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1、中考重點(diǎn)句型一、 常使用動(dòng)詞不定式的短語1. Its time to do sth./ Its time for sth./doing sth.該作某 事的時(shí)候了.2. cant wait to do sth.迫不及待要作某事3. ask /tell/ allow/want sb. (not ) to do sth.要求/告訴/允許/想要某人(不)作某事4. try ones best to do 盡某人最大的努力做5. be supposed to do sth.應(yīng)該作某事6. would like/ want (sb.) to do sth.想要作某事7. Its ones turn to

2、 do sth. 輪到某人做 8. Find it + adj. to do sth發(fā)覺作某事9. Prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.寧愿作某事,而不愿作某事 10.Its +adj. For/of sb. to do sth.作某事對(duì)某人說11.Its better/ best to do sth.最好做某事12.It takes sb. st. to do sth.某人做某事用了一些時(shí)間二、 常用動(dòng)名詞的短語1. Be good at/ do well in doing sth.擅長作某事2. Pay attention to doing sth.注

3、意作某事3. What about/ how about doing sth.怎么樣(好嗎)?4. Thank you for doing sth.為感謝某人5.Would you mind doing sth.你介意做嗎?6.Spend (in) doing sth.花時(shí)間作某時(shí)7.Make a contribution to doing sth.在做貢獻(xiàn)8.Prefer doing sth. to doing sth.喜歡勝過9.Keep/ stop/ prevent sb. from doing sth.阻止作某事 10.look forward to doing 期望做某事 11.必須

4、接動(dòng)名詞的詞匯或短語 完成finish 實(shí)踐practice 值得be worth 忙be busy 繼續(xù)keep on 習(xí)慣be used to 別放棄give up 考慮consider 建議suggest 不禁cant help 想feel like 喜歡enjoy 思念miss 要介意mind三、 省略動(dòng)詞不定式的短語1. Had better (not) to sth. 最好(不)做某事2. Why dont you/ not do sth. 為什么不作某事3. Would /Will / Could you please (not) do sth.請(qǐng)你(不)作某事好嗎? 4.wou

5、ld rather do than do 寧愿做而不愿做 5.可接省略to的不定式(既動(dòng)詞原形)的動(dòng)詞 一 feel + do sth 二 listen to /hear + do sth 三 make / let / have + do sth 四 watch /notice /see /look at + do sth 半 help (to) do 口訣:一感二聽三讓四看半幫助 注意:1.感官動(dòng)詞后也可接動(dòng)名詞 2.變被動(dòng)語態(tài)時(shí)要把to 還原中考常考的動(dòng)詞短語1.come in 進(jìn)來 come on 來吧 加油 趕快 come out 出版 come over 順便來 come down

6、下來 落下 come ture 實(shí)現(xiàn) come from 來自 come along 出現(xiàn) 發(fā)生 come up with 提出 找出come to oneself 蘇醒2.cut down 削減 up 切碎 off 切斷 切下來3.fall down倒下 跌倒off 從掉下來 asleep 睡覺 入睡 behind 落后 輸給某人 into 落入 陷入 in love with 愛上4.give up doing 放棄 in 上交 out 發(fā)放 away 贈(zèng)送5.get up 起床 down 下來 落下 on 上車 off 下車 to 到達(dá) back 取回 over 克服(困難) out 出

7、去 together 相聚 married to sb. 結(jié)婚 on/along with 相處6.hand in 上交 out 發(fā)放 分發(fā) up 舉手 Shake hands 握手7.go home 回家 back 回去 out 外出 over 仔細(xì)檢查 bad 變質(zhì) off 發(fā)出響聲 wrong (機(jī)器)出故障 to bed 入睡 on doing/ to do 繼續(xù) for a walk 散步8.have a look at/a swim /a rest 看/游泳/休息 a cold/a cough / a headache/ a fever / a toothache / a stom

8、achache 患感冒/咳嗽/頭疼/發(fā)燒/牙疼/胃疼 trouble/difficulties/problems/fun doing 做有麻煩/困難/問題/愉快 a good / great time 過得愉快9.look at 看一看 after 照顧 like 長得像 for 尋找 out 小心 over 仔細(xì)檢查 up 查閱 through 瀏覽 forward to doing 盼望 期望10.make sure 確信 faces 做鬼臉 mistakes (a mistake) 犯錯(cuò)誤 a noise 吵鬧 a decision 做決定 a living 謀生 the bed 整理床

9、鋪 phone calls 打電話 up ones mind 下決心 friends with sb. 交朋友 sb. feel at home 感到賓至如歸 moom for 給騰出地方11.set off 出發(fā) 動(dòng)身 啟程 up 建立 ones mind to do 一心想做12.do ones best 盡最大努力 ones homework 做作業(yè) well in 擅長 the chore 做家務(wù) the dishes 洗餐具 exercises 做運(yùn)動(dòng)13.put on 穿上 off 推遲 up 粘貼 舉起 out 撲滅 away 把收好 down 寫下 記下14.take off

10、脫下 飛機(jī)起飛 out 取出 away 拿走 after 長得像 place 發(fā)生 turns 輪流 notes 記筆記 photos 照相 part in 參加 pride in 對(duì)感到滿意 care of 照顧15.think about 考慮 of 想起 over 仔細(xì)考慮 up 想到 想出16.hear of (間接)聽說 about 聽到詳情 from 收到的來信17.write down 寫下 back (to sb.) 寫回信 sb. Sth.(sth. To sb.) 給寫信18.turn on 打開 off 關(guān)閉 over 把翻過來19.up put 粘貼 Set 建立 Fi

11、x 修理 Clean 打掃干凈 Cheer 使興奮起來 Turn 調(diào)大音量 Get 起床 Cut 切碎 Grow 長大 成長 Hand 舉手 Look 查閱 Make 組成 化妝 Wake 醒來 Stay 熬夜 Pick 撿起來 Ring / call 打電話 Send 發(fā)放 把往上送 Open 開業(yè) End 結(jié)束 告終 Hurry 趕快 Show 出席 露面 Use 用盡20.out come 出版 Keep (使)在外 Put 撲滅 Look 小心 Work 算出 制定出 Wear 把穿舊 Try 試驗(yàn) 嘗試 Take 取出 Rush 沖出去 Go 外出 到外面 Find 找出 查出 Se

12、ll 售完 Clean 清除 Run 用完 Hang with sb. 閑逛 Give 分發(fā) Hand 分發(fā)21.over look 仔細(xì)檢查 Turn 把翻過來 Go 仔細(xì)檢查 Come 順便過來 Get 克服(困難)22.away take 拿走 Put 放好 Give 贈(zèng)送 Run 流失 Drive 驅(qū)散 Far 遠(yuǎn)離 Right 立刻 馬上23.off take 脫下 飛機(jī)起飛 Put 推遲 Fall 掉下 Turn 關(guān)閉 Set 出發(fā) 動(dòng)身 啟程 Get 下來 Drop 放下 下車 Show 炫耀 Run 跑掉 Drive 趕走 Cut 切斷 Break 突然中止 中斷 Go 發(fā)出響

13、聲 Be 離開24.down let 使失望 Put 寫下 記下 Write 寫下 Turn 調(diào)小音量 Sit 坐下 Cut 削減 Fall 倒下 跌倒 Pull 推翻 Get 下來 Break 出故障 Keep 使緩和25.at point 指向 指示 Look 看 Laugh 嘲笑 Knock 敲(門、窗等) Call 拜訪某地 present 目前 first 首先 the end of 在最后 beginning of 在起初 the age of 在歲時(shí) same time 同時(shí) Once 立刻 馬上 the moment 此刻 least 至少 most 至多 last 最后 終于

14、26.on turn 打開 Try 試穿 Put 穿 戴 Pass 傳遞 Live 靠謀生 Knock 敲 Hold 等一等 Go 繼續(xù) Keep doing 繼續(xù) Get 上車 Carry 堅(jiān)持下去 Come 加油 Later 稍后 Call 拜訪某人 Work 從事 忙于 Depend 決定于 Concentrate 全神貫注27.for wait 等待 Thanks 感謝 Pay 支付 Look 尋找 Ask 請(qǐng)求 詢問 Send 派人去請(qǐng) Leave 前往 Care 關(guān)心 關(guān)懷 Call 要求 As 至于28.culture(1) middle school 中學(xué)(2) talk sh

15、ow 談話節(jié)目(3) the Great Wall 長城(4) the Palace Museum 故宮(5) Tianan Men Square 天安門(6) baseball cap 棒球帽(7) sports shoes 運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋(8) Childrens Palace 少年宮(9) South America 南美洲(10) the World Cup 世界杯(11) Spring Festival 春節(jié)(12) beach volleyball 沙灘排球(13) TV show 電視節(jié)目(14) police station 警察局(15) shop assistant 店員(16)

16、pay phone 公用電話(17) post office 郵局(18) the United States 美國(19) the United Kingdom 英國(20) train station 火車站(21) World Trade Center 世界貿(mào)易中心(22) national flag 國旗(23) table manners 餐桌禮儀29.常用動(dòng)詞短語:(1) be full of 充滿 Be filled with 用充滿(2) be good at=do well in doing 擅長做 be good (bad) for 對(duì)有益(有害) be good (bad

17、) to sb. 對(duì)好(壞)(3) be late for 遲到(4) be covered with 被覆蓋(5) be afraid/terrified to do / for doing 害怕做(6) be busy doing sth./ with sth. 忙于做(7) be made of / from sth. 由制作而成 be made in spl. 在生產(chǎn)或制造(8) be pleased with 對(duì)感到滿意 be pleased to do 樂意做(9) be angry with sb. 生某人的氣 be angry at sth. 因某事生氣(10) be famo

18、us for sth. 因.而出名be famous as sb. 作為而出名(11) 對(duì)做感興趣be interested in doing take an interest in (12) 為某人/某事?lián)鷳nbe worried about sb./sth.worry about sb./sth.(13) be excited about 對(duì)感到興奮(14) be surprised at sth./sb. 對(duì)感到驚訝be surprised to do sth. 對(duì)做感到驚訝(15) be nervous of sth. 有點(diǎn)害怕be nervous about/at sth. 因某事不安

19、(16) be patient with 對(duì)有耐心be impatient at/for 對(duì)不夠耐心(17) be used to do / for doing 被用來做be used to doing 習(xí)慣做used to do 過去常常做(18) be satisfied at 對(duì)滿意be satisfied with 滿意于(19) be strict on/in sth. 對(duì)嚴(yán)格be strict with sb. 對(duì)某人嚴(yán)格(20) 適合于be fit for / be suitable for(21) be anxious for 急于做 (22) be eager for 渴望做

20、(23) be ready for doing / to do 準(zhǔn)備做(24) be different from 不同于be the same as 相同(25) be proud of / be the pride of 驕傲take pride in doing 因而感動(dòng)自豪(26) be tired from 因而疲倦(27) compareto把比作comparewith把和做比較(28) complain about/of 抱怨(29) help sb. With doing / to do 幫助做help oneself to sth.隨便吃with ones help 在的幫助

21、下(30) 給某人提供某物provide sb. with sth./ sth. for sb.offer sb. sth. / sth. to sb.(31) stop to do 停止做另一件事stop doing 停止做正做的事stop sth. from doing 阻止做(32) forget to do 忘記去做另一件事forget doing 忘記做過的事(33) remember to do 記得去做另一件事remember doing 記得做過的事(34) regret to do 后悔去做regret doing 后悔做過(35) agree to (idea/advice

22、/plan) 同意計(jì)劃/建議等agree with sb. 同意某人的觀點(diǎn)agree on 關(guān)于達(dá)成一致 30.其他常用短語:(1) at times = sometimes 有時(shí)(2) on time 準(zhǔn)時(shí)(3) in time 及時(shí)(4) all the time 一直(5) in danger 危險(xiǎn)(6) out of danger 脫離危險(xiǎn)(7) in hunger 饑餓(8) in trouble 困難(9) in style 時(shí)髦(10) out of style 不時(shí)髦(11) in public 公眾(12) on the phone 用電話交談(13) on the hand

23、 (在)一方面(14) on the other hand (在)另一方面(15) first of all 首先(16) in order to 為了(17) because of 由于(18) instead of 代替(19) by the way 順便說一下(20) in the way 擋道(21) more than 比多(22) fall asleep 入睡(23) by mistake 錯(cuò)誤地(24) by accident / chance 偶然地 意外地(25) to ones surprise 令人驚奇的是(26) even though / even if 即使1)all kinds of 各種各樣的2)all over the world/the country 全世界/全國3)all over 遍及每一部分,渾身4)all ones life 一生5)one after another 順次6)the Childrens Palace 少年宮7)day after day日復(fù)一日8)up and down 上上下下9)the day after


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