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1、Comparative Analysis between William Wordsworth and TaoYuanming,William Wordsworth(1770.4.7-1850.4.23),One of the notable forerunners of Romanticism in English literature A major romantic poet An outstanding Lake Poet,Major works,Lines Written in Early Spring “早春詩(shī)行” To the Cuckoo “致布谷鳥(niǎo)” The Daffodil

2、s “水仙花” I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud “我好似一朵孤獨(dú)的流云” My Heart Leaps Up “我的心激烈地跳動(dòng)” Intimations of Immortality “不朽頌” Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey “丁登寺雜詠” Solitary Reaper “孤獨(dú)的收割人“,陶淵明(365-427),字元亮,一說(shuō)名潛,字淵明,世稱靖節(jié)先生,自稱五柳先生。東晉偉大詩(shī)人,我國(guó)第一位田園詩(shī)人。 出身于沒(méi)落的官僚地主家庭,曾祖曾官至大司馬,到他時(shí)已家境沒(méi)落。為生計(jì)作過(guò)一些小官,在最后一個(gè)職位彭澤

3、縣令任上任職八十余日后,辭官不仕,歸隱鄉(xiāng)里。,“不為五斗米折腰” “古之隱逸詩(shī)人之宗”,Major works,詩(shī)歌 歸園田居飲酒等120余首 散文五柳先生傳桃花源記歸去來(lái)兮辭等,I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud,I wondered lonely as a cloud 獨(dú)行徐徐如浮云,That floats on high oer vales and hills, 橫絕太空渡山谷。When all at once I saw a crowd, 忽然在我一瞥中,A host, of golden daffodils ; 金色水仙花成簇。Beside the lake,

4、beneath the trees, 開(kāi)在湖邊喬木下,F(xiàn)luttering and dancing in the breeze 微風(fēng)之中頻搖曳。Continuous as the stars that shine 有如群星在銀河,And twinkle on the milky way, 形影綿綿光灼灼。They stretched in the never-ending line 湖畔蜿蜒花徑長(zhǎng),Along the margin of a bay : 連成一線無(wú)斷續(xù)。Ten thousand saw I at a glance, 一瞥之中萬(wàn)朵花,Tossing their heads in

5、sprightly dance. 起舞翩躚頭點(diǎn)啄。The waves beside them danced ; 湖中碧水起漣漪,but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: 湖波踴躍無(wú)花樂(lè)-A poet could not but be gay, 詩(shī)人對(duì)此殊激昂,In such a jocund company : 獨(dú)在花中事幽躅!I gazed-and gazed-but little thought 凝眼看花又看花,What wealth the show to me had brought : 當(dāng)時(shí)未解伊何福。For oft, when on

6、 my couch I lie 晚上枕上意悠然, They flash upon that inward eye 情景閃爍心眼中,Which is the bliss of solitude ; 黃水仙花賦禪悅;And then my heart with pleasure fills, 我心乃得溢歡愉, And dances with the daffodils. 同花共舞天上曲。,賞析,The diction of this poem is, in general, simple, direct, and clear, which creates a picture of nature a

7、s vital, animated, and glowing. The poem moves from the sadly alienated separation felt by the poet in the beginning, to his joy and satisfaction in re-imagining the natural scene. The emptiness of the poets spirit is transformed into a fullness of feeling as he remembers the daffodils. Wordsworth d

8、evelops the vision of the daffodils; and through this simple event, he tries to explore the relationship between humanity and nature. Therefore, in his eyes, nature can not only refresh oneself and fill one with happiness, but it can also be reduced into a beautiful memory which will comfort ones he

9、art when in solitude.,詩(shī)人把自己比作流云,隨意飄蕩。偶然看到水仙花的繽紛茂密,如繁星點(diǎn)點(diǎn)在微風(fēng)中輕盈飄舞。詩(shī)人受到感染,原本空虛黯然的情緒轉(zhuǎn)變成喜悅歡樂(lè)。在詩(shī)人的筆下,大自然的美景具有治愈人們心靈創(chuàng)傷的能力。華茲華斯在本詩(shī)中,淋漓盡致的揭示了自然美與人類之間的聯(lián)系。文筆樸素清新,自然流暢,強(qiáng)調(diào)詩(shī)人對(duì)大自然的熱愛(ài)以及回憶的重要性。,歸園田居 飲酒,種豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀。 晨興理荒穢,帶月荷鋤歸。 道狹草木長(zhǎng),夕露沾我衣。 衣沾不足惜,但使愿無(wú)違。,結(jié)廬在人境,而無(wú)車馬喧。 問(wèn)君何能爾?心遠(yuǎn)地自偏。 采菊東籬下,悠然見(jiàn)南山。 山氣日夕佳,飛鳥(niǎo)相與還。 此中有真意,欲辨已忘言

10、。,賞析,兩首詩(shī)以樸素、淡遠(yuǎn)、自然的風(fēng)格描寫優(yōu) 美的農(nóng)村風(fēng)光;歌詠飲酒撫琴、讀書賦詩(shī)、 閑話桑麻的情趣;抒發(fā)對(duì)寧?kù)o閑適的隱居生 活的摯愛(ài);表現(xiàn)對(duì)官場(chǎng)的厭惡和安貧樂(lè)道的 品格。,相同點(diǎn),陶淵明和華茲華斯是世界文學(xué)史上田園詩(shī)派的代表作家。兩人都醉心于自然,并把大自然作為心靈的慰藉與寄托。他們?cè)姼璧南嗤c(diǎn)是在質(zhì)樸、平淡、自然的語(yǔ)言抒發(fā)了詩(shī)人對(duì)大自然的熱愛(ài)。他們?cè)姼璧闹黝}都表達(dá)了一種人與自然和諧相處融為一體的境界。 Wordsworth and Tao Yuanming are the representative pastoral poets in the world literature. The

11、y both regard the great nature as the solace and comfort of themselves. The sameness about their poems lies in their pure, simple and natural language, which show their true love to the nature. And the themes of their poems all express the realm of being harmonious between the human beings and the n

12、ature.,不同點(diǎn),崇拜自然 VS 親近自然,Due to the different living times, cultural backgrounds and philosophical outlooks, the poems of Wordsworth and Tao are of some differences, while the former expresses the worship of divinity and the latter expresses a kind of affinity to the nature. Wordsworth take the natur

13、e as god. He believes that the nature is the symbol of cosmic spirit and wisdom. Be influenced deeply by the religion beliefs of distinguishing mankind from heaven(天人相分) and pantheism(泛神論),Wordsworth shows the veneration to the nature. Tao, differently, has reached the state of being harmonious and integrated with the nature. After laboring in the nature and obtaining harvest from the nature, Taos poems are more practical. In conclusion, Wordsworth is an observer of the nature while Tao is an experiencer.,由于所處的時(shí)代、


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