿望包括的內容非常廣泛,如對學習、工作、班級活動校 園活動、團隊活動、假期、節(jié)日、生日晚會、旅游、做義工等社會活

7、動 的具體計劃,還包括人生計劃、奮斗目標或理想等長遠打算,以及表達 某種愿望或期待,如理想的學校、理想的生活等。 中考可能圍繞以下主題來命題:策劃一次班會;為父母或老師的生 日作準備;為假期旅游觀光作計劃;申請組織足球隊、籃球賽、舞蹈隊、 樂隊等理想;向老師、校長、家長尋求建議;寫一份廣播通知;安排暑 假的學習任務;就“理想”這一話題寫一篇英語短文等。,話題分析,計,劃,安,排,常用表達詞匯,計劃安排 : plan; want; decide; make a decision; come up with an idea; agree with 假日活動 : travel; visit; go

8、camping; go bike riding; go sightseeing; go fishing; go hiking; go on a trip; take walks; have a good time; enjoy oneself; visit,常用表達句型,1The summer/winter holiday is coming. 2Im going to have a good rest and relax myself. 3Im sure Ill have an interesting and meaningful holiday. 4If possible, Id like

9、 to go to Beijing to visit the Great Wall. 5We are going to meet at the school gate at 7:00 on Sunday morning. 6I am going to take part in the social activities so that I can know more about the society. 7I will try to spend more time in chatting with my parents and help them to do some housework.,典

10、例精析,緊張的初中學習生活就要結束了,你即將迎來一個輕松的暑假。請根據(jù)下面方框內的提示寫一篇短文,談談你的假期計劃。,注意: 1詞數(shù):80100; 2方框中的內容不必逐字翻譯,可適當發(fā)揮。 參考詞匯:knowledge知識,social activities社會活動,思路點撥,1分析題干:抓住休息、學習、活動這幾個要點,并作適當發(fā)揮; 2時態(tài):一般將來時; 3人稱:第一人稱。,The summer holiday is coming. Im going to have a good rest and learn to relax myself. I will read more useful books.Because reading is not only interesting but also can make me get more knowledge. I will try to spend more time in chatting with my parents and help them to do some housework. I am going to take part in the social activities so that I can


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