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1、Revision of Junior English 初三英語復(fù)習(xí),Adjectives and Adverbs 形容詞、副詞,區(qū)別幾組易混淆的副詞、形容詞 already 常用于肯定句、個(gè)別疑問句 yet 常用于否定句、疑問句 * The train has already gone. * They havent come back yet. such 修飾名詞 so 修飾形容詞、副詞 *I have never seen such an interesting film. *This box is so heavy that I cant carry it., alone(單獨(dú)、獨(dú)自)作表

2、語=by oneself lonely(孤獨(dú)的)可作表語、定語 * He lived alone, but he didnt feel lonely. * Its a lonely village. hard(努力地) hardly(幾乎不)否定副詞 * She works very hard, and he hardly has a rest on Sundays.,The Comparative 作定語時(shí)后跟名詞單數(shù) * Neither answer is right., either “兩者中任何一個(gè)”,作主語時(shí)謂語用第三人稱單數(shù); 作定語時(shí)后跟名詞單數(shù) * There are tree

3、s on either side of the street. = There are trees on both sides of the street.,有關(guān)詞組及應(yīng)用 A.both of/either of/neither of * Both of them swim well. 他們倆都游得很好。 * Either of you goes to Beijing. 你們倆隨便誰去北京都可以。 * Neither of them stopped to have a rest. 他們倆誰都不停下來休息。,B.bothand(謂語動(dòng)詞用復(fù)數(shù)形式) eitheror/neithernor(謂語動(dòng)

4、詞遵循就近原則) * Both Tom and Lucy are in Grade Two. Tom 和 Lucy 都在二年級(jí)。 * Either my father or my mother cooks at home. 或者我爸爸或者我媽媽在家燒飯。 * Neither he nor I am free today. 我和他今天都沒空。,9.Something/anything/nothing Somebody/anybody/nobody 當(dāng)形容詞修飾這些不定代詞時(shí),常后置 * I have something important to tell you. * Is there anyt

5、hing else in the box? * Nobody can answer the question.,指示代詞 Demonstrative Pronouns 表示空間和時(shí)間遠(yuǎn)近關(guān)系的代詞 包括:this/that (單數(shù)) these/those (復(fù)數(shù)) 1. this,these指在方位上較近的人或物 that,those指在方位上較遠(yuǎn)的人或物 *This is my shirt, thats yours. *These TVs are made in China, those are made in Japan.,2.that,those常指前面提過的東西,以免重復(fù) *Thes

6、e boxes are heavier than those on the desk. 3.剛才提到的事情,在英文中用that *He was ill yesterday. Im sorry to hear that.,疑問代詞 Interrogative Pronouns 用來構(gòu)成特殊疑問句的代詞 常見有:who whom whose what which 通常做主語賓語定語表語 * What makes you think like that ? 做主語 * Who(Whom) were you talking with? 做賓語,* Which bus do I need? 做定語 *

7、Whats your father? 做表語 注意:在口語中,Who和Whom通用, 但在介詞后只能用Whom *With whom did he play games? With who did he play games?(錯(cuò)),2. This film is less interesting than that one =This film isnt as interesting as that one =That film is more interesting than this one.,改錯(cuò) 1 Dont worry. There is little time left. 2 H

8、is book is quite different from me. 3 She has two cats. One is white, another is black.,Dont worry. There is a little time left.,His book is quite different from mine,She has two cats. One is white, the other is black.,4 I have interesting something to tell you. 5 Please give me it. 6 Every of us wa

9、nts to have a look at your photo.,I have something interesting to tell you.,Please give it to me,Each of us wants to have a look at your photo.,7 He sits in front of Jim and I. 8 I like to receive letters but I do not like write it. 9 He doesnt know what one to buy.,He sits in front of Jim and me.,I

10、 like to receive letters but I do not like write them.,He doesnt know which one to buy.,( )1 Is this your football, boys? No, it is not _ A. yours B. our C. mine D. ours ( )2 The bird builds _ nest in the tree. A. her B. its C. its D. hers ( )3 The maths problem _ is wrong. A. himself B. he C. itsel

11、f D. herself,D,B,C,( )4 _ want to see the film. A Every student B Each student C All of students D All the students ( )5 A lot of people have tried, but _ have succeeded. A. the few B. a few C. few D. little ( ) 6 _ of the four roads will take you to the hospital. A. Both B. Neither C. Any D. Either

12、,D,C,C,( )7 I have five pencils, one is red, _ is blue and _ are green. A. another, the other B. the other, others C. others, the others D. another, the others ( ) 8 I have found _ on the Internet. A. a few informations B. a little informations C. a few information D. a little information,D,D,( ) 9 I have Chemistry cla


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