



do和does的用法助動詞do與does與人稱代詞搭配一致口訣(一)變句型,先觀察主語為一、二、(三復),陳述句中動用原。一般疑問do句首,否定dont實動前。(二)若是主語為三單,陳述句中動變形。一般疑問也簡單,does放在句子前。否定doesnt實動前,主動出現動還原。注:一、二、(三復)指的是第一、第二人稱單復數,第三人稱復數。動用原指動詞用原形,實動指實義動詞。do 這個詞(does是第三人稱單數形式),大體上從兩方面來講。1.作為行為動詞,跟其他動詞一樣,如study, play等。他的意思是“做”等。如:We usually do our homework in the afternoon.He does his homework in the evening.2.作為助動詞,也就是幫助主要動詞構成否定和疑問等。We dont like bananas.Do you like apples?Does he like English?He doesnt like swimming.上面有一句He does his homework in the evening.要是變成否定句就成了這個樣子:He doesnt do his homework in the evening.這里加上了助動詞doesnt,而原來的主動詞does變成原形do了。作為助動詞的do和does是沒有詞義的,它們在句中的構成一般現在時的疑問句和否定句.Do用于主語第一人稱,第二人稱和第三人稱復數形式的句中,does用于主語第三人稱單數的句中。Eg. Do you want to be a teacher? 你想成為一個老師嗎?Do his friends go to park every day? 他的朋友們每天都去公園嗎?I dont like him. 我不喜歡他。Where does Tom come from? 湯姆來自哪里?I dont know.我不知道。He doesnt live here. 他不住在這兒。will/can/could/would/should/shall 等助動詞后面加be其他時候, 第一人稱I后面用am第二人稱, 復數, 用are單數用is.三選詞填空。1. Do/Does_ he watch TV at night? Yes he does. 2. Do/Does_ you go to school everyday? No, I dont.3. Do/Does_ Jack and Peter like apples?4. Do/Does_ Tina go swimming on Sunday?5. Do/Does_they play football? Yes, they _do/does6. Do/Does_ we have a good teacher? Yes, we _do/does7. Do/Does_ they jump rope ? No, they _do not/does not.8. Do/Does_your dog walk in the zoo?9. Do/Does_ I have a big nose? No, you _do not/does not10. Do/Does_ your cats eat fish? Yes, they _.do/does.11. Do/Does_ their mothers go shopping? No, they _do not/does not.12. I _do not/ does not speak Japanese. Do/Does _you speak Japanese?助動詞一 單選題 (本題共25小題,共計100分)1:She_toseedocumentaries(記錄片). A、dowant B、 dontwant C、doesntwant D、notwant2:Lookatthatpictureonthewall._youlikeit? A、Do B、Can C、Could D、Are3:He_likepears. A、 do B、is C、doesnt D、not4:Doyouoftengotothecinema_Sunday? No,we_.A、on,dont B、on,arent C、in,do D、in,dont5:Canyouseealightonthetable?Yes,_. A、Iam B、Imnot C、Ican D、Heisnt6:Doestheboywanttobeanactor?_. A、 Yes,heis B、No,hedoes C、Yes,hedoes D、No,heisnt7:_hehaveanyapples? A、Do B、Does C、Is D、Are8:She_wanttobeapolicewoman,becauseshethinksitskindofdangerous. A、 isnt B、arent C、dont D、doesnt9:Whyhehavebrownhair? A、 do B、does C、is D、has10:Whattime_hegethomeeveryday? A、is B、does C、do D、am11:What_youseeinthepicture? A、is B、are C、can D、have12:Jack_likeflyingkites_throwingafrisby. A、dont,or B、doesnt,and C、 dont,and D、doesnt,or13:A:_Jim_aball?B:No,he_. A、Do,have,dont B、Does,has,doesnt C、Is,have,isnt D、Does,have,doesnt14:I_haveawatch. A、 amnot B、does C、dont D、doesnt15:youagoodtimeonyourvacation? A、Did;have B、Did;had C、Were;have D、Were;had16:Simonlikes_football,buthedoesnt_itwell. A、 play,plays B、toplay,plays C、plays,playing D、playing,play17:Shehavetowashthedishesnow. A、dont B、not C、doesnt D、cant18:_Colin_Chinesehistory?Yes,hedoes. A、Do;like B、Does;likes C、Do;likes D、Does;like19:LiLei_lunchathome. A、hasnt B、havent C、donthave D、doesnthave20:Whocleanedtheblackboardyesterday,Dick?John. A、cleaned B、does C、did D、is21:_youusuallycometoschoolbybike? A、Dont B、Doesnt C、Arent D、Isnt22:Where_lionscomefrom?IthinktheycomefromAfrica. A、are B、is C、does D、do23:_wehaveanyeggs? A、Arent B、Dont C、Cant D、Mustnt24:youonyourvacationyesterday? A、Are B、Were C、Was D、Did25:Whodinnerlastnight?Mymother. A、cooked;did B、did;cooked C、did;did D、cooked;cookeddo/does專項訓練作為行為動詞,表示“做”如: I always do housework. 我經常做家務。 She usually does homework in the afternoon. 她通常在下午做作業(yè)。 作為助動詞,幫助主要動詞構成否定和疑問。(do/does的否定為dont/doesnt)如:We dont like bananas. Do you like apples? Does he like English? He doesnt like swimming.一填寫正確的否定形式(dont/doesnt)。1.I _ have a cat. 2.He _ like dogs.3.She _ have a long hair. 4.We _ have a big house.5.They _ have a happy family. 6.It _ have a short tail.7.You _ like a good teacher. 8.Elva _ like a bad girl.9.Tom _ have a red pen. 10.My mother _ have a beautiful nose.11.Cats _ have two legs. 12.Dogs _ have one ears.13.My father _ have a blue car. 14.Everybody _ have two hands.15.I _like a model plane. 16.Lily _ like a toy.17.Students _ have many books. 18.Girls _ have many skirts.19.The baby _ have no tooth. 20.They _ have some fish.6二將下列句子變?yōu)榉穸ň洹?. I want to go home now. _2. She likes eating apples very much. _3. He likes this coat. _4. They have a lot of friends. _5. We think chickens can swim. _6. She wants to be a doctor. _7. He has a dream. _10. She thinks


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