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1、FD INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT,European Industrial Workshop Big And Blue Pumps In Steel Industry 大型離心泵在歐洲鋼廠的應(yīng)用 Lyon - October 18 - 20 1999,Thorsten Khler,FD工業(yè)部,FD INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT,Centrifugal Pump Or Submersible Pump 離心泵或潛水泵,All parts of industry need pumps for hydraulic haulage sectors. 14 Mio. pumps ar

2、e produced only in Germany p.a. Most of these pumps are centrifugal pumps for dry installation.,e.g. KSB centrifugal pump type: Etanorm 100-250 with 90 KW,工業(yè)領(lǐng)域需要用泵來傳輸液體,過去在德國已經(jīng)生產(chǎn)了1400萬臺泵,單其中大多數(shù)是干式安裝的離心泵,例如:KSB的Etanorn100200(90KW)離心泵,FD INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT,Big centrifugal pumps with motors acc. IP 54

3、 are high maintenance products 外置電機(jī)的大型離心泵,IP54又是高維修產(chǎn)品,Often extra listing gear is requested when serve the pumps 需要許多額外的傳動裝置,Alignment of pump and motor takes a lot of time 泵與電機(jī)的對準(zhǔn)需要很長時(shí)間,Couplings have to be changed frequently 聯(lián)軸器需要經(jīng)常維修,FD INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT,Block pumps are servicefriendly but limi

4、ted in their capacity. Therefore often centrifugal pumps with IP 54 motors are chosen for bigger volumes.,Block泵雖然易于裝配和維修,但是容量有限,因此,更多用的還是離心泵帶IP54的電機(jī),Trends in the german industry (I) 德國工業(yè)的新趨勢(I),FD INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT,Cost pressure in industrial companies causes further reductions in manpower. 為了降低

5、成本要求進(jìn)一步減少人力維護(hù),The further reduction of own service facilities and of spare parts stocks desires products with long lifetimes and low maintenance costs. 進(jìn)一步減少自維護(hù)設(shè)施和備件的儲存,這就要求產(chǎn)品有長生命周期和低維修成本,FD INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT,Trends in the german industry (II)德國工業(yè)的新趨勢(II),Engineering and design work for industrial

6、 projects are being passed on more and more to the supplier. 工業(yè)項(xiàng)目的工程和設(shè)計(jì)工作越來越多的轉(zhuǎn)移給供貨商,Advantages of submersible pump horizontal dry installation with mobile stand in contrast to conventional pump technique (I) 潛水泵干式臥式安裝與傳統(tǒng)的干式安裝泵相比的技術(shù)優(yōu)勢(I),FD INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT,CZ-Installation with mobile stand Z式臥式安

7、裝,(back-pull out design),No coupling between hydraulics and motor 水力部件與電機(jī)之間無聯(lián)軸器,No problems of vibrations 無振動問題,No need of alignment and minutes of vibration 無需對準(zhǔn)和偏差糾正,Maintenance is possible without lifting appliances and without disconnecting the suction pipe and pressure line 維修時(shí)無需提升設(shè)備,無需將吸入管與壓力部

8、件分開,FD INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT,Advantages of submersible pump horizontal dry installation with mobile stand in contrast to conventional pump technique (II) 潛水泵干式臥式安裝與傳統(tǒng)的干式安裝泵相比的技術(shù)優(yōu)勢(II),(back-pull out design),Noiseless working 無噪音,Less need of room 所需泵房結(jié)構(gòu)簡單,Secure of flooding 抗水淹,Less mechanical / dynam

9、ical internal wear and tear 動力和機(jī)械磨損小,CZ-Installation with mobile stand Z式臥式安裝,Investment and life cycle costs of centrifugal pump in contrast to submersible pump in dry installation 潛水泵干式安裝和傳統(tǒng)離心泵的投資與生命周期成本比較,FD INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT,Investment- and life cycle costs DM投資和生命周期成本,year年,1,2,3,4,5,Submersi

10、ble pump dry installation 潛水泵干式安裝,Conventional centrifugal pump 傳統(tǒng)離心泵,FD INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT,Steel plant project Continuous casting plant No. 5“ 鋼鐵項(xiàng)目:5號連鑄車間,Seperation of Sinterparticles 燒結(jié)顆粒的分離,Pumps for sinter- and cooling water handling 冷卻水處理,FD INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT,Pump requirements and engineeri

11、ng cooling water handling 冷卻水處理及對泵的要求,Correct duty point for cooling water pumping 正確的工況點(diǎn),Variable frequency drive between V=1500 m3/n and V=400 m3/n 變頻要求:1500 m3/n400 m3/n,Fluid: cooling water with low portion sinter particle 介質(zhì):含有少量燒結(jié)顆粒的冷卻水,Low service rate 要求低維修率,Pump data產(chǎn)品數(shù)據(jù) type: CZ 3356-665型號

12、 motor: 8-pole8級電機(jī) impeller diameter: 410 mm葉輪直徑:410mm nominal rated power: 56 KW額定功率:410KW with mobile stand采用移動支架 monitoring systems: CLS; FLS; 3xPT100檢測系統(tǒng):CLS;FLS;3PT100 veriable frequency drive (VFI)變頻控制 duty point: 工況點(diǎn),FD INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT,Optimal Solution: Submersible pumpsCZ 3356 in horizon

13、tal dry installation 優(yōu)化的解決方案:CZ3356干式臥式安裝潛水泵,H=6,4 mWS,V= 1500 m3/n,60 Hz,V = 400 m3/n,36 Hz,H = 5,2 mWS,and,FD INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT,FD INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT,Submersible pump CZ 3356 in horizontal dry installation 干式臥式安裝的二臺CZ3356潛水泵,Cooling water handling in steel industry 鋼廠中的冷卻水處理,FD INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT,FD INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT,FD INDUSTRY D


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